Holy CRAP, Dick Morris!

I'd like to know which polls he's been reading...A lot of those places he claims to be (R) locks are still well within the MOE, the recent trends in their direction notwithstanding.

OTOH, if the consistent +6% - +8% (D) oversample of many polls doesn't hold materialize on Tuesday, he could be pretty close to the truth.
If Dick Morris predicts a Romney win, that seals the win for Obama. Dick Morris has that talent for being totally wrong about everything.

And once more, there is no oversampling of Democrats. Anyone saying that reveals themselves as completely clueless about how polling works, not to mention grasping at straws.
If Dick Morris predicts a Romney win, that seals the win for Obama. Dick Morris has that talent for being totally wrong about everything.

And once more, there is no oversampling of Democrats. Anyone saying that reveals themselves as completely clueless about how polling works, not to mention grasping at straws.

Your denial of Dim oversampling is noted with great amusement.

You are wrong, ignorant or dishonest.
DM has also predicted Romney winning the national election by 5-10 percent in the popular vote and 300 plus in the electoral poll. I've seen enough data to know that it could happen. But I'm not fully convinced that this will be the case and I think level headed conservatives will still be nervous, but greatly optimistic on election night.

Dang, Morris is going out on a limb:

Here Comes the Landslide | RealClearPolitics

He says Romney wins going away.

GOP picks up SIX seats and takes over at 53-47.

Yikes, write that one down. We'll see how he does.


He better be saying his prayers, because if he is wrong, which I think he is way off, his career is pretty much over. When you make outlandishly bold predictions, you better be at least close.
Toe jam and hookers have rotted Dicky's little brain.
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Sounds like his toe sucking habit has caused brain damage. FTR, here's what he said 4 years ago.


Dick yanked that prediction from his website because too many people were linking too it.

The toe-sucker does have some serious problems. He's been kind of nuts since Clinton fired him in 1996. and again in 1998 when his defense of Monica-Gate was "Well, Hillary's a lesbian and a man has needs!"

Dang, Morris is going out on a limb:

Here Comes the Landslide | RealClearPolitics

He says Romney wins going away.

GOP picks up SIX seats and takes over at 53-47.

Yikes, write that one down. We'll see how he does.


He better be saying his prayers, because if he is wrong, which I think he is way off, his career is pretty much over. When you make outlandishly bold predictions, you better be at least close.

Dick Morris has been saying ridiculous things since the 1990's, but the right loves him because he has a hate-on for the Clintons just like they do.

Dang, Morris is going out on a limb:

Here Comes the Landslide | RealClearPolitics

He says Romney wins going away.

GOP picks up SIX seats and takes over at 53-47.

Yikes, write that one down. We'll see how he does.


He better be saying his prayers, because if he is wrong, which I think he is way off, his career is pretty much over. When you make outlandishly bold predictions, you better be at least close.

It's not outlandish if it's close genius.
This election was a real nail bitter til I heard that on Fox last night. Being that every time "Dirty" Dick makes a prediction the exact opposite happens, I'm cool with it.

1. Bush and congressional Democrats in 2002

Dick Morris on C-Span (view video here)
Sometimes, Morris is kind enough to offer us a two-for-one deal. In the span of two minutes, Morris said that President Bush's approval rating would remain in the 80s so long as we were fighting overseas. It did, of course, drop precipitously, into the low 50s, by the 2004 election. Morris also believed that congressional Democrats had neutralized Bush by supporting his wars. It turned out the opposite happened: 2002 was only the second time since 1934 that the president's party gained seats in the House during a midterm election.

2. North Korea and Iran will cave

Dick Morris on C-Span (view video here)
I guess Morris thought that if he couldn't predict elections, then he might do better with the actions of foreign governments. Apparently, Bush's foreign policy was going to bring Iran and North Korea to their knees and force them to cooperate with the United States. Eight years later, Iran continues to back the Syrian government and is as close to war with Israel as it's ever been. Oh, and North Korea is as much a mystery and a headache as ever.

3. Condi v Hillary

Dick Morris's 2005 book, Condi Vs. Hillary, predicting the 2008 presidential contest, wrongly
This book cover says it all.

Morris was correct in believing that Clinton would run, but wrong that she would get the nomination.

But Condoleezza Rice running for political office?

She'd never run for anything, and didn't run in 2008.

Plus, how in the dickens would she possibly win a primary in a pro-life party when she is pro-choice?

Morris's wrongness truly boggles the mind.

4. The 2008 electoral map

What do Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, and West Virginia have in common? They are all states where the Pollster.com aggregate favored John McCain over Barack Obama by at least 10 points, yet Morris, for some ridiculous reason, thought the states were toss-ups or leaned Obama? Obama lost them all by 12 to 20 points. And for good measure, Obama won the leaning-McCain state of Indiana.

5. Sarah Palin wins 2008 vice-presidential debate

Dick Morris on Fox News
Well, Morris thinks Sarah Palin is Ronald Reagan, or something. Morris also manages to smack around Hillary Clinton in this video. To his point that Palin won the debate? All national polls found voters believing Biden won the debate, by at least 15 points. Some state data pointed to a closer race, but even there, voters thought Biden was more prepared to be president. Palin resigned from office less than a year later and seemingly has no future in running for political office.

6. Democrats to lose over 80 seats in the 2010 midterm elections

Dick Morris on Fox News
There's a difference between being overly optimistic and being downright off the ledge. Morris crosses that line many times, and did so in calling for Republicans to win 80 new seats in the House of Representatives. Republicans would win a historic victory in 2010, but would only take 63 seats.

7. Republicans will shutdown the government over something in 2011 ... and win!

Dick Morris, via TPM TV
Sometimes, I'm not even sure from where a Dick Morris prediction comes. Here, he claimed that Republicans would shut down the government after regaining control of the House in the 2010 elections, and would win that shutdown. No shutdown ever happened. I guess one almost did over the debt ceiling, but Republicans were the ones who caved to President Obama.

8. Donald Trump to run for president

Dick Morris, via Media Matters
Donald Trump running for office is like a game of three-card monty. Anyone who knows anything knows that Trump likes to fool around, but at the end of the day, is never going to run. He just likes to hear himself talk. Somehow, Morris thought that Trump had great potential. Trump would plummet in the polls … and, of course, didn't run.

9. Obama to secretly take our guns away on 27 July

Dick Morris TV
Did you know that President Obama was working in cahoots with the United Nations to take Americans' guns away on 27 July 2012? I didn't either. It was Obama's secret plan to foil the second amendment! Of course, the United States delegation to the UN ensured the bill failed.

10. The "real polls"

Dick Morris TV
I'm just not even sure I have the words for this one, but Morris claims he has the "real polls" from a pollster he can't name. Perhaps the funniest thing of this whole clips is even the "real polls" have Romney winning only 228 electoral votes. He needs 270 to win the election. (My own estimate would be that if the election were today, then Romney would take 206 electoral votes.)


The guy behind the counter at Subway is as likely to be accurate at predicting political outcomes as Dick Morris. Dick Morris, however, is far more entertaining
I'd say it's looking good for Romney at this point but a landslide? No way IMO. But it would be nice to be wrong.
The numbers aren't there for obama. He has been consistently losing support and now clings to leads of 1 or 2% as a statistical tie. Numbers that close usually break for the challenger not the incumbent.
The numbers aren't there for obama. He has been consistently losing support and now clings to leads of 1 or 2% as a statistical tie. Numbers that close usually break for the challenger not the incumbent.

The pollsters are also understating GOP turnout. They base it on 2008 but in 08 no one gave a shit about McCain and the momentum was with Obama so a lot of people stayed home.
This time people will swim through barbed wire to vote out Obama. Obama's supporters meanwhile can't be bothered to hang up their gov't given cell phones and get off their gov't fed asses.
The numbers aren't there for obama. He has been consistently losing support and now clings to leads of 1 or 2% as a statistical tie. Numbers that close usually break for the challenger not the incumbent.

The pollsters are also understating GOP turnout. They base it on 2008 but in 08 no one gave a shit about McCain and the momentum was with Obama so a lot of people stayed home.
This time people will swim through barbed wire to vote out Obama. Obama's supporters meanwhile can't be bothered to hang up their gov't given cell phones and get off their gov't fed asses.

Nobody bases their polls on prior election turnout.

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