Holocaust cartoon contest

"Western Al Queda lies"? That's isn't a term that exists.

Maybe for those who are insanely in love with a an genocidal dictator.
It is lies the West and Al-Qaeda are spreading as of a single mouth.

It's your imagination that the West and Al Queda are the same, get your head examined.
Stop nonsense. I didn´t say they are the same but they spread the same lies about Syria.

WRONG they both tell the truth, and all assad has is the barrel bombs and chemical weapons he has used.
Except it seems as of late that Jews are NOT the ones bringing up The Holocaust at every opportunity.
Really? and what color is the sky in your world?

Then you will have no problem producing the evidence to back up your claims ?
Yes, Jews did die during the holocaust but not in the numbers we were told...it was greatly over-inflated to justify turning over Palestinian land to a Jewish migration after WWII. This was all planned in 1917 to make this happen by the Rothschilds.
This was strategic for economic reasons and nothing else and they used the U.N to make it happen. BTW, the U.N was a product of the Rothchilds, Rockefellers and other globalist bankers. I know of what I speak. I was raised as the child of a Pentecostal minister that was taught that Israel must be defended at any cost but their government is as corrupt as ours.

We have been "gamed", folks.......can't say it any clearer than that.

Only one problem with your conspiracy theory, the Jews were given the land in 1923. And the Palestinians were the Jews not the arab muslims who migrated to the area illegally in the first half of the 20C. So explain again how the Jews went backwards in time to WW1 and had the land given to them in 1948 by the rich bankers.
You know nothing other than what you have been told to believe by those who demonise the Jews

Do a little research about the Balfour Declaration and then get back to me.

I have and it was because of that the LoN granted the Jews 0.01% of the former ottomaqn empire lands as their NATIONal home. Read the LoN treaties that became international law and get back to me

I know exactly of what I speak and I have done the research. Anyone that spoke out against Israel could count on being busted on by yours truly because I was conditioned to believe that way. That is why anyone that criticizes Israel gets your dander up. Six million Jews did not die during the Holocaust. There were only 450,000 Jews in Germany before WWII.
I am not saying that their deaths were not tragic and that it wasn't horrific and the amount of human cruelty still sickens me to this day...but the fact is that the number had to be inflated in order to get the rest of the world to sympathize with the taking of Palestinian land and turning it over to the Rothchilds in the name of the Jews. That is a fact and historically documented.
You can browbeat me over this so don't even bother.
Yes, Jews did die during the holocaust but not in the numbers we were told...it was greatly over-inflated to justify turning over Palestinian land to a Jewish migration after WWII. This was all planned in 1917 to make this happen by the Rothschilds.
This was strategic for economic reasons and nothing else and they used the U.N to make it happen. BTW, the U.N was a product of the Rothchilds, Rockefellers and other globalist bankers. I know of what I speak. I was raised as the child of a Pentecostal minister that was taught that Israel must be defended at any cost but their government is as corrupt as ours.

We have been "gamed", folks.......can't say it any clearer than that.

Only one problem with your conspiracy theory, the Jews were given the land in 1923. And the Palestinians were the Jews not the arab muslims who migrated to the area illegally in the first half of the 20C. So explain again how the Jews went backwards in time to WW1 and had the land given to them in 1948 by the rich bankers.
You know nothing other than what you have been told to believe by those who demonise the Jews

Do a little research about the Balfour Declaration and then get back to me.

I have and it was because of that the LoN granted the Jews 0.01% of the former ottomaqn empire lands as their NATIONal home. Read the LoN treaties that became international law and get back to me

I know exactly of what I speak and I have done the research. Anyone that spoke out against Israel could count on being busted on by yours truly because I was conditioned to believe that way. That is why anyone that criticizes Israel gets your dander up. Six million Jews did not die during the Holocaust. There were only 450,000 Jews in Germany before WWII.
I am not saying that their deaths were not tragic and that it wasn't horrific and the amount of human cruelty still sickens me to this day...but the fact is that the number had to be inflated in order to get the rest of the world to sympathize with the taking of Palestinian land and turning it over to the Rothchilds in the name of the Jews. That is a fact and historically documented.
You can browbeat me over this so don't even bother.

I am still fascinated with your "research" as is your "logic" Just who "TOOK"
'palestinian' land----and when? You were taught that the genocided jews were
largely or all GERMAN JEWS? In fact---shit like you murdered only about 142,000 GERMAN JEWS---but your fellow shit murdered in MANY COUNTRIES----none of my relatives murdered by shit like you were GERMAN ----who taught you ----the little old lady in the back pew speaking "in tongues"? I will give you a little hint----before the holiday hits you with your yearly psychosis (btw---you get nuts and RAPTURED in about 3 weeks) I read your propaganda before I you were born and I have known shit like you since I was five years old. I am still fascinated---- who GAVE PALESTINIAN LAND TO THE ROTHCHILDs and when? Can you tell me where
this land GIVEN to the Rothchilds is? -----try to be accurate----I actually know what land was purchased by ROTHCHILD------I just got back from visiting that area this
week. Hubby grew up in that town
Yes, Jews did die during the holocaust but not in the numbers we were told...it was greatly over-inflated to justify turning over Palestinian land to a Jewish migration after WWII. This was all planned in 1917 to make this happen by the Rothschilds.
This was strategic for economic reasons and nothing else and they used the U.N to make it happen. BTW, the U.N was a product of the Rothchilds, Rockefellers and other globalist bankers. I know of what I speak. I was raised as the child of a Pentecostal minister that was taught that Israel must be defended at any cost but their government is as corrupt as ours.

We have been "gamed", folks.......can't say it any clearer than that.

Only one problem with your conspiracy theory, the Jews were given the land in 1923. And the Palestinians were the Jews not the arab muslims who migrated to the area illegally in the first half of the 20C. So explain again how the Jews went backwards in time to WW1 and had the land given to them in 1948 by the rich bankers.
You know nothing other than what you have been told to believe by those who demonise the Jews

Do a little research about the Balfour Declaration and then get back to me.

I have and it was because of that the LoN granted the Jews 0.01% of the former ottomaqn empire lands as their NATIONal home. Read the LoN treaties that became international law and get back to me

I know exactly of what I speak and I have done the research. Anyone that spoke out against Israel could count on being busted on by yours truly because I was conditioned to believe that way. That is why anyone that criticizes Israel gets your dander up. Six million Jews did not die during the Holocaust. There were only 450,000 Jews in Germany before WWII.
I am not saying that their deaths were not tragic and that it wasn't horrific and the amount of human cruelty still sickens me to this day...but the fact is that the number had to be inflated in order to get the rest of the world to sympathize with the taking of Palestinian land and turning it over to the Rothchilds in the name of the Jews. That is a fact and historically documented.
You can browbeat me over this so don't even bother.

I am still fascinated with your "research" as is your "logic" Just who "TOOK"
'palestinian' land----and when? You were taught that the genocided jews were
largely or all GERMAN JEWS? In fact---shit like you murdered only about 142,000 GERMAN JEWS---but your fellow shit murdered in MANY COUNTRIES----none of my relatives murdered by shit like you were GERMAN ----who taught you ----the little old lady in the back pew speaking "in tongues"? I will give you a little hint----before the holiday hits you with your yearly psychosis (btw---you get nuts and RAPTURED in about 3 weeks) I read your propaganda before I you were born and I have known shit like you since I was five years old. I am still fascinated---- who GAVE PALESTINIAN LAND TO THE ROTHCHILDs and when? Can you tell me where
this land GIVEN to the Rothchilds is? -----try to be accurate----I actually know what land was purchased by ROTHCHILD------I just got back from visiting that area this
week. Hubby grew up in that town[/QUOTE

The Balfour Declaration is a good place to start. This was an agreement that if Britain helped to set up a Jewish state in Palestine, the House of Rothschild would insure that the United States entered the war to turn the tide and insure a defeat of Germany. Don't get pissed at me that the number of Jews that were killed were vastly inflated. It wasn't just Jews that died in the concentration camps. I know Jews that were taken from other countries the Nazis that were not able to get away and were sent to camps. It was horrific...hell on earth...I "get that". But it does'nt it justify kicking a people off of their land and then giving it to another because of guilt and the ones that benefited from this land grab are the ones that funded both WWI and WWII in the first fucking place....get out of my face with your weak ass shit and righteous self-indignation. This isn't something that I post about lightly. I understand the culture of "groupthink"....tell the truth about the real history instead of what we have been spoonfed and vile POS come out of the woodwork. You don't know the things that I do nor have you taken the time or dedicated your time to really learn the real truth. I have. I do it every fucking day anywhere from 10 to 12 hours a day.
Only one problem with your conspiracy theory, the Jews were given the land in 1923. And the Palestinians were the Jews not the arab muslims who migrated to the area illegally in the first half of the 20C. So explain again how the Jews went backwards in time to WW1 and had the land given to them in 1948 by the rich bankers.
You know nothing other than what you have been told to believe by those who demonise the Jews

Do a little research about the Balfour Declaration and then get back to me.

I have and it was because of that the LoN granted the Jews 0.01% of the former ottomaqn empire lands as their NATIONal home. Read the LoN treaties that became international law and get back to me

I know exactly of what I speak and I have done the research. Anyone that spoke out against Israel could count on being busted on by yours truly because I was conditioned to believe that way. That is why anyone that criticizes Israel gets your dander up. Six million Jews did not die during the Holocaust. There were only 450,000 Jews in Germany before WWII.
I am not saying that their deaths were not tragic and that it wasn't horrific and the amount of human cruelty still sickens me to this day...but the fact is that the number had to be inflated in order to get the rest of the world to sympathize with the taking of Palestinian land and turning it over to the Rothchilds in the name of the Jews. That is a fact and historically documented.
You can browbeat me over this so don't even bother.

I am still fascinated with your "research" as is your "logic" Just who "TOOK"
'palestinian' land----and when? You were taught that the genocided jews were
largely or all GERMAN JEWS? In fact---shit like you murdered only about 142,000 GERMAN JEWS---but your fellow shit murdered in MANY COUNTRIES----none of my relatives murdered by shit like you were GERMAN ----who taught you ----the little old lady in the back pew speaking "in tongues"? I will give you a little hint----before the holiday hits you with your yearly psychosis (btw---you get nuts and RAPTURED in about 3 weeks) I read your propaganda before I you were born and I have known shit like you since I was five years old. I am still fascinated---- who GAVE PALESTINIAN LAND TO THE ROTHCHILDs and when? Can you tell me where
this land GIVEN to the Rothchilds is? -----try to be accurate----I actually know what land was purchased by ROTHCHILD------I just got back from visiting that area this
week. Hubby grew up in that town[/QUOTE

The Balfour Declaration is a good place to start. This was an agreement that if Britain helped to set up a Jewish state in Palestine, the House of Rothschild would insure that the United States entered the war to turn the tide and insure a defeat of Germany. Don't get pissed at me that the number of Jews that were killed were vastly inflated. It wasn't just Jews that died in the concentration camps. I know Jews that were taken from other countries the Nazis that were not able to get away and were sent to camps. It was horrific...hell on earth...I "get that". But it does'nt it justify kicking a people off of their land and then giving it to another because of guilt and the ones that benefited from this land grab are the ones that funded both WWI and WWII in the first fucking place....get out of my face with your weak ass shit and righteous self-indignation. This isn't something that I post about lightly. I understand the culture of "groupthink"....tell the truth about the real history instead of what we have been spoonfed and vile POS come out of the woodwork. You don't know the things that I do nor have you taken the time or dedicated your time to really learn the real truth. I have. I do it every fucking day anywhere from 10 to 12 hours a day.

Oh gee---you just admitted to being a dedicated islamo Nazi pig, The balfour declaration 1917 is an excellent place to start-----islamo Nazi pigs and pimps
claim that it somehow constitutes TAKING LAND AND GIVING IT TO THE JEWS------from WHOM was the land "taken" ----islamo Nazi POS?. For the past few
weeks I was living in hubby's home town-----it is a considerable city founded in 1882----BY JOOOOS who had purchased that land------nice big city----I know shit like you-----I grew up amongst shit like you in the USA--------there were people there who thought that if a "black" person bought a house he was STEALING IT
(for that matter-----they considered the migration of jews into that town ALSO--to be an INVASION) The balfour declaration actually TOOK nothing from anyone and GAVE nothing to anyone----POS
Do a little research about the Balfour Declaration and then get back to me.

I have and it was because of that the LoN granted the Jews 0.01% of the former ottomaqn empire lands as their NATIONal home. Read the LoN treaties that became international law and get back to me

I know exactly of what I speak and I have done the research. Anyone that spoke out against Israel could count on being busted on by yours truly because I was conditioned to believe that way. That is why anyone that criticizes Israel gets your dander up. Six million Jews did not die during the Holocaust. There were only 450,000 Jews in Germany before WWII.
I am not saying that their deaths were not tragic and that it wasn't horrific and the amount of human cruelty still sickens me to this day...but the fact is that the number had to be inflated in order to get the rest of the world to sympathize with the taking of Palestinian land and turning it over to the Rothchilds in the name of the Jews. That is a fact and historically documented.
You can browbeat me over this so don't even bother.

I am still fascinated with your "research" as is your "logic" Just who "TOOK"
'palestinian' land----and when? You were taught that the genocided jews were
largely or all GERMAN JEWS? In fact---shit like you murdered only about 142,000 GERMAN JEWS---but your fellow shit murdered in MANY COUNTRIES----none of my relatives murdered by shit like you were GERMAN ----who taught you ----the little old lady in the back pew speaking "in tongues"? I will give you a little hint----before the holiday hits you with your yearly psychosis (btw---you get nuts and RAPTURED in about 3 weeks) I read your propaganda before I you were born and I have known shit like you since I was five years old. I am still fascinated---- who GAVE PALESTINIAN LAND TO THE ROTHCHILDs and when? Can you tell me where
this land GIVEN to the Rothchilds is? -----try to be accurate----I actually know what land was purchased by ROTHCHILD------I just got back from visiting that area this
week. Hubby grew up in that town[/QUOTE

The Balfour Declaration is a good place to start. This was an agreement that if Britain helped to set up a Jewish state in Palestine, the House of Rothschild would insure that the United States entered the war to turn the tide and insure a defeat of Germany. Don't get pissed at me that the number of Jews that were killed were vastly inflated. It wasn't just Jews that died in the concentration camps. I know Jews that were taken from other countries the Nazis that were not able to get away and were sent to camps. It was horrific...hell on earth...I "get that". But it does'nt it justify kicking a people off of their land and then giving it to another because of guilt and the ones that benefited from this land grab are the ones that funded both WWI and WWII in the first fucking place....get out of my face with your weak ass shit and righteous self-indignation. This isn't something that I post about lightly. I understand the culture of "groupthink"....tell the truth about the real history instead of what we have been spoonfed and vile POS come out of the woodwork. You don't know the things that I do nor have you taken the time or dedicated your time to really learn the real truth. I have. I do it every fucking day anywhere from 10 to 12 hours a day.

Oh gee---you just admitted to being a dedicated islamo Nazi pig, The balfour declaration 1917 is an excellent place to start-----islamo Nazi pigs and pimps
claim that it somehow constitutes TAKING LAND AND GIVING IT TO THE JEWS------from WHOM was the land "taken" ----islamo Nazi POS?. For the past few
weeks I was living in hubby's home town-----it is a considerable city founded in 1882----BY JOOOOS who had purchased that land------nice big city----I know shit like you-----I grew up amongst shit like you in the USA--------there were people there who thought that if a "black" person bought a house he was STEALING IT
(for that matter-----they considered the migration of jews into that town ALSO--to be an INVASION) The balfour declaration actually TOOK nothing from anyone and GAVE nothing to anyone----POS

I figured that you wouldn't have a fucking clue and all you would do is see it as an attack against Jewish people and nothing could be further from the truth. It's obvious to me that you would rather be told pretty lies than the ugly truth. You don't know me or anything about me or the journey I have been on...so rail away to your heart's content. I am going to share what I know in hopes that it will spur some intellectual curiosity and some klunt like you shan't deter me.
I have and it was because of that the LoN granted the Jews 0.01% of the former ottomaqn empire lands as their NATIONal home. Read the LoN treaties that became international law and get back to me

I know exactly of what I speak and I have done the research. Anyone that spoke out against Israel could count on being busted on by yours truly because I was conditioned to believe that way. That is why anyone that criticizes Israel gets your dander up. Six million Jews did not die during the Holocaust. There were only 450,000 Jews in Germany before WWII.
I am not saying that their deaths were not tragic and that it wasn't horrific and the amount of human cruelty still sickens me to this day...but the fact is that the number had to be inflated in order to get the rest of the world to sympathize with the taking of Palestinian land and turning it over to the Rothchilds in the name of the Jews. That is a fact and historically documented.
You can browbeat me over this so don't even bother.

I am still fascinated with your "research" as is your "logic" Just who "TOOK"
'palestinian' land----and when? You were taught that the genocided jews were
largely or all GERMAN JEWS? In fact---shit like you murdered only about 142,000 GERMAN JEWS---but your fellow shit murdered in MANY COUNTRIES----none of my relatives murdered by shit like you were GERMAN ----who taught you ----the little old lady in the back pew speaking "in tongues"? I will give you a little hint----before the holiday hits you with your yearly psychosis (btw---you get nuts and RAPTURED in about 3 weeks) I read your propaganda before I you were born and I have known shit like you since I was five years old. I am still fascinated---- who GAVE PALESTINIAN LAND TO THE ROTHCHILDs and when? Can you tell me where
this land GIVEN to the Rothchilds is? -----try to be accurate----I actually know what land was purchased by ROTHCHILD------I just got back from visiting that area this
week. Hubby grew up in that town[/QUOTE

The Balfour Declaration is a good place to start. This was an agreement that if Britain helped to set up a Jewish state in Palestine, the House of Rothschild would insure that the United States entered the war to turn the tide and insure a defeat of Germany. Don't get pissed at me that the number of Jews that were killed were vastly inflated. It wasn't just Jews that died in the concentration camps. I know Jews that were taken from other countries the Nazis that were not able to get away and were sent to camps. It was horrific...hell on earth...I "get that". But it does'nt it justify kicking a people off of their land and then giving it to another because of guilt and the ones that benefited from this land grab are the ones that funded both WWI and WWII in the first fucking place....get out of my face with your weak ass shit and righteous self-indignation. This isn't something that I post about lightly. I understand the culture of "groupthink"....tell the truth about the real history instead of what we have been spoonfed and vile POS come out of the woodwork. You don't know the things that I do nor have you taken the time or dedicated your time to really learn the real truth. I have. I do it every fucking day anywhere from 10 to 12 hours a day.

Oh gee---you just admitted to being a dedicated islamo Nazi pig, The balfour declaration 1917 is an excellent place to start-----islamo Nazi pigs and pimps
claim that it somehow constitutes TAKING LAND AND GIVING IT TO THE JEWS------from WHOM was the land "taken" ----islamo Nazi POS?. For the past few
weeks I was living in hubby's home town-----it is a considerable city founded in 1882----BY JOOOOS who had purchased that land------nice big city----I know shit like you-----I grew up amongst shit like you in the USA--------there were people there who thought that if a "black" person bought a house he was STEALING IT
(for that matter-----they considered the migration of jews into that town ALSO--to be an INVASION) The balfour declaration actually TOOK nothing from anyone and GAVE nothing to anyone----POS

I figured that you wouldn't have a fucking clue and all you would do is see it as an attack against Jewish people and nothing could be further from the truth. It's obvious to me that you would rather be told pretty lies than the ugly truth. You don't know me or anything about me or the journey I have been on...so rail away to your heart's content. I am going to share what I know in hopes that it will spur some intellectual curiosity and some klunt like you shan't deter me.

you are a joke-----I have lots more than clues----I even know YOUR filth backwards and forwards-----and I do not have to spend HOURS per day. So far all you have is of its Half million jews-----your fellow Nazi dogs of GERMANY only managed
to murder about 1/3 because so many had already others run. What I have that you do not----is the ONES WHO RAN after seeing what you and your fellow scum were up to---------the dozens of members of my family that shit like you murdered were in Austria and Poland------GO RIGHT AHEAD AND "SHARE" what you know-----so far you have not even been able to respond to my very simple questions and comments. Your big problem is ---SURVIVORS------witnesses to your filth
I know exactly of what I speak and I have done the research. Anyone that spoke out against Israel could count on being busted on by yours truly because I was conditioned to believe that way. That is why anyone that criticizes Israel gets your dander up. Six million Jews did not die during the Holocaust. There were only 450,000 Jews in Germany before WWII.
I am not saying that their deaths were not tragic and that it wasn't horrific and the amount of human cruelty still sickens me to this day...but the fact is that the number had to be inflated in order to get the rest of the world to sympathize with the taking of Palestinian land and turning it over to the Rothchilds in the name of the Jews. That is a fact and historically documented.
You can browbeat me over this so don't even bother.

I am still fascinated with your "research" as is your "logic" Just who "TOOK"
'palestinian' land----and when? You were taught that the genocided jews were
largely or all GERMAN JEWS? In fact---shit like you murdered only about 142,000 GERMAN JEWS---but your fellow shit murdered in MANY COUNTRIES----none of my relatives murdered by shit like you were GERMAN ----who taught you ----the little old lady in the back pew speaking "in tongues"? I will give you a little hint----before the holiday hits you with your yearly psychosis (btw---you get nuts and RAPTURED in about 3 weeks) I read your propaganda before I you were born and I have known shit like you since I was five years old. I am still fascinated---- who GAVE PALESTINIAN LAND TO THE ROTHCHILDs and when? Can you tell me where
this land GIVEN to the Rothchilds is? -----try to be accurate----I actually know what land was purchased by ROTHCHILD------I just got back from visiting that area this
week. Hubby grew up in that town[/QUOTE

The Balfour Declaration is a good place to start. This was an agreement that if Britain helped to set up a Jewish state in Palestine, the House of Rothschild would insure that the United States entered the war to turn the tide and insure a defeat of Germany. Don't get pissed at me that the number of Jews that were killed were vastly inflated. It wasn't just Jews that died in the concentration camps. I know Jews that were taken from other countries the Nazis that were not able to get away and were sent to camps. It was horrific...hell on earth...I "get that". But it does'nt it justify kicking a people off of their land and then giving it to another because of guilt and the ones that benefited from this land grab are the ones that funded both WWI and WWII in the first fucking place....get out of my face with your weak ass shit and righteous self-indignation. This isn't something that I post about lightly. I understand the culture of "groupthink"....tell the truth about the real history instead of what we have been spoonfed and vile POS come out of the woodwork. You don't know the things that I do nor have you taken the time or dedicated your time to really learn the real truth. I have. I do it every fucking day anywhere from 10 to 12 hours a day.

Oh gee---you just admitted to being a dedicated islamo Nazi pig, The balfour declaration 1917 is an excellent place to start-----islamo Nazi pigs and pimps
claim that it somehow constitutes TAKING LAND AND GIVING IT TO THE JEWS------from WHOM was the land "taken" ----islamo Nazi POS?. For the past few
weeks I was living in hubby's home town-----it is a considerable city founded in 1882----BY JOOOOS who had purchased that land------nice big city----I know shit like you-----I grew up amongst shit like you in the USA--------there were people there who thought that if a "black" person bought a house he was STEALING IT
(for that matter-----they considered the migration of jews into that town ALSO--to be an INVASION) The balfour declaration actually TOOK nothing from anyone and GAVE nothing to anyone----POS

I figured that you wouldn't have a fucking clue and all you would do is see it as an attack against Jewish people and nothing could be further from the truth. It's obvious to me that you would rather be told pretty lies than the ugly truth. You don't know me or anything about me or the journey I have been on...so rail away to your heart's content. I am going to share what I know in hopes that it will spur some intellectual curiosity and some klunt like you shan't deter me.

you are a joke-----I have lots more than clues----I even know YOUR filth backwards and forwards-----and I do not have to spend HOURS per day. So far all you have is of its Half million jews-----your fellow Nazi dogs of GERMANY only managed
to murder about 1/3 because so many had already others run. What I have that you do not----is the ONES WHO RAN after seeing what you and your fellow scum were up to---------the dozens of members of my family that shit like you murdered were in Austria and Poland------GO RIGHT AHEAD AND "SHARE" what you know-----so far you have not even been able to respond to my very simple questions and comments. Your big problem is ---SURVIVORS------witnesses to your filth

Listen up, bitch....we are dealing with Nazi scum in our own corporate "gubermint" so don't even try to lecture me. Do you know that USA.INC used the Vatican ratlines to whitewash the backgrounds of thousands of Nazis under Operation Paperclip? Nazis that should have have hung for crimes against humanity? Why not spew your angst against the Wall Street bankers, industrialists and monarchies that financed Hitler's rise to power? WWII was nothing but a business deal. Millions lost their lives but they made money for these thieves like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Harrimans, DuPonts, etc, etc...then they inflated the numbers of Jews killed so they could takeover that strategic place in the Middle East that belonged to Palestinians....again, it was simply business. The Nazis didn't lose WWI, they simply relocated and unless people wake up, what happened to the Jews, gypsies or anyone else that they saw as a threat is going to happen here. So blow it ouit your ass. You want to have a discussion? I am all for it...but calling me a "Nazi" is fucking stupid.
The best response to Iran's contest:

I am still fascinated with your "research" as is your "logic" Just who "TOOK"
'palestinian' land----and when? You were taught that the genocided jews were
largely or all GERMAN JEWS? In fact---shit like you murdered only about 142,000 GERMAN JEWS---but your fellow shit murdered in MANY COUNTRIES----none of my relatives murdered by shit like you were GERMAN ----who taught you ----the little old lady in the back pew speaking "in tongues"? I will give you a little hint----before the holiday hits you with your yearly psychosis (btw---you get nuts and RAPTURED in about 3 weeks) I read your propaganda before I you were born and I have known shit like you since I was five years old. I am still fascinated---- who GAVE PALESTINIAN LAND TO THE ROTHCHILDs and when? Can you tell me where
this land GIVEN to the Rothchilds is? -----try to be accurate----I actually know what land was purchased by ROTHCHILD------I just got back from visiting that area this
week. Hubby grew up in that town[/QUOTE

The Balfour Declaration is a good place to start. This was an agreement that if Britain helped to set up a Jewish state in Palestine, the House of Rothschild would insure that the United States entered the war to turn the tide and insure a defeat of Germany. Don't get pissed at me that the number of Jews that were killed were vastly inflated. It wasn't just Jews that died in the concentration camps. I know Jews that were taken from other countries the Nazis that were not able to get away and were sent to camps. It was horrific...hell on earth...I "get that". But it does'nt it justify kicking a people off of their land and then giving it to another because of guilt and the ones that benefited from this land grab are the ones that funded both WWI and WWII in the first fucking place....get out of my face with your weak ass shit and righteous self-indignation. This isn't something that I post about lightly. I understand the culture of "groupthink"....tell the truth about the real history instead of what we have been spoonfed and vile POS come out of the woodwork. You don't know the things that I do nor have you taken the time or dedicated your time to really learn the real truth. I have. I do it every fucking day anywhere from 10 to 12 hours a day.

Oh gee---you just admitted to being a dedicated islamo Nazi pig, The balfour declaration 1917 is an excellent place to start-----islamo Nazi pigs and pimps
claim that it somehow constitutes TAKING LAND AND GIVING IT TO THE JEWS------from WHOM was the land "taken" ----islamo Nazi POS?. For the past few
weeks I was living in hubby's home town-----it is a considerable city founded in 1882----BY JOOOOS who had purchased that land------nice big city----I know shit like you-----I grew up amongst shit like you in the USA--------there were people there who thought that if a "black" person bought a house he was STEALING IT
(for that matter-----they considered the migration of jews into that town ALSO--to be an INVASION) The balfour declaration actually TOOK nothing from anyone and GAVE nothing to anyone----POS

I figured that you wouldn't have a fucking clue and all you would do is see it as an attack against Jewish people and nothing could be further from the truth. It's obvious to me that you would rather be told pretty lies than the ugly truth. You don't know me or anything about me or the journey I have been on...so rail away to your heart's content. I am going to share what I know in hopes that it will spur some intellectual curiosity and some klunt like you shan't deter me.

you are a joke-----I have lots more than clues----I even know YOUR filth backwards and forwards-----and I do not have to spend HOURS per day. So far all you have is of its Half million jews-----your fellow Nazi dogs of GERMANY only managed
to murder about 1/3 because so many had already others run. What I have that you do not----is the ONES WHO RAN after seeing what you and your fellow scum were up to---------the dozens of members of my family that shit like you murdered were in Austria and Poland------GO RIGHT AHEAD AND "SHARE" what you know-----so far you have not even been able to respond to my very simple questions and comments. Your big problem is ---SURVIVORS------witnesses to your filth

Listen up, bitch....we are dealing with Nazi scum in our own corporate "gubermint" so don't even try to lecture me. Do you know that USA.INC used the Vatican ratlines to whitewash the backgrounds of thousands of Nazis under Operation Paperclip? Nazis that should have have hung for crimes against humanity? Why not spew your angst against the Wall Street bankers, industrialists and monarchies that financed Hitler's rise to power? WWII was nothing but a business deal. Millions lost their lives but they made money for these thieves like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Harrimans, DuPonts, etc, etc...then they inflated the numbers of Jews killed so they could takeover that strategic place in the Middle East that belonged to Palestinians....again, it was simply business. The Nazis didn't lose WWI, they simply relocated and unless people wake up, what happened to the Jews, gypsies or anyone else that they saw as a threat is going to happen here. So blow it ouit your ass. You want to have a discussion? I am all for it...but calling me a "Nazi" is fucking stupid.

you are a Nazi-------I am not at all young-----I began reading your propaganda before I reached the age of 10----that was in the 1950s I know you very well
and all of the shit which constitutes your delusion. You are a victim of generations of alcohol and illiteracy------no matter what your education now

Oh gee---you just admitted to being a dedicated islamo Nazi pig, The balfour declaration 1917 is an excellent place to start-----islamo Nazi pigs and pimps
claim that it somehow constitutes TAKING LAND AND GIVING IT TO THE JEWS------from WHOM was the land "taken" ----islamo Nazi POS?. For the past few
weeks I was living in hubby's home town-----it is a considerable city founded in 1882----BY JOOOOS who had purchased that land------nice big city----I know shit like you-----I grew up amongst shit like you in the USA--------there were people there who thought that if a "black" person bought a house he was STEALING IT
(for that matter-----they considered the migration of jews into that town ALSO--to be an INVASION) The balfour declaration actually TOOK nothing from anyone and GAVE nothing to anyone----POS

I figured that you wouldn't have a fucking clue and all you would do is see it as an attack against Jewish people and nothing could be further from the truth. It's obvious to me that you would rather be told pretty lies than the ugly truth. You don't know me or anything about me or the journey I have been on...so rail away to your heart's content. I am going to share what I know in hopes that it will spur some intellectual curiosity and some klunt like you shan't deter me.

you are a joke-----I have lots more than clues----I even know YOUR filth backwards and forwards-----and I do not have to spend HOURS per day. So far all you have is of its Half million jews-----your fellow Nazi dogs of GERMANY only managed
to murder about 1/3 because so many had already others run. What I have that you do not----is the ONES WHO RAN after seeing what you and your fellow scum were up to---------the dozens of members of my family that shit like you murdered were in Austria and Poland------GO RIGHT AHEAD AND "SHARE" what you know-----so far you have not even been able to respond to my very simple questions and comments. Your big problem is ---SURVIVORS------witnesses to your filth

Listen up, bitch....we are dealing with Nazi scum in our own corporate "gubermint" so don't even try to lecture me. Do you know that USA.INC used the Vatican ratlines to whitewash the backgrounds of thousands of Nazis under Operation Paperclip? Nazis that should have have hung for crimes against humanity? Why not spew your angst against the Wall Street bankers, industrialists and monarchies that financed Hitler's rise to power? WWII was nothing but a business deal. Millions lost their lives but they made money for these thieves like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Harrimans, DuPonts, etc, etc...then they inflated the numbers of Jews killed so they could takeover that strategic place in the Middle East that belonged to Palestinians....again, it was simply business. The Nazis didn't lose WWI, they simply relocated and unless people wake up, what happened to the Jews, gypsies or anyone else that they saw as a threat is going to happen here. So blow it ouit your ass. You want to have a discussion? I am all for it...but calling me a "Nazi" is fucking stupid.

you are a Nazi-------I am not at all young-----I began reading your propaganda before I reached the age of 10----that was in the 1950s I know you very well
and all of the shit which constitutes your delusion. You are a victim of generations of alcohol and illiteracy------no matter what your education now

You are an idiot..........simply put.

Oh gee---you just admitted to being a dedicated islamo Nazi pig, The balfour declaration 1917 is an excellent place to start-----islamo Nazi pigs and pimps
claim that it somehow constitutes TAKING LAND AND GIVING IT TO THE JEWS------from WHOM was the land "taken" ----islamo Nazi POS?. For the past few
weeks I was living in hubby's home town-----it is a considerable city founded in 1882----BY JOOOOS who had purchased that land------nice big city----I know shit like you-----I grew up amongst shit like you in the USA--------there were people there who thought that if a "black" person bought a house he was STEALING IT
(for that matter-----they considered the migration of jews into that town ALSO--to be an INVASION) The balfour declaration actually TOOK nothing from anyone and GAVE nothing to anyone----POS

I figured that you wouldn't have a fucking clue and all you would do is see it as an attack against Jewish people and nothing could be further from the truth. It's obvious to me that you would rather be told pretty lies than the ugly truth. You don't know me or anything about me or the journey I have been on...so rail away to your heart's content. I am going to share what I know in hopes that it will spur some intellectual curiosity and some klunt like you shan't deter me.

you are a joke-----I have lots more than clues----I even know YOUR filth backwards and forwards-----and I do not have to spend HOURS per day. So far all you have is of its Half million jews-----your fellow Nazi dogs of GERMANY only managed
to murder about 1/3 because so many had already others run. What I have that you do not----is the ONES WHO RAN after seeing what you and your fellow scum were up to---------the dozens of members of my family that shit like you murdered were in Austria and Poland------GO RIGHT AHEAD AND "SHARE" what you know-----so far you have not even been able to respond to my very simple questions and comments. Your big problem is ---SURVIVORS------witnesses to your filth

Listen up, bitch....we are dealing with Nazi scum in our own corporate "gubermint" so don't even try to lecture me. Do you know that USA.INC used the Vatican ratlines to whitewash the backgrounds of thousands of Nazis under Operation Paperclip? Nazis that should have have hung for crimes against humanity? Why not spew your angst against the Wall Street bankers, industrialists and monarchies that financed Hitler's rise to power? WWII was nothing but a business deal. Millions lost their lives but they made money for these thieves like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Harrimans, DuPonts, etc, etc...then they inflated the numbers of Jews killed so they could takeover that strategic place in the Middle East that belonged to Palestinians....again, it was simply business. The Nazis didn't lose WWI, they simply relocated and unless people wake up, what happened to the Jews, gypsies or anyone else that they saw as a threat is going to happen here. So blow it ouit your ass. You want to have a discussion? I am all for it...but calling me a "Nazi" is fucking stupid.

you are a Nazi-------I am not at all young-----I began reading your propaganda before I reached the age of 10----that was in the 1950s I know you very well
and all of the shit which constitutes your delusion. You are a victim of generations of alcohol and illiteracy------no matter what your education now

And you apparently are the victim of generations of extreme inbreeding.
So, they are terrorists?
Why 70% of Gaza deaths are Palestinian civilians


On the other side, terrorists in Syria are labeled civilians...

According to Al Jazeera they are as they match the profiling done by analysts.

Depends on who does the labelling.

You need to define terrorism before attaching the labels, so as soon as the "civilians" extoll the virtues of their god as they are killing people they become terrorists. That is a fundamental aspect of terrorism carrying out the attacks in the name of your religion or ideology
Who gives a fuck what Jazeera says? They praise Terrorists in Syria.

However, the article I posted tells the story: Israel mercilessly shells areas from which Hamas fired missiles. They should know that the civilians there are not responsible.
What should Israel do when Hamas cowards hide behind women and children and shoot missiles at its cities? Send thank you notes and ask them to do it again?
Looks like it does not prevent Hamas from sending more missiles but only kills civilians. So what Israel is doing, is obviously not solving the problem. According to you guys, the IDF is almighty: Why don´t they go in and eliminate the threat once and for all?

Because Nazi morons like you whinge and whine every time Israel starts winning any skirmish and start making false racist claims of war crimes and breaches of international law. While it looks like the Palestinians have the upper hand you stay silent, when the IDF are told to clean house you complain long and loud. Any other nation would have been given UN approval for a final battle to end the violence once and for all.
You can either argue with me or call me stupid names.
Who gives a fuck what Jazeera says? They praise Terrorists in Syria.

However, the article I posted tells the story: Israel mercilessly shells areas from which Hamas fired missiles. They should know that the civilians there are not responsible.
What should Israel do when Hamas cowards hide behind women and children and shoot missiles at its cities? Send thank you notes and ask them to do it again?
Looks like it does not prevent Hamas from sending more missiles but only kills civilians. So what Israel is doing, is obviously not solving the problem. According to you guys, the IDF is almighty: Why don´t they go in and eliminate the threat once and for all?
Oh. Go in so there will be more whining and moaning from the Arab Muslim community? Every time Israel "goes in" they starting whining even before the first bullets are shot.

They're still whining about the last Gaza operation.
That´s your argument? Because they start whining?
They already got the job done, moron. Why do you think the rockets from Lebanon and Gaza have virtually stopped.
They can launch at any time. I am sure Hezbollah can rain a whole fucking bunch of missiles but they aren´t like Hamas. And I think, that there is currently no direct confrontation so Hamas does not waste missiles.
Oh gee---you just admitted to being a dedicated islamo Nazi pig, The balfour declaration 1917 is an excellent place to start-----islamo Nazi pigs and pimps
claim that it somehow constitutes TAKING LAND AND GIVING IT TO THE JEWS------from WHOM was the land "taken" ----islamo Nazi POS?. For the past few
weeks I was living in hubby's home town-----it is a considerable city founded in 1882----BY JOOOOS who had purchased that land------nice big city----I know shit like you-----I grew up amongst shit like you in the USA--------there were people there who thought that if a "black" person bought a house he was STEALING IT
(for that matter-----they considered the migration of jews into that town ALSO--to be an INVASION) The balfour declaration actually TOOK nothing from anyone and GAVE nothing to anyone----POS

I figured that you wouldn't have a fucking clue and all you would do is see it as an attack against Jewish people and nothing could be further from the truth. It's obvious to me that you would rather be told pretty lies than the ugly truth. You don't know me or anything about me or the journey I have been on...so rail away to your heart's content. I am going to share what I know in hopes that it will spur some intellectual curiosity and some klunt like you shan't deter me.

you are a joke-----I have lots more than clues----I even know YOUR filth backwards and forwards-----and I do not have to spend HOURS per day. So far all you have is of its Half million jews-----your fellow Nazi dogs of GERMANY only managed
to murder about 1/3 because so many had already others run. What I have that you do not----is the ONES WHO RAN after seeing what you and your fellow scum were up to---------the dozens of members of my family that shit like you murdered were in Austria and Poland------GO RIGHT AHEAD AND "SHARE" what you know-----so far you have not even been able to respond to my very simple questions and comments. Your big problem is ---SURVIVORS------witnesses to your filth

Listen up, bitch....we are dealing with Nazi scum in our own corporate "gubermint" so don't even try to lecture me. Do you know that USA.INC used the Vatican ratlines to whitewash the backgrounds of thousands of Nazis under Operation Paperclip? Nazis that should have have hung for crimes against humanity? Why not spew your angst against the Wall Street bankers, industrialists and monarchies that financed Hitler's rise to power? WWII was nothing but a business deal. Millions lost their lives but they made money for these thieves like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Harrimans, DuPonts, etc, etc...then they inflated the numbers of Jews killed so they could takeover that strategic place in the Middle East that belonged to Palestinians....again, it was simply business. The Nazis didn't lose WWI, they simply relocated and unless people wake up, what happened to the Jews, gypsies or anyone else that they saw as a threat is going to happen here. So blow it ouit your ass. You want to have a discussion? I am all for it...but calling me a "Nazi" is fucking stupid.

you are a Nazi-------I am not at all young-----I began reading your propaganda before I reached the age of 10----that was in the 1950s I know you very well
and all of the shit which constitutes your delusion. You are a victim of generations of alcohol and illiteracy------no matter what your education now

And you apparently are the victim of generations of extreme inbreeding.

I have been tested for a very extensive array of genetic defects----Sorry to
inform you----I carry none of the identified mutations associated with inbreeding
Oh gee---you just admitted to being a dedicated islamo Nazi pig, The balfour declaration 1917 is an excellent place to start-----islamo Nazi pigs and pimps
claim that it somehow constitutes TAKING LAND AND GIVING IT TO THE JEWS------from WHOM was the land "taken" ----islamo Nazi POS?. For the past few
weeks I was living in hubby's home town-----it is a considerable city founded in 1882----BY JOOOOS who had purchased that land------nice big city----I know shit like you-----I grew up amongst shit like you in the USA--------there were people there who thought that if a "black" person bought a house he was STEALING IT
(for that matter-----they considered the migration of jews into that town ALSO--to be an INVASION) The balfour declaration actually TOOK nothing from anyone and GAVE nothing to anyone----POS

I figured that you wouldn't have a fucking clue and all you would do is see it as an attack against Jewish people and nothing could be further from the truth. It's obvious to me that you would rather be told pretty lies than the ugly truth. You don't know me or anything about me or the journey I have been on...so rail away to your heart's content. I am going to share what I know in hopes that it will spur some intellectual curiosity and some klunt like you shan't deter me.

you are a joke-----I have lots more than clues----I even know YOUR filth backwards and forwards-----and I do not have to spend HOURS per day. So far all you have is of its Half million jews-----your fellow Nazi dogs of GERMANY only managed
to murder about 1/3 because so many had already others run. What I have that you do not----is the ONES WHO RAN after seeing what you and your fellow scum were up to---------the dozens of members of my family that shit like you murdered were in Austria and Poland------GO RIGHT AHEAD AND "SHARE" what you know-----so far you have not even been able to respond to my very simple questions and comments. Your big problem is ---SURVIVORS------witnesses to your filth

Listen up, bitch....we are dealing with Nazi scum in our own corporate "gubermint" so don't even try to lecture me. Do you know that USA.INC used the Vatican ratlines to whitewash the backgrounds of thousands of Nazis under Operation Paperclip? Nazis that should have have hung for crimes against humanity? Why not spew your angst against the Wall Street bankers, industrialists and monarchies that financed Hitler's rise to power? WWII was nothing but a business deal. Millions lost their lives but they made money for these thieves like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Harrimans, DuPonts, etc, etc...then they inflated the numbers of Jews killed so they could takeover that strategic place in the Middle East that belonged to Palestinians....again, it was simply business. The Nazis didn't lose WWI, they simply relocated and unless people wake up, what happened to the Jews, gypsies or anyone else that they saw as a threat is going to happen here. So blow it ouit your ass. You want to have a discussion? I am all for it...but calling me a "Nazi" is fucking stupid.

you are a Nazi-------I am not at all young-----I began reading your propaganda before I reached the age of 10----that was in the 1950s I know you very well
and all of the shit which constitutes your delusion. You are a victim of generations of alcohol and illiteracy------no matter what your education now

You are an idiot..........simply put.

you cannot answer the very simple questions and issue I put to you----
You have claimed you "STUDY" something hours per day------I am intrigued--
based on your posts you seem to study islamo Nazi propaganda. I am intrigued
that it breaks your heart the your Nazi pals managed to murder ONLY 1/3 of the
jewish population of Germany which somehow in your mind PROVES that-----
not much happened. I have a little question-----did you know that Nelson
Rockefeller was a jew?
Yes, Jews did die during the holocaust but not in the numbers we were told...it was greatly over-inflated to justify turning over Palestinian land to a Jewish migration after WWII. This was all planned in 1917 to make this happen by the Rothschilds.
This was strategic for economic reasons and nothing else and they used the U.N to make it happen. BTW, the U.N was a product of the Rothchilds, Rockefellers and other globalist bankers. I know of what I speak. I was raised as the child of a Pentecostal minister that was taught that Israel must be defended at any cost but their government is as corrupt as ours.

We have been "gamed", folks.......can't say it any clearer than that.

Only one problem with your conspiracy theory, the Jews were given the land in 1923. And the Palestinians were the Jews not the arab muslims who migrated to the area illegally in the first half of the 20C. So explain again how the Jews went backwards in time to WW1 and had the land given to them in 1948 by the rich bankers.
You know nothing other than what you have been told to believe by those who demonise the Jews

Do a little research about the Balfour Declaration and then get back to me.

I have and it was because of that the LoN granted the Jews 0.01% of the former ottomaqn empire lands as their NATIONal home. Read the LoN treaties that became international law and get back to me

I know exactly of what I speak and I have done the research. Anyone that spoke out against Israel could count on being busted on by yours truly because I was conditioned to believe that way. That is why anyone that criticizes Israel gets your dander up. Six million Jews did not die during the Holocaust. There were only 450,000 Jews in Germany before WWII.
I am not saying that their deaths were not tragic and that it wasn't horrific and the amount of human cruelty still sickens me to this day...but the fact is that the number had to be inflated in order to get the rest of the world to sympathize with the taking of Palestinian land and turning it over to the Rothchilds in the name of the Jews. That is a fact and historically documented.
You can browbeat me over this so don't even bother.

And what about the rest of Europe then, as it was not just the Jews in Germany that were mass murdered.

As for your figures how about some links to prove them.

And as history shows the land was already given to the Jews in 1923, and then the UN illegally took 40% to give to the arab muslims. Time for the UN to enforce the international laws of 1923 and settle the issue once and for all. That would silence all you conspiracy theorists who believe the Rothchilds have a time machine so they could go back in time and alter history
Only one problem with your conspiracy theory, the Jews were given the land in 1923. And the Palestinians were the Jews not the arab muslims who migrated to the area illegally in the first half of the 20C. So explain again how the Jews went backwards in time to WW1 and had the land given to them in 1948 by the rich bankers.
You know nothing other than what you have been told to believe by those who demonise the Jews

Do a little research about the Balfour Declaration and then get back to me.

I have and it was because of that the LoN granted the Jews 0.01% of the former ottomaqn empire lands as their NATIONal home. Read the LoN treaties that became international law and get back to me

I know exactly of what I speak and I have done the research. Anyone that spoke out against Israel could count on being busted on by yours truly because I was conditioned to believe that way. That is why anyone that criticizes Israel gets your dander up. Six million Jews did not die during the Holocaust. There were only 450,000 Jews in Germany before WWII.
I am not saying that their deaths were not tragic and that it wasn't horrific and the amount of human cruelty still sickens me to this day...but the fact is that the number had to be inflated in order to get the rest of the world to sympathize with the taking of Palestinian land and turning it over to the Rothchilds in the name of the Jews. That is a fact and historically documented.
You can browbeat me over this so don't even bother.

I am still fascinated with your "research" as is your "logic" Just who "TOOK"
'palestinian' land----and when? You were taught that the genocided jews were
largely or all GERMAN JEWS? In fact---shit like you murdered only about 142,000 GERMAN JEWS---but your fellow shit murdered in MANY COUNTRIES----none of my relatives murdered by shit like you were GERMAN ----who taught you ----the little old lady in the back pew speaking "in tongues"? I will give you a little hint----before the holiday hits you with your yearly psychosis (btw---you get nuts and RAPTURED in about 3 weeks) I read your propaganda before I you were born and I have known shit like you since I was five years old. I am still fascinated---- who GAVE PALESTINIAN LAND TO THE ROTHCHILDs and when? Can you tell me where
this land GIVEN to the Rothchilds is? -----try to be accurate----I actually know what land was purchased by ROTHCHILD------I just got back from visiting that area this
week. Hubby grew up in that town[/QUOTE

The Balfour Declaration is a good place to start. This was an agreement that if Britain helped to set up a Jewish state in Palestine, the House of Rothschild would insure that the United States entered the war to turn the tide and insure a defeat of Germany. Don't get pissed at me that the number of Jews that were killed were vastly inflated. It wasn't just Jews that died in the concentration camps. I know Jews that were taken from other countries the Nazis that were not able to get away and were sent to camps. It was horrific...hell on earth...I "get that". But it does'nt it justify kicking a people off of their land and then giving it to another because of guilt and the ones that benefited from this land grab are the ones that funded both WWI and WWII in the first fucking place....get out of my face with your weak ass shit and righteous self-indignation. This isn't something that I post about lightly. I understand the culture of "groupthink"....tell the truth about the real history instead of what we have been spoonfed and vile POS come out of the woodwork. You don't know the things that I do nor have you taken the time or dedicated your time to really learn the real truth. I have. I do it every fucking day anywhere from 10 to 12 hours a day.

The Balfour declaration

Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour

No mention of the Rothchilds or the holocaust which was to come some 20 years or so later. No agreement either just a declaration of intent that the Nazi's see as something other than what it is.
I have and it was because of that the LoN granted the Jews 0.01% of the former ottomaqn empire lands as their NATIONal home. Read the LoN treaties that became international law and get back to me

I know exactly of what I speak and I have done the research. Anyone that spoke out against Israel could count on being busted on by yours truly because I was conditioned to believe that way. That is why anyone that criticizes Israel gets your dander up. Six million Jews did not die during the Holocaust. There were only 450,000 Jews in Germany before WWII.
I am not saying that their deaths were not tragic and that it wasn't horrific and the amount of human cruelty still sickens me to this day...but the fact is that the number had to be inflated in order to get the rest of the world to sympathize with the taking of Palestinian land and turning it over to the Rothchilds in the name of the Jews. That is a fact and historically documented.
You can browbeat me over this so don't even bother.

I am still fascinated with your "research" as is your "logic" Just who "TOOK"
'palestinian' land----and when? You were taught that the genocided jews were
largely or all GERMAN JEWS? In fact---shit like you murdered only about 142,000 GERMAN JEWS---but your fellow shit murdered in MANY COUNTRIES----none of my relatives murdered by shit like you were GERMAN ----who taught you ----the little old lady in the back pew speaking "in tongues"? I will give you a little hint----before the holiday hits you with your yearly psychosis (btw---you get nuts and RAPTURED in about 3 weeks) I read your propaganda before I you were born and I have known shit like you since I was five years old. I am still fascinated---- who GAVE PALESTINIAN LAND TO THE ROTHCHILDs and when? Can you tell me where
this land GIVEN to the Rothchilds is? -----try to be accurate----I actually know what land was purchased by ROTHCHILD------I just got back from visiting that area this
week. Hubby grew up in that town[/QUOTE

The Balfour Declaration is a good place to start. This was an agreement that if Britain helped to set up a Jewish state in Palestine, the House of Rothschild would insure that the United States entered the war to turn the tide and insure a defeat of Germany. Don't get pissed at me that the number of Jews that were killed were vastly inflated. It wasn't just Jews that died in the concentration camps. I know Jews that were taken from other countries the Nazis that were not able to get away and were sent to camps. It was horrific...hell on earth...I "get that". But it does'nt it justify kicking a people off of their land and then giving it to another because of guilt and the ones that benefited from this land grab are the ones that funded both WWI and WWII in the first fucking place....get out of my face with your weak ass shit and righteous self-indignation. This isn't something that I post about lightly. I understand the culture of "groupthink"....tell the truth about the real history instead of what we have been spoonfed and vile POS come out of the woodwork. You don't know the things that I do nor have you taken the time or dedicated your time to really learn the real truth. I have. I do it every fucking day anywhere from 10 to 12 hours a day.

Oh gee---you just admitted to being a dedicated islamo Nazi pig, The balfour declaration 1917 is an excellent place to start-----islamo Nazi pigs and pimps
claim that it somehow constitutes TAKING LAND AND GIVING IT TO THE JEWS------from WHOM was the land "taken" ----islamo Nazi POS?. For the past few
weeks I was living in hubby's home town-----it is a considerable city founded in 1882----BY JOOOOS who had purchased that land------nice big city----I know shit like you-----I grew up amongst shit like you in the USA--------there were people there who thought that if a "black" person bought a house he was STEALING IT
(for that matter-----they considered the migration of jews into that town ALSO--to be an INVASION) The balfour declaration actually TOOK nothing from anyone and GAVE nothing to anyone----POS

I figured that you wouldn't have a fucking clue and all you would do is see it as an attack against Jewish people and nothing could be further from the truth. It's obvious to me that you would rather be told pretty lies than the ugly truth. You don't know me or anything about me or the journey I have been on...so rail away to your heart's content. I am going to share what I know in hopes that it will spur some intellectual curiosity and some klunt like you shan't deter me.

We can see exactly what you are by your posts, you are just another brainwashed retarded islamonazi mouthpiece that spreads BLOOD LIBELS, PROPAGANDA and LIES to demonise the Jews. In fact I would go so far as to say you are a muslim.

What you know is not worth knowing as it is absolutely nothing,

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