HOLY TOLEDO! New poll has Trump at 32% WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!

OK. How about you send your kids out to die for oil. When I volunteered for the service over 50 years ago, I volunteered to defend my nation. I think the volunteers today feel the same way. Should we really invade nations for oil? Or for non-existant WMD? And, after invading Afghanistan for 9-11, we let Bin Laden go for seven years. Why the hell did we invade if we were not going to make every effort to get Bin Laden? And why are we still there and in Iraq?

Time to rethink why we are militarily involved in some areas.

I just heard a speech today from Trump addressing this. He wants to capture the oil wells and use the oil revenue to pay families of vets who died or were injured in Iraq and Afghanistan.

That's right. Create even more families of vets who died or were injured to pay for other vets who died or were injured.


And his supporters think we are supposed to take Trump seriously.


Why do you hate the Veterans?
We have no other strategic interest in the Middle East other than oil.

Invading other countries just for their oil as you say would make us no different than the dictators and totalitarians and would cost tens of thousands of American lives, both over there and here. It's an incredibly dumb idea.

No other strategic interest? Have you not heard about ISIS or radical Islam?

Again... No one has proposed we invade a country and take their oil. Trump is talking about a strategic move to confiscate the resources of ISIS. Instead of the reserves being used to fund terrorism, they will be used to pay families of wounded warriors and vets who lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan.

YOU'RE an incredibly dumb idea. Your daddy should have pulled out and jizzed on your mom's ass instead of making you.

The best part of him ran down her leg.
Again... No one has proposed we invade a country and take their oil. Trump is talking about a strategic move to confiscate the resources of ISIS. Instead of the reserves being used to fund terrorism, they will be used to pay families of wounded warriors and vets who lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan.

YOU'RE an incredibly dumb idea. Your daddy should have pulled out and jizzed on your mom's ass instead of making you.

How does he propose to "confiscate the resources of ISIS" and use the reserves to fund compensation for vets without invading a country? Is Syria and Iraq just going to give us the oil fields? Does ISIS have oil reserves in Texas? Is he planning to send over Han Solo to kick their ass?

Or are you just gullible and will believe any nonsense Trump spews? Given that you hilariously think that he would win the black vote, that appears to be the case.
The only way that we could have any kind of effect on those oil fields is to bomb them out of existence, but if we did that, then the other ME countries would be up in arms over us attacking another ME country.

There is no way in hell that we could take the oil fields and the oil without a full scale occupation that would have to last as long as we kept using that oil.

Hell of a cost militarily, and if we occupied a country and took their resources, you can bet there is gonna be a major resistance against us.

Donald the Chump's plan is a total fail and would never work. He should check with some real Generals and military types rather than getting his foreign policy points from the Sunday talk shows. Why? Simple.............Middle East policy, along with all the rivalries between the tribes and various factions is too complex to be understood in a 5 or 10 min segment on a talk show.

Shit............even the hour and two hour long documentaries that air on PBS, History, and Military channels barely even scratch the surface.
Again... No one has proposed we invade a country and take their oil. Trump is talking about a strategic move to confiscate the resources of ISIS. Instead of the reserves being used to fund terrorism, they will be used to pay families of wounded warriors and vets who lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan.

YOU'RE an incredibly dumb idea. Your daddy should have pulled out and jizzed on your mom's ass instead of making you.

How does he propose to "confiscate the resources of ISIS" and use the reserves to fund compensation for vets without invading a country? Is Syria and Iraq just going to give us the oil fields? Does ISIS have oil reserves in Texas? Is he planning to send over Han Solo to kick their ass?

Or are you just gullible and will believe any nonsense Trump spews? Given that you hilariously think that he would win the black vote, that appears to be the case.

I guess you never heard of our state-of-the-art stealth bombers? :dunno:

I never said he wouldn't have to invade a country to take the oil. I think even a moron understands you can't take the oil unless you are in the country to do so. So yes... we might be invading some countries. We're already IN Iraq... how do we invade where we already are?

The point I was making was that our action is not because we're greedy and want to steal their resources by being military bullies. It's a strategic action to cripple radical Islamic terrorists. I honestly couldn't care less that you want to be an ISIS sympathizer.
The only way that we could have any kind of effect on those oil fields is to bomb them out of existence, but if we did that, then the other ME countries would be up in arms over us attacking another ME country.

There is no way in hell that we could take the oil fields and the oil without a full scale occupation that would have to last as long as we kept using that oil.

Hell of a cost militarily, and if we occupied a country and took their resources, you can bet there is gonna be a major resistance against us.

Donald the Chump's plan is a total fail and would never work. He should check with some real Generals and military types rather than getting his foreign policy points from the Sunday talk shows. Why? Simple.............Middle East policy, along with all the rivalries between the tribes and various factions is too complex to be understood in a 5 or 10 min segment on a talk show.

Shit............even the hour and two hour long documentaries that air on PBS, History, and Military channels barely even scratch the surface.

Keep in mind that Trump is not laying everything he will do on the table for the whole world to see. He made the comments about taking the oil from ISIS but he made it reluctantly... he would have rather maintained that as a secret.

We don't need a "full-scale occupation" to control some oil fields. We're not there to rebuild the nation and install our puppets... we have no interest in that. We don't even really need the oil... we have plenty of other sources. We're taking it because it cripples ISIS. And the money we get from it is going to take care of our vets who we owe so much.

And, I am not afraid of people being pissed off at us or trying to resist. I realize that you are a coward who had rather deploy the Dorthy Strategy... (close your eyes, click you heels and repeat... there's no such thing as radical Islam... there's no such thing as radical Islam..) but the Dorothy Strategy isn't working. So now it's time to let someone with balls try something that DOES work.
The only way that we could have any kind of effect on those oil fields is to bomb them out of existence, but if we did that, then the other ME countries would be up in arms over us attacking another ME country.

There is no way in hell that we could take the oil fields and the oil without a full scale occupation that would have to last as long as we kept using that oil.

Hell of a cost militarily, and if we occupied a country and took their resources, you can bet there is gonna be a major resistance against us.

Donald the Chump's plan is a total fail and would never work. He should check with some real Generals and military types rather than getting his foreign policy points from the Sunday talk shows. Why? Simple.............Middle East policy, along with all the rivalries between the tribes and various factions is too complex to be understood in a 5 or 10 min segment on a talk show.

Shit............even the hour and two hour long documentaries that air on PBS, History, and Military channels barely even scratch the surface.

Keep in mind that Trump is not laying everything he will do on the table for the whole world to see. He made the comments about taking the oil from ISIS but he made it reluctantly... he would have rather maintained that as a secret.

We don't need a "full-scale occupation" to control some oil fields. We're not there to rebuild the nation and install our puppets... we have no interest in that. We don't even really need the oil... we have plenty of other sources. We're taking it because it cripples ISIS. And the money we get from it is going to take care of our vets who we owe so much.

And, I am not afraid of people being pissed off at us or trying to resist. I realize that you are a coward who had rather deploy the Dorthy Strategy... (close your eyes, click you heels and repeat... there's no such thing as radical Islam... there's no such thing as radical Islam..) but the Dorothy Strategy isn't working. So now it's time to let someone with balls try something that DOES work.
Someone should suggest to him the idea of drilling right through the earth and sucking out the oil from below...and getting ISIS to pay for it.
Someone should suggest to him the idea of drilling right through the earth and sucking out the oil from below...and getting ISIS to pay for it.

I know you're trying to be funny but it's interesting to note... You know how liberal environmentalist wackos have blocked our efforts to drill in the ANWR? Well, guess who is currently deploying "horizontal drilling" technology to tap the reserves? Here's a hint, Sara Palin can probably see them from her back door on a clear day. Yep... The Ruskies are dippin' their straw into our liquid gold from the side... we're really smart people, aren't we?
Again... No one has proposed we invade a country and take their oil. Trump is talking about a strategic move to confiscate the resources of ISIS.

I never said he wouldn't have to invade a country to take the oil. I think even a moron understands you can't take the oil unless you are in the country to do so.


What a moran.

In the same quote pyramid nonetheless.


You do understand that the "ISIS reserves" are the reserves of Iraq and Syria?

Of course you don't.

Now tell us again how Trump is going to win the black vote. lol
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Again... No one has proposed we invade a country and take their oil. Trump is talking about a strategic move to confiscate the resources of ISIS.

I never said he wouldn't have to invade a country to take the oil. I think even a moron understands you can't take the oil unless you are in the country to do so.


What a moran.

In the same quote pyramid nonetheless.


You do understand that the "ISIS reserves" are the reserves of Iraq and Syria?

Of course you don't.

Now tell us again how Trump is going to win the black vote. lol

Right... and there are two completely different contexts which you can't follow because you're too fucking retarded in the mind. Someone must have fed you lead as a baby or something.... maybe your mom was a crack head while she breast fed you? But your brain can't grasp context or nuance.

The concept of "invading in order to take their oil" is a completely different concept than "invading to strategically capture the oil." We're not proposing this to be bullies and steal oil that doesn't belong to us. That's not the context and I won't allow you to define it in that context. We don't have to "invade" Iraq... we're already IN the country. So there is no "invasion" needed. We might need to invade Syria to capture their oil fields... but again, it's not so we can be bullies and steal their stuff. And we have no interest in invading to occupy or overthrow the government... they can do whatever the hell they want. We're just going to seize the oil supply from ISIS.
Latest CNN Poll: Trump Still Leads, Christie Out of Top Ten!!!

A CNN poll, (Clinton News Network!) certainly NO BIAS there....ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!

National Review ^ | 08/18/2015 | Jim Geraghty
From the Tuesday Morning Jolt: CNN Poll: Trump Still Leads, Christie Out of Top Ten A new poll from CNN this morning: The survey finds Trump with the support of 24% of Republican registered voters. His nearest competitor, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, stands 11 points behind at 13%. Just behind Bush, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has 9%, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker 8%,Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul 6%, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, former tech CEO Carly Fiorina and Ohio Gov. John Kasich all land at 5%, with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee rounding out the top...
Again... No one has proposed we invade a country and take their oil. Trump is talking about a strategic move to confiscate the resources of ISIS.

I never said he wouldn't have to invade a country to take the oil. I think even a moron understands you can't take the oil unless you are in the country to do so.


What a moran.

In the same quote pyramid nonetheless.


You do understand that the "ISIS reserves" are the reserves of Iraq and Syria?

Of course you don't.

Now tell us again how Trump is going to win the black vote. lol

Right... and there are two completely different contexts which you can't follow because you're too fucking retarded in the mind. Someone must have fed you lead as a baby or something.... maybe your mom was a crack head while she breast fed you? But your brain can't grasp context or nuance.

The concept of "invading in order to take their oil" is a completely different concept than "invading to strategically capture the oil." We're not proposing this to be bullies and steal oil that doesn't belong to us. That's not the context and I won't allow you to define it in that context. We don't have to "invade" Iraq... we're already IN the country. So there is no "invasion" needed. We might need to invade Syria to capture their oil fields... but again, it's not so we can be bullies and steal their stuff. And we have no interest in invading to occupy or overthrow the government... they can do whatever the hell they want. We're just going to seize the oil supply from ISIS.
The concept of "invading in order to take their oil" is a completely different concept than "invading to strategically capture the oil
That's known as dancing on the head of a pin.
That's known as dancing on the head of a pin.

No... It's known as figuratively slapping the taste out of a liberal's mouth for arguing Trump wants to go around taking over countries for their oil. What Trump wants to do is starve out ISIS. Some of the greatest military minds recommended Bush do that when he invaded and he chose to let Iraq keep their oil. Well now Iraq is destabilized and Iran is taking over... just as Trump predicted... and the Chinese are buying the oil and funding ISIS. So you have to take the oil... nothing personal... we'll let the Iraqis have some of the proceeds to rebuild, I am sure... but we're also going to take care of our veterans so that they didn't give their lives and limbs over there for nothing. In the meanwhile, we are going to cripple ISIS and their ability to fund Jihad.
That's known as dancing on the head of a pin.

No... It's known as figuratively slapping the taste out of a liberal's mouth for arguing Trump wants to go around taking over countries for their oil. What Trump wants to do is starve out ISIS. Some of the greatest military minds recommended Bush do that when he invaded and he chose to let Iraq keep their oil. Well now Iraq is destabilized and Iran is taking over... just as Trump predicted... and the Chinese are buying the oil and funding ISIS. So you have to take the oil... nothing personal... we'll let the Iraqis have some of the proceeds to rebuild, I am sure... but we're also going to take care of our veterans so that they didn't give their lives and limbs over there for nothing. In the meanwhile, we are going to cripple ISIS and their ability to fund Jihad.
Didn't he make some comment about how the US should take Iraq's oil as compensation for all the trouble they've been put to?
That's known as dancing on the head of a pin.

No... It's known as figuratively slapping the taste out of a liberal's mouth for arguing Trump wants to go around taking over countries for their oil. What Trump wants to do is starve out ISIS. Some of the greatest military minds recommended Bush do that when he invaded and he chose to let Iraq keep their oil. Well now Iraq is destabilized and Iran is taking over... just as Trump predicted... and the Chinese are buying the oil and funding ISIS. So you have to take the oil... nothing personal... we'll let the Iraqis have some of the proceeds to rebuild, I am sure... but we're also going to take care of our veterans so that they didn't give their lives and limbs over there for nothing. In the meanwhile, we are going to cripple ISIS and their ability to fund Jihad.
Didn't he make some comment about how the US should take Iraq's oil as compensation for all the trouble they've been put to?

He did, and I think he makes a valid point. If we are going to use our military and our soldiers are going to make the sacrifice, we should be compensated. In 2002, we should have taken the oil... why didn't we? Well, it was because liberals whined "it wouldn't be fairrrrrr!" The Bush administration decided it might look bad... Trump is contesting that argument, and I believe he is right.

So now, in 2017... He's not talking about taking the oil to compensate for our trouble in 2002. He is suggesting a strategy to defeat ISIS and again, I think it's a good strategy. Take the oil-- he has already justified why it's okay for us to do so and we shouldn't feel bad about it. The revenues are going to be used for such better things... instead of funding terrorism, it will be taking care of families who lost loved ones or have family members permanently scarred by war.
That's known as dancing on the head of a pin.

No... It's known as figuratively slapping the taste out of a liberal's mouth for arguing Trump wants to go around taking over countries for their oil. What Trump wants to do is starve out ISIS. Some of the greatest military minds recommended Bush do that when he invaded and he chose to let Iraq keep their oil. Well now Iraq is destabilized and Iran is taking over... just as Trump predicted... and the Chinese are buying the oil and funding ISIS. So you have to take the oil... nothing personal... we'll let the Iraqis have some of the proceeds to rebuild, I am sure... but we're also going to take care of our veterans so that they didn't give their lives and limbs over there for nothing. In the meanwhile, we are going to cripple ISIS and their ability to fund Jihad.
Didn't he make some comment about how the US should take Iraq's oil as compensation for all the trouble they've been put to?

He did, and I think he makes a valid point. If we are going to use our military and our soldiers are going to make the sacrifice, we should be compensated. In 2002, we should have taken the oil... why didn't we? Well, it was because liberals whined "it wouldn't be fairrrrrr!" The Bush administration decided it might look bad... Trump is contesting that argument, and I believe he is right.

So now, in 2017... He's not talking about taking the oil to compensate for our trouble in 2002. He is suggesting a strategy to defeat ISIS and again, I think it's a good strategy. Take the oil-- he has already justified why it's okay for us to do so and we shouldn't feel bad about it. The revenues are going to be used for such better things... instead of funding terrorism, it will be taking care of families who lost loved ones or have family members permanently scarred by war.
What about the Iraqi families scarred by war?
Do they deserve any compensation?
OMG this has to be the wildest primary season. RINO'S are running for Extra Strength Immodium AD as I post this thread.

Kick it up notches unknown! Go Donny! Go Donny!


First big post-debate poll shows Donald Trump GAINED 7 points and sits at 32 Daily Mail Online

First major post-debate poll shows Trump GAINED 7 points from the previous week and has backing of 32 per cent of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents
  • Stunning result after Trump attracted criticism over debate performance on Thursday
  • Trump has 32 per cent nationally among registered Republicans and independents who say they lean to the right
  • No one is anywhere near The Donald, with Jeb Bush in second place at just 11 per cent
  • Poll supervised by former Washington Post journalist and shows no one else in double digits
This is not something to celebrate. This is sad. It is sad you folks think he is someone who should be in the White House, leader of the free world. Sad, very sad.
You libs really don't get it. I really should call you progressives because a classical liberal would understand what we are all jaked about.

Win or lose is not the point. The Donald is shaking the RNC up. The Donald isn't taking any shit from the establishment. Nor the media.

Long overdue that someone shook the political pillars of heaven and hell and Trump is pulling it off.

Damn you progressives are lamo. Abbie and Jerry would be ashamed of you.

Look who you have running your party. Pfffffffffffffft. Old white people who are just as locked in as the RINO'S.

You should be looking for a mover and a shaker on your side of the aisle too.
He is a loud mouthed buffoon with an empty mind. It's so sad you all think he is the next coming of Christ. You all are seriously not being smart at all.

Case in point: you are attacking the Democrats for having "old white people who are just locked in as Rinos." Since when is Obama white? But more importantly, something you are overlooking: TRUMP IS OLDER, YES OLDER, THAN HILLARY. Jeeze.
What about the Iraqi families scarred by war?
Do they deserve any compensation?

Maybe so... it depends on how much they want to help us defeat radical Islamic terror. We can't be doling out money to ISIS sympathizers... that would kind of defeat the purpose. Most of the people who died in the war, who weren't US or coalition soldiers, were terrorists. But now... if there are little orphan kids somewhere, who are hungry and need medicine, I am sure Trump would kick in a few $$ to help them. We're not heartless people, we just need to be ruthless so we can defeat ISIS.

And hey... If we have to drag liberals kicking and screaming back to Iraq, then that's what we need to do. The time for us to be sensitive to feelings is over. It's time to put on the war paint and take care of business.

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