HOLY COW--Look at the purple UNION shirts campaining for SCOTT BROWN in MASS!

I can't believe it--the SEIU union in Mass. is out there campaigning for Scott Brown. Never thought I would see the day that union members would go out & campaign for a REPUBLICAN.


Red Mass Group:: WOW! Purple Shirted SEIU Members Holding Signs at Standout

I think Scott Brown is going to pull it off--& I was very skeptical last week.

I think thats directly attributable to the weakness and extreme left wing views of Coakley.

I used to be Union and I certainly never let the UNION tell me how I was going to vote. Union members are individuals, the sad thing is that the Union dollar goes to support candidates, ( almost always democrat candidates) and the individual union members have absolutely no say over it.

Why would a union endorse a candidate from a party that is extremely anti union?
That's NOT RIGHT!!!! You CANNOT give special treatment to one segment of the population with respect to taxes. We are all equal right?
That's NOT RIGHT!!!! You CANNOT give special treatment to one segment of the population with respect to taxes. We are all equal right?

Lets see I go for lunch it is on me, big business man goes to lunch and treats a client he gets a write off, I rent an apartment for $1000 a month no write off, Joe Blow pays a mortgage of $900 a month he gets a write off, no we are not all equal, but cons only seem to have a problem when something may go in favor of the working guy.
Why would a union endorse a candidate from a party that is extremely anti union?

Maybe they've finally figured out that Obamacare LIMITS their ability to negotiate healthcare benefits from employers. It they don't have a "Cadillac" plan now, they're sure as hell not getting one. And if they do... it's eventually going away.
I'm a democrat and have not really paid a lot of attention until recently but I'd be really surprised if a Republican won there for Senate. Is Coakley really that bad of a candidate because sometimes a lot of the media hype is kinda hard to believe?

Then you need to start paying attention, especially before you vote. An uneducated vote cancels out an educated one. My daughter-in-law is a democrat but a very educated one, she pays attention. I love to sit down and talk to her about politics and the issues, but there is nothing more ridiculous than talking to someone who is clueless about the issues that affect them now and will affect them in the future.

So before you ever go to the polls and pull the lever, make sure you know what the issues are and who the candidates are. You are doing your country no favor with an uneducated vote-in fact- you are killing it.
Why would a union endorse a candidate from a party that is extremely anti union?

Maybe they've finally figured out that Obamacare LIMITS their ability to negotiate healthcare benefits from employers. It they don't have a "Cadillac" plan now, they're sure as hell not getting one. And if they do... it's eventually going away.

So this is an actual endorsement from the SEIU or just some members wearing the shirts?
I don't trust them one bit. Personally I think they're trying to cement their influence over the candidate they think will win.
That's NOT RIGHT!!!! You CANNOT give special treatment to one segment of the population with respect to taxes. We are all equal right?

Lets see I go for lunch it is on me, big business man goes to lunch and treats a client he gets a write off, I rent an apartment for $1000 a month no write off, Joe Blow pays a mortgage of $900 a month he gets a write off, no we are not all equal, but cons only seem to have a problem when something may go in favor of the working guy.

This is a bribe to the Unions for their support...plain and simple....no matter how you spin it.
That's NOT RIGHT!!!! You CANNOT give special treatment to one segment of the population with respect to taxes. We are all equal right?

Lets see I go for lunch it is on me, big business man goes to lunch and treats a client he gets a write off, I rent an apartment for $1000 a month no write off, Joe Blow pays a mortgage of $900 a month he gets a write off, no we are not all equal, but cons only seem to have a problem when something may go in favor of the working guy.

That's between the "big businessman" and his employer. They can do what they want. It's a matter between them and their shareholders. A private business has no obligation to pay your rent or buy you lunch.

Your post is an illuminating example of statist envy and populist greed.
And it's a pathetic pandering to the birthers. But maybe we should expect that from Brown, since he

•Panders to the teabaggers (while protesting his ignorance of the movement);
•Refuses to pay health benefits to his campaign workers, labeling them as independent contractors (which may be a violation of the FEC);
•Prioritized building a golf course over aiding 9/11 volunteers;
•Has notorious anti-gay NOM make robo-calls for him;
•Protects big banks from paying back their TARP money;
•and allegedly, is about to be endorsed by none other than Democratic turncoat and McCain BFF, Joe Lieberman.
The DSCC has put together a website just to track all of Brown's lies, and it's growing daily.

Seriously? This is who should replace the liberal lion of the Senate?

No fraking way. Massachusetts residents, get out there on Tuesday. Vote for Martha Coakley, because notwithstanding his Cosmo centerfold, this is not someone who should be the Republican Party's 41st vote.
crooks and liars
Hmmmm... interesting... if some union members are saying "Sod off" to the union leadership and doing this campaigning in their 'official' union shirts against the union's wishes... this could get real messy.

and funny.
Why would a union endorse a candidate from a party that is extremely anti union?

Maybe they've finally figured out that Obamacare LIMITS their ability to negotiate healthcare benefits from employers. It they don't have a "Cadillac" plan now, they're sure as hell not getting one. And if they do... it's eventually going away.

So this is an actual endorsement from the SEIU or just some members wearing the shirts?

I wouldn't think so. The SEIU bailing out of Obamacare would be headline news. I think it's more likely to be a localized bunch of dissenters.
That's NOT RIGHT!!!! You CANNOT give special treatment to one segment of the population with respect to taxes. We are all equal right?

Lets see I go for lunch it is on me, big business man goes to lunch and treats a client he gets a write off, I rent an apartment for $1000 a month no write off, Joe Blow pays a mortgage of $900 a month he gets a write off, no we are not all equal, but cons only seem to have a problem when something may go in favor of the working guy.

That's between the "big businessman" and his employer. They can do what they want. It's a matter between them and their shareholders. A private business has no obligation to pay your rent or buy you lunch.

Your post is an illuminating example of statist envy and populist greed.

A write off has to do with the federal taxes not what goes on between an employer and an employee, but obvioudly big business and people of wealth getting preferential treatment does not bother you cons but damn it if a working guy gets a break.
That's NOT RIGHT!!!! You CANNOT give special treatment to one segment of the population with respect to taxes. We are all equal right?
That will be the basis for all the lawsuits against national health care. The exemptions must go or the bill must go. Equal protection under the law. I think in many ways that also implies equal obligation under the law as well.

We also must remember, SEIU is corrupt. They are not to be trusted when they work for OR against you.
Hmmmm... interesting... if some union members are saying "Sod off" to the union leadership and doing this campaigning in their 'official' union shirts against the union's wishes... this could get real messy.

and funny.

They should face some type of union discipline(That is if they are even members of the union), they are representing their position as the position of the union which it is not.
Hmmmm... interesting... if some union members are saying "Sod off" to the union leadership and doing this campaigning in their 'official' union shirts against the union's wishes... this could get real messy.

and funny.

They should face some type of union discipline(That is if they are even members of the union), they are representing their position as the position of the union which it is not.

Yes--that is what makes this fascinating---:lol::lol:
A write off has to do with the federal taxes not what goes on between an employer and an employee, but obvioudly big business and people of wealth getting preferential treatment does not bother you cons but damn it if a working guy gets a break.

Total bullshit. You can write off your business expenses just like they can. Get a new tax guy if you can't figure it out on your own.

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