You of course have eyewitness testimony and more than 200-300,000 pieces of written testimony about them?

No I don't personally, but hundreds of archaeologists and historians do. People who know a lot more about those time periods than you and I. But if you are going to sit here and say the Mayans and Aztec never sacrificed themselves then I am going to sit here and say you my friend are silly.
And no, God does not make mistakes, which is why the version which does NOT agree with the majority is out.

What if the majority is wrong though? Again this was a decision made by men not God, so what if they picked the wrong side? The MAJORITY is not always right.
The Gospel was written by people who interviewed the disciples. The written word wasn't then what it is today. People didn't all read and there wasn't Fed Ex. Papyrus was revolutionary, for pete's sakes. Before that, people wrote on clay tablets or stone. Not conducive to quickly jotting down information.

So now you are admitting that it wasn't written by people who knew Jesus directly? Also the people who made copies of the texts were illiterate, purposefully chosen because they wouldn't know what they were copying and therefore be tempted to change it. But what happens when you do this is, mistakes. They are illiterate so they don't really realize when they mispell something. And using the form of writing at the time a wrong mark wouldn't really be mispelled but a whole new word entirely.
What if the majority is wrong though? Again this was a decision made by men not God, so what if they picked the wrong side? The MAJORITY is not always right.

Once again missing the point. It has nothing to do at all with man, God ensured through divine Guidance that the Bible would be what it is.
So now you are admitting that it wasn't written by people who knew Jesus directly? Also the people who made copies of the texts were illiterate, purposefully chosen because they wouldn't know what they were copying and therefore be tempted to change it. But what happens when you do this is, mistakes. They are illiterate so they don't really realize when they mispell something. And using the form of writing at the time a wrong mark wouldn't really be mispelled but a whole new word entirely.

Once again wrong, because of Divine Guidance God ensured his word remained true.
On what? A rowboat? I think THAT would have certainly been in the bible don't you? I mean if he had lived 100 years maybe I would believe that but honestly he wasn't alive long enough to conquer such a task as that.

some buddhists and historians believe that Christ walked among them too...only when he was young....where we have no books of jesus when young, other than one mention of him staying behind in a temple in town to preach at 13, and mary and joseph thought he was missing... no other mention of his youth that i can remember, other than this one day in his life....

i am certain there is plenty on his youth that is not recorded in the Bible as it stands
some buddhists and historians believe that Christ walked among them too...only when he was young....where we have no books of jesus when young, other than one mention of him staying behind in a temple in town to preach at 13, and mary and joseph thought he was missing... no other mention of his youth that i can remember, other than this one day in his life....

i am certain there is plenty on his youth that is not recorded in the Bible as it stands

True a lot is left out of his youth but how long would it take you or me to walk from the middle east to Tibet, showing up in a temple halfway, and coming back to Jerusalem in our early thirties for the big show. And why don't buddhists worship him?
True a lot is left out of his youth but how long would it take you or me to walk from the middle east to Tibet, showing up in a temple halfway, and coming back to Jerusalem in our early thirties for the big show. And why don't buddhists worship him?
If he could walk on water, don't you think he could teleport?

True a lot is left out of his youth but how long would it take you or me to walk from the middle east to Tibet, showing up in a temple halfway, and coming back to Jerusalem in our early thirties for the big show. And why don't buddhists worship him?


hahahahahaha! i dunno????? i just read somewhere that nicodemus took a journey to china during jesus's youth and jesus went with him....and that nicodemus might have actually been a great uncle
Hmmm...what other fabrications do you know of where people down through the ages have laid down their lives in support of? Over and over again? For 2 thousand years?

And what, exactly, was the profit to the disciples, who all but one died poor and tortured, to spread this ideology? What was their motivation, if it was all just vapid musings and power-mad fabrication?

um, the entire greek and roman pantheon for starters. Chinese taoism. Martyrdom is HARDLY a christian monopoly.

what was the profit? gosh.. wandering into any village and being fed like a holy man for starters.. Feeling like they belong to something greater than their own puny, anonymous lives... We see this same thing happen over and over and over again throughout hisotry.
Or somewhere in between.

Faith is fine, but people need to understand the difference between what's fact and what's taken "on faith". They aren't interchangeable no matter how much some wish they were.

to me FAITH has no value. It's a belief that neither predicts the winning horse nor guarantees a victory. Many poeple have had faith in many things that were clearly false. The entire late 19th century medical field comes to mind.
Honey, Islam came along after Christianity. Islam doesn't contradict Christianity, either, nor the existence of Christ. In fact, Islam supports the NT EXCEPT for the view of Christ as God. So actually, I'm glad you brought it up.
I don't believe anybody died for Greek gods, or in the interest of spreading news of their individual cults to others, far away.

Though you have to admit, that's much too far away, in terms of years, for us to get any "reliable" information on. The oldest and best documented occurence we have from ancient times is the life and times of Christ....and you think even that information is not reliable. So of course you can't believe anything less well documented....

no shit it doesn't contradict. Ironically, you all pray to the same ghost.

However, feel free to answer her questions about the Greek and Roman pantheon. Go ahead and consider Chinese dogma too.
THey aren't interested in spreading an ideology. Islam doesn't seek converts. It seeks to destroy Christians, nitwit. You don't spread ideology by killing your potential converts, or by blowing your own self up, genius.

you are simply wrong. Islam is no more about merely killing christians than the salem witch trials were just a bonfire cookout. And, given the amount of christains supporting WAR instead of turning the other cheak post9/11 like your namesake told you to perhaps you wanna lay off the theatrics here.
On what? A rowboat? I think THAT would have certainly been in the bible don't you? I mean if he had lived 100 years maybe I would believe that but honestly he wasn't alive long enough to conquer such a task as that.

i would imagine that his reply would be something akin to "well, if he can rise from being crucified then being whisked away to north america probably isn't going to make him break a sweat".

and not really. Given the eurocentrism that sprang from christianity coming from the mid east it's not at all surprising that the king james bible, translated barely over 100 years after America was "discovered", did not mention such.
You of course have eyewitness testimony and more than 200-300,000 pieces of written testimony about them?

written testimony still comes from humans, which, by all accounts are severely gullible creatures.

hell, the wide range of human dogma through hisotry tells us as much. An ignorant hayseed told a convincing story WILL believe it.
If Jesus went to America, why did he never mention it? I'm guessing because he didn't know it existed, just like no one else in the middle east at the time knew.


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