HOLY TOLEDO! New poll has Trump at 32% WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!

And we'd do it without any casualties at all!

Not many and the ones we lose, their families will be compensated well. Nothing is without risk... even the oil well operators will have casualties... people get themselves killed all the time... I wonder how most of you morons have made it this far in life sometimes.

Let's get back on topic... How do we defeat ISIS? Isn't the idea of removing them from the wealth that funds their operations at least a reasonable one? I think that it is. Trump thinks it is... and apparently, so do most of his supporters.
Well, apparently the answer is to take over the Iraqi & Syrian oilfields in a practically bloodless and low-risk invasion.
What could possibly go wrong?

Well in Iraq, there is no "invasion" required since we are already there. Syria is no problem, they have virtually no army. Taking out a bunch of third-world bandits with grenade launchers doesn't sound like it would be much of a task for the most sophisticated military on the planet. While they are all busy trying to find a suitable cave in which to hide for their life... we will be constructing a cordon around the oil fields. Then it becomes a simple matter of protecting the oil fields from an inadequate enemy which will soon be starving to death due to lack of resources.

Again... I will ask you to present some kind of coherent alternative plan to eliminate ISIS?
No, I like yours...it sounds really simple and low risk.
Hey Boss....................if you think it's so easy to "vaporize anything within 300 yards" of the oil fields..................I've got just one question.

How many years did you serve in the military, and what rank did you achieve, because you obviously didn't do much if you did anything.

We have technology that would blow your stupid liberal mind. For instance, we have EMP weapons we can configure on drones to simply fly the perimeter of a cordon and essentially "fry" any kind of electromagnetic equipment or machine in the area. That means, no tanks or armored vehicles or vehicles of any kind. No sophisticated weaponry depending on electronics, no radar or night vision technology... they are basically reduced to primitive military tactics with no risk whatsoever to American lives. ....So are they going to come at us with torches and pitchforks?
I see......................you are going to tell me what kind of weapons we have (as well as those you've been hoping that we've got) and not tell me how many years you've served.

Me? I served 20 years in the U.S. Navy from 1982 until 2002, and not only served with surface ships, but also spent some time with squadrons.

What you are proposing is stupid. And.............if you proposed that same plan to someone who was actually on active duty (or retired like I am) they would tell you that you plan will fail for the same reasons I did.

I'm not a liberal, I'm an Independent. I also served this country for over 20 years in no less than 4 war zones.

I ask again...................how many years, and in what service did you serve to come up with such bullshit plans for another war?
Hey Boss....................if you think it's so easy to "vaporize anything within 300 yards" of the oil fields..................I've got just one question.

How many years did you serve in the military, and what rank did you achieve, because you obviously didn't do much if you did anything.
If you really want to know how much that tard knows about the miltary, see if you can get him to name the Marines he's talking about when he said...

"I'm sure they will understand the petty indifference toward McCain's 'war hero' status is far more important than calling in support for Marines under attack in Benghazi and leaving them to die." - Boss
Hey Boss....................if you think it's so easy to "vaporize anything within 300 yards" of the oil fields..................I've got just one question.

How many years did you serve in the military, and what rank did you achieve, because you obviously didn't do much if you did anything.

We have technology that would blow your stupid liberal mind. For instance, we have EMP weapons we can configure on drones to simply fly the perimeter of a cordon and essentially "fry" any kind of electromagnetic equipment or machine in the area. That means, no tanks or armored vehicles or vehicles of any kind. No sophisticated weaponry depending on electronics, no radar or night vision technology... they are basically reduced to primitive military tactics with no risk whatsoever to American lives. ....So are they going to come at us with torches and pitchforks?
You're a fucking imbecile.

It took us 9 years, 32K American casualties, and some $2 trillion to defeat a bunch of insurgents in Iraq armed with little more than "torches and pitchforks."
I see......................you are going to tell me what kind of weapons we have (as well as those you've been hoping that we've got) and not tell me how many years you've served.

Me? I served 20 years in the U.S. Navy from 1982 until 2002, and not only served with surface ships, but also spent some time with squadrons.

What you are proposing is stupid. And.............if you proposed that same plan to someone who was actually on active duty (or retired like I am) they would tell you that you plan will fail for the same reasons I did.

I'm not a liberal, I'm an Independent. I also served this country for over 20 years in no less than 4 war zones.

I ask again...................how many years, and in what service did you serve to come up with such bullshit plans for another war?

It seems like someone with your absolutely stellar military background would be able to articulate some kind of brilliant strategy to eliminate ISIS... but nope... you simply want to dismiss any and all ideas. Makes me think you really don't have any idea how to eliminate ISIS, so why bother?

Hey... it's okay, there are lots of really clueless people who have served in the military and I thank you for your service to the country... but I highly doubt you have been privy to our most advanced weapon secrets. I doubt anyone you know, active or retired, are totally aware of all we have available. This isn't a matter of my military e-dick being bigger than yours... it's simply a matter of national security and the fact that the general public doesn't know all our military secrets.

EMP weapons are not some kind of science fiction "dream" technology. Boeing, who helped develop it, has confirmed it does exist. If you didn't know about it you know about it now.
Hey Boss....................if you think it's so easy to "vaporize anything within 300 yards" of the oil fields..................I've got just one question.

How many years did you serve in the military, and what rank did you achieve, because you obviously didn't do much if you did anything.

We have technology that would blow your stupid liberal mind. For instance, we have EMP weapons we can configure on drones to simply fly the perimeter of a cordon and essentially "fry" any kind of electromagnetic equipment or machine in the area. That means, no tanks or armored vehicles or vehicles of any kind. No sophisticated weaponry depending on electronics, no radar or night vision technology... they are basically reduced to primitive military tactics with no risk whatsoever to American lives. ....So are they going to come at us with torches and pitchforks?
You're a fucking imbecile.

It took us 9 years, 32K American casualties, and some $2 trillion to defeat a bunch of insurgents in Iraq armed with little more than "torches and pitchforks."

Yes, but we were trying to take control of an entire country and help establish democracy... this wouldn't be that. We don't need to take control of anything but oil fields. We can do that easy.
Actually, my brilliant strategy would be to pull out and let them kill themselves, because they don't really pose a problem to this country at this time. They don't have the ability to cross the oceans and get here to America.

Stellar military background? Well.....................if you're good, you get to do independent duty, if you're really good, you can do 2 independent duty tours back to back. I went from a PSD at Newport RI to an MSC vessel in Norfolk (1st independent duty tour) to being the LPO at a MEPS in Amarillo TX (2nd independent duty tour, both of which are usually filled by an E-7 or better and I did both of them as an E-6). Yeah...............I was that good.

As far as having knowledge of our most advanced weapons secrets? Nope, don't have a clue, but I do know about things that happen above my paygrade (at least during the time I was in), because I was a member of the PRP program, which meant that I worked with special weapons.

And...........................no.......................it's not a question of your e-dick being bigger than mine, it's a question of whether or not you know tactics, diplomacy, and whether or not you've served in the military.

And yeah.......................EMP weapons do exist, but they are a one off kind of thing. If you wanted to take out the entire grid of the United States, detonate a 10 megaton nuke about 10 or 15 miles above the center of the United States.

If you don't want to detonate a nuke? Well..............your choices are limited, because everything that uses an engine has to have electricity, and an EMP blast will take it out, so your brilliant statement about drones using EMP is bullshit, because as soon as they went off, they would fall out of the sky and be destroyed.

Again....................I ask........................how many years and in what service did you serve, because you sound like a total idiot trying to pass themselves off as someone who knows what they're talking about.
...they would tell you that you plan will fail for the same reasons I did.

Well that's just it... you haven't really told me why that plan will fail. You simply intimated it couldn't be done and it would fail because you think it would. Then you lamented how it would upset people and make them angry at us. Seems like such a futile loser of a plan would make them jubilant. :dunno:

In fact, everything suggested, you simply stomp your feet and demand that "IT CAN'T BE DONE!" So.......... are we supposed to throw up our hands and resign ourselves to living with the abhorrent atrocities committed by ISIS from now on? You're not suggesting ANY kind of plan or solution.
Actually, my brilliant strategy would be to pull out and let them kill themselves, because they don't really pose a problem to this country at this time. They don't have the ability to cross the oceans and get here to America.

Stellar military background? Well.....................if you're good, you get to do independent duty, if you're really good, you can do 2 independent duty tours back to back. I went from a PSD at Newport RI to an MSC vessel in Norfolk (1st independent duty tour) to being the LPO at a MEPS in Amarillo TX (2nd independent duty tour, both of which are usually filled by an E-7 or better and I did both of them as an E-6). Yeah...............I was that good.

As far as having knowledge of our most advanced weapons secrets? Nope, don't have a clue, but I do know about things that happen above my paygrade (at least during the time I was in), because I was a member of the PRP program, which meant that I worked with special weapons.

And...........................no.......................it's not a question of your e-dick being bigger than mine, it's a question of whether or not you know tactics, diplomacy, and whether or not you've served in the military.

And yeah.......................EMP weapons do exist, but they are a one off kind of thing. If you wanted to take out the entire grid of the United States, detonate a 10 megaton nuke about 10 or 15 miles above the center of the United States.

If you don't want to detonate a nuke? Well..............your choices are limited, because everything that uses an engine has to have electricity, and an EMP blast will take it out, so your brilliant statement about drones using EMP is bullshit, because as soon as they went off, they would fall out of the sky and be destroyed.

Again....................I ask........................how many years and in what service did you serve, because you sound like a total idiot trying to pass themselves off as someone who knows what they're talking about.

Total rubbish... you know NOTHING about EMP weapons.
Actually, my brilliant strategy would be to pull out and let them kill themselves, because they don't really pose a problem to this country at this time. They don't have the ability to cross the oceans and get here to America.

Stellar military background? Well.....................if you're good, you get to do independent duty, if you're really good, you can do 2 independent duty tours back to back. I went from a PSD at Newport RI to an MSC vessel in Norfolk (1st independent duty tour) to being the LPO at a MEPS in Amarillo TX (2nd independent duty tour, both of which are usually filled by an E-7 or better and I did both of them as an E-6). Yeah...............I was that good.

As far as having knowledge of our most advanced weapons secrets? Nope, don't have a clue, but I do know about things that happen above my paygrade (at least during the time I was in), because I was a member of the PRP program, which meant that I worked with special weapons.

And...........................no.......................it's not a question of your e-dick being bigger than mine, it's a question of whether or not you know tactics, diplomacy, and whether or not you've served in the military.

And yeah.......................EMP weapons do exist, but they are a one off kind of thing. If you wanted to take out the entire grid of the United States, detonate a 10 megaton nuke about 10 or 15 miles above the center of the United States.

If you don't want to detonate a nuke? Well..............your choices are limited, because everything that uses an engine has to have electricity, and an EMP blast will take it out, so your brilliant statement about drones using EMP is bullshit, because as soon as they went off, they would fall out of the sky and be destroyed.

Again....................I ask........................how many years and in what service did you serve, because you sound like a total idiot trying to pass themselves off as someone who knows what they're talking about.

Total rubbish... you know NOTHING about EMP weapons.
Spits a fucking retard. :eusa_doh:

Tell me again ... what were the names of the Marines killed in the Benghazi attack?
...they would tell you that you plan will fail for the same reasons I did.

Well that's just it... you haven't really told me why that plan will fail. You simply intimated it couldn't be done and it would fail because you think it would. Then you lamented how it would upset people and make them angry at us. Seems like such a futile loser of a plan would make them jubilant. :dunno:

In fact, everything suggested, you simply stomp your feet and demand that "IT CAN'T BE DONE!" So.......... are we supposed to throw up our hands and resign ourselves to living with the abhorrent atrocities committed by ISIS from now on? You're not suggesting ANY kind of plan or solution.

Actually, I DID tell you why it would fail, but if you need a refresher, here it is.......................

Oil comes from the ground in things called "wells" that are an integral part of the country that they are drilled in.

If you wish to make the oil yours, you must take over the well, ensure that you have enough firepower to defend it from those you took it from, and figure out how to have a safe passage for the oil that you're "liberating" from the locals.

Oh yeah.................you've also got to have the firepower to defend those wells, and be willing to stay there until the wells are used up.

Why? Because the people you invaded are pissed that you're taking their oil and messing with their wealth.

No.................it can't be done without a whole bunch of money and manpower that would far dwarf the benefit we MIGHT get from taking over those wells.

Again I ask..................how many years and in what branch of the military did you serve?
Actually, my brilliant strategy would be to pull out and let them kill themselves, because they don't really pose a problem to this country at this time.

Which is precisely what we did 8 years ago...

It doesn't work.
You're a fucking idiot.

8 years ago, Bush was sending more troops into Iraq as part of "the surge." In fact, it was 8 years ago this September, our troop strength in Iraq hit it's all-time peak during the war.

You know -- the exact opposite of pulling out to let them kill themselves. :eusa_doh:

You really have no clue how stupid you look, do ya?
Tell me again ... what were the names of the Marines killed in the Benghazi attack?

I've already awarded you brownie points for that error, Faun. You don't keep getting credits. It was an Ambassador, a Foreign Services officer and two ex-Navy Seals who were killed because the Secretary of State failed to send support in full knowledge of the situation. She tried, along with others in the Administration, to blame the attacks on a video. This proved to be a fabricated lie... then we have the makings of a conspiracy and cover-up that makes Nixon look like a Boy Scout. (That's not MY opinion, that's basically from the mouth of Bob Woodward.)

So... To summarize... you scored a point because you caught the error Boss made when he said "Marines" were killed. And let's be clear, Marines have been killed by radical Islamic terrorists. But what is more important than any of this is that Faun be given credit and praise for finding an error in one of Boss' posts. THAT is such a rare and unusual thing that it deserves our recognition.

So... Hurrah for Faun! Marines weren't killed in Benghazi on Hillary's watch!
...they would tell you that you plan will fail for the same reasons I did.

Well that's just it... you haven't really told me why that plan will fail. You simply intimated it couldn't be done and it would fail because you think it would. Then you lamented how it would upset people and make them angry at us. Seems like such a futile loser of a plan would make them jubilant. :dunno:

In fact, everything suggested, you simply stomp your feet and demand that "IT CAN'T BE DONE!" So.......... are we supposed to throw up our hands and resign ourselves to living with the abhorrent atrocities committed by ISIS from now on? You're not suggesting ANY kind of plan or solution.

Actually, I DID tell you why it would fail, but if you need a refresher, here it is.......................

Oil comes from the ground in things called "wells" that are an integral part of the country that they are drilled in.

If you wish to make the oil yours, you must take over the well, ensure that you have enough firepower to defend it from those you took it from, and figure out how to have a safe passage for the oil that you're "liberating" from the locals.

Oh yeah.................you've also got to have the firepower to defend those wells, and be willing to stay there until the wells are used up.

Why? Because the people you invaded are pissed that you're taking their oil and messing with their wealth.

No.................it can't be done without a whole bunch of money and manpower that would far dwarf the benefit we MIGHT get from taking over those wells.

Again I ask..................how many years and in what branch of the military did you serve?

IT CAN BE DONE... with minimal fire power and minimal troops. Money is not an issue, oil is very valuable.

The benefit is, we starve ISIS to death... they have no source of funding other than the oil. That will effectively eliminate any threat they pose. No oil = No ISIS Jihad. And of course they wouldn't like it none too much.... I don't care about what they like.
Actually, my brilliant strategy would be to pull out and let them kill themselves, because they don't really pose a problem to this country at this time.

Which is precisely what we did 8 years ago...

It doesn't work.
You're a fucking idiot.

8 years ago, Bush was sending more troops into Iraq as part of "the surge." In fact, it was 8 years ago this September, our troop strength in Iraq hit it's all-time peak during the war.

You know -- the exact opposite of pulling out to let them kill themselves. :eusa_doh:

You really have no clue how stupid you look, do ya?

What has been the policy under the Obama administration?
Actually, I DID tell you why it would fail...

Again... you gave me your opinion that it wouldn't work. You've not explained why it would fail other than your opinion it wouldn't work. I have asked you three times now to present us with some alternative plan... all you've come up with is "leave them alone-- let them kill each other." And honestly, that plan doesn't work. They haven't declared Jihad against themselves.

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