Holocaust cartoon contest

Don't you think that if Pakistan put on a cartoon contest mocking Indians, the Indians would be enraged too?

Pakistan does far worse than drawing cartoons. But that is a different issue.

that is a matter of BIASED opinion. The very first person I knew well from India---was a surgeon from New Dehli. His take on indian hindus was "SOMEDAY WE'LL DRINK THEIR BLOOD"------he was not Pakistani-----he was from New Dehli. He must had some reason for his opinion of HINDU INDIA ------Kashmir
seemed to bother him ------as well as mass murders committed upon muslims
by hindus
He insisted that hindu Indians are depraved murderers


It will be in the interest of Israel and world Jewry to understand that Pakistani nuclear weapons are no less dangerous than what Iran may one day have. The reasons are many. Thousands of mosques in Pakistan preach the annihilation of Israel through jihad every Friday. Pakistani kids are to this day taught all kinds of nonsense about Jews; Hitler is not projected as a villain of history in Pakistan school books. Right-wing Pakistan defense analysts like Zaid Hamid, who reflects the thinking of the infamous spy service Inter Services Intelligence, openly call for threatening and beating Israel militarily. Pakistan media echoes the state's propaganda to project Jews as bad and Israel as evil, for no rhyme or reason.


Why Israel should be concerned over Pakistan nukes - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

And Israel's ally in that part of the world has already warned Pakistan that it faces their nuclear weapons if it fires just one missile at Israel. So there is nothing to fear from Pakistan while India is on full alert

India said that ? sheeeesh-----poor india-------it hasn't got enough problems?
Because Nazi morons like you whinge and whine every time Israel starts winning any skirmish and start making false racist claims of war crimes and breaches of international law. While it looks like the Palestinians have the upper hand you stay silent, when the IDF are told to clean house you complain long and loud. Any other nation would have been given UN approval for a final battle to end the violence once and for all.
You can either argue with me or call me stupid names.

I can do what I want as long as it is within the rules and the laws of my country
You can even shit your pants when you face my arguments but you can´t force me to argue with you dumbass.

I have not done that since I was a toddler, so I don't see why I should do it now, is this your reaction when you are shown to be losing the argumants ?
I am losing? Really? We even argued? No, just just called me Nazi. This isn´t arguing and it has nothing to do with arguments.

baathism is nazism
I can do what I want as long as it is within the rules and the laws of my country
You can even shit your pants when you face my arguments but you can´t force me to argue with you dumbass.

true-----you can fart out stupidity and ignore logic
What is logic according to irosie?

Logic is best exemplified on this board by my posts and overwhelmingly
violated by yours, Capt. Blei
So you greatly fail to define logic, proving you are a puppet of zion always posting in favor of zion and when there is currently nothing to be posted about hailing zion, your are simply absent. That´s the logic of irosie, unilateral full time scribbler of zion with no hasbara salary as she is just too bad..

I post on lots of subjects------you LIED again capt blei. I did not attempt to
DEFINE logic-----for a definition of the word-----look in a dictionary

Don't you think that if Pakistan put on a cartoon contest mocking Indians, the Indians would be enraged too?

Pakistan does far worse than drawing cartoons. But that is a different issue.

that is a matter of BIASED opinion. The very first person I knew well from India---was a surgeon from New Dehli. His take on indian hindus was "SOMEDAY WE'LL DRINK THEIR BLOOD"------he was not Pakistani-----he was from New Dehli. He must had some reason for his opinion of HINDU INDIA ------Kashmir
seemed to bother him ------as well as mass murders committed upon muslims
by hindus
He insisted that hindu Indians are depraved murderers


It will be in the interest of Israel and world Jewry to understand that Pakistani nuclear weapons are no less dangerous than what Iran may one day have. The reasons are many. Thousands of mosques in Pakistan preach the annihilation of Israel through jihad every Friday. Pakistani kids are to this day taught all kinds of nonsense about Jews; Hitler is not projected as a villain of history in Pakistan school books. Right-wing Pakistan defense analysts like Zaid Hamid, who reflects the thinking of the infamous spy service Inter Services Intelligence, openly call for threatening and beating Israel militarily. Pakistan media echoes the state's propaganda to project Jews as bad and Israel as evil, for no rhyme or reason.


Why Israel should be concerned over Pakistan nukes - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

And Israel's ally in that part of the world has already warned Pakistan that it faces their nuclear weapons if it fires just one missile at Israel. So there is nothing to fear from Pakistan while India is on full alert

Who is Israel's ally in that part of the world who is willing to take on Pakistan on behalf of Israel? I know US will take on Pakistan on behalf of Israel but US is not located in that part of the world.
Don't you think that if Pakistan put on a cartoon contest mocking Indians, the Indians would be enraged too?

Pakistan does far worse than drawing cartoons. But that is a different issue.

that is a matter of BIASED opinion. The very first person I knew well from India---was a surgeon from New Dehli. His take on indian hindus was "SOMEDAY WE'LL DRINK THEIR BLOOD"------he was not Pakistani-----he was from New Dehli. He must had some reason for his opinion of HINDU INDIA ------Kashmir
seemed to bother him ------as well as mass murders committed upon muslims
by hindus
He insisted that hindu Indians are depraved murderers


It will be in the interest of Israel and world Jewry to understand that Pakistani nuclear weapons are no less dangerous than what Iran may one day have. The reasons are many. Thousands of mosques in Pakistan preach the annihilation of Israel through jihad every Friday. Pakistani kids are to this day taught all kinds of nonsense about Jews; Hitler is not projected as a villain of history in Pakistan school books. Right-wing Pakistan defense analysts like Zaid Hamid, who reflects the thinking of the infamous spy service Inter Services Intelligence, openly call for threatening and beating Israel militarily. Pakistan media echoes the state's propaganda to project Jews as bad and Israel as evil, for no rhyme or reason.


Why Israel should be concerned over Pakistan nukes - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

And Israel's ally in that part of the world has already warned Pakistan that it faces their nuclear weapons if it fires just one missile at Israel. So there is nothing to fear from Pakistan while India is on full alert

Who is Israel's ally in that part of the world who is willing to take on Pakistan on behalf of Israel? I know US will take on Pakistan on behalf of Israel but US is not located in that part of the world.

fret not, Vik-----actually, Pakistan is not a threat to Israel. As to the US-----the US has never "taken" on any country on behalf of Israel
Pakistan does far worse than drawing cartoons. But that is a different issue.

that is a matter of BIASED opinion. The very first person I knew well from India---was a surgeon from New Dehli. His take on indian hindus was "SOMEDAY WE'LL DRINK THEIR BLOOD"------he was not Pakistani-----he was from New Dehli. He must had some reason for his opinion of HINDU INDIA ------Kashmir
seemed to bother him ------as well as mass murders committed upon muslims
by hindus
He insisted that hindu Indians are depraved murderers


It will be in the interest of Israel and world Jewry to understand that Pakistani nuclear weapons are no less dangerous than what Iran may one day have. The reasons are many. Thousands of mosques in Pakistan preach the annihilation of Israel through jihad every Friday. Pakistani kids are to this day taught all kinds of nonsense about Jews; Hitler is not projected as a villain of history in Pakistan school books. Right-wing Pakistan defense analysts like Zaid Hamid, who reflects the thinking of the infamous spy service Inter Services Intelligence, openly call for threatening and beating Israel militarily. Pakistan media echoes the state's propaganda to project Jews as bad and Israel as evil, for no rhyme or reason.


Why Israel should be concerned over Pakistan nukes - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

And Israel's ally in that part of the world has already warned Pakistan that it faces their nuclear weapons if it fires just one missile at Israel. So there is nothing to fear from Pakistan while India is on full alert

Who is Israel's ally in that part of the world who is willing to take on Pakistan on behalf of Israel? I know US will take on Pakistan on behalf of Israel but US is not located in that part of the world.

fret not, Vik-----actually, Pakistan is not a threat to Israel. As to the US-----the US has never "taken" on any country on behalf of Israel

You are partially correct. And, I will add this: I doubt the US will take on Pakistan on behalf of Israel because Pakistan is a nuclear armed state. From Israeli perspective, India is the only country that I can think of who can be designated friendly if not ally in that region.

On a separate note, I think Pakistan and Israel should make great friends.
that is a matter of BIASED opinion. The very first person I knew well from India---was a surgeon from New Dehli. His take on indian hindus was "SOMEDAY WE'LL DRINK THEIR BLOOD"------he was not Pakistani-----he was from New Dehli. He must had some reason for his opinion of HINDU INDIA ------Kashmir
seemed to bother him ------as well as mass murders committed upon muslims
by hindus
He insisted that hindu Indians are depraved murderers


It will be in the interest of Israel and world Jewry to understand that Pakistani nuclear weapons are no less dangerous than what Iran may one day have. The reasons are many. Thousands of mosques in Pakistan preach the annihilation of Israel through jihad every Friday. Pakistani kids are to this day taught all kinds of nonsense about Jews; Hitler is not projected as a villain of history in Pakistan school books. Right-wing Pakistan defense analysts like Zaid Hamid, who reflects the thinking of the infamous spy service Inter Services Intelligence, openly call for threatening and beating Israel militarily. Pakistan media echoes the state's propaganda to project Jews as bad and Israel as evil, for no rhyme or reason.


Why Israel should be concerned over Pakistan nukes - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

And Israel's ally in that part of the world has already warned Pakistan that it faces their nuclear weapons if it fires just one missile at Israel. So there is nothing to fear from Pakistan while India is on full alert

Who is Israel's ally in that part of the world who is willing to take on Pakistan on behalf of Israel? I know US will take on Pakistan on behalf of Israel but US is not located in that part of the world.

fret not, Vik-----actually, Pakistan is not a threat to Israel. As to the US-----the US has never "taken" on any country on behalf of Israel

You are partially correct. And, I will add this: I doubt the US will take on Pakistan on behalf of Israel because Pakistan is a nuclear armed state. From Israeli perspective, India is the only country that I can think of who can be designated friendly if not ally in that region.

who else is there? Bangladesh? --Afghanistan? ---------there ain't nuthin' of
concern to Israel --------even Indonesia is actually no threat to anyone but its own
miserable population and Maldives is sinking into the sea
that is a matter of BIASED opinion. The very first person I knew well from India---was a surgeon from New Dehli. His take on indian hindus was "SOMEDAY WE'LL DRINK THEIR BLOOD"------he was not Pakistani-----he was from New Dehli. He must had some reason for his opinion of HINDU INDIA ------Kashmir
seemed to bother him ------as well as mass murders committed upon muslims
by hindus
He insisted that hindu Indians are depraved murderers


It will be in the interest of Israel and world Jewry to understand that Pakistani nuclear weapons are no less dangerous than what Iran may one day have. The reasons are many. Thousands of mosques in Pakistan preach the annihilation of Israel through jihad every Friday. Pakistani kids are to this day taught all kinds of nonsense about Jews; Hitler is not projected as a villain of history in Pakistan school books. Right-wing Pakistan defense analysts like Zaid Hamid, who reflects the thinking of the infamous spy service Inter Services Intelligence, openly call for threatening and beating Israel militarily. Pakistan media echoes the state's propaganda to project Jews as bad and Israel as evil, for no rhyme or reason.


Why Israel should be concerned over Pakistan nukes - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

And Israel's ally in that part of the world has already warned Pakistan that it faces their nuclear weapons if it fires just one missile at Israel. So there is nothing to fear from Pakistan while India is on full alert

Who is Israel's ally in that part of the world who is willing to take on Pakistan on behalf of Israel? I know US will take on Pakistan on behalf of Israel but US is not located in that part of the world.

fret not, Vik-----actually, Pakistan is not a threat to Israel. As to the US-----the US has never "taken" on any country on behalf of Israel

You are partially correct. And, I will add this: I doubt the US will take on Pakistan on behalf of Israel because Pakistan is a nuclear armed state. From Israeli perspective, India is the only country that I can think of who can be designated friendly if not ally in that region.

On a separate note, I think Pakistan and Israel should make great friends.

you are joking------RIGHT? ------yes you are------joking------"friends"----
yeah right........ Pakistan and Israel GREAT FRIENDS

I read the islamo Nazi propaganda as a child----(that mean age 10 plus and
minus 2 (8 thru 12) then I ran into Pakistanis in the US ---starting age
14---------the ISLAMO NAZI propaganda written by Nazis who escaped
the Nuremburg trials-------WROTE THAT WHICH BECAME THE
Pakistani public SCHOOL curriculum from kindergarten thru medical
school. Pakistanis can RECITE it -----chapter and verse. Most never
read the koran----but they know that islamo Nazi song and dance
You can either argue with me or call me stupid names.

I can do what I want as long as it is within the rules and the laws of my country
You can even shit your pants when you face my arguments but you can´t force me to argue with you dumbass.

I have not done that since I was a toddler, so I don't see why I should do it now, is this your reaction when you are shown to be losing the argumants ?
I am losing? Really? We even argued? No, just just called me Nazi. This isn´t arguing and it has nothing to do with arguments.

baathism is nazism
You are repeating your nonsense.

baathism is nazism[/QUOTE]
You are repeating your nonsense.[/QUOTE]

so posts the Baathist dog----whose sole "wisdom" consists of "you are shitting
your pants"

baathism is nazism
You are repeating your nonsense.

so posts the Baathist dog----whose sole "wisdom" consists of "you are shitting
your pants"[/QUOTE]
You cannot even quote properly.[/QUOTE]

silly Baathist dog-------my quote got the ESSENSE OF YOUR CRAP------in SUM AND SUBSTANCE----- 'shitting your pants'------the Baathist anthem
Don't you think that if Pakistan put on a cartoon contest mocking Indians, the Indians would be enraged too?

Pakistan does far worse than drawing cartoons. But that is a different issue.

that is a matter of BIASED opinion. The very first person I knew well from India---was a surgeon from New Dehli. His take on indian hindus was "SOMEDAY WE'LL DRINK THEIR BLOOD"------he was not Pakistani-----he was from New Dehli. He must had some reason for his opinion of HINDU INDIA ------Kashmir
seemed to bother him ------as well as mass murders committed upon muslims
by hindus
He insisted that hindu Indians are depraved murderers


It will be in the interest of Israel and world Jewry to understand that Pakistani nuclear weapons are no less dangerous than what Iran may one day have. The reasons are many. Thousands of mosques in Pakistan preach the annihilation of Israel through jihad every Friday. Pakistani kids are to this day taught all kinds of nonsense about Jews; Hitler is not projected as a villain of history in Pakistan school books. Right-wing Pakistan defense analysts like Zaid Hamid, who reflects the thinking of the infamous spy service Inter Services Intelligence, openly call for threatening and beating Israel militarily. Pakistan media echoes the state's propaganda to project Jews as bad and Israel as evil, for no rhyme or reason.


Why Israel should be concerned over Pakistan nukes - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

And Israel's ally in that part of the world has already warned Pakistan that it faces their nuclear weapons if it fires just one missile at Israel. So there is nothing to fear from Pakistan while India is on full alert

Who is Israel's ally in that part of the world who is willing to take on Pakistan on behalf of Israel? I know US will take on Pakistan on behalf of Israel but US is not located in that part of the world.
Why would the US or Israel need to take on Pakistan, you ignorant moron? Damn, you are one of the stooopidest people I have met.
Pakistan does far worse than drawing cartoons. But that is a different issue.

that is a matter of BIASED opinion. The very first person I knew well from India---was a surgeon from New Dehli. His take on indian hindus was "SOMEDAY WE'LL DRINK THEIR BLOOD"------he was not Pakistani-----he was from New Dehli. He must had some reason for his opinion of HINDU INDIA ------Kashmir
seemed to bother him ------as well as mass murders committed upon muslims
by hindus
He insisted that hindu Indians are depraved murderers


It will be in the interest of Israel and world Jewry to understand that Pakistani nuclear weapons are no less dangerous than what Iran may one day have. The reasons are many. Thousands of mosques in Pakistan preach the annihilation of Israel through jihad every Friday. Pakistani kids are to this day taught all kinds of nonsense about Jews; Hitler is not projected as a villain of history in Pakistan school books. Right-wing Pakistan defense analysts like Zaid Hamid, who reflects the thinking of the infamous spy service Inter Services Intelligence, openly call for threatening and beating Israel militarily. Pakistan media echoes the state's propaganda to project Jews as bad and Israel as evil, for no rhyme or reason.


Why Israel should be concerned over Pakistan nukes - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

And Israel's ally in that part of the world has already warned Pakistan that it faces their nuclear weapons if it fires just one missile at Israel. So there is nothing to fear from Pakistan while India is on full alert

Who is Israel's ally in that part of the world who is willing to take on Pakistan on behalf of Israel? I know US will take on Pakistan on behalf of Israel but US is not located in that part of the world.
Why would the US or Israel need to take on Pakistan, you ignorant moron? Damn, you are one of the stooopidest people I have met.

It is you who is moron who did not read the entire exchange. With each posts, you make fool of yourself. You bigot.

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