Holocaust cartoon contest

Yes, Jews did die during the holocaust but not in the numbers we were told...it was greatly over-inflated to justify turning over Palestinian land to a Jewish migration after WWII. This was all planned in 1917 to make this happen by the Rothschilds.
This was strategic for economic reasons and nothing else and they used the U.N to make it happen. BTW, the U.N was a product of the Rothchilds, Rockefellers and other globalist bankers. I know of what I speak. I was raised as the child of a Pentecostal minister that was taught that Israel must be defended at any cost but their government is as corrupt as ours.

We have been "gamed", folks.......can't say it any clearer than that.
You mean 3 million wasn't a sexy enough number?
You just vomitted all the antisemtic canards dumbass neo Nazis have been repeating for decades.

Your brain has been gamed. Get it checked.
You must be some kind of Sunni Mooslem historian. Ha ha ha.

Or it's just that after your conversion to Islam, what ever brain cells that you had left in that empty skull, were fried.
You mean 3 million wasn't a sexy enough number?
Between 100 to 200 hundred thousand at the most. ........ :cool:

So few Jews caused Hitler and millions of Germans so much angst...
Imagine all that artwork, gold, jewelry, dolls, teeth, Concentration Camps just for 200,000 Jews.
You think Germany overextended itself?
Sunni is a Moooslem historian and professor at the Islamic University of Stupidity in Mecca. That's like the Harvard of Islam. LOL
Yes, Jews did die during the holocaust but not in the numbers we were told...it was greatly over-inflated to justify turning over Palestinian land to a Jewish migration after WWII. This was all planned in 1917 to make this happen by the Rothschilds.
This was strategic for economic reasons and nothing else and they used the U.N to make it happen. BTW, the U.N was a product of the Rothchilds, Rockefellers and other globalist bankers. I know of what I speak. I was raised as the child of a Pentecostal minister that was taught that Israel must be defended at any cost but their government is as corrupt as ours.

We have been "gamed", folks.......can't say it any clearer than that.

You mean 3 million wasn't a sexy enough number?[/QUOTE

Millions of people died during WWII that worked as slave laborers to enrich the industrialists that funded Hitler's rise to power and then allowed him to escape justice. Watch the video I told you about and then come back and debate me.....until then? I don't feel the need to defend my positions.
You just vomitted all the antisemtic canards dumbass neo Nazis have been repeating for decades.

Your brain has been gamed. Get it checked.

I know more than you...infinitely more. I have a great burden on my heart for God's chosen ones but I am no longer blinded to the lies that I was told because I did the heavy lifting. Discern the information at your own peril.
Yes, Jews did die during the holocaust but not in the numbers we were told...

About 1/3 of all Jews were murdered in the shoa.

In the concentration and extermination camps were murdered about 4 million jewish children, women and men. Additionally 2 millions were murdered in other ways - most of them in Russia from the SS. This told Eichmann to Wilhlem Höttl (German text: „In den verschiedenen Vernichtungslagern seien etwa vier Millionen Juden getötet worden, während weitere zwei Millionen auf andere Weise den Tod fanden, wobei der größte Teil davon durch die Einsatzkommandos der Sicherheitspolizei während des Feldzuges gegen Rußland durch Erschießen getötet wurde.“) . In the new beginning after world war 2 the people thoughth frist it were less people - but step by step they found out this was true. Topday we calculate 5.7-6.3 million murdered Jews.

it was greatly over-inflated to justify turning over Palestinian land to a Jewish migration after WWII. This was all planned in 1917 to make this happen by the Rothschilds.

What? ... Zionism (="back to the roots") was an idea of Theodor Herzel. He published in 1896 the book "Der Judenstaat" (=The state of the Jews). In this time lived about 250000 Arabs in the area and no one cared about anything. As far as I know the area was british in those days.

This was strategic for economic reasons

Economic reasons? In this very poor area of the world?

and nothing else and they used the U.N to make it happen. BTW, the U.N was a product of the Rothchilds, Rockefellers and other globalist bankers. I know of what I speak. I was raised as the child of a Pentecostal minister that was taught that Israel must be defended at any cost but their government is as corrupt as ours.

We have been "gamed", folks.......can't say it any clearer than that.

You are using antisemitic cliches without any real background. Jews are people like all others and yes: there are also existing rich Jews. And what has this, what you say here, to do with the theme? Do you think it's okay to murder children, women and men on darwinistic reasons and someone else makes afterwards jokes about the murdered people?

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That's disgusting.

you dont mock the deaths of such a vast amount of people.
You don´t intervene, when some here celebrate the death of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, ect.
And simple as it can be: The Iranians do have another concept of annal-writing.
I do intervene. I think it's all bad. Im just more interested in my own nation's issues.

If i confirm someone is a jew in my life. I walk on eggshells to the door. Dont get me wrong, i like many things about jews, but they are a sharp impliment to have lying about. too sharp for a careless girl like me.

However, genocide is not joke and i think its a terrible collection of cartoons.
I didn´t watch the Holocartoons but I think, they are cartoons, nothing more. World happenings offer more sickening things than a bunch of cartoons that don´t meet anyones opinion.
Yeah i suppose. I still reckon its a bit off. I coldnt imagine us doing that about Aboriginals today. But on the other hand, they are still greatly oppressed so it'd be poor form.
You just vomitted all the antisemtic canards dumbass neo Nazis have been repeating for decades.

Your brain has been gamed. Get it checked.

I know more than you...infinitely more. I have a great burden on my heart for God's chosen ones but I am no longer blinded to the lies that I was told because I did the heavy lifting. Discern the information at your own peril.
Yes, you know infinitely more useless conspiracy crap than me. Especially in the vast field of Jew hatred and Holocaust denial.

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