Holocaust cartoon contest

That's disgusting.

you dont mock the deaths of such a vast amount of people.
You don´t intervene, when some here celebrate the death of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, ect.
And simple as it can be: The Iranians do have another concept of annal-writing.

Difference is they are terrorists that are getting killed, and it is just the terrorists deaths that are celebrated
So, they are terrorists?
Why 70% of Gaza deaths are Palestinian civilians


On the other side, terrorists in Syria are labeled civilians...
That's disgusting.

you dont mock the deaths of such a vast amount of people.
You don´t intervene, when some here celebrate the death of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, ect.
And simple as it can be: The Iranians do have another concept of annal-writing.
I do intervene. I think it's all bad. Im just more interested in my own nation's issues.

If i confirm someone is a jew in my life. I walk on eggshells to the door. Dont get me wrong, i like many things about jews, but they are a sharp impliment to have lying about. too sharp for a careless girl like me.

However, genocide is not joke and i think its a terrible collection of cartoons.
I didn´t watch the Holocartoons but I think, they are cartoons, nothing more. World happenings offer more sickening things than a bunch of cartoons that don´t meet anyones opinion.

Maybe we should do what the muslims do, and go out and shoot a few hundred in retaliation. That would be fair wouldn't it ?
It is what you are actually doing.
That's disgusting.

you dont mock the deaths of such a vast amount of people.
You don´t intervene, when some here celebrate the death of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, ect.
And simple as it can be: The Iranians do have another concept of annal-writing.

can you cite some of those "death celebrations" to which you refer?---specifically ---celebrations on the deaths of 'palestinians' Syrians, Lebanese, etc ??? -----
are these celebrations informal or state affairs?
No need for. One can search for your posts, as well. You, Roudy and others are watching the war in Syria like a fun movie.
That's disgusting.

you dont mock the deaths of such a vast amount of people.
You don´t intervene, when some here celebrate the death of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, ect.
And simple as it can be: The Iranians do have another concept of annal-writing.

Difference is they are terrorists that are getting killed, and it is just the terrorists deaths that are celebrated
So, they are terrorists?
Why 70% of Gaza deaths are Palestinian civilians


On the other side, terrorists in Syria are labeled civilians...

try again capt. blei-----you claimed that people CELEBRATE deaths-----the
counter argument was "only the deaths of terrorists"------your return consistent with the pile of filth you are-----you could not cite the celebrations and now throw in another fake stat. about "civilians"-------what a joke you are-----ALMOST OF THE ISLAMO NAZI TERRORISTS PIGS in the usa that murder are CIVILIANS----
a few are not----like -----muzzie pig army DOCTORS
That's disgusting.

you dont mock the deaths of such a vast amount of people.
You don´t intervene, when some here celebrate the death of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, ect.
And simple as it can be: The Iranians do have another concept of annal-writing.

can you cite some of those "death celebrations" to which you refer?---specifically ---celebrations on the deaths of 'palestinians' Syrians, Lebanese, etc ??? -----
are these celebrations informal or state affairs?
No need for. One can search for your posts, as well. You, Roudy and others are watching the war in Syria like a fun movie.

yet another islamo Nazi dog shit mouth lie------very good captblei-----SO MANY THAT YOU CANNOT CITE EVEN ONE
That's disgusting.

you dont mock the deaths of such a vast amount of people.
You don´t intervene, when some here celebrate the death of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, ect.
And simple as it can be: The Iranians do have another concept of annal-writing.

can you cite some of those "death celebrations" to which you refer?---specifically ---celebrations on the deaths of 'palestinians' Syrians, Lebanese, etc ??? -----
are these celebrations informal or state affairs?
No need for. One can search for your posts, as well. You, Roudy and others are watching the war in Syria like a fun movie.

yet another islamo Nazi dog shit mouth lie------very good captblei-----SO MANY THAT YOU CANNOT CITE EVEN ONE
The Zionazis will repeat their expressions of joy.
That's disgusting.

you dont mock the deaths of such a vast amount of people.
You don´t intervene, when some here celebrate the death of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, ect.
And simple as it can be: The Iranians do have another concept of annal-writing.

can you cite some of those "death celebrations" to which you refer?---specifically ---celebrations on the deaths of 'palestinians' Syrians, Lebanese, etc ??? -----
are these celebrations informal or state affairs?
No need for. One can search for your posts, as well. You, Roudy and others are watching the war in Syria like a fun movie.

yet another islamo Nazi dog shit mouth lie------very good captblei-----SO MANY THAT YOU CANNOT CITE EVEN ONE
The Zionazis will repeat their expressions of joy.

got an example of "zio-nazi expression of joy"?
You don´t intervene, when some here celebrate the death of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, ect.
And simple as it can be: The Iranians do have another concept of annal-writing.

can you cite some of those "death celebrations" to which you refer?---specifically ---celebrations on the deaths of 'palestinians' Syrians, Lebanese, etc ??? -----
are these celebrations informal or state affairs?
No need for. One can search for your posts, as well. You, Roudy and others are watching the war in Syria like a fun movie.

yet another islamo Nazi dog shit mouth lie------very good captblei-----SO MANY THAT YOU CANNOT CITE EVEN ONE
The Zionazis will repeat their expressions of joy.

got an example of "zio-nazi expression of joy"?
You know that the board is full of stuff like that:

Not "calling" for any massacres, it's already happening between the Sunni's and Shiites. I think Muslims should stay busy slaughtering each other, which is a good thing for us infidels.
can you cite some of those "death celebrations" to which you refer?---specifically ---celebrations on the deaths of 'palestinians' Syrians, Lebanese, etc ??? -----
are these celebrations informal or state affairs?
No need for. One can search for your posts, as well. You, Roudy and others are watching the war in Syria like a fun movie.

yet another islamo Nazi dog shit mouth lie------very good captblei-----SO MANY THAT YOU CANNOT CITE EVEN ONE
The Zionazis will repeat their expressions of joy.

got an example of "zio-nazi expression of joy"?
You know that the board is full of stuff like that:

Not "calling" for any massacres, it's already happening between the Sunni's and Shiites. I think Muslims should stay busy slaughtering each other, which is a good thing for us infidels.

Leave capt blei alone----imagine---as a kid he was urged to dance around in a
circle and fart out "death to da jooooos"------so he ASSUMED that jewish kids
engage in similar perversity-------it is an ego defense
I don't have a dog in this fight. I like accuracy and the most compelling thing I saw in SunniMan's video was the World Almanac data showing no significant change in world Jewish population between 1938 and 1948. Hmmm says I. So some searching yielded the following. I don't know which is correct but here is what I found as an explanation/correction for World Almanac data:
he University of Alberta library has the World Almanac issues for the pertinent period for 1941, 1944, 1947, 1948, and 1949. The figures listed for total world Jewish population are as follows:
1941 15,748,091
1944 15,192,089
1947 15,688,259
1948 15,688,259
1949 11,266,600

Now you may be wondering what happened to all those Jews in 1948-49. No fresh estimates were made between 1938 and 1947. The figures listed for 1941, 1947, and 1948 are identified as estimates made in 1938. The source for the estimate for 1944 is not given, and the numbers are listed differently than in other years. In 1944, the numbers are given as a part of a list of various world religions rather than standing on their own with a country-by-country breakdown as in the other years.

Only in 1949 are postwar estimates employed, the figures given are for estimates made in 1948. A year or two lag seems to be common for various other population estimates given by the World Almanac.

The difference between the 1938 and 1948 figures is thus 4,481,491.

In 1949, however, the World Almanac gives a revised 1939 population of 16,643,120 giving a difference of between 1938 and 1947 of 5,376,520. Where the extra population between 1938 and 1939 came from is not cited, though one might speculate that it was based upon the Nazi estimates made in 1942 for the Wannsee Conference. ......
That's disgusting.

you dont mock the deaths of such a vast amount of people.
You don´t intervene, when some here celebrate the death of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, ect.
And simple as it can be: The Iranians do have another concept of annal-writing.

Difference is they are terrorists that are getting killed, and it is just the terrorists deaths that are celebrated
So, they are terrorists?
Why 70% of Gaza deaths are Palestinian civilians


On the other side, terrorists in Syria are labeled civilians...

According to Al Jazeera they are as they match the profiling done by analysts.

Depends on who does the labelling.

You need to define terrorism before attaching the labels, so as soon as the "civilians" extoll the virtues of their god as they are killing people they become terrorists. That is a fundamental aspect of terrorism carrying out the attacks in the name of your religion or ideology
That's disgusting.

you dont mock the deaths of such a vast amount of people.
You don´t intervene, when some here celebrate the death of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, ect.
And simple as it can be: The Iranians do have another concept of annal-writing.
I do intervene. I think it's all bad. Im just more interested in my own nation's issues.

If i confirm someone is a jew in my life. I walk on eggshells to the door. Dont get me wrong, i like many things about jews, but they are a sharp impliment to have lying about. too sharp for a careless girl like me.

However, genocide is not joke and i think its a terrible collection of cartoons.
I didn´t watch the Holocartoons but I think, they are cartoons, nothing more. World happenings offer more sickening things than a bunch of cartoons that don´t meet anyones opinion.

Maybe we should do what the muslims do, and go out and shoot a few hundred in retaliation. That would be fair wouldn't it ?
It is what you are actually doing.

Sorry who is doing this ? as I and my country are not shooting innocent muslims because their mosque was part of a carton contest. But it is what we should be doing, as soon as the Iranians start the contest shoot some innocents leaving a mosque.
Gen. Patton stated at the end of WWll, "We have defeated the wrong enemy".

the kind of islamo Nazi shit presented in Sunni's citation is nothing new. The islamo Nazi dogs and pigs began ELABORATING it------early in the 20th century ---Most of the examples of their shit I read was promulgated in the USA---NOT DURING WORLD WAR II----but in the 1930s-----and some of it as early as the 19-teens-----
the islamo Nazi filth got even more flamboyant AFTER world war II-----when escapees from the Nuremburg trials-----found refuge in places like Syria and Egypt---converted to islam and began an INDUSTRY their idiot lies. Keep in mind----we have to believe that the Nazi propaganda films----PRESENTED to the german people during the mid thirties by the ISLAMIC HERO DOG---adolf-----had to be ALL A COMPLETE LIE------he presented beautifully fit and well fed examples of GERMANIC BEAUTY AND STRENGTH ------what happened to all that DEVASTATION AND RAPE AND SUFFERING-------the islamo Nazi pigs overcame that problem by presenting pictures of Nazi concentration camps ---simply mislabeled----"german children incinerated"
If i confirm someone is a jew in my life. I walk on eggshells to the door. Dont get me wrong, i like many things about jews, but they are a sharp impliment to have lying about. too sharp for a careless girl like me.

For some reason, I thought you were a boy (guy). My bad!
Ok punjab, settle down there.

I was a bit rough on you because I did not know you were a female. Now that I know you are a female, I will try to go easy on you.

BTW, why do you call me Punjab? That does not even make any sense. Are you trying to be Dumb, Drunk and Racist?

I may be wrong, Vik----but if I remember correctly----a character in the cartoon strip---LITTLE-ORPHAN ANNIE ----included ---I think---what was supposed to be an ethnic Indian------probably a soldier----named PUNJAB. He wore a turban.
------its a blast from popular stereotype. Little orphan annie was a fantasy
cartoon series for something like 100 years (??)

I see! It is not for nothing that Australia is called a redneck country :)
I didn't read the entire thread so maybe someone has already made the point that its nazi's, kkk, aryan nation slime who are the caricatures of actual human beings.
That's disgusting.

you dont mock the deaths of such a vast amount of people.
You don´t intervene, when some here celebrate the death of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, ect.
And simple as it can be: The Iranians do have another concept of annal-writing.

Difference is they are terrorists that are getting killed, and it is just the terrorists deaths that are celebrated
So, they are terrorists?
Why 70% of Gaza deaths are Palestinian civilians


On the other side, terrorists in Syria are labeled civilians...

According to Al Jazeera they are as they match the profiling done by analysts.

Depends on who does the labelling.

You need to define terrorism before attaching the labels, so as soon as the "civilians" extoll the virtues of their god as they are killing people they become terrorists. That is a fundamental aspect of terrorism carrying out the attacks in the name of your religion or ideology
Who gives a fuck what Jazeera says? They praise Terrorists in Syria.

However, the article I posted tells the story: Israel mercilessly shells areas from which Hamas fired missiles. They should know that the civilians there are not responsible.
That's disgusting.

you dont mock the deaths of such a vast amount of people.
You don´t intervene, when some here celebrate the death of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, ect.
And simple as it can be: The Iranians do have another concept of annal-writing.

Difference is they are terrorists that are getting killed, and it is just the terrorists deaths that are celebrated
So, they are terrorists?
Why 70% of Gaza deaths are Palestinian civilians


On the other side, terrorists in Syria are labeled civilians...

Now that's funny. He fails to mention that Assad has killed over 300,000 of his own people, which is at least a 100 times more than the number of dead Palestinians who were mostly terrorists.
That's disgusting.

you dont mock the deaths of such a vast amount of people.
You don´t intervene, when some here celebrate the death of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, ect.
And simple as it can be: The Iranians do have another concept of annal-writing.

Difference is they are terrorists that are getting killed, and it is just the terrorists deaths that are celebrated
So, they are terrorists?
Why 70% of Gaza deaths are Palestinian civilians


On the other side, terrorists in Syria are labeled civilians...

According to Al Jazeera they are as they match the profiling done by analysts.

Depends on who does the labelling.

You need to define terrorism before attaching the labels, so as soon as the "civilians" extoll the virtues of their god as they are killing people they become terrorists. That is a fundamental aspect of terrorism carrying out the attacks in the name of your religion or ideology
Who gives a fuck what Jazeera says? They praise Terrorists in Syria.

However, the article I posted tells the story: Israel mercilessly shells areas from which Hamas fired missiles. They should know that the civilians there are not responsible.
What should Israel do when Hamas cowards hide behind women and children and shoot missiles at its cities? Send thank you notes and ask them to do it again?

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