Holocaust cartoon contest

Except it seems as of late that Jews are NOT the ones bringing up The Holocaust at every opportunity.

The reason for this Holocaust revisionism is, as one NeoNazi leader said, to make it look like the Nazis weren't that bad so that National Socialism could become a viable political party once again. Since the Archives are now open to the public and the Nazis were such meticulous record keepers, there is no reason these revisionists couldn't check out the records for themselves. Maybe at some time a NeoNazi from Canada who used to post will invite these revisionist posters he sees crawls out of the woodwork to one of his jamborees on his farm featuring Skinhead music.

Wolfgange Banz, an award winning German historian, said that six million plus Jews were married.

Book Review - The Holocaust: A German Historian Examines the Genocide.
He said the purpose of the Tehran event was not to deny the Holocaust but rather to criticize alleged Western double standards regarding free expression - and particularly as a response to depictions of the Prophet Muhammad by the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and others. The exhibit featured some 150 works from 50 countries, with many portraying Israel as using the Holocaust to distract from the suffering of the Palestinians. Others depicted Palestinian prisoners standing behind concentration camp-style barbed wire fences, Netanyahu likened to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and a Jerusalem mosque behind a gate bearing the motto "Arbeit Macht Frei" that appeared at the entrance to the Auschwitz death camp.

The contest was organized by non-governmental bodies with strong support from Iran's hard-liners. A previous contest in 2006 got a boost from then-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a hard-liner who referred to the Holocaust as a "myth" and repeatedly predicted Israel's demise.

Iran's Holocaust-mocking cartoon contest enrages Israel

Don't you think that if Pakistan put on a cartoon contest mocking Indians, the Indians would be enraged too?

Pakistan does far worse than drawing cartoons. But that is a different issue.
the holocaust was very real - as is its invocation to justify current evils

the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?

Nor do you as it never happened. but nice t at deflection
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?
Which part, the one where the he dared tell the truth that the Palestinians and their leader were Nazis that contributed to the Holocaust and genocide of Jews and Christians?

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?

no----I do not remember Netanyahu saying that adolf hitler's program of genocide was created by "the Palestinians" At the time the islamo Nazi leader was in power-----the only people called "Palestinians" were jews living in Palestine
must not read the news then
Netanyahu blames a Palestinian for the Holocaust. What does the evidence say?
read it, the evidence says the Mufti insisted Hitler murder the Jews in Europe as opposed to let them escape with their lives to the holy land. The "Final Solution" was implemented because of the Palestinian Nazi Mufti.

that you are a revisionist surprises nobody

That you cant read surprises even less people. So you are saying that the Mufti is the only Palestinian now. He planted the thought of the final solution in Hitlers mind and asked him to stop sending Jews to Palestine before they became too many for his cowards to fight. Guess it was already too late as even with odds of 1 million to one the arab muslims were smashed into oblivion, and the UN had to step in to call a halt to the fighting.
He said the purpose of the Tehran event was not to deny the Holocaust but rather to criticize alleged Western double standards regarding free expression - and particularly as a response to depictions of the Prophet Muhammad by the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and others. The exhibit featured some 150 works from 50 countries, with many portraying Israel as using the Holocaust to distract from the suffering of the Palestinians. Others depicted Palestinian prisoners standing behind concentration camp-style barbed wire fences, Netanyahu likened to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and a Jerusalem mosque behind a gate bearing the motto "Arbeit Macht Frei" that appeared at the entrance to the Auschwitz death camp.

The contest was organized by non-governmental bodies with strong support from Iran's hard-liners. A previous contest in 2006 got a boost from then-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a hard-liner who referred to the Holocaust as a "myth" and repeatedly predicted Israel's demise.

Iran's Holocaust-mocking cartoon contest enrages Israel

Don't you think that if Pakistan put on a cartoon contest mocking Indians, the Indians would be enraged too?

Pakistan does far worse than drawing cartoons. But that is a different issue.

that is a matter of BIASED opinion. The very first person I knew well from India---was a surgeon from New Dehli. His take on indian hindus was "SOMEDAY WE'LL DRINK THEIR BLOOD"------he was not Pakistani-----he was from New Dehli. He must had some reason for his opinion of HINDU INDIA ------Kashmir
seemed to bother him ------as well as mass murders committed upon muslims
by hindus
He insisted that hindu Indians are depraved murderers
Who gives a fuck what Jazeera says? They praise Terrorists in Syria.

However, the article I posted tells the story: Israel mercilessly shells areas from which Hamas fired missiles. They should know that the civilians there are not responsible.
What should Israel do when Hamas cowards hide behind women and children and shoot missiles at its cities? Send thank you notes and ask them to do it again?
Looks like it does not prevent Hamas from sending more missiles but only kills civilians. So what Israel is doing, is obviously not solving the problem. According to you guys, the IDF is almighty: Why don´t they go in and eliminate the threat once and for all?

Because Nazi morons like you whinge and whine every time Israel starts winning any skirmish and start making false racist claims of war crimes and breaches of international law. While it looks like the Palestinians have the upper hand you stay silent, when the IDF are told to clean house you complain long and loud. Any other nation would have been given UN approval for a final battle to end the violence once and for all.
You can either argue with me or call me stupid names.

I can do what I want as long as it is within the rules and the laws of my country
You can even shit your pants when you face my arguments but you can´t force me to argue with you dumbass.
Looks like it does not prevent Hamas from sending more missiles but only kills civilians. So what Israel is doing, is obviously not solving the problem. According to you guys, the IDF is almighty: Why don´t they go in and eliminate the threat once and for all?
Oh. Go in so there will be more whining and moaning from the Arab Muslim community? Every time Israel "goes in" they starting whining even before the first bullets are shot.

They're still whining about the last Gaza operation.
That´s your argument? Because they start whining?
They already got the job done, moron. Why do you think the rockets from Lebanon and Gaza have virtually stopped.
They can launch at any time. I am sure Hezbollah can rain a whole fucking bunch of missiles but they aren´t like Hamas. And I think, that there is currently no direct confrontation so Hamas does not waste missiles.

I am sure they can, but at what cost to them. The IDF would just rain thousands more on hezbollocks safe houses in reply.
It think, Hezbollah plans to use their missiles as rocket artillery in case the IDF attacks, dumbass.
What should Israel do when Hamas cowards hide behind women and children and shoot missiles at its cities? Send thank you notes and ask them to do it again?
Looks like it does not prevent Hamas from sending more missiles but only kills civilians. So what Israel is doing, is obviously not solving the problem. According to you guys, the IDF is almighty: Why don´t they go in and eliminate the threat once and for all?

Because Nazi morons like you whinge and whine every time Israel starts winning any skirmish and start making false racist claims of war crimes and breaches of international law. While it looks like the Palestinians have the upper hand you stay silent, when the IDF are told to clean house you complain long and loud. Any other nation would have been given UN approval for a final battle to end the violence once and for all.
You can either argue with me or call me stupid names.

I can do what I want as long as it is within the rules and the laws of my country
You can even shit your pants when you face my arguments but you can´t force me to argue with you dumbass.

true-----you can fart out stupidity and ignore logic
Looks like it does not prevent Hamas from sending more missiles but only kills civilians. So what Israel is doing, is obviously not solving the problem. According to you guys, the IDF is almighty: Why don´t they go in and eliminate the threat once and for all?

Because Nazi morons like you whinge and whine every time Israel starts winning any skirmish and start making false racist claims of war crimes and breaches of international law. While it looks like the Palestinians have the upper hand you stay silent, when the IDF are told to clean house you complain long and loud. Any other nation would have been given UN approval for a final battle to end the violence once and for all.
You can either argue with me or call me stupid names.

I can do what I want as long as it is within the rules and the laws of my country
You can even shit your pants when you face my arguments but you can´t force me to argue with you dumbass.

true-----you can fart out stupidity and ignore logic
What is logic according to irosie?
Which part, the one where the he dared tell the truth that the Palestinians and their leader were Nazis that contributed to the Holocaust and genocide of Jews and Christians?

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?

no----I do not remember Netanyahu saying that adolf hitler's program of genocide was created by "the Palestinians" At the time the islamo Nazi leader was in power-----the only people called "Palestinians" were jews living in Palestine
must not read the news then
Netanyahu blames a Palestinian for the Holocaust. What does the evidence say?
read it, the evidence says the Mufti insisted Hitler murder the Jews in Europe as opposed to let them escape with their lives to the holy land. The "Final Solution" was implemented because of the Palestinian Nazi Mufti.

that you are a revisionist surprises nobody

That you cant read surprises even less people. So you are saying that the Mufti is the only Palestinian now. He planted the thought of the final solution in Hitlers mind
no serious historian believes this.
netanyahu pushed the revisionist 'theory' as a way to use the holocaust as a shield against criticism for his poor treatment of palestinians.
the holocaust was very real - as is its invocation to justify current evils

the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?

Nor do you as it never happened. but nice t at deflection
According to the official transcript, Netanyahu said the mufti “flew to Berlin. Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, ‘If you expel them, they’ll all come [to British Palestine].’ ‘So what should I do with them?’ [Hitler] asked. [Husseini] said, ‘Burn them.’”
Netanyahu blames a Palestinian for the Holocaust. What does the evidence say?
the holocaust was very real - as is its invocation to justify current evils

the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?

Nor do you as it never happened. but nice t at deflection
According to the official transcript, Netanyahu said the mufti “flew to Berlin. Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, ‘If you expel them, they’ll all come [to British Palestine].’ ‘So what should I do with them?’ [Hitler] asked. [Husseini] said, ‘Burn them.’”
Netanyahu blames a Palestinian for the Holocaust. What does the evidence say?
That's correct. You should ask yourself why the Nazis decided to implement the final solution? Pope Pius was influential too.
the holocaust was very real - as is its invocation to justify current evils

the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?

Nor do you as it never happened. but nice t at deflection
According to the official transcript, Netanyahu said the mufti “flew to Berlin. Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, ‘If you expel them, they’ll all come [to British Palestine].’ ‘So what should I do with them?’ [Hitler] asked. [Husseini] said, ‘Burn them.’”
Netanyahu blames a Palestinian for the Holocaust. What does the evidence say?
That's correct. You should ask yourself why the Nazis decided to implement the final solution? Pope Pius was influential too.
lol. and how many men were on the grassy knoll?
Ruddy, the ZioNazi, is so intent on demonizing Muslim and Christians of Palestine, he is willing to forgive the Nazis and blame the holocaust on people that hadn't set foot in Europe. The guy is hilarious.
But then again, you're only making that claim because you're a mentally ill antisemite who's good at humiliating himself.

The Mufti and the Holocaust

Thus, in March 1933, only two months after Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor, it was in fact the mufti who sought contact to the new German authorities and not vice-versa. In a March 31 telegram to Berlin, the German general consul in Jerusalem, Heinrich Wolff, reported on his meeting with Husseini:

"The Mufti explained to me today at length that Muslims both within Palestine and without welcome the new regime in Germany and hope for the spread of fascist, anti-democratic forms of government to other countries. Current Jewish economic and political influence is harmful everywhere and has to be combated. In order to be able to hit the standard of living of Jews, Muslims are hoping for Germany to declare a boycott [of “Jewish” goods], which they would then enthusiastically join throughout the Muslim world."

On november 28, 1941, three weeks after his arrival in Berlin, the mufti was received by Hitler. As recorded in the minutes of the meeting, Hitler urged his guest to remain patient:

"At some not yet precisely known, but in any case not very distant point in time, the German armies will reach the southern edge of the Caucasus. As soon as this is the case, the Führer will himself give the Arab world his assurance that the hour of liberation has arrived. At this point, the sole German aim will be the destruction of the Jews living in the Arab space under the protection of British power."

Indeed, perhaps the most shocking finding of Gensicke’s research concerns the repeated efforts of the mufti after 1943 to ensure that no European Jews should elude the camps: this during a period when it was becoming increasingly obvious even to the Nazi leadership that Germany would lose the war. Thus, for example, Bulgarian plans to permit some 4,000 Jewish children and 500 adult companions to immigrate to Palestine provoked a letter from the mufti to the Bulgarian foreign minister, pleading for the operation to be stopped. In the letter, dated May 6, 1943, Husseini invoked a “Jewish danger for the whole world and especially for the countries where Jews live.” “If I may be permitted,” the mufti continued,

"I would like to call your attention to the fact that it would be very appropriate and more advantageous to prevent the Jews from emigrating from your country and instead to send them where they will be placed under strict control: e.g. to Poland. Thus one can avoid the danger they represent and do a good deed vis-à-vis the Arab peoples that will be appreciated."
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Because Nazi morons like you whinge and whine every time Israel starts winning any skirmish and start making false racist claims of war crimes and breaches of international law. While it looks like the Palestinians have the upper hand you stay silent, when the IDF are told to clean house you complain long and loud. Any other nation would have been given UN approval for a final battle to end the violence once and for all.
You can either argue with me or call me stupid names.

I can do what I want as long as it is within the rules and the laws of my country
You can even shit your pants when you face my arguments but you can´t force me to argue with you dumbass.

true-----you can fart out stupidity and ignore logic
What is logic according to irosie?

Logic is best exemplified on this board by my posts and overwhelmingly
violated by yours, Capt. Blei
He said the purpose of the Tehran event was not to deny the Holocaust but rather to criticize alleged Western double standards regarding free expression - and particularly as a response to depictions of the Prophet Muhammad by the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and others. The exhibit featured some 150 works from 50 countries, with many portraying Israel as using the Holocaust to distract from the suffering of the Palestinians. Others depicted Palestinian prisoners standing behind concentration camp-style barbed wire fences, Netanyahu likened to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and a Jerusalem mosque behind a gate bearing the motto "Arbeit Macht Frei" that appeared at the entrance to the Auschwitz death camp.

The contest was organized by non-governmental bodies with strong support from Iran's hard-liners. A previous contest in 2006 got a boost from then-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a hard-liner who referred to the Holocaust as a "myth" and repeatedly predicted Israel's demise.

Iran's Holocaust-mocking cartoon contest enrages Israel

Don't you think that if Pakistan put on a cartoon contest mocking Indians, the Indians would be enraged too?

Pakistan does far worse than drawing cartoons. But that is a different issue.

that is a matter of BIASED opinion. The very first person I knew well from India---was a surgeon from New Dehli. His take on indian hindus was "SOMEDAY WE'LL DRINK THEIR BLOOD"------he was not Pakistani-----he was from New Dehli. He must had some reason for his opinion of HINDU INDIA ------Kashmir
seemed to bother him ------as well as mass murders committed upon muslims
by hindus
He insisted that hindu Indians are depraved murderers


It will be in the interest of Israel and world Jewry to understand that Pakistani nuclear weapons are no less dangerous than what Iran may one day have. The reasons are many. Thousands of mosques in Pakistan preach the annihilation of Israel through jihad every Friday. Pakistani kids are to this day taught all kinds of nonsense about Jews; Hitler is not projected as a villain of history in Pakistan school books. Right-wing Pakistan defense analysts like Zaid Hamid, who reflects the thinking of the infamous spy service Inter Services Intelligence, openly call for threatening and beating Israel militarily. Pakistan media echoes the state's propaganda to project Jews as bad and Israel as evil, for no rhyme or reason.


Why Israel should be concerned over Pakistan nukes - Blogs - Jerusalem Post
Ruddy, the ZioNazi, is so intent on demonizing Muslim and Christians of Palestine, he is willing to forgive the Nazis and blame the holocaust on people that hadn't set foot in Europe. The guy is hilarious.

try again monte dear. Roudy CORRECTLY stated that al husseini who was not only a very influential leader amongst muslims living in Palestine---WAY BACK from his very early adulthood------circa 1920. He was, also, from that time, an EAGER participant of violent attacks on jews in Palestine and proudly orchestrated his Islamic
throat slitting party on the children of Hebron-----a very long standing jewish community that resided in Hebron----the very first capital city of Israel. Try facing facts
He said the purpose of the Tehran event was not to deny the Holocaust but rather to criticize alleged Western double standards regarding free expression - and particularly as a response to depictions of the Prophet Muhammad by the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and others. The exhibit featured some 150 works from 50 countries, with many portraying Israel as using the Holocaust to distract from the suffering of the Palestinians. Others depicted Palestinian prisoners standing behind concentration camp-style barbed wire fences, Netanyahu likened to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and a Jerusalem mosque behind a gate bearing the motto "Arbeit Macht Frei" that appeared at the entrance to the Auschwitz death camp.

The contest was organized by non-governmental bodies with strong support from Iran's hard-liners. A previous contest in 2006 got a boost from then-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a hard-liner who referred to the Holocaust as a "myth" and repeatedly predicted Israel's demise.

Iran's Holocaust-mocking cartoon contest enrages Israel

Don't you think that if Pakistan put on a cartoon contest mocking Indians, the Indians would be enraged too?

Pakistan does far worse than drawing cartoons. But that is a different issue.

that is a matter of BIASED opinion. The very first person I knew well from India---was a surgeon from New Dehli. His take on indian hindus was "SOMEDAY WE'LL DRINK THEIR BLOOD"------he was not Pakistani-----he was from New Dehli. He must had some reason for his opinion of HINDU INDIA ------Kashmir
seemed to bother him ------as well as mass murders committed upon muslims
by hindus
He insisted that hindu Indians are depraved murderers


It will be in the interest of Israel and world Jewry to understand that Pakistani nuclear weapons are no less dangerous than what Iran may one day have. The reasons are many. Thousands of mosques in Pakistan preach the annihilation of Israel through jihad every Friday. Pakistani kids are to this day taught all kinds of nonsense about Jews; Hitler is not projected as a villain of history in Pakistan school books. Right-wing Pakistan defense analysts like Zaid Hamid, who reflects the thinking of the infamous spy service Inter Services Intelligence, openly call for threatening and beating Israel militarily. Pakistan media echoes the state's propaganda to project Jews as bad and Israel as evil, for no rhyme or reason.


Why Israel should be concerned over Pakistan nukes - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

You are right Vik----and LOGICAL -----I learned all about the hatred that Pakistanis and Indian muslims harbor----BOTH towards Israel/jews AND towards India/hindus ----way back circa --late 1960s -----when I came into contact with
lots of young medical school graduates from south east asia----here in the USA
to do their POST GRADUATE TRAINING (aka intenships). I was such a good
LISTENER----that I got invited to mosques----where I learned IT----even more firmly. (ps----they hate Christians too). You have FINALLY posted a LOGICAL
Ruddy, the ZioNazi, is so intent on demonizing Muslim and Christians of Palestine, he is willing to forgive the Nazis and blame the holocaust on people that hadn't set foot in Europe. The guy is hilarious.

try again monte dear. Roudy CORRECTLY stated that al husseini who was not only a very influential leader amongst muslims living in Palestine---WAY BACK from his very early adulthood------circa 1920. He was, also, from that time, an EAGER participant of violent attacks on jews in Palestine and proudly orchestrated his Islamic
throat slitting party on the children of Hebron-----a very long standing jewish community that resided in Hebron----the very first capital city of Israel. Try facing facts
The Nazi Mufti served in the Ottoman army (allies of Germay in WWI) where he enjoyed participating in the Armenian Holocaust. He then imported this mindset of "slaughtering the unbelievers" to the Holyland and the German Nazis.

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