Holocaust cartoon contest

You just vomitted all the antisemtic canards dumbass neo Nazis have been repeating for decades.

Your brain has been gamed. Get it checked.

I know more than you...infinitely more. I have a great burden on my heart for God's chosen ones but I am no longer blinded to the lies that I was told because I did the heavy lifting. Discern the information at your own peril.
Yes, you know infinitely more useless conspiracy crap than me. Especially in the vast field of Jew hatred and Holocaust denial.
The holocaust happened. In the words of Trump, that's off the table.
Well here it is as it is ...


Iran has mocked the Holocaust by staging a Nazi-themed cartoon contest as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warns the Islamic Republic is planning for another genocide.

The exhibit featured some 150 works from 50 countries, with many portraying Israel as using the Holocaust to distract from the suffering of the Palestinians, and others comparing Netanyahu to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

Read more: Israel condemns Iran's second annual Holocaust-themed cartoon contest
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Then the civilised world should now drop a few bombs on the ayotoilets heads in Tehran as a response to their actions. They are the leaders so are responsible for the way the country works. Or we should just have a worldwide annual muslim themed comic cartoon contest, with categories such as mo'mad, hamas, daesh and child rape
That's disgusting.

you dont mock the deaths of such a vast amount of people.
You don´t intervene, when some here celebrate the death of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, ect.
And simple as it can be: The Iranians do have another concept of annal-writing.

Difference is they are terrorists that are getting killed, and it is just the terrorists deaths that are celebrated

And you do the job for them, but being a mindless Islamic moron you are too stupid to realise you are doing it.
Ok help me out here. What is meant by the "Holocaust Myth?" That it didn't happen at all? That the numbers are inflated? That it really wasn't too bad? What? Be specific please.

Its a claim by islamonazis, Nazi's, white supremacists and other groups that the holocaust never happened. That no camps existed outside of the Jews lies, that they were not mass murdered, that the numbers were faked. Anything you like to use to claim the Jews did not get mass murdered to the tune of 90% of the European population.
The likes of sunni troll claim that the Jews lie to steal money from the rest of the world, and have been stealing since 1945. And they used the holocaust to force the UN to give them arab muslim land
Ok help me out here. What is meant by the "Holocaust Myth?" That it didn't happen at all? That the numbers are inflated? That it really wasn't too bad? What? Be specific please.

More like the biggest islamonazi BLOOD LIBEL and LIE because you have lost world support.

Your source is an activist ( international terrorist ) group that follow the teachings of the nazi's
That's disgusting.

you dont mock the deaths of such a vast amount of people.
You don´t intervene, when some here celebrate the death of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, ect.
And simple as it can be: The Iranians do have another concept of annal-writing.
I do intervene. I think it's all bad. Im just more interested in my own nation's issues.

If i confirm someone is a jew in my life. I walk on eggshells to the door. Dont get me wrong, i like many things about jews, but they are a sharp impliment to have lying about. too sharp for a careless girl like me.

However, genocide is not joke and i think its a terrible collection of cartoons.
I didn´t watch the Holocartoons but I think, they are cartoons, nothing more. World happenings offer more sickening things than a bunch of cartoons that don´t meet anyones opinion.

Maybe we should do what the muslims do, and go out and shoot a few hundred in retaliation. That would be fair wouldn't it ?
Seems today exist two kinds of Saudi Iranians: People who deny the Holocaust and people who make jokes about the Holocaust. Not an easy life for everyone else.
Saudi Iranians?? ..... :lol: :lol:

More of your manipulated lies sunni troll

I said so first. I tried to make a joke what was wrong in this context. Some seconds later I changed it. Saudi-Arabia is by the way since a very long time of history now a very good ally of the USA - and one of the worst dictatorships on this planet. And looks like Turkey - also a very good ally - loses democracy and will soon become a dictatorship too. Thanks the wrong politics of the western world. If Erdogan will for example in some months or years attack the Kurds, so the Kurds have to flee to Europe then Erdogan will be happy, because the Muslims are conquering Europe. And if he genocides Kurds then he will also be happy, because this will be good in his eyes for the "turkish nation", how he calls the own might. And the "iranian nation"- whoever this is now - has nothing else to do, than to provocate Germans and Israeli and others with their pseudoarts because someone made pictures of the pseudogod Mohammed. What the Iran is doing makes no sense at all, because the shoa is one of the most proven facts of history - no one can believe what had happened there, if he hears it the first time, and starts on this reason to prove this. And the Holocaust has also absolutelly nothing to do with the Iran. And wether sunnitic Arabs live in Israel or only Jews live there - or both populations in whatever kind of mix - is not a real problem for Persians and others, who live in the Iran.

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Seems today exist two kinds of Saudi Iranians: People who deny the Holocaust and people who make jokes about the Holocaust. Not an easy life for everyone else.
Saudi Iranians?? ..... :lol: :lol:

More of your manipulated lies sunni troll

I said so first. Some seconds later I changed it. He anwered before I finished my post. Saudi-Arabia is by the way since a very long time of history now a very good ally of the USA - and one of the worst dictatorships on this planet. And looks like Turkey loses democracy and will become soon a dictatorship too. If Erdogan will for examole in some months or years attack the Kurds so the Kurds have to flee to Europe then Erdogan will be happy, because the Muslism are conquering Europe. And if he genocides Kurds then he will also be happy, because this is good for the turkish "race". A sunnnie boy.
I see you now and i agree and am with you. Kurds should be allowed to live in peace and prosper.
Yes, Jews did die during the holocaust but not in the numbers we were told...it was greatly over-inflated to justify turning over Palestinian land to a Jewish migration after WWII. This was all planned in 1917 to make this happen by the Rothschilds.
This was strategic for economic reasons and nothing else and they used the U.N to make it happen. BTW, the U.N was a product of the Rothchilds, Rockefellers and other globalist bankers. I know of what I speak. I was raised as the child of a Pentecostal minister that was taught that Israel must be defended at any cost but their government is as corrupt as ours.

We have been "gamed", folks.......can't say it any clearer than that.

Only one problem with your conspiracy theory, the Jews were given the land in 1923. And the Palestinians were the Jews not the arab muslims who migrated to the area illegally in the first half of the 20C. So explain again how the Jews went backwards in time to WW1 and had the land given to them in 1948 by the rich bankers.
You know nothing other than what you have been told to believe by those who demonise the Jews
That's disgusting.

you dont mock the deaths of such a vast amount of people.


You do if you are a filthy islamonazi or one of their propagandist goons like monte or tinman

Phoenall, you and i have a good working internet relationship on these issues but you must know, i am neutral

My comment was aimed at the members of team Palestine who repeatedly make the false claims about the holocaust and the mass murders of the Jews.
That's disgusting.

you dont mock the deaths of such a vast amount of people.
You don´t intervene, when some here celebrate the death of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, ect.
And simple as it can be: The Iranians do have another concept of annal-writing.

can you cite some of those "death celebrations" to which you refer?---specifically ---celebrations on the deaths of 'palestinians' Syrians, Lebanese, etc ??? -----
are these celebrations informal or state affairs?
If i confirm someone is a jew in my life. I walk on eggshells to the door. Dont get me wrong, i like many things about jews, but they are a sharp impliment to have lying about. too sharp for a careless girl like me.

For some reason, I thought you were a boy (guy). My bad!
Ok punjab, settle down there.

I was a bit rough on you because I did not know you were a female. Now that I know you are a female, I will try to go easy on you.

BTW, why do you call me Punjab? That does not even make any sense. Are you trying to be Dumb, Drunk and Racist?

I may be wrong, Vik----but if I remember correctly----a character in the cartoon strip---LITTLE-ORPHAN ANNIE ----included ---I think---what was supposed to be an ethnic Indian------probably a soldier----named PUNJAB. He wore a turban.
------its a blast from popular stereotype. Little orphan annie was a fantasy
cartoon series for something like 100 years (??)
Dale Smith said:
Yes, Jews did die during the holocaust but not in the numbers we were told...it was greatly over-inflated to justify turning over Palestinian land to a Jewish migration after WWII. This was all planned in 1917 to make this happen by the Rothschilds.
This was strategic for economic reasons and nothing else and they used the U.N to make it happen. BTW, the U.N was a product of the Rothchilds, Rockefellers and other globalist bankers. I know of what I speak. I was raised as the child of a Pentecostal minister that was taught that Israel must be defended at any cost but their government is as corrupt as ours.

We have been "gamed", folks.......can't say it any clearer than that.

Dale Smith-----I am fascinated by your INSIDE INFORMATION------can you
explain HOW YOU KNOW? I did not even know that the Rothchilds and the
Rockefellers ------SOCIALIZED with each other no less engaged in conspiracies.
That's disgusting.

you dont mock the deaths of such a vast amount of people.

I just am mad at everyone making conversation off my original point!


You do if you are a filthy islamonazi or one of their propagandist goons like monte or tinman

Phoenall, you and i have a good working internet relationship on these issues but you must know, i am neutral

My comment was aimed at the members of team Palestine who repeatedly make the false claims about the holocaust and the mass murders of the Jews.
Well here it is as it is ...


Iran has mocked the Holocaust by staging a Nazi-themed cartoon contest as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warns the Islamic Republic is planning for another genocide.

The exhibit featured some 150 works from 50 countries, with many portraying Israel as using the Holocaust to distract from the suffering of the Palestinians, and others comparing Netanyahu to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

Read more: Israel condemns Iran's second annual Holocaust-themed cartoon contest
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Seeing as the west has made a similar competition about the Turks, and in the US there are anti-Muslim competition type things, also, Israel HAS been using the Holocaust to distract from Palestine and to give Israelis not just legitimacy, but also to shout down any critics of their inhumane policies.

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