HOLY TOLEDO! New poll has Trump at 32% WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!

How about THREE hostile countries? Syria, Iraq and Iran?

What about them? He didn't say we're going to take over those countries... He said we're going to take the oil fields ISIS controls.

No, he said he was going to bomb the hell out of those oil fields. And then he was going to make a ring around them. And then he was going to have Big Oil rebuild them.

How much would the rebuilding cost? How would you deal with the inevitable insurgency? How would these countries support themselves when cut off from their own natural resources?

You don't know. You don't give a shit. And that's why a conservative shouldn't be in charge. As they never do.

Again... bombing an oil field is not bombing a country or taking over a country. Sorry.... not what he said.

Again, look at your claim:

"Well no... Trump said he would take the oil wells which ISIS controls, which is funding their violence. Nothing about bombing anyone."


You're ignoring yourself now, desperately backpedaling from your own hapless bullshit. Not only did Trump talk about bombing, he said he'd bomb the hell out of those oil fields.

You didn't even know the position of your own candidate. You are masterfully, desperately ignorant. And the perfect Trump supplicant.
I honestly hope that Trump wins the Republican nomination. I was pulling for Sarah Palin's camp for the same reasons.

Chances are, his nomination would result in a landslide victory for the other side, and that would prompt whatever intelligent, responsible Republicans are left to re-evaluate their party.
Republicans are already abandoning that party in droves. They'll still vote Republican, but few will admit they're still Republican. That party has become a national embarrassment.
Its your ilk. Your ilk that have proposed bombing Iran and taking their oil. Bombing Syria and taking their oil. Bombing Iraq and taking their oil.

Well no... Trump said he would take the oil wells which ISIS controls, which is funding their violence. Nothing about bombing anyone.

Nothing at all, huh?

Q: You don't think bombing Iraqi oil fields which are now in the control of ISIS is going to anger huge numbers of people?

Trump: I would bomb the hell out of those oil fields. I wouldn't send in many troops, as you won't need them by the time I got finished. I'd bomb the hell out of the oil fields.

Donald Trump
July 10th 2015
Military analysts fact check Donald Trump on bombing oil fields - CNNPolitics.com

You can't possibly be this ignorant of your own candidate's positions. You not only don't have any concept of the consequences of what you're proposing, you have no idea what he's proposing.

Do you?

Ladies and Gentleman, I offer you a Trump voter. This is his base. And they don't even know what the fuck they're backing.

WOW... Well, let's see.... Does "oil fields" somehow 'translate' in your stupid liberal brain as "Iraq, Syria and Iran"? I've already stated that he planned to bomb oil fields and take them from ISIS.

Where exactly do you think ISIS controls oil fields? Where do you think the supposed 'caliphate' of ISIS is located? Are you aware of where the fighting involving ISIS is going on? Iraq, Syria, at least one attack linked to ISIS in Turkey (perhaps more, I haven't checked). ISIS is not a nation for us to invade, despite their rhetoric about creating a 'caliphate'. They have taken control of areas in two countries, Iraq and Syria, that I know of. They have not taken over either country nor even consolidated their control; supposedly they have been leaving some areas open to be retaken and are still running more of a mobile conflict than creating their own nation.

Any oil fields controlled by ISIS almost certainly reside in either Iraq or Syria. So bombing oil fields under the control of ISIS means bombing in those countries.

Now you're jumping through hoops to INFER things that weren't said.

You claimed Trump never said anything about bombing. Skylar then provided a quote from Trump in which he specifically advocates bombing. Then you make a comment about oil fields not translating to Iraq, Syria and Iran. The oil fields controlled by ISIS are located in Iraq and Syria (I'll give you Iran, I'm unaware of ISIS controlling territory or oil fields in that nation).

What hoops am I jumping through to infer what?
The cost to us to occupy a hostile country for a CENTURY is how much?

It's NOTHING if you pay for it with the oil you pump out.

Considering your lack of knowledge about the military shown earlier in discussion about our submarines, perhaps making declarations like this is something you should reconsider. Do you have any estimates of the actual cost of a century of war and the profits from the oil fields controlled by ISIS?

This, of course, does not take into account the cost in lives, the cost in international relations, even the cost in support at home.

EDIT : To be clear, this is about the hypothetical you and Skylar are involved in. I'm not taking a stand against any bombing of oil fields controlled by ISIS, that may well be a good tactic. Taking over those oil fields I am less on board with.

Well first of all, it doesn't matter about cost. We have to defeat enemies at war with us when they are killing American citizens... plain and simple... doesn't matter how much that costs.

Second... it's not going to "cost" a damn thing... the OIL will pay for it. In fact, we'll come out ahead. As far as who likes us or who likes what we are doing... don't really give two shits and I don't think Trump does either.
Like his planned parenthood comments, I'm in the lovely position of merely offer the actual quotes. And you instantly lose.

well no... you're quoting him but he doesn't say anything about bombing Iraq, Syria or Iran or taking over their countries. It's not there... he never said that. So it is YOU who is losing.

Why, yes. I am. You said Trump never expressed support for funding Planned Parenthood. Here's Trump contradicting you:

"[T]the biggest problem I have with Planned Parenthood is the abortion situation,” he said. “It's like an abortion factory. You can't have it and you shouldn't be funding it and that should not be funded by the government.”

But he continued by saying he wouldn't necessarily defund the organization.

“If the time came, I would look at the individual things that they do and maybe some of the things are good, and maybe -- I know a lot of the things are bad,” Trump said. “I would look at the good aspects of it and I would also look because I'm sure they do some things properly and good and good for women.”

Donald Trump Suggests Support of Some Federal Funding for Planned Parenthood - ABC News

Boom. You lose. And on Trump contradicting you about bombing anyone:

"Well no... Trump said he would take the oil wells which ISIS controls, which is funding their violence. Nothing about bombing anyone."


This was Trump said:

Trump: I would bomb the hell out of those oil fields. I wouldn't send in many troops, as you won't need them by the time I got finished. I'd bomb the hell out of the oil fields.

Donald Trump
July 10th 2015

You know how else I can tell? You're desperately scrubbing any of these quotes from your replies.

Laughing...as if by omitting them from your reply, none of us can actually read them.

Sigh.....you can't fix stupid.
Well no... Trump said he would take the oil wells which ISIS controls, which is funding their violence. Nothing about bombing anyone.

Nothing at all, huh?

Q: You don't think bombing Iraqi oil fields which are now in the control of ISIS is going to anger huge numbers of people?

Trump: I would bomb the hell out of those oil fields. I wouldn't send in many troops, as you won't need them by the time I got finished. I'd bomb the hell out of the oil fields.

Donald Trump
July 10th 2015
Military analysts fact check Donald Trump on bombing oil fields - CNNPolitics.com

You can't possibly be this ignorant of your own candidate's positions. You not only don't have any concept of the consequences of what you're proposing, you have no idea what he's proposing.

Do you?

Ladies and Gentleman, I offer you a Trump voter. This is his base. And they don't even know what the fuck they're backing.

WOW... Well, let's see.... Does "oil fields" somehow 'translate' in your stupid liberal brain as "Iraq, Syria and Iran"? I've already stated that he planned to bomb oil fields and take them from ISIS.

Where exactly do you think ISIS controls oil fields? Where do you think the supposed 'caliphate' of ISIS is located? Are you aware of where the fighting involving ISIS is going on? Iraq, Syria, at least one attack linked to ISIS in Turkey (perhaps more, I haven't checked). ISIS is not a nation for us to invade, despite their rhetoric about creating a 'caliphate'. They have taken control of areas in two countries, Iraq and Syria, that I know of. They have not taken over either country nor even consolidated their control; supposedly they have been leaving some areas open to be retaken and are still running more of a mobile conflict than creating their own nation.

Any oil fields controlled by ISIS almost certainly reside in either Iraq or Syria. So bombing oil fields under the control of ISIS means bombing in those countries.

Now you're jumping through hoops to INFER things that weren't said.

You claimed Trump never said anything about bombing. Skylar then provided a quote from Trump in which he specifically advocates bombing. Then you make a comment about oil fields not translating to Iraq, Syria and Iran. The oil fields controlled by ISIS are located in Iraq and Syria (I'll give you Iran, I'm unaware of ISIS controlling territory or oil fields in that nation).

What hoops am I jumping through to infer what?

Not just bombing. Boss cited the oil fields held by ISIS. And Trump advocated bombing the same oil fields held by ISIS.

Boss didn't even know his own candidate's positions. Let alone any of the myriad of consequences that would come from the stupid, stupid shit that Trump is demanding we do.

You can't teach Boss' kind of willful ignorance. That's something that has to be carefully cultivated over generations.
Well no... Trump said he would take the oil wells which ISIS controls, which is funding their violence. Nothing about bombing anyone.

Nothing at all, huh?

Q: You don't think bombing Iraqi oil fields which are now in the control of ISIS is going to anger huge numbers of people?

Trump: I would bomb the hell out of those oil fields. I wouldn't send in many troops, as you won't need them by the time I got finished. I'd bomb the hell out of the oil fields.

Donald Trump
July 10th 2015
Military analysts fact check Donald Trump on bombing oil fields - CNNPolitics.com

You can't possibly be this ignorant of your own candidate's positions. You not only don't have any concept of the consequences of what you're proposing, you have no idea what he's proposing.

Do you?

Ladies and Gentleman, I offer you a Trump voter. This is his base. And they don't even know what the fuck they're backing.

WOW... Well, let's see.... Does "oil fields" somehow 'translate' in your stupid liberal brain as "Iraq, Syria and Iran"? I've already stated that he planned to bomb oil fields and take them from ISIS.

Where exactly do you think ISIS controls oil fields? Where do you think the supposed 'caliphate' of ISIS is located? Are you aware of where the fighting involving ISIS is going on? Iraq, Syria, at least one attack linked to ISIS in Turkey (perhaps more, I haven't checked). ISIS is not a nation for us to invade, despite their rhetoric about creating a 'caliphate'. They have taken control of areas in two countries, Iraq and Syria, that I know of. They have not taken over either country nor even consolidated their control; supposedly they have been leaving some areas open to be retaken and are still running more of a mobile conflict than creating their own nation.

Any oil fields controlled by ISIS almost certainly reside in either Iraq or Syria. So bombing oil fields under the control of ISIS means bombing in those countries.

Now you're jumping through hoops to INFER things that weren't said.

You claimed Trump never said anything about bombing. Skylar then provided a quote from Trump in which he specifically advocates bombing. Then you make a comment about oil fields not translating to Iraq, Syria and Iran. The oil fields controlled by ISIS are located in Iraq and Syria (I'll give you Iran, I'm unaware of ISIS controlling territory or oil fields in that nation).

What hoops am I jumping through to infer what?

Well... an "oil field" isn't a country. It's IN a country. As all oil fields are.
Like his planned parenthood comments, I'm in the lovely position of merely offer the actual quotes. And you instantly lose.

well no... you're quoting him but he doesn't say anything about bombing Iraq, Syria or Iran or taking over their countries. It's not there... he never said that. So it is YOU who is losing.

Why, yes. I am. You said Trump never expressed support for funding Planned Parenthood. Here's Trump contradicting you:

"[T]the biggest problem I have with Planned Parenthood is the abortion situation,” he said. “It's like an abortion factory. You can't have it and you shouldn't be funding it and that should not be funded by the government.”

But he continued by saying he wouldn't necessarily defund the organization.

“If the time came, I would look at the individual things that they do and maybe some of the things are good, and maybe -- I know a lot of the things are bad,” Trump said. “I would look at the good aspects of it and I would also look because I'm sure they do some things properly and good and good for women.”

Donald Trump Suggests Support of Some Federal Funding for Planned Parenthood - ABC News

Boom. You lose. And on Trump contradicting you about bombing anyone:

"Well no... Trump said he would take the oil wells which ISIS controls, which is funding their violence. Nothing about bombing anyone."


This was Trump said:

Trump: I would bomb the hell out of those oil fields. I wouldn't send in many troops, as you won't need them by the time I got finished. I'd bomb the hell out of the oil fields.

Donald Trump
July 10th 2015

You know how else I can tell? You're desperately scrubbing any of these quotes from your replies.

Laughing...as if by omitting them from your reply, none of us can actually read them.

Sigh.....you can't fix stupid.

You're delusional.
Like his planned parenthood comments, I'm in the lovely position of merely offer the actual quotes. And you instantly lose.

well no... you're quoting him but he doesn't say anything about bombing Iraq, Syria or Iran or taking over their countries. It's not there... he never said that. So it is YOU who is losing.

Why, yes. I am. You said Trump never expressed support for funding Planned Parenthood. Here's Trump contradicting you:

"[T]the biggest problem I have with Planned Parenthood is the abortion situation,” he said. “It's like an abortion factory. You can't have it and you shouldn't be funding it and that should not be funded by the government.”

But he continued by saying he wouldn't necessarily defund the organization.

“If the time came, I would look at the individual things that they do and maybe some of the things are good, and maybe -- I know a lot of the things are bad,” Trump said. “I would look at the good aspects of it and I would also look because I'm sure they do some things properly and good and good for women.”

Donald Trump Suggests Support of Some Federal Funding for Planned Parenthood - ABC News

Boom. You lose. And on Trump contradicting you about bombing anyone:

"Well no... Trump said he would take the oil wells which ISIS controls, which is funding their violence. Nothing about bombing anyone."


This was Trump said:

Trump: I would bomb the hell out of those oil fields. I wouldn't send in many troops, as you won't need them by the time I got finished. I'd bomb the hell out of the oil fields.

Donald Trump
July 10th 2015

You know how else I can tell? You're desperately scrubbing any of these quotes from your replies.

Laughing...as if by omitting them from your reply, none of us can actually read them.

Sigh.....you can't fix stupid.

You're delusional.
No. He's factually very correct.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
We'd have to take care of the nation AND defend it AND fund the military actions to hold the territory in a 30 year war. How much do you think that would cost?

There isn't going to be a 30-year war.
Fuck you.

"I can't tell you if the use of force in Iraq today would last five days, or five weeks, or five months, but it certainly isn't going to last any longer than that." - Donald Rumsfeld, November 14, 2002

fool me once, shame on you... fool me .... can't git fooled again!
The cost to us to occupy a hostile country for a CENTURY is how much?

It's NOTHING if you pay for it with the oil you pump out.

Considering your lack of knowledge about the military shown earlier in discussion about our submarines, perhaps making declarations like this is something you should reconsider. Do you have any estimates of the actual cost of a century of war and the profits from the oil fields controlled by ISIS?

This, of course, does not take into account the cost in lives, the cost in international relations, even the cost in support at home.

EDIT : To be clear, this is about the hypothetical you and Skylar are involved in. I'm not taking a stand against any bombing of oil fields controlled by ISIS, that may well be a good tactic. Taking over those oil fields I am less on board with.

Well first of all, it doesn't matter about cost. We have to defeat enemies at war with us when they are killing American citizens... plain and simple... doesn't matter how much that costs.

Second... it's not going to "cost" a damn thing... the OIL will pay for it. In fact, we'll come out ahead. As far as who likes us or who likes what we are doing... don't really give two shits and I don't think Trump does either.

It doesn't matter about cost? Of course it matters. It always matters. If nothing else, cost must be taken into account to determine how any enemy can be defeated and what will be the repercussions on your own nation. And that's just monetary cost.

Perhaps taking over the oil fields controlled by ISIS will pay for any conflict with them. Taking over is not the same as bombing, but let's say we take control of the oil fields under ISIS control (I've seen reports that ISIS controls 11 in Iraq and Syria and makes something like $3 million a day selling the oil cheaply, although I don't know how accurate those numbers are). Our actions will not occur in a vacuum. Will the price of oil fluctuate based on our invasion? Will our economy be hurt by potential actions by other nations, such as Russia and China, who are opposed to are takeover of these oil fields? Will we have a constant conflict going on so long as we control the fields, with various terrorists and insurgents doing what they can to hurt us, perhaps even disrupting or destroying our own ability to get the oil? What economic impacts might there be from our allies, both positive and negative?

I don't know if you are serious or just trolling with this, but just saying 'the oil will pay for it' seems to be ignoring the complexity of the situation. It is as much 'putting your head in the sand' as you claim others are doing. Maybe you don't care about the complexities involved, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

Preventing ISIS from using the oil fields they control seems to be a far more reasonable idea than taking those oil fields for ourselves.
Nothing at all, huh?

You can't possibly be this ignorant of your own candidate's positions. You not only don't have any concept of the consequences of what you're proposing, you have no idea what he's proposing.

Do you?

Ladies and Gentleman, I offer you a Trump voter. This is his base. And they don't even know what the fuck they're backing.

WOW... Well, let's see.... Does "oil fields" somehow 'translate' in your stupid liberal brain as "Iraq, Syria and Iran"? I've already stated that he planned to bomb oil fields and take them from ISIS.

Where exactly do you think ISIS controls oil fields? Where do you think the supposed 'caliphate' of ISIS is located? Are you aware of where the fighting involving ISIS is going on? Iraq, Syria, at least one attack linked to ISIS in Turkey (perhaps more, I haven't checked). ISIS is not a nation for us to invade, despite their rhetoric about creating a 'caliphate'. They have taken control of areas in two countries, Iraq and Syria, that I know of. They have not taken over either country nor even consolidated their control; supposedly they have been leaving some areas open to be retaken and are still running more of a mobile conflict than creating their own nation.

Any oil fields controlled by ISIS almost certainly reside in either Iraq or Syria. So bombing oil fields under the control of ISIS means bombing in those countries.

Now you're jumping through hoops to INFER things that weren't said.

You claimed Trump never said anything about bombing. Skylar then provided a quote from Trump in which he specifically advocates bombing. Then you make a comment about oil fields not translating to Iraq, Syria and Iran. The oil fields controlled by ISIS are located in Iraq and Syria (I'll give you Iran, I'm unaware of ISIS controlling territory or oil fields in that nation).

What hoops am I jumping through to infer what?

Well... an "oil field" isn't a country. It's IN a country. As all oil fields are.

And bombing an oil field in Iraq is not bombing in Iraq? What are you trying to say?
it's not going to "cost" a damn thing... the OIL will pay for it. In fact, we'll come out ahead.
Again .... fuck you.

"The bulk of the funds for Iraq's reconstruction will come from Iraqis -- from oil revenues, recovered assets, international trade, direct foreign investment -- as well as some contributions we've already received and hope to receive from the international community." - Donald Rumsfeld, 10.3.2003

fool me once, shame on you ... fool me .... can't git fooled again!
Didn't Jr., Cheney and RumsFAILED all tell us that the Iraq war wasn't going to last that long, and it wouldn't cost us much because of all the oil we'd get?

How's that working out for us?
No. He's factually very correct.

No.. . FACTUALLY he is not correct. The FACT is, Trump said "oil fields" and not "Iran, Syria, Iraq" which is what was claimed he said. I actually take more exception to the contradiction of bombing the oil fields yet we're also going to secure them and exploit the oil resource... that's going to be hard to do if they are bombed to hell first.
Perhaps taking over the oil fields controlled by ISIS will pay for any conflict with them. Taking over is not the same as bombing, but let's say we take control of the oil fields under ISIS control (I've seen reports that ISIS controls 11 in Iraq and Syria and makes something like $3 million a day selling the oil cheaply, although I don't know how accurate those numbers are). Our actions will not occur in a vacuum. Will the price of oil fluctuate based on our invasion? Will our economy be hurt by potential actions by other nations, such as Russia and China, who are opposed to are takeover of these oil fields? Will we have a constant conflict going on so long as we control the fields, with various terrorists and insurgents doing what they can to hurt us, perhaps even disrupting or destroying our own ability to get the oil? What economic impacts might there be from our allies, both positive and negative?

You raise some valid questions but none of them can be answered for certain until the action happens. The question is, are we dealing with something where we have options which end with a resolution to the problem of radical Islam's war with us? Honestly, I don't know how to defeat an enemy at war with us and not hurt anyone's feelings. I also don't know of any answer that resolves all potential outcomes or problems that may arise as result of the action. So we can accept there may be some undesirable consequences but I don't know that we have any other option.. ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words "radical Islamic terror" doesn't seem to be diminishing the enemy.
No. He's factually very correct.

No.. . FACTUALLY he is not correct. The FACT is, Trump said "oil fields" and not "Iran, Syria, Iraq" which is what was claimed he said. I actually take more exception to the contradiction of bombing the oil fields yet we're also going to secure them and exploit the oil resource... that's going to be hard to do if they are bombed to hell first.
You think that oil fields are not located within sovereign nations, that they are cherries hanging from a tree, waiting to be plucked? It's neocons like you who screwed the pooch the first 3 times. No thank you, perpetual war is not the solution.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You think that oil fields are not located within sovereign nations, that they are cherries hanging from a tree, waiting to be plucked? It's neocons like you who screwed the pooch the first 3 times. No thank you, perpetual war is not the solution.

Oh, I know they are in countries. We don't need to take over the country. Don't want to take over the country to be honest... just control the oil fields. And no... there won't be a 'perpetual war' like there is today as we speak... they will be paralyzed and unable to wage war with no oil. There is not much of a global market for sand.

And I don't really care who has screwed who's pooch when... that's for history to decide. I want to put an end to radical Islamic terrorism and defeat the enemy who has been at war with us for 20 years and you want to continue the Hillary Clinton policy of ignoring problems... which gets Americans killed.
Perhaps taking over the oil fields controlled by ISIS will pay for any conflict with them. Taking over is not the same as bombing, but let's say we take control of the oil fields under ISIS control (I've seen reports that ISIS controls 11 in Iraq and Syria and makes something like $3 million a day selling the oil cheaply, although I don't know how accurate those numbers are). Our actions will not occur in a vacuum. Will the price of oil fluctuate based on our invasion? Will our economy be hurt by potential actions by other nations, such as Russia and China, who are opposed to are takeover of these oil fields? Will we have a constant conflict going on so long as we control the fields, with various terrorists and insurgents doing what they can to hurt us, perhaps even disrupting or destroying our own ability to get the oil? What economic impacts might there be from our allies, both positive and negative?

You raise some valid questions but none of them can be answered for certain until the action happens. The question is, are we dealing with something where we have options which end with a resolution to the problem of radical Islam's war with us? Honestly, I don't know how to defeat an enemy at war with us and not hurt anyone's feelings. I also don't know of any answer that resolves all potential outcomes or problems that may arise as result of the action. So we can accept there may be some undesirable consequences but I don't know that we have any other option.. ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words "radical Islamic terror" doesn't seem to be diminishing the enemy.

Taking over a few oil fields will certainly not be a resolution to the problems of radical Islam. At absolute best it might be a resolution to the problem of ISIS, and even then, I tend to doubt it. Oh, it might well be a good short term solution, but defeating an ideology rather than a nation is a very difficult proposition.

I don't know that the short term gains of such an action would outweigh the long term losses. As I've said, I claim no expertise and admit I might be wildly mistaken. However, I do not see Trump as any sort of military or diplomatic expert, either, so find it hard to put trust in his plan at this point.
Perhaps taking over the oil fields controlled by ISIS will pay for any conflict with them. Taking over is not the same as bombing, but let's say we take control of the oil fields under ISIS control (I've seen reports that ISIS controls 11 in Iraq and Syria and makes something like $3 million a day selling the oil cheaply, although I don't know how accurate those numbers are). Our actions will not occur in a vacuum. Will the price of oil fluctuate based on our invasion? Will our economy be hurt by potential actions by other nations, such as Russia and China, who are opposed to are takeover of these oil fields? Will we have a constant conflict going on so long as we control the fields, with various terrorists and insurgents doing what they can to hurt us, perhaps even disrupting or destroying our own ability to get the oil? What economic impacts might there be from our allies, both positive and negative?

You raise some valid questions but none of them can be answered for certain until the action happens. The question is, are we dealing with something where we have options which end with a resolution to the problem of radical Islam's war with us? Honestly, I don't know how to defeat an enemy at war with us and not hurt anyone's feelings. I also don't know of any answer that resolves all potential outcomes or problems that may arise as result of the action. So we can accept there may be some undesirable consequences but I don't know that we have any other option.. ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words "radical Islamic terror" doesn't seem to be diminishing the enemy.

Taking over a few oil fields will certainly not be a resolution to the problems of radical Islam. At absolute best it might be a resolution to the problem of ISIS, and even then, I tend to doubt it. Oh, it might well be a good short term solution, but defeating an ideology rather than a nation is a very difficult proposition.

I don't know that the short term gains of such an action would outweigh the long term losses. As I've said, I claim no expertise and admit I might be wildly mistaken. However, I do not see Trump as any sort of military or diplomatic expert, either, so find it hard to put trust in his plan at this point.

Well he was specifically talking about ISIS and not radical Islamic terrorism, that was my interjection. ISIS is radical Islamic terrorism. Yes, defeating an ideology is difficult... Yes, there will be challenges... Yes, no solution will be perfect and without any negatives whatsoever. Now that we agree on that, is it better to ACT or just ignore them and let them keep waging war against us? Seems like a really dumb idea to continue ignoring them... they aren't subsiding.

Now, I am no military expert either... BUT... I think we should pay attention to them and take them seriously. When we see videos of them sawing off people's heads or drowning a cage full of helpless victims... that's real... it's not a movie. Those are real humans losing their lives. As much as I don't like war and don't like invading other countries, I don't like watching terrorism happen worse. So instead of ignoring them and hoping they stop some day... I think they deserve the undivided attention of our US military in all her glory. And I am not too concerned with who that pisses off.

I remember back when Bush invaded, all the lefties claimed it was "for the oil" ..or at least, that was on the list of reasons... but Bush made it clear, we would not take the oil and we didn't... despite the fact that "war for oil" kept on being a mantra of the left... still is mentioned today. Trump is simply saying, screw that deal-- take the damn oil-- stop worrying about what the liberal left says-- stop trying to fight a politically correct war. Take the oil... not because we are greedy and want the oil, but because strategically it eliminates our enemy's ability to fund terrorism. Leave these sons of bitches with nothing but sand to trade... then let's see how long they last as we pound hell out them with the best military on the planet. I'm betting less than a month.

Will that END radical Islamic terror? Probably not, but it would be a very good start. Critics will say.. oh, but you'll just create MORE terrorists... But more terrorists are already being created and they are funding recruitment for their Jihad with the oil. When the oil goes, so does the money... When the money goes, people begin to starve... when people are starving, they are much less likely to waste money on bullets and bombs... they have to conserve calories more so they can't be sawing off heads or drowning cage fulls of women and children. So I would like to try and turn every terrorist into a beggar for humanitarian relief. And I think we can!

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