"Holy crap it's cold today. D*mn global warming"


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
"Holy crap it's cold today. D*mn global warming" ~Someone said at work today. And over and over in society/media.

It's 2015. We know global warming is fact. We know major corporations spent $millions$ on media to convince small brains it is a hoax so they wouldn't get regulated. Just look at how much the Koch brothers spent on "anti-global warming campaigns" and watch how many people repeated and still repeat that it isn't a fact after it's been proven. Sad.

Party people will repeat anything, and have.
1998. Record heat on a global scale. 2005. Record heat on a global scale. 2010. Record heat on a global scale. 2014, record heat on a global scale. 2015, shaping up to see record heat on a global scale.

7 years. 5 years. 4 years. 1 year. Bit of a trend, there. All but one of the warmest years on record since 2000. But some here call that a cooling trend. LOL
1998. Record heat on a global scale. 2005. Record heat on a global scale. 2010. Record heat on a global scale. 2014, record heat on a global scale. 2015, shaping up to see record heat on a global scale.

7 years. 5 years. 4 years. 1 year. Bit of a trend, there. All but one of the warmest years on record since 2000. But some here call that a cooling trend. LOL
its really really bad here in Florida, we have already lost about 5000 feet of beach front on both ends. anyone seen what used to be my house floating in the gulf?
I'm in California. Global warming made it snow last week. Damn global warming for those icy roads.
And every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. But you nincompoops know so much more than all those pointy headed liberal scientists and it's all a vast conspiracy involving scientist in all of the disciplines from every culture and political system in the world.

Oh, where is my little tin hat, little tin hat, little tin hat.........................................
And every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. But you nincompoops know so much more than all those pointy headed liberal scientists and it's all a vast conspiracy involving scientist in all of the disciplines from every culture and political system in the world.

Oh, where is my little tin hat, little tin hat, little tin hat.........................................

No ,it isn't a clear and present danger. I have studied it.
We're all still here. The Earth's still spinning. You will not die from the Global Warming Boogeyman. Odds are, you're gonna die from anything but the Global Warming Boogeyman.

So the hysterical fear mongering really isn't necessary. And a massive World Government power-grab definitely isn't necessary. Just live and enjoy life. No need to live in fear. The Boogeyman ain't gon get you.
And every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. But you nincompoops know so much more than all those pointy headed liberal scientists and it's all a vast conspiracy involving scientist in all of the disciplines from every culture and political system in the world.

Oh, where is my little tin hat, little tin hat, little tin hat.........................................

I'm sure you left it next to your alchemy books.
We're all still here. The Earth's still spinning. You will not die from the Global Warming Boogeyman. Odds are, you're gonna die from anything but the Global Warming Boogeyman.

So the hysterical fear mongering really isn't necessary. And a massive World Government power-grab definitely isn't necessary. Just live and enjoy life. No need to live in fear. The Boogeyman ain't gon get you.

There is a difference between fear mongering and educating someone in a bad position. YOU/WE are in a bad position. Stop repeating what the Koch brothers want you to repeat and attempt to educate yourself on the topic.

I'm not fear mongering you. But I'm telling not to swallow that shallow pill.

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