Holy Fuck They Cancelled "Law and Order"!


Apr 20, 2010
I am just distraught. I learned more criminal law from this excellent series than I did in law school. It is truly superior television.

NBC Cancels ‘Law & Order’ - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com

I don't really like the spin-offs.

WHY, WHY, WHY??????


It's getting stale, dry, and old. Hopefully CSI finishes next season too.

I don't agree Oscar Wao. The original series always was story-driven; they never did up 1,001 episodes about the characters' sex lives. The whole reason I don't like the spin-offs is because they don't adhere to this formula.

I agree CSI sux, and has since before the end of the first season. And CSI Miami SUX the most. That red-headed actor and His. Dramatic. Pauses. drive me batshit.

Could have been a terrific science-driven show; they blew that chasing ratings with episodes in which all the staff get kidnapped one by one, etc.
Fuck em! Criminal Minds is way mo betta.

NCIS is better too. They both have humor injected into sick twisted psycotic blood baths...what more could you want?

L n A not so much... Last minute Sharon Stone injection..failed. They should have gone straight to a pussy shot with Saron smokin and blowin it in everyones faces...:lol::lol:
It's getting stale, dry, and old. Hopefully CSI finishes next season too.

I don't agree Oscar Wao. The original series always was story-driven; they never did up 1,001 episodes about the characters' sex lives. The whole reason I don't like the spin-offs is because they don't adhere to this formula.

I agree CSI sux, and has since before the end of the first season. And CSI Miami SUX the most. That red-headed actor and His. Dramatic. Pauses. drive me batshit.

Could have been a terrific science-driven show; they blew that chasing ratings with episodes in which all the staff get kidnapped one by one, etc.

That fag has done more to hurt my Irish heritage than the bombings in London. I can't even tell you!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:
Fuck em! Criminal Minds is way mo betta.

NCIS is better too. They both have humor injected into sick twisted psycotic blood baths...what more could you want?

L n A not so much... Last minute Sharon Stone injection..failed. They should have gone straight to a pussy shot with Saron smokin and blowin it in everyones faces...:lol::lol:

I do like "Criminal Minds" but I'm a total Mandy Patakin slut, Huggy. The writing just isn't as good as "Law and Order" and I hate the 1980's style production values.

"NCIS" is too goofy for me, too jokey.

When was Sharon Stone on "Law and Order"?
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It's getting stale, dry, and old. Hopefully CSI finishes next season too.

I don't agree Oscar Wao. The original series always was story-driven; they never did up 1,001 episodes about the characters' sex lives. The whole reason I don't like the spin-offs is because they don't adhere to this formula.

I agree CSI sux, and has since before the end of the first season. And CSI Miami SUX the most. That red-headed actor and His. Dramatic. Pauses. drive me batshit.

Could have been a terrific science-driven show; they blew that chasing ratings with episodes in which all the staff get kidnapped one by one, etc.

That fag has done more to hurt my Irish heritage than the bombings in London. I can't even tell you!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:

Huggy, I like you. But I'd really consider it a favor if you'd stop using words like "fag". There could even be sex in it for you, if you can break this bad habit.

Not sex with me, but nonetheless, sex.

Fuck em! Criminal Minds is way mo betta.

NCIS is better too. They both have humor injected into sick twisted psycotic blood baths...what more could you want?

L n A not so much... Last minute Sharon Stone injection..failed. They should have gone straight to a pussy shot with Saron smokin and blowin it in everyones faces...:lol::lol:

I like to watch Criminal Minds,even though some episodes I find hard to make it through (like you said..sick/twisted...and sometimes too graphic for me). I have always liked Mandy Patinkin though...so he is the reason I started watching one saturday when they had a marathon running all day.

I like Law And Order, but they have re runs on constantly so, I probably won't even notice when it goes off the air.
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I don't agree Oscar Wao. The original series always was story-driven; they never did up 1,001 episodes about the characters' sex lives. The whole reason I don't like the spin-offs is because they don't adhere to this formula.

I agree CSI sux, and has since before the end of the first season. And CSI Miami SUX the most. That red-headed actor and His. Dramatic. Pauses. drive me batshit.

Could have been a terrific science-driven show; they blew that chasing ratings with episodes in which all the staff get kidnapped one by one, etc.

That fag has done more to hurt my Irish heritage than the bombings in London. I can't even tell you!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:

Huggy, I like you. But I'd really consider it a favor if you'd stop using words like "fag". There could even be sex in it for you, if you can break this bad habit.

Not sex with me, but nonetheless, sex.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yRRqxJHQmA]YouTube - Dream Police - Cheap Trick - 1979 Promo[/ame]
Holy Fuck They Cancelled "Law and Order"!


One of the most overrated shows, with the most plastic, one-dimensional and predictable characters, in teevee history.
This is last weeks news people. Try to keep up;)

And they are replacing it with Law and Order: Los Angelos. Im sure it's going to be owe so different.
This is last weeks news people. Try to keep up;)

And they are replacing it with Law and Order: Los Angelos. Im sure it's going to be owe so different.

Law and Order: Los Angeles? They already did that, it was called Dragnet...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj-qhIGTXdU&feature=related]YouTube - Dragnet 1951[/ame]

Or Adam 12...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzFaxky60QA]YouTube - Adam-12 1st Season Opening[/ame]
Don't worry, if you have cable or satellite, you can watch any time of the day. :D
I am just distraught. I learned more criminal law from this excellent series than I did in law school. It is truly superior television.

NBC Cancels ‘Law & Order’ - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com

I don't really like the spin-offs.

WHY, WHY, WHY??????


because it continously spouted left wing bs.. air america didn't make it eyether..

That show definately loves to get on it's soap box,and it does get old and annoying sometimes. I don't like being preached at,when I'm trying to relax and enjoy down time. They were also rather predictible,9 times out of 10 the bad guy was a person of faith, and if by chance they were not...they were still portrayed in a bad light anyway.
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Fuck em! Criminal Minds is way mo betta.

NCIS is better too. They both have humor injected into sick twisted psycotic blood baths...what more could you want?

L n A not so much... Last minute Sharon Stone injection..failed. They should have gone straight to a pussy shot with Saron smokin and blowin it in everyones faces...:lol::lol:

NCIS? :rofl: :rofl:

Sorry....but I know what the real NCIS is like. They would be more realistic to show old clips of the Keystone Kops.

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