Holocaust Theories

Kevin MacDonald?! One Jew hater quoting another Jew hater. How about you shove it where the sun don't shine, Dollar-DUMB Nazi boy?

Kevin B. MacDonald - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

MacDonald has also been accused of employing scapegoating techniques that resemble classical Nazism.[21] MacDonald's theses are unable to pass the threshold of attention-worthiness or peer-approval, and contain a "consistently invidious portrayal of Jews, couched in value-laden, disparaging language."

John Hartung, an anesthetist at first interested in his work, said MacDonald's The Culture of Critique was "quite disturbing, seriously misinformed about evolutionary genetics, and suffering from a huge blind spot about the nature of Christianity."[25]

MacDonald has particularly been accused by other academics of academic fraud, saying that he has promoted anti-Semitic propaganda under the guise of what he says is a legitimate and academic search for truth.[26] He has also been accused of misrepresenting the sources he uses in that regard.

Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an institute that monitors neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups, has said of MacDonald that "he put the anti-Semitism under the guise of scholarly work... Kevin MacDonald’s work is nothing but gussied-up anti-Semitism. At base it says that Jews are out to get us through their agenda ... His work is bandied about by just about every neo-Nazi group in America."

CSULB dissociates from MacDonald's views
In late 2007 the Cal State Long Beach Psychology Department began the process of formally dissociating itself from MacDonald's views on Judaism, which in some cases are "used by publications considered to publicize neo-Nazi and white supremacist ideology."

A 2006 article in The Nation magazine reports that MacDonald's 2004 Understanding Jewish Influence: A Study in Ethnic Activism "has turned MacDonald into a celebrity within white nationalist and neo-Nazi circles."[45] Writing in the Journal of Church and State, Professor George Michael noted that MacDonald's work "has been well received by those in the racialist right, as it amounts to a theoretically sophisticated justification for anti-Semitism,"


Quite a gem, this MacDonald asshole, among other Neo Nazi and IslamoNazi assholes, eh? LOL

You ought to try reading his scholarship rather than rely on your butt-buddies' accusations. All you do is end up looking the arrogant fool.

Wiki is just such an impressive Zionist resource, yet it is not fact based research and study, unlike Dr MacDonald's contributions to the subject.

Read the work, or STFU, coward.:lol:
His work is a pile of Neo Nazi manure just like you are. Southern Poverty is also a Jewish website? Ha ha ha. Fuck off Nazi boy, you just got outed:

Kevin MacDonald | Southern Poverty Law Center

Kevin Macdonald

Date of Birth: 1944
Groups: Occidental Quarterly
Location: Laguna Hills, Calif.
Ideology: White Nationalist
Kevin MacDonald is the neo-Nazi movement's favorite academic. A psychology professor at California State University, Long Beach, MacDonald, who also is a board member of the white supremacist Charles Martel Society, published a trilogy that supposedly "proves" that Jews are genetically driven to destroy Western societies. MacDonald also argues that anti-Semitism, far from being an irrational hatred for Jews, is a logical reaction to Jewish success in societies controlled by other ethnic or racial groups. After the publication of a 2007 Intelligence Report exposé detailing MacDonald's anti-Semitism, his teaching duties were reduced and many of his colleagues publicly condemned his racist research.

In His Own Words
"Jews won the culture war without a shot being fired and without the losing side seeming to realize that it was a, war with real winners and real losers — where the losers have not only given up their cultural preeminence, but have failed to stand up to the ultimate denouement: demographic displacement from lands they had controlled for centuries. The new elite retains its outsider feelings toward their new subjects — a hostile elite in the United States as it was in the Soviet Union."
— Personal blog, undated

"In the 20th century many millions of people have been killed in the attempt to establish Marxist societies based on the ideal of complete economic and social leveling, and many more millions of people have been killed as a result of the failure of Jewish assimilation into European societies… . [T]he result has been a widening gulf between the cultural successes of Jews and Gentiles and a disaster for society as a whole."
— The Culture of Critique, 2002

You are even dumber than you appear at first glance. Schmuck.

SPLC if anything, is proof positive of MacDonald's research.
You ought to try reading his scholarship rather than rely on your butt-buddies' accusations. All you do is end up looking the arrogant fool.

Wiki is just such an impressive Zionist resource, yet it is not fact based research and study, unlike Dr MacDonald's contributions to the subject.

Read the work, or STFU, coward.:lol:
His work is a pile of Neo Nazi manure just like you are. Southern Poverty is also a Jewish website? Ha ha ha. Fuck off Nazi boy, you just got outed:

Kevin MacDonald | Southern Poverty Law Center

Kevin Macdonald

Date of Birth: 1944
Groups: Occidental Quarterly
Location: Laguna Hills, Calif.
Ideology: White Nationalist
Kevin MacDonald is the neo-Nazi movement's favorite academic. A psychology professor at California State University, Long Beach, MacDonald, who also is a board member of the white supremacist Charles Martel Society, published a trilogy that supposedly "proves" that Jews are genetically driven to destroy Western societies. MacDonald also argues that anti-Semitism, far from being an irrational hatred for Jews, is a logical reaction to Jewish success in societies controlled by other ethnic or racial groups. After the publication of a 2007 Intelligence Report exposé detailing MacDonald's anti-Semitism, his teaching duties were reduced and many of his colleagues publicly condemned his racist research.

In His Own Words
"Jews won the culture war without a shot being fired and without the losing side seeming to realize that it was a, war with real winners and real losers — where the losers have not only given up their cultural preeminence, but have failed to stand up to the ultimate denouement: demographic displacement from lands they had controlled for centuries. The new elite retains its outsider feelings toward their new subjects — a hostile elite in the United States as it was in the Soviet Union."
— Personal blog, undated

"In the 20th century many millions of people have been killed in the attempt to establish Marxist societies based on the ideal of complete economic and social leveling, and many more millions of people have been killed as a result of the failure of Jewish assimilation into European societies… . [T]he result has been a widening gulf between the cultural successes of Jews and Gentiles and a disaster for society as a whole."
— The Culture of Critique, 2002

You are even dumber than you appear at first glance. Schmuck.

SPLC if anything, is proof positive of MacDonald's research.
Yeah, and that's why even the University disassociated itself from him. Sure sure. The guy you adore is infamous for being a neo Nazi. Wake up, asshole.

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