Holocaust cartoon contest

Khazarian Jews, holocaust denial, what other antisemtic theory have you not touched on? Perhaps the Jews control the media and the banks. You're a stinky smelly trailerpark antisemite no different than the rest of the dirtbags.

Such hostility for telling the truth. I never denied the holocaust at all, Go back and read what I posted or STFU. I do not blame Jews for anything. Those that claim to be Jewish but aren't? Yeah, they are to blame for a lot of shit.
Not hostility, the Khazar theory has been debunked, you ignorant moron.

Do tell???? By whom????
By science.

The study, published June 3, 2010 in the American Journal of Human Genetics, compared 237 Jewish people from seven regions of the world with 418 non-Jewish people from the same regions and demonstrated that the Jewish people are genetically linked to a common Jewish ancestry concentrated in Persia-Babylon around 2500 years ago (about the same time King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon conquered the southern kingdom of Judah and its capitol, Jerusalem, exiling the population to Babylon). [ read about this in a summary article published here.]

In short, thanks to modern science, one of the key arguments used by anti-semites in their propaganda of hatred is debunked. Reasonable people can put the Khazar-Jewish garbage out of their minds.

I don't see how that proves that there are not people that are not of Jewish ancestry but claim to be. This study proves nothing at all.

It proves your claims are all false for starters, the same as those who pretend to be Jews and aren't are also easily found out.
the holocaust was very real - as is its invocation to justify current evils

the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?
the holocaust was very real - as is its invocation to justify current evils

the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?
Which part, the one where the he dared tell the truth that the Palestinians and their leader were Nazis that contributed to the Holocaust and genocide of Jews and Christians?

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
the holocaust was very real - as is its invocation to justify current evils

the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?
Which part, the one where the he dared tell the truth that the Palestinians and their leader were Nazis that contributed to the Holocaust and genocide of Jews and Christians?

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
the holocaust was very real - as is its invocation to justify current evils

the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?

no----I do not remember Netanyahu saying that adolf hitler's program of genocide was created by "the Palestinians" At the time the islamo Nazi leader was in power-----the only people called "Palestinians" were jews living in Palestine
the holocaust was very real - as is its invocation to justify current evils

the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?
Which part, the one where the he dared tell the truth that the Palestinians and their leader were Nazis that contributed to the Holocaust and genocide of Jews and Christians?

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
the holocaust was very real - as is its invocation to justify current evils

the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?

no----I do not remember Netanyahu saying that adolf hitler's program of genocide was created by "the Palestinians" At the time the islamo Nazi leader was in power-----the only people called "Palestinians" were jews living in Palestine
must not read the news then
Netanyahu blames a Palestinian for the Holocaust. What does the evidence say?
the holocaust was very real - as is its invocation to justify current evils

the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?
Which part, the one where the he dared tell the truth that the Palestinians and their leader were Nazis that contributed to the Holocaust and genocide of Jews and Christians?

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
the holocaust was very real - as is its invocation to justify current evils

the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?

no----I do not remember Netanyahu saying that adolf hitler's program of genocide was created by "the Palestinians" At the time the islamo Nazi leader was in power-----the only people called "Palestinians" were jews living in Palestine
must not read the news then
Netanyahu blames a Palestinian for the Holocaust. What does the evidence say?
read it, the evidence says the Mufti insisted Hitler murder the Jews in Europe as opposed to let them escape with their lives to the holy land. The "Final Solution" was implemented because of the Palestinian Nazi Mufti.

the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?
Which part, the one where the he dared tell the truth that the Palestinians and their leader were Nazis that contributed to the Holocaust and genocide of Jews and Christians?

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
the holocaust was very real - as is its invocation to justify current evils

the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?

no----I do not remember Netanyahu saying that adolf hitler's program of genocide was created by "the Palestinians" At the time the islamo Nazi leader was in power-----the only people called "Palestinians" were jews living in Palestine
must not read the news then
Netanyahu blames a Palestinian for the Holocaust. What does the evidence say?
read it, the evidence says the Mufti insisted Hitler murder the Jews in Europe as opposed to let them escape with their lives to the holy land. The "Final Solution" was implemented because of the Palestinian Nazi Mufti.

that you are a revisionist surprises nobody
the holocaust was very real - as is its invocation to justify current evils

the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?
Which part, the one where the he dared tell the truth that the Palestinians and their leader were Nazis that contributed to the Holocaust and genocide of Jews and Christians?

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
the holocaust was very real - as is its invocation to justify current evils

the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?

no----I do not remember Netanyahu saying that adolf hitler's program of genocide was created by "the Palestinians" At the time the islamo Nazi leader was in power-----the only people called "Palestinians" were jews living in Palestine
must not read the news then
Netanyahu blames a Palestinian for the Holocaust. What does the evidence say?

your interpretation is idiotic from the GET GO------OG. Al Husseini was NOT
A PALESTINIAN------he was an islamo Nazi dog like you. The only PALESTINIANS living in the Middle East during the time of the reign of your
GOD--ADOLF-----were jews. AL HUSSEINI's government papers were stamped
either-----"ARAB" or "SYRIAN" My hubby's government papers----were stamped
PALESTINIAN-----because he entered Palestine during infancy----as a JEW.
AL HUSSEINI was an infant throat slitter------no wonder you lick his ass.
You should try better sources than the islamo Nazi WASHTINGTON POST
the holocaust was very real - as is its invocation to justify current evils

the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?
Which part, the one where the he dared tell the truth that the Palestinians and their leader were Nazis that contributed to the Holocaust and genocide of Jews and Christians?

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.

your mistake is----in calling ABU SHIT AL HUSSEINI a "Palestinian", Roudy----
no one else did at that time -----including HIMSELF OR HIS PAL ADOLF. Abu shit al husseini murdered PALESTNIANS-----every person the dog murdered
in Hebron was a PALESTINIAN
during the time of the reign of your
fuck you you ignorant fuck.
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?
Which part, the one where the he dared tell the truth that the Palestinians and their leader were Nazis that contributed to the Holocaust and genocide of Jews and Christians?

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense
so you don't remember netanyahu trying to pin the holocaust on palestinians to justify israel's treatment of them?

no----I do not remember Netanyahu saying that adolf hitler's program of genocide was created by "the Palestinians" At the time the islamo Nazi leader was in power-----the only people called "Palestinians" were jews living in Palestine
must not read the news then
Netanyahu blames a Palestinian for the Holocaust. What does the evidence say?
read it, the evidence says the Mufti insisted Hitler murder the Jews in Europe as opposed to let them escape with their lives to the holy land. The "Final Solution" was implemented because of the Palestinian Nazi Mufti.

that you are a revisionist surprises nobody
during the time of the reign of your
fuck you you ignorant fuck.
:muahaha: :banned03::9::asshole:
that fuck accuses me of worshipping hitler and somehow I'm the asshole?

wtf is wrong with you?

what's wrong with accusing you of doing the MUZZIE thing? You don't like
wtf is wrong with you? you accused me, without cause or reason, of worshipping hitler. once again i say fuck you you ignorant fuck.

and i got bad news for you, your hatred of muslims makes you much closer to a nazi than I'll ever be
during the time of the reign of your
fuck you you ignorant fuck.
:muahaha: :banned03::9::asshole:
that fuck accuses me of worshipping hitler and somehow I'm the asshole?

wtf is wrong with you?

what's wrong with accusing you of doing the MUZZIE thing? You don't like
wtf is wrong with you? you accused me, without cause or reason, of worshipping hitler. once again i say fuck you you ignorant fuck.

and i got bad news for you, your hatred of muslims makes you much closer to a nazi than I'll ever be

I don't hate muzzies. I am, simply, posting logical statements. It is a fact
that muzzies idolize adolf. Mein Kampf was the ONLY book translated
into Arabic in the ENTIRE decade of the 1930s and it is STILL A BEST
SELLER in the muzzie world. Fact is fact. As a matter of personal
taste -----I do not eat snails------but I do not HATE FRENCH PEOPLE
that fuck accuses me of worshipping hitler and somehow I'm the asshole?

wtf is wrong with you?

what's wrong with accusing you of doing the MUZZIE thing? You don't like
wtf is wrong with you? you accused me, without cause or reason, of worshipping hitler. once again i say fuck you you ignorant fuck.

and i got bad news for you, your hatred of muslims makes you much closer to a nazi than I'll ever be

I don't hate muzzies.
as is evidenced by the derogatory slang
I am, simply, posting logical statements. It is a fact
that muzzies idolize adolf. Mein Kampf was the ONLY book translated
into Arabic in the ENTIRE decade of the 1930s and it is STILL A BEST
SELLER in the muzzie world. Fact is fact. As a matter of personal
taste -----I do not eat snails------but I do not HATE FRENCH PEOPLE
that, if true, has fuckall to do with me.

i await your apology.
that fuck accuses me of worshipping hitler and somehow I'm the asshole?

wtf is wrong with you?

what's wrong with accusing you of doing the MUZZIE thing? You don't like
wtf is wrong with you? you accused me, without cause or reason, of worshipping hitler. once again i say fuck you you ignorant fuck.

and i got bad news for you, your hatred of muslims makes you much closer to a nazi than I'll ever be

I don't hate muzzies.
as is evidenced by the derogatory slang
I am, simply, posting logical statements. It is a fact
that muzzies idolize adolf. Mein Kampf was the ONLY book translated
into Arabic in the ENTIRE decade of the 1930s and it is STILL A BEST
SELLER in the muzzie world. Fact is fact. As a matter of personal
taste -----I do not eat snails------but I do not HATE FRENCH PEOPLE
that, if true, has fuckall to do with me.

i await your apology.

don't hold your breath
that fuck accuses me of worshipping hitler and somehow I'm the asshole?

wtf is wrong with you?

what's wrong with accusing you of doing the MUZZIE thing? You don't like
wtf is wrong with you? you accused me, without cause or reason, of worshipping hitler. once again i say fuck you you ignorant fuck.

and i got bad news for you, your hatred of muslims makes you much closer to a nazi than I'll ever be

I don't hate muzzies.
as is evidenced by the derogatory slang
I am, simply, posting logical statements. It is a fact
that muzzies idolize adolf. Mein Kampf was the ONLY book translated
into Arabic in the ENTIRE decade of the 1930s and it is STILL A BEST
SELLER in the muzzie world. Fact is fact. As a matter of personal
taste -----I do not eat snails------but I do not HATE FRENCH PEOPLE
that, if true, has fuckall to do with me.

i await your apology.

don't hold your breath
that you would behave like a decent person and not a hate filled twat likely was too much to hope for
He said the purpose of the Tehran event was not to deny the Holocaust but rather to criticize alleged Western double standards regarding free expression - and particularly as a response to depictions of the Prophet Muhammad by the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and others. The exhibit featured some 150 works from 50 countries, with many portraying Israel as using the Holocaust to distract from the suffering of the Palestinians. Others depicted Palestinian prisoners standing behind concentration camp-style barbed wire fences, Netanyahu likened to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and a Jerusalem mosque behind a gate bearing the motto "Arbeit Macht Frei" that appeared at the entrance to the Auschwitz death camp.

The contest was organized by non-governmental bodies with strong support from Iran's hard-liners. A previous contest in 2006 got a boost from then-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a hard-liner who referred to the Holocaust as a "myth" and repeatedly predicted Israel's demise.

Iran's Holocaust-mocking cartoon contest enrages Israel

Don't you think that if Pakistan put on a cartoon contest mocking Indians, the Indians would be enraged too?

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