Holocaust memorial fountain vandalized in California

Oy vey! Meh chickens coming home to roost. If one is up to date on the facts of who is behind all this shit in America then you understand what I mean.
Let's hope it was unthinking kids like the ones who go through and knock over headstones here, apparently to show their strength or something.
If not.... well we all know what is feared.

Were any other headstones damaged at the cemetery? The article didn't say.
These idiots are devoid of any understanding of history and even less interested in a balanced and prosperous future based on traditional American Values and your constitution.

Progress is logical and reasonable. They represent neither.
What makes you think it was protesters? I don't think it would have been, unless the protesters were meeting in a Jewish cemetery for some reason..... were they?
Let's hope it was unthinking kids like the ones who go through and knock over headstones here, apparently to show their strength or something.
If not.... well we all know what is feared.

Were any other headstones damaged at the cemetery? The article didn't say.
The problem with agendas and movements is that they can be slow to stop. The communist ones started with fanfare after battles and losses of life. And then they ended up killing many of their own in nation after nation where it became the government. Our nation will be a fertile place for that.
What makes you think it was protesters? I don't think it would have been, unles withs the protesters were meeting in a Jewish cemetery for some reason..... were they?
It's called encroaching. Vandalize a memorial. When nothing happens they can vandalize gravestones. Then actual graves. As long as they get away with criminal acts they will continue expanding the crimes as they go along.
The problem with agendas and movements is that they can be slow to stop. The communist ones started with fanfare after battles and losses of life. And then they ended up killing many of their own in nation after nation where it became the government. Our nation will be a fertile place for that.
It's amazing me that everyone on this thread is pointing to communists (linked to the BLM protests) when in actuality, there are white supremacist organizations out there that have become more numerous and more active in the past few years that HATE Jewish people. I still hope it was mindless vandalizing kids, but there is nothing I've seen so far that in any way indicates this would be the BLM protesters or Antifa. If it's meant as a targeted attack, it's the neo Nazi's.
It's called encroaching. Vandalize a memorial. When nothing happens they can vandalize gravestones. Then actual graves. As long as they get away with criminal acts they will continue expanding the crimes as they go along.
Kids don't do that. They knock down as many as they can in however much time as they've got and then they run.
And sleep it off.
It's amazing me that everyone on this thread is pointing to communists (linked to the BLM protests) when in actuality, there are white supremacist organizations out there that have become more numerous and more active in the past few years that HATE Jewish people. I still hope it was mindless vandalizing kids, but there is nothing I've seen so far that in any way indicates this would be the BLM protesters or Antifa. If it's meant as a targeted attack, it's the neo Nazi's.
Old Lady...the Prog media would have a field day with those white supremacist organizations. As it is they have to find anything that resembles anything that they could call a racist hate group. What is happening is that possibly the protestors turned rioters are getting out of control if they were not already. Progs need to corral their young bucks.
Okay, bear with me, but is there any possibility they were trying to steal it and when it fell it smashed so they left it? A maintenance trailer was also damaged. Were they trying to use that to move it? No graffiti, no defacement of the memorial, just the fountain.

That might sound a little bizarre, but believe it or not, people DO steal memorial statuary and urns out of cemeteries to sell. I had a friend whose grandparents' twin urns were stolen--and they were a good three feet high and made of stone--must have weighed a ton.

Police are investigating the incident at Santa Rosa Memorial Park to determine if it was a hate crime, the Santa Rosa Press Democrat reported. The vandalism occurred on Sunday night or Monday morning.

A maintenance trailer at the cemetery also was damaged, though nothing was reported stolen. Santa Rosa Police told the newspaper that they had not established whether the two vandalism acts are connected.

Rabbi Mordecai Miller of Congregation Beth Ami in Santa Rosa told J. that he’s glad the police are open to investigating the incident as a hate crime. Noting that no graffiti or defacement of the Holocaust memorial was found, he said he is reserving judgment.

This is most definitely not the work of protesters. The cops would know if there had been protests in the area.

Fountain dedicated to Holocaust survivors vandalized at Santa Rosa cemetery
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4:18 PM - Jun 16, 2020

The fountain, which also serves as a place for ritual washing and cleansing, is near the Santa Rosa cemetery and was dedicated to the late Lillian Judd and her husband, Emil, who survived concentration camps. Lillian spoke to local children about the Holocaust for decades until her death in 2016 at age 92.Police are working to find the perpetrators and determine if there was an anti-Semitic motive behind the dismantling of the fountain. Any charges would be felonies.

What makes you think it was protesters? I don't think it would have been, unless the protesters were meeting in a Jewish cemetery for some reason..... were they?

Isn't that irrelevant? Protesters are tearing down statues with no consequences. A precedent has been set. At this point anyone can vandalize anything they want, right? You see, this was never about equality and a fight against police brutality. It was an excuse to riot, loot and vandalize.
Just hoping for the best. I'd sure rather think that than that it was a hate crime against Jewish people.
I doubt it's a hate crime against Jewish people specifically. This is a cultural war. Everything must be destroyed. Dig up the dead and burn the remains. This was done in China. Cemeteries are part of the old way of thinking. This is straight out of the cultural revolution.

Oy vey! Meh chickens coming home to roost. If one is up to date on the facts of who is behind all this shit in America then you understand what I mean.

Does anyone, at this late hour of our civilization, doubt who these mobs really are? They are members of a new-age death cult driven by stale ideology. They are the opposite of what they claim, and they will destroy everything and kill everyone who isn't one of them and many who convert and try to be. Fucking bank on it.

And by the way OP . . . cease and desist with the evil Jew bullshit. That ain't it. Not even close.

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