Holocaust cartoon contest

I am very
I will -----uhm REVIEW-----interestingly enough----I am just back this past week from spending a few weeks in the city RISHON L'TZION-------its history is an ILLUSTRATION of the history of "how modern Israel was made". ----I will note that the city is STARTLINGLY developed and ----large and populated It is the city
in which hubby grew up -----having arrived in 'palestine' ----at age one well before 1948. Even during his childhood-----it was nothing much---------but what is true about it is-----
it. (got Dale? ****BOUGHT THE LAND**** ----a horror!!!! imagine a bunch of jews buying land and FOUNDING A CITY ---in DALLAS TEXAS---in the year 1800 ) --------- oh---gee-------they sorta did----kinda------and that's why the "good, ole' crackers" like you are ALL STRESSED OUT. ------along with being
stressed out over 'DEM UPPITY NIGRAS'

getting back to Rishon L'tzion----founded as a CITY in 1882---on PURCHASED
LAND---purchased from OTTOMAN TURKS -----a bit of history. DA TURKS
owned 'palestine' ----in 1800. They done stole it from the "holy roman empire"---
via arab invaders------"holy rome" stole it (invaded and subjugated it) about 500 BC---etc etc. ---------you "know" all this stuff already, right dale?
By 1800 ----land in 'palestine' was an annoyance to DA TURKS------which is one of the reasons that DA TURKS hate arabs (actually they hate everyone)----but in
the 1800s Turk landowners were DELIGHTED to sell to jews------so they did ---
got that Dale? DURING THE 1800s---when Palestine was mostly waste land---full of cholera, polio, shistosomiasis, malaria----tuberculosis and even leprosy-----
they unloaded large tracts on DA JOOOOOOS. -----------the facts of history
are so annoying to islamo-nazis

I am very much aware of the Khazarian Jews and the power they weld and all their secret societies. There isn't anything you can "school" me over when it comes to this.
Khazarian Jews, holocaust denial, what other antisemtic theory have you not touched on? Perhaps the Jews control the media and the banks. You're a stinky smelly trailerpark antisemite no different than the rest of the dirtbags.

Such hostility for telling the truth. I never denied the holocaust at all, Go back and read what I posted or STFU. I do not blame Jews for anything. Those that claim to be Jewish but aren't? Yeah, they are to blame for a lot of shit.
Not hostility, the Khazar theory has been debunked, you ignorant moron.

Do tell???? By whom????
By science.

The study, published June 3, 2010 in the American Journal of Human Genetics, compared 237 Jewish people from seven regions of the world with 418 non-Jewish people from the same regions and demonstrated that the Jewish people are genetically linked to a common Jewish ancestry concentrated in Persia-Babylon around 2500 years ago (about the same time King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon conquered the southern kingdom of Judah and its capitol, Jerusalem, exiling the population to Babylon). [ read about this in a summary article published here.]

In short, thanks to modern science, one of the key arguments used by anti-semites in their propaganda of hatred is debunked. Reasonable people can put the Khazar-Jewish garbage out of their minds.
I am very
I am very much aware of the Khazarian Jews and the power they weld and all their secret societies. There isn't anything you can "school" me over when it comes to this.
Khazarian Jews, holocaust denial, what other antisemtic theory have you not touched on? Perhaps the Jews control the media and the banks. You're a stinky smelly trailerpark antisemite no different than the rest of the dirtbags.

Such hostility for telling the truth. I never denied the holocaust at all, Go back and read what I posted or STFU. I do not blame Jews for anything. Those that claim to be Jewish but aren't? Yeah, they are to blame for a lot of shit.
Not hostility, the Khazar theory has been debunked, you ignorant moron.

Do tell???? By whom????

by reality. If you know something about KHAZARIA----why not tell us-----tell us
about from what sources people KNOW about Khazaria------in what "HISTORY"
does it appear?. Whole KINGDOMS have histories------even ATLANTIS has
a "history"------such as it is. The writings of PLATO of Athens----about 2500
years old are EXTANT. Even the "never, never land" of Peter Pan has a
putative history
Khazaria is the trailor park half a mile away where he cajoles with fellow skinhead neo Nazis.
Khazarian Jews, holocaust denial, what other antisemtic theory have you not touched on? Perhaps the Jews control the media and the banks. You're a stinky smelly trailerpark antisemite no different than the rest of the dirtbags.

Such hostility for telling the truth. I never denied the holocaust at all, Go back and read what I posted or STFU. I do not blame Jews for anything. Those that claim to be Jewish but aren't? Yeah, they are to blame for a lot of shit.
Not hostility, the Khazar theory has been debunked, you ignorant moron.

Do tell???? By whom????

by reality. If you know something about KHAZARIA----why not tell us-----tell us
about from what sources people KNOW about Khazaria------in what "HISTORY"
does it appear?. Whole KINGDOMS have histories------even ATLANTIS has
a "history"------such as it is. The writings of PLATO of Athens----about 2500
years old are EXTANT. Even the "never, never land" of Peter Pan has a
putative history

Why should I waste my time writing a dissertation on this topic since your mind is already made up? You act like I have personally insulted you. That wasn't my intent ....so let it go.

you have not insulted me DALE, of Dallas------you have SPARKED MY INTEREST-----I have a very keen interest in the story of KHAZARIA-----
including its ORIGINAL SOURCE MATERIAL-----something like 1000 years
old. I am very interesting in what YOU know about the subject since you
are a scholar who devotes HOURS to the study of such "issues"
I am very
I am very much aware of the Khazarian Jews and the power they weld and all their secret societies. There isn't anything you can "school" me over when it comes to this.
Khazarian Jews, holocaust denial, what other antisemtic theory have you not touched on? Perhaps the Jews control the media and the banks. You're a stinky smelly trailerpark antisemite no different than the rest of the dirtbags.

Such hostility for telling the truth. I never denied the holocaust at all, Go back and read what I posted or STFU. I do not blame Jews for anything. Those that claim to be Jewish but aren't? Yeah, they are to blame for a lot of shit.
Not hostility, the Khazar theory has been debunked, you ignorant moron.

Do tell???? By whom????
By science.

The study, published June 3, 2010 in the American Journal of Human Genetics, compared 237 Jewish people from seven regions of the world with 418 non-Jewish people from the same regions and demonstrated that the Jewish people are genetically linked to a common Jewish ancestry concentrated in Persia-Babylon around 2500 years ago (about the same time King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon conquered the southern kingdom of Judah and its capitol, Jerusalem, exiling the population to Babylon). [ read about this in a summary article published here.]

In short, thanks to modern science, one of the key arguments used by anti-semites in their propaganda of hatred is debunked. Reasonable people can put the Khazar-Jewish garbage out of their minds.

I don't see how that proves that there are not people that are not of Jewish ancestry but claim to be. This study proves nothing at all.
I am very
Do a little research about the Balfour Declaration and then get back to me.

I have and it was because of that the LoN granted the Jews 0.01% of the former ottomaqn empire lands as their NATIONal home. Read the LoN treaties that became international law and get back to me

I know exactly of what I speak and I have done the research. Anyone that spoke out against Israel could count on being busted on by yours truly because I was conditioned to believe that way. That is why anyone that criticizes Israel gets your dander up. Six million Jews did not die during the Holocaust. There were only 450,000 Jews in Germany before WWII.
I am not saying that their deaths were not tragic and that it wasn't horrific and the amount of human cruelty still sickens me to this day...but the fact is that the number had to be inflated in order to get the rest of the world to sympathize with the taking of Palestinian land and turning it over to the Rothchilds in the name of the Jews. That is a fact and historically documented.
You can browbeat me over this so don't even bother.

And what about the rest of Europe then, as it was not just the Jews in Germany that were mass murdered.

As for your figures how about some links to prove them.

And as history shows the land was already given to the Jews in 1923, and then the UN illegally took 40% to give to the arab muslims. Time for the UN to enforce the international laws of 1923 and settle the issue once and for all. That would silence all you conspiracy theorists who believe the Rothchilds have a time machine so they could go back in time and alter history

I will -----uhm REVIEW-----interestingly enough----I am just back this past week from spending a few weeks in the city RISHON L'TZION-------its history is an ILLUSTRATION of the history of "how modern Israel was made". ----I will note that the city is STARTLINGLY developed and ----large and populated It is the city
in which hubby grew up -----having arrived in 'palestine' ----at age one well before 1948. Even during his childhood-----it was nothing much---------but what is true about it is-----
it. (got Dale? ****BOUGHT THE LAND**** ----a horror!!!! imagine a bunch of jews buying land and FOUNDING A CITY ---in DALLAS TEXAS---in the year 1800 ) --------- oh---gee-------they sorta did----kinda------and that's why the "good, ole' crackers" like you are ALL STRESSED OUT. ------along with being
stressed out over 'DEM UPPITY NIGRAS'

getting back to Rishon L'tzion----founded as a CITY in 1882---on PURCHASED
LAND---purchased from OTTOMAN TURKS -----a bit of history. DA TURKS
owned 'palestine' ----in 1800. They done stole it from the "holy roman empire"---
via arab invaders------"holy rome" stole it (invaded and subjugated it) about 500 BC---etc etc. ---------you "know" all this stuff already, right dale?
By 1800 ----land in 'palestine' was an annoyance to DA TURKS------which is one of the reasons that DA TURKS hate arabs (actually they hate everyone)----but in
the 1800s Turk landowners were DELIGHTED to sell to jews------so they did ---
got that Dale? DURING THE 1800s---when Palestine was mostly waste land---full of cholera, polio, shistosomiasis, malaria----tuberculosis and even leprosy-----
they unloaded large tracts on DA JOOOOOOS. -----------the facts of history
are so annoying to islamo-nazis

I am very much aware of the Khazarian Jews and the power they weld and all their secret societies. There isn't anything you can "school" me over when it comes to this.

Not even the fact that they never existed until a novel written in the mid 20C. Before this time there was never a mention of khzars at all. Nothing in any history books, which is why your fellow Nazi's soon stop posting about them.

consider yourself well and truly schooled
Khazarian Jews, holocaust denial, what other antisemtic theory have you not touched on? Perhaps the Jews control the media and the banks. You're a stinky smelly trailerpark antisemite no different than the rest of the dirtbags.

Such hostility for telling the truth. I never denied the holocaust at all, Go back and read what I posted or STFU. I do not blame Jews for anything. Those that claim to be Jewish but aren't? Yeah, they are to blame for a lot of shit.
Not hostility, the Khazar theory has been debunked, you ignorant moron.

Do tell???? By whom????

by reality. If you know something about KHAZARIA----why not tell us-----tell us
about from what sources people KNOW about Khazaria------in what "HISTORY"
does it appear?. Whole KINGDOMS have histories------even ATLANTIS has
a "history"------such as it is. The writings of PLATO of Athens----about 2500
years old are EXTANT. Even the "never, never land" of Peter Pan has a
putative history
Khazaria is the trailor park half a mile away where he cajoles with fellow skinhead neo Nazis.

Khazarian Jews, holocaust denial, what other antisemtic theory have you not touched on? Perhaps the Jews control the media and the banks. You're a stinky smelly trailerpark antisemite no different than the rest of the dirtbags.

Such hostility for telling the truth. I never denied the holocaust at all, Go back and read what I posted or STFU. I do not blame Jews for anything. Those that claim to be Jewish but aren't? Yeah, they are to blame for a lot of shit.
Not hostility, the Khazar theory has been debunked, you ignorant moron.

Do tell???? By whom????
By science.

The study, published June 3, 2010 in the American Journal of Human Genetics, compared 237 Jewish people from seven regions of the world with 418 non-Jewish people from the same regions and demonstrated that the Jewish people are genetically linked to a common Jewish ancestry concentrated in Persia-Babylon around 2500 years ago (about the same time King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon conquered the southern kingdom of Judah and its capitol, Jerusalem, exiling the population to Babylon). [ read about this in a summary article published here.]

In short, thanks to modern science, one of the key arguments used by anti-semites in their propaganda of hatred is debunked. Reasonable people can put the Khazar-Jewish garbage out of their minds.

I don't see how that proves that there are not people that are not of Jewish ancestry but claim to be. This study proves nothing at all.

It doesn't-----it does not prove that there are people who are not of
irish origin who claim to be but are not either-------. It does not even
prove that you are heterosexual or-----human. Your statement is a
I am very
I know exactly of what I speak and I have done the research. Anyone that spoke out against Israel could count on being busted on by yours truly because I was conditioned to believe that way. That is why anyone that criticizes Israel gets your dander up. Six million Jews did not die during the Holocaust. There were only 450,000 Jews in Germany before WWII.
I am not saying that their deaths were not tragic and that it wasn't horrific and the amount of human cruelty still sickens me to this day...but the fact is that the number had to be inflated in order to get the rest of the world to sympathize with the taking of Palestinian land and turning it over to the Rothchilds in the name of the Jews. That is a fact and historically documented.
You can browbeat me over this so don't even bother.

And what about the rest of Europe then, as it was not just the Jews in Germany that were mass murdered.

As for your figures how about some links to prove them.

And as history shows the land was already given to the Jews in 1923, and then the UN illegally took 40% to give to the arab muslims. Time for the UN to enforce the international laws of 1923 and settle the issue once and for all. That would silence all you conspiracy theorists who believe the Rothchilds have a time machine so they could go back in time and alter history

I will -----uhm REVIEW-----interestingly enough----I am just back this past week from spending a few weeks in the city RISHON L'TZION-------its history is an ILLUSTRATION of the history of "how modern Israel was made". ----I will note that the city is STARTLINGLY developed and ----large and populated It is the city
in which hubby grew up -----having arrived in 'palestine' ----at age one well before 1948. Even during his childhood-----it was nothing much---------but what is true about it is-----
it. (got Dale? ****BOUGHT THE LAND**** ----a horror!!!! imagine a bunch of jews buying land and FOUNDING A CITY ---in DALLAS TEXAS---in the year 1800 ) --------- oh---gee-------they sorta did----kinda------and that's why the "good, ole' crackers" like you are ALL STRESSED OUT. ------along with being
stressed out over 'DEM UPPITY NIGRAS'

getting back to Rishon L'tzion----founded as a CITY in 1882---on PURCHASED
LAND---purchased from OTTOMAN TURKS -----a bit of history. DA TURKS
owned 'palestine' ----in 1800. They done stole it from the "holy roman empire"---
via arab invaders------"holy rome" stole it (invaded and subjugated it) about 500 BC---etc etc. ---------you "know" all this stuff already, right dale?
By 1800 ----land in 'palestine' was an annoyance to DA TURKS------which is one of the reasons that DA TURKS hate arabs (actually they hate everyone)----but in
the 1800s Turk landowners were DELIGHTED to sell to jews------so they did ---
got that Dale? DURING THE 1800s---when Palestine was mostly waste land---full of cholera, polio, shistosomiasis, malaria----tuberculosis and even leprosy-----
they unloaded large tracts on DA JOOOOOOS. -----------the facts of history
are so annoying to islamo-nazis

I am very much aware of the Khazarian Jews and the power they weld and all their secret societies. There isn't anything you can "school" me over when it comes to this.

of course -----you are an expert in DALLAS SHIT. See? I know you well----
The town in which I grew up in north-east USA might just as well have been LUBBOCK. Your literature FLUTTERED all over town---old seedy pamphlets ---
ALL ABOUT JEWS I was an avid reader by the time I was eight-----and having
already read all of my brothers' superman comics-----I would read ANYTHING else
that fell into my hands. The Nazi enclave of my childhood was FULL OF LUBBOCK SHIT ------but...... I read other stuff too. -------like REALITY.
I had lots of brothers, no sisters---my mom harbored such books as "THE COMPLETE POEMS OF SHELLEY"-------so what was left to me? ------garbage
lining the gutters Later on------I was able to take public transport to the library.
AND as an adult stumbled into people who LIVED the history that LUBBOCK DISTORTS. Since you are an expert-----tell me about the history of ------JUST HOW THE STORY OF JEWS OF KHAZARIA came about. Do not be shy----tell me what you "know" about KHAZARIA. BTW did you know that Nelson Rockefeller was a jew?

Yeah, the Rockefellers are Khazarian Jews and they helped financed Hitler and they sold him an engine fuel blend that only Standard Oil had. The Luftwaffe could have been grounded any time had Rockefeller shut off the supply. Couldn't of been any Hitler without Khazarian Jews pulling the strings.

And yet there is no mention of khazar in any history books, just in Nazi literature and islamonazi BLOOD LIBELS. The German airplane engines would run n any grade of gasoline they were designed that way. The simple task of changing just one jet in the carbs and away it went.

Khazarian Jews, holocaust denial, what other antisemtic theory have you not touched on? Perhaps the Jews control the media and the banks. You're a stinky smelly trailerpark antisemite no different than the rest of the dirtbags.

Such hostility for telling the truth. I never denied the holocaust at all, Go back and read what I posted or STFU. I do not blame Jews for anything. Those that claim to be Jewish but aren't? Yeah, they are to blame for a lot of shit.
Not hostility, the Khazar theory has been debunked, you ignorant moron.

Do tell???? By whom????
By science.

The study, published June 3, 2010 in the American Journal of Human Genetics, compared 237 Jewish people from seven regions of the world with 418 non-Jewish people from the same regions and demonstrated that the Jewish people are genetically linked to a common Jewish ancestry concentrated in Persia-Babylon around 2500 years ago (about the same time King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon conquered the southern kingdom of Judah and its capitol, Jerusalem, exiling the population to Babylon). [ read about this in a summary article published here.]

In short, thanks to modern science, one of the key arguments used by anti-semites in their propaganda of hatred is debunked. Reasonable people can put the Khazar-Jewish garbage out of their minds.

I don't see how that proves that there are not people that are not of Jewish ancestry but claim to be. This study proves nothing at all.

Because it destroys your argument, so rather than admit to being wrong you prefer to ignore it
Khazarian Jews, holocaust denial, what other antisemtic theory have you not touched on? Perhaps the Jews control the media and the banks. You're a stinky smelly trailerpark antisemite no different than the rest of the dirtbags.

Such hostility for telling the truth. I never denied the holocaust at all, Go back and read what I posted or STFU. I do not blame Jews for anything. Those that claim to be Jewish but aren't? Yeah, they are to blame for a lot of shit.
Not hostility, the Khazar theory has been debunked, you ignorant moron.

Do tell???? By whom????
By science.

The study, published June 3, 2010 in the American Journal of Human Genetics, compared 237 Jewish people from seven regions of the world with 418 non-Jewish people from the same regions and demonstrated that the Jewish people are genetically linked to a common Jewish ancestry concentrated in Persia-Babylon around 2500 years ago (about the same time King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon conquered the southern kingdom of Judah and its capitol, Jerusalem, exiling the population to Babylon). [ read about this in a summary article published here.]

In short, thanks to modern science, one of the key arguments used by anti-semites in their propaganda of hatred is debunked. Reasonable people can put the Khazar-Jewish garbage out of their minds.

I don't see how that proves that there are not people that are not of Jewish ancestry but claim to be. This study proves nothing at all.
Only if you're blind or have reading comprehension problem would you reach that conclusion. Perhaps there is an adult school close to your dump, to help retards like you get their elementary school diploma?
I am very
I have and it was because of that the LoN granted the Jews 0.01% of the former ottomaqn empire lands as their NATIONal home. Read the LoN treaties that became international law and get back to me

I know exactly of what I speak and I have done the research. Anyone that spoke out against Israel could count on being busted on by yours truly because I was conditioned to believe that way. That is why anyone that criticizes Israel gets your dander up. Six million Jews did not die during the Holocaust. There were only 450,000 Jews in Germany before WWII.
I am not saying that their deaths were not tragic and that it wasn't horrific and the amount of human cruelty still sickens me to this day...but the fact is that the number had to be inflated in order to get the rest of the world to sympathize with the taking of Palestinian land and turning it over to the Rothchilds in the name of the Jews. That is a fact and historically documented.
You can browbeat me over this so don't even bother.

And what about the rest of Europe then, as it was not just the Jews in Germany that were mass murdered.

As for your figures how about some links to prove them.

And as history shows the land was already given to the Jews in 1923, and then the UN illegally took 40% to give to the arab muslims. Time for the UN to enforce the international laws of 1923 and settle the issue once and for all. That would silence all you conspiracy theorists who believe the Rothchilds have a time machine so they could go back in time and alter history

I will -----uhm REVIEW-----interestingly enough----I am just back this past week from spending a few weeks in the city RISHON L'TZION-------its history is an ILLUSTRATION of the history of "how modern Israel was made". ----I will note that the city is STARTLINGLY developed and ----large and populated It is the city
in which hubby grew up -----having arrived in 'palestine' ----at age one well before 1948. Even during his childhood-----it was nothing much---------but what is true about it is-----
it. (got Dale? ****BOUGHT THE LAND**** ----a horror!!!! imagine a bunch of jews buying land and FOUNDING A CITY ---in DALLAS TEXAS---in the year 1800 ) --------- oh---gee-------they sorta did----kinda------and that's why the "good, ole' crackers" like you are ALL STRESSED OUT. ------along with being
stressed out over 'DEM UPPITY NIGRAS'

getting back to Rishon L'tzion----founded as a CITY in 1882---on PURCHASED
LAND---purchased from OTTOMAN TURKS -----a bit of history. DA TURKS
owned 'palestine' ----in 1800. They done stole it from the "holy roman empire"---
via arab invaders------"holy rome" stole it (invaded and subjugated it) about 500 BC---etc etc. ---------you "know" all this stuff already, right dale?
By 1800 ----land in 'palestine' was an annoyance to DA TURKS------which is one of the reasons that DA TURKS hate arabs (actually they hate everyone)----but in
the 1800s Turk landowners were DELIGHTED to sell to jews------so they did ---
got that Dale? DURING THE 1800s---when Palestine was mostly waste land---full of cholera, polio, shistosomiasis, malaria----tuberculosis and even leprosy-----
they unloaded large tracts on DA JOOOOOOS. -----------the facts of history
are so annoying to islamo-nazis

I am very much aware of the Khazarian Jews and the power they weld and all their secret societies. There isn't anything you can "school" me over when it comes to this.

Not even the fact that they never existed until a novel written in the mid 20C. Before this time there was never a mention of khzars at all. Nothing in any history books, which is why your fellow Nazi's soon stop posting about them.

consider yourself well and truly schooled

well-----phoen----there is a whole BOOK ----actually a kinda epic poem ---DEVOTED to KHAZARIA-------written about 1000 years ago by one Judah HaLevi. It Is
a kind of philosophical work ---presented in poetry-----I believe in Ladino---but it
may have been Hebrew. It describes a legend taking place FAR from the
Iberian Penninsula where Judah Halevi lived------way up there----somewhere in the
Asian hills-------in a distant place called THE KINGDOM OF KHAZARIA. It recounts
a legend of a wise king-----who seeks wise people because he wants "truth"-----
so he gets from among the wise------a Christian, a Muslim, and a Jew-----the poem is a "comparative religion" discussion--------to cut to the race----Judaism
wins the debate. It is a story in the form of poetry (kinda like the odyssey is a story in couplets) The name of the book is KUZARI Some jerks picked up
on the legend/book and decided to RE-INVENT the history of DA JOOOOS based on that one epic poem-------done by the very prolific poet----Judah HaLevi of "tudela" spain. ---1000 years ago
They might just as well re do all of history based on short stories of Eugene O'Neill or Rod Serling or H, G. Wells
Khazarian Jews, holocaust denial, what other antisemtic theory have you not touched on? Perhaps the Jews control the media and the banks. You're a stinky smelly trailerpark antisemite no different than the rest of the dirtbags.

Such hostility for telling the truth. I never denied the holocaust at all, Go back and read what I posted or STFU. I do not blame Jews for anything. Those that claim to be Jewish but aren't? Yeah, they are to blame for a lot of shit.
Not hostility, the Khazar theory has been debunked, you ignorant moron.

Do tell???? By whom????
By science.

The study, published June 3, 2010 in the American Journal of Human Genetics, compared 237 Jewish people from seven regions of the world with 418 non-Jewish people from the same regions and demonstrated that the Jewish people are genetically linked to a common Jewish ancestry concentrated in Persia-Babylon around 2500 years ago (about the same time King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon conquered the southern kingdom of Judah and its capitol, Jerusalem, exiling the population to Babylon). [ read about this in a summary article published here.]

In short, thanks to modern science, one of the key arguments used by anti-semites in their propaganda of hatred is debunked. Reasonable people can put the Khazar-Jewish garbage out of their minds.

I don't see how that proves that there are not people that are not of Jewish ancestry but claim to be. This study proves nothing at all.

Or maybe you're just a dipshit antisemite?

DNA Tester: 75 Percent of Jews Trace Ancestry to Middle East

Where did the Jews originate? For Bennett Greenspan, the founder and president of Family Tree DNA, there’s little doubt, and it can all be proven with a swab of cheek cells.

The overwhelming majority of Jews living today should be able to trace their roots back to the Middle East with a little DNA testing, he maintains, and all those who claim otherwise, as far as he’s concerned, have their history wrong.

“We’re not interlopers who came here from Eastern Europe, and we’re not Serbs or Kazars,” says Greenspan. “You can use whatever polemic you want to discredit the Jews or discredit the nation, but saying that we weren’t here is a lie.”

Greenspan was referring to the controversial book written by Tel Aviv University historian Shlomo Sand, which asserts that the Jews of today did not originate in this part of the world and that a “nation-race” of Jews never existed. Most of today’s Jews, he argues in “The Invention of the Jewish People” (2008), are the descendants of people who lived elsewhere in the world and were converted to Judaism. However, a major study published two years later by Harry Ostrer, a medical geneticist from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, claims that many contemporary Jews do, indeed, have a distinctive genetic signature and can trace their ancestry back to the Middle East.

Greenspan delivered a guest lecture in Israel on Wednesday at the Netanya Academic College on the DNA of the Jews. Nothing more than a bit of saliva, insists the entrepreneur and genealogy enthusiast, is required to prove the similarities in the genetic make-up of most Jewish men and women, and that’s because their ancestors once lived the same place. In response to a question from Haaretz, Greenspan said he estimates that “No less than 75 percent of Ashekanzi, Sephardi or Mizrahi Jews, their ancestors came from what we call the general Middle East” – an assessment which he says is based on his company’s database.

Family Tree DNA, a U.S.-based company with distributors in Europe and the United Arab Emirates and which Greenspan founded in 2000 while he was semi-retired, was the first company in the world to offer commercial DNA test kits. Today, about a half dozen other such companies exist. “I had sold my photographic supply business and was puttering around the house, getting in my wife’s way,” he recounts. “Finally, she said you should either pick up golf or go back to genealogy, at which point I started researching the only line of my eight great-grandparents’ lineages that I had never worked on.”

When he was eventually able to establish through DNA testing his blood relationship to someone in Argentina from that branch of family, Greenspan decided it was time to turn his life-long hobby into a business. To date, Family Tree DNA has tested more than one million people and has more than 700,000 records in its database. Among its more famous clients is the National Geographic Society. Altogether, says Greenspan, Jews comprise only about 3-4 percent of his clientele – much bigger than their share in the U.S. population, but just a fraction of his business.
I am very
I know exactly of what I speak and I have done the research. Anyone that spoke out against Israel could count on being busted on by yours truly because I was conditioned to believe that way. That is why anyone that criticizes Israel gets your dander up. Six million Jews did not die during the Holocaust. There were only 450,000 Jews in Germany before WWII.
I am not saying that their deaths were not tragic and that it wasn't horrific and the amount of human cruelty still sickens me to this day...but the fact is that the number had to be inflated in order to get the rest of the world to sympathize with the taking of Palestinian land and turning it over to the Rothchilds in the name of the Jews. That is a fact and historically documented.
You can browbeat me over this so don't even bother.

And what about the rest of Europe then, as it was not just the Jews in Germany that were mass murdered.

As for your figures how about some links to prove them.

And as history shows the land was already given to the Jews in 1923, and then the UN illegally took 40% to give to the arab muslims. Time for the UN to enforce the international laws of 1923 and settle the issue once and for all. That would silence all you conspiracy theorists who believe the Rothchilds have a time machine so they could go back in time and alter history

I will -----uhm REVIEW-----interestingly enough----I am just back this past week from spending a few weeks in the city RISHON L'TZION-------its history is an ILLUSTRATION of the history of "how modern Israel was made". ----I will note that the city is STARTLINGLY developed and ----large and populated It is the city
in which hubby grew up -----having arrived in 'palestine' ----at age one well before 1948. Even during his childhood-----it was nothing much---------but what is true about it is-----
it. (got Dale? ****BOUGHT THE LAND**** ----a horror!!!! imagine a bunch of jews buying land and FOUNDING A CITY ---in DALLAS TEXAS---in the year 1800 ) --------- oh---gee-------they sorta did----kinda------and that's why the "good, ole' crackers" like you are ALL STRESSED OUT. ------along with being
stressed out over 'DEM UPPITY NIGRAS'

getting back to Rishon L'tzion----founded as a CITY in 1882---on PURCHASED
LAND---purchased from OTTOMAN TURKS -----a bit of history. DA TURKS
owned 'palestine' ----in 1800. They done stole it from the "holy roman empire"---
via arab invaders------"holy rome" stole it (invaded and subjugated it) about 500 BC---etc etc. ---------you "know" all this stuff already, right dale?
By 1800 ----land in 'palestine' was an annoyance to DA TURKS------which is one of the reasons that DA TURKS hate arabs (actually they hate everyone)----but in
the 1800s Turk landowners were DELIGHTED to sell to jews------so they did ---
got that Dale? DURING THE 1800s---when Palestine was mostly waste land---full of cholera, polio, shistosomiasis, malaria----tuberculosis and even leprosy-----
they unloaded large tracts on DA JOOOOOOS. -----------the facts of history
are so annoying to islamo-nazis

I am very much aware of the Khazarian Jews and the power they weld and all their secret societies. There isn't anything you can "school" me over when it comes to this.
Khazarian Jews, holocaust denial, what other antisemtic theory have you not touched on? Perhaps the Jews control the media and the banks. You're a stinky smelly trailerpark antisemite no different than the rest of the dirtbags.

Such hostility for telling the truth. I never denied the holocaust at all, Go back and read what I posted or STFU. I do not blame Jews for anything. Those that claim to be Jewish but aren't? Yeah, they are to blame for a lot of shit.

diminishing the holocaust in any manner is holocaust denial. So when you claimed that only half a million Jews lived in Germany that was holocaust denial
I am very
I will -----uhm REVIEW-----interestingly enough----I am just back this past week from spending a few weeks in the city RISHON L'TZION-------its history is an ILLUSTRATION of the history of "how modern Israel was made". ----I will note that the city is STARTLINGLY developed and ----large and populated It is the city
in which hubby grew up -----having arrived in 'palestine' ----at age one well before 1948. Even during his childhood-----it was nothing much---------but what is true about it is-----
it. (got Dale? ****BOUGHT THE LAND**** ----a horror!!!! imagine a bunch of jews buying land and FOUNDING A CITY ---in DALLAS TEXAS---in the year 1800 ) --------- oh---gee-------they sorta did----kinda------and that's why the "good, ole' crackers" like you are ALL STRESSED OUT. ------along with being
stressed out over 'DEM UPPITY NIGRAS'

getting back to Rishon L'tzion----founded as a CITY in 1882---on PURCHASED
LAND---purchased from OTTOMAN TURKS -----a bit of history. DA TURKS
owned 'palestine' ----in 1800. They done stole it from the "holy roman empire"---
via arab invaders------"holy rome" stole it (invaded and subjugated it) about 500 BC---etc etc. ---------you "know" all this stuff already, right dale?
By 1800 ----land in 'palestine' was an annoyance to DA TURKS------which is one of the reasons that DA TURKS hate arabs (actually they hate everyone)----but in
the 1800s Turk landowners were DELIGHTED to sell to jews------so they did ---
got that Dale? DURING THE 1800s---when Palestine was mostly waste land---full of cholera, polio, shistosomiasis, malaria----tuberculosis and even leprosy-----
they unloaded large tracts on DA JOOOOOOS. -----------the facts of history
are so annoying to islamo-nazis

I am very much aware of the Khazarian Jews and the power they weld and all their secret societies. There isn't anything you can "school" me over when it comes to this.
Khazarian Jews, holocaust denial, what other antisemtic theory have you not touched on? Perhaps the Jews control the media and the banks. You're a stinky smelly trailerpark antisemite no different than the rest of the dirtbags.

Such hostility for telling the truth. I never denied the holocaust at all, Go back and read what I posted or STFU. I do not blame Jews for anything. Those that claim to be Jewish but aren't? Yeah, they are to blame for a lot of shit.
Not hostility, the Khazar theory has been debunked, you ignorant moron.

Do tell???? By whom????

By the very person that wrote the novel in the first place
Khazarian Jews, holocaust denial, what other antisemtic theory have you not touched on? Perhaps the Jews control the media and the banks. You're a stinky smelly trailerpark antisemite no different than the rest of the dirtbags.

Such hostility for telling the truth. I never denied the holocaust at all, Go back and read what I posted or STFU. I do not blame Jews for anything. Those that claim to be Jewish but aren't? Yeah, they are to blame for a lot of shit.
Not hostility, the Khazar theory has been debunked, you ignorant moron.

Do tell???? By whom????

by reality. If you know something about KHAZARIA----why not tell us-----tell us
about from what sources people KNOW about Khazaria------in what "HISTORY"
does it appear?. Whole KINGDOMS have histories------even ATLANTIS has
a "history"------such as it is. The writings of PLATO of Athens----about 2500
years old are EXTANT. Even the "never, never land" of Peter Pan has a
putative history

Why should I waste my time writing a dissertation on this topic since your mind is already made up? You act like I have personally insulted you. That wasn't my intent ....so let it go.

If you were that sure of your evidence you would be only to willing to spend 10 minutes writing all the links to your claim. Or did you do a google and find that it is all showing it was false.
I am very
I know exactly of what I speak and I have done the research. Anyone that spoke out against Israel could count on being busted on by yours truly because I was conditioned to believe that way. That is why anyone that criticizes Israel gets your dander up. Six million Jews did not die during the Holocaust. There were only 450,000 Jews in Germany before WWII.
I am not saying that their deaths were not tragic and that it wasn't horrific and the amount of human cruelty still sickens me to this day...but the fact is that the number had to be inflated in order to get the rest of the world to sympathize with the taking of Palestinian land and turning it over to the Rothchilds in the name of the Jews. That is a fact and historically documented.
You can browbeat me over this so don't even bother.

And what about the rest of Europe then, as it was not just the Jews in Germany that were mass murdered.

As for your figures how about some links to prove them.

And as history shows the land was already given to the Jews in 1923, and then the UN illegally took 40% to give to the arab muslims. Time for the UN to enforce the international laws of 1923 and settle the issue once and for all. That would silence all you conspiracy theorists who believe the Rothchilds have a time machine so they could go back in time and alter history

I will -----uhm REVIEW-----interestingly enough----I am just back this past week from spending a few weeks in the city RISHON L'TZION-------its history is an ILLUSTRATION of the history of "how modern Israel was made". ----I will note that the city is STARTLINGLY developed and ----large and populated It is the city
in which hubby grew up -----having arrived in 'palestine' ----at age one well before 1948. Even during his childhood-----it was nothing much---------but what is true about it is-----
it. (got Dale? ****BOUGHT THE LAND**** ----a horror!!!! imagine a bunch of jews buying land and FOUNDING A CITY ---in DALLAS TEXAS---in the year 1800 ) --------- oh---gee-------they sorta did----kinda------and that's why the "good, ole' crackers" like you are ALL STRESSED OUT. ------along with being
stressed out over 'DEM UPPITY NIGRAS'

getting back to Rishon L'tzion----founded as a CITY in 1882---on PURCHASED
LAND---purchased from OTTOMAN TURKS -----a bit of history. DA TURKS
owned 'palestine' ----in 1800. They done stole it from the "holy roman empire"---
via arab invaders------"holy rome" stole it (invaded and subjugated it) about 500 BC---etc etc. ---------you "know" all this stuff already, right dale?
By 1800 ----land in 'palestine' was an annoyance to DA TURKS------which is one of the reasons that DA TURKS hate arabs (actually they hate everyone)----but in
the 1800s Turk landowners were DELIGHTED to sell to jews------so they did ---
got that Dale? DURING THE 1800s---when Palestine was mostly waste land---full of cholera, polio, shistosomiasis, malaria----tuberculosis and even leprosy-----
they unloaded large tracts on DA JOOOOOOS. -----------the facts of history
are so annoying to islamo-nazis

I am very much aware of the Khazarian Jews and the power they weld and all their secret societies. There isn't anything you can "school" me over when it comes to this.

Not even the fact that they never existed until a novel written in the mid 20C. Before this time there was never a mention of khzars at all. Nothing in any history books, which is why your fellow Nazi's soon stop posting about them.

consider yourself well and truly schooled

well-----phoen----there is a whole BOOK ----actually a kinda epic poem ---DEVOTED to KHAZARIA-------written about 1000 years ago by one Judah HaLevi. It Is
a kind of philosophical work ---presented in poetry-----I believe in Ladino---but it
may have been Hebrew. It describes a legend taking place FAR from the
Iberian Penninsula where Judah Halevi lived------way up there----somewhere in the
Asian hills-------in a distant place called THE KINGDOM OF KHAZARIA. It recounts
a legend of a wise king-----who seeks wise people because he wants "truth"-----
so he gets from among the wise------a Christian, a Muslim, and a Jew-----the poem is a "comparative religion" discussion--------to cut to the race----Judaism
wins the debate. It is a story in the form of poetry (kinda like the odyssey is a story in couplets) The name of the book is KUZARI Some jerks picked up
on the legend/book and decided to RE-INVENT the history of DA JOOOOS based on that one epic poem-------done by the very prolific poet----Judah HaLevi of "tudela" spain. ---1000 years ago
They might just as well re do all of history based on short stories of Eugene O'Neill or Rod Serling or H, G. Wells

And I believe that a novel was written in the mid 20C based on the story by a Jewish scholar. And this is what the Nazi's jump on without reading the history before the novel.
I am very
I am very much aware of the Khazarian Jews and the power they weld and all their secret societies. There isn't anything you can "school" me over when it comes to this.
Khazarian Jews, holocaust denial, what other antisemtic theory have you not touched on? Perhaps the Jews control the media and the banks. You're a stinky smelly trailerpark antisemite no different than the rest of the dirtbags.

Such hostility for telling the truth. I never denied the holocaust at all, Go back and read what I posted or STFU. I do not blame Jews for anything. Those that claim to be Jewish but aren't? Yeah, they are to blame for a lot of shit.
Not hostility, the Khazar theory has been debunked, you ignorant moron.

Do tell???? By whom????

By the very person that wrote the novel in the first place

Arthur Koestler
I am very
And what about the rest of Europe then, as it was not just the Jews in Germany that were mass murdered.

As for your figures how about some links to prove them.

And as history shows the land was already given to the Jews in 1923, and then the UN illegally took 40% to give to the arab muslims. Time for the UN to enforce the international laws of 1923 and settle the issue once and for all. That would silence all you conspiracy theorists who believe the Rothchilds have a time machine so they could go back in time and alter history

I will -----uhm REVIEW-----interestingly enough----I am just back this past week from spending a few weeks in the city RISHON L'TZION-------its history is an ILLUSTRATION of the history of "how modern Israel was made". ----I will note that the city is STARTLINGLY developed and ----large and populated It is the city
in which hubby grew up -----having arrived in 'palestine' ----at age one well before 1948. Even during his childhood-----it was nothing much---------but what is true about it is-----
it. (got Dale? ****BOUGHT THE LAND**** ----a horror!!!! imagine a bunch of jews buying land and FOUNDING A CITY ---in DALLAS TEXAS---in the year 1800 ) --------- oh---gee-------they sorta did----kinda------and that's why the "good, ole' crackers" like you are ALL STRESSED OUT. ------along with being
stressed out over 'DEM UPPITY NIGRAS'

getting back to Rishon L'tzion----founded as a CITY in 1882---on PURCHASED
LAND---purchased from OTTOMAN TURKS -----a bit of history. DA TURKS
owned 'palestine' ----in 1800. They done stole it from the "holy roman empire"---
via arab invaders------"holy rome" stole it (invaded and subjugated it) about 500 BC---etc etc. ---------you "know" all this stuff already, right dale?
By 1800 ----land in 'palestine' was an annoyance to DA TURKS------which is one of the reasons that DA TURKS hate arabs (actually they hate everyone)----but in
the 1800s Turk landowners were DELIGHTED to sell to jews------so they did ---
got that Dale? DURING THE 1800s---when Palestine was mostly waste land---full of cholera, polio, shistosomiasis, malaria----tuberculosis and even leprosy-----
they unloaded large tracts on DA JOOOOOOS. -----------the facts of history
are so annoying to islamo-nazis

I am very much aware of the Khazarian Jews and the power they weld and all their secret societies. There isn't anything you can "school" me over when it comes to this.

Not even the fact that they never existed until a novel written in the mid 20C. Before this time there was never a mention of khzars at all. Nothing in any history books, which is why your fellow Nazi's soon stop posting about them.

consider yourself well and truly schooled

well-----phoen----there is a whole BOOK ----actually a kinda epic poem ---DEVOTED to KHAZARIA-------written about 1000 years ago by one Judah HaLevi. It Is
a kind of philosophical work ---presented in poetry-----I believe in Ladino---but it
may have been Hebrew. It describes a legend taking place FAR from the
Iberian Penninsula where Judah Halevi lived------way up there----somewhere in the
Asian hills-------in a distant place called THE KINGDOM OF KHAZARIA. It recounts
a legend of a wise king-----who seeks wise people because he wants "truth"-----
so he gets from among the wise------a Christian, a Muslim, and a Jew-----the poem is a "comparative religion" discussion--------to cut to the race----Judaism
wins the debate. It is a story in the form of poetry (kinda like the odyssey is a story in couplets) The name of the book is KUZARI Some jerks picked up
on the legend/book and decided to RE-INVENT the history of DA JOOOOS based on that one epic poem-------done by the very prolific poet----Judah HaLevi of "tudela" spain. ---1000 years ago
They might just as well re do all of history based on short stories of Eugene O'Neill or Rod Serling or H, G. Wells

And I believe that a novel was written in the mid 20C based on the story by a Jewish scholar. And this is what the Nazi's jump on without reading the history before the novel.

Arthur Koestler----'the thirteenth tribe"
the holocaust was very real - as is its invocation to justify current evils

the holocaust was very real-----but I do not know about "its invocation to justify
current evils"---<<< in fact----the statement does not make sense

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