Hollywood is trying to mainstream abortion, make it acceptable...

IOW, abortion is portrayed accurately.

The fetus is a fetus. You're welcome to hold a different opinion but that won't make it a fact.

None of that matters though. Abortion is a personal and private decision. If you are not the woman, it's none of your business.


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Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me. -- Jesus Christ.

It's my business.

And should men quarrel and hit a pregnant woman, and she miscarries but there is no fatality, he shall surely be punished, when the woman’s husband makes demands of him, and he shall give [restitution] according to the judges’ [orders]. But if there is a fatality, you shall give a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot. a burn for a burn, a wound for a wound, a bruise for a bruise.
'Hollywood is trying to mainstream abortion, make it acceptable...'

...like Weinstein, Polanski, and Hollywood tried to do with rape, sexual assault, pedophilia...
Excellent idea.....the GOP should push abortion to being equivalent to rape, sexual assault, and pedophilia.
'Hollywood is trying to mainstream abortion, make it acceptable...'
...like Weinstein, Polanski, and Hollywood tried to do with rape, sexual assault, pedophilia...
Hey, Konrad - good to see you. Glad you're finally off board suspension...


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