Holocaust denier given suspended sentence

Holocaust denier who wrote antisemitic songs calling gas chambers 'a proven hoax' spared jail

I think some time behind bars might have done the nazi slag some good.

Once again, the British remind us Americans why we kicked them out of our country more than two centuries ago.

Civilized societies don't throw people in prison merely for holding and expressing unpopular opinions or beliefs.
Its a bit more than "unpopular". Why do you use weasel words to excuse wickedness ?
Once again, the British remind us Americans why we kicked them out of our country more than two centuries ago.

Civilized societies don't throw people in prison merely for holding and expressing unpopular opinions or beliefs.

we kicked them out because some rich slave rapists didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

If our cities were devastated by Nazis like theirs were, we'd probably throw Holocaust Deniers and Neo-Nazis in prison, too.
The NAZIs prosecuted people for saying things they didn't like, so why shouldn't the British do it too?
Is there any other event in history that you can be prosecuted for denying?
What's happening here?

Is there any other event in human history that was so brutal?
/----/ Yes. Communism.
100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead - WSJ
Nov 6, 2017 - If we add to this list the deaths caused by communist regimes that the Soviet Union created and supported—including those in Eastern Europe, ...
Glad we have freedom of speech here. While "hate crime" laws are a beginning to losing that freedom, it's not totally gone yet. At some point the thought police will enforce their will.
Once again, the British remind us Americans why we kicked them out of our country more than two centuries ago.

Civilized societies don't throw people in prison merely for holding and expressing unpopular opinions or beliefs.

we kicked them out because some rich slave rapists didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

If our cities were devastated by Nazis like theirs were, we'd probably throw Holocaust Deniers and Neo-Nazis in prison, too.
/----/ Joe, you're free to pay all the taxes you want. No questions asked.
Government - Gift Contributions to Reduce Debt Held by the Public
TreasuryDirect - Home › Government › Reports › Public Debt Reports
Gift Contributions to Reduce Debt Held by the Public. The Bureau of the Fiscal Service may accept gifts donated to the United States Government to reduce debt ...
If the 'official' holocaust story is perfect and set in stone.

Then why are the authorities soo worried about someone having a different opinion concerning the alleged details of the event?

It makes me wonder what they are trying to hide? .... :dunno:
Civilized societies don't throw people in prison merely for holding and expressing unpopular opinions or beliefs.
Its a bit more than "unpopular". Why do you use weasel words to excuse wickedness ?

No “weasel words”[ needed or relevant. What is happening here is very simple and obvious. The right to believe what one will, and to appropriately express one's beliefs—no matter how disagreeable someone else may find those beliefs—is one of the most essential and basic of all human rights.

That your nation would so brutally stomp on this right, and that you would defend this abuse, only goes to show how depraved you, as an individual, and as a nation, are.

This is exactly the sort of crap against which my ancestors were rebelling when we went to war in 1776.

Tragically, your nation has not yet reached the level of advancement and civilization that we were at two hundred years ago.
Civilized societies don't throw people in prison merely for holding and expressing unpopular opinions or beliefs.
Its a bit more than "unpopular". Why do you use weasel words to excuse wickedness ?

No “weasel words”[ needed or relevant. What is happening here is very simple and obvious. The right to believe what one will, and to appropriately express one's beliefs—no matter how disagreeable someone else may find those beliefs—is one of the most essential and basic of all human rights.

That your nation would so brutally stomp on this right, and that you would defend this abuse, only goes to show how depraved you, as an individual, and as a nation, are.

This is exactly the sort of crap against which my ancestors were rebelling when we went to war in 1776.

Tragically, your nation has not yet reached the level of advancement and civilization that we were at two hundred years ago.
The last time that we let fascism go unchallenged it ended badly. It was in all the papers.
If the 'official' holocaust story is perfect and set in stone.

Then why are the authorities soo worried about someone having a different opinion concerning the alleged details of the event?

It makes me wonder what they are trying to hide? .... :dunno:
/----/ I know Holocaust survivors and they worry that the deniers will succeed in wiping it from the history books. Another attack on the Jews. It's no different, let's say, from Slavery Deniers.
Academic scholars have been free for decades to discuss historical events such as 'The fall of Rome' or 'Custer's Last Stand' and write books and debate everything that allegedly took place.

But if a scholar says or writes anything that deviates from the 'official' Holocaust story. Their career will be over and their university position will be stripped away. Plus they could be arrested and even sent to prison in several European countries.

Once again, what are the authorities trying to hide when it comes to the so called Holocaust? ... :cool:
The last time that we let fascism go unchallenged it ended badly. It was in all the papers.

And yet, here you are, defending it again.

Allowing government to dictate what opinions one is allowed to hold or express is an essential component of Fascism or any other form of extreme tyranny.
You can hold whatever shit opinions that you like. how can anyone stop that ?
But the demonisation of a group of people leads to the gas chambers. Its not on.

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