HOLY TOLEDO! New poll has Trump at 32% WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!

Its your ilk. Your ilk that have proposed bombing Iran and taking their oil. Bombing Syria and taking their oil. Bombing Iraq and taking their oil.

Well no... Trump said he would take the oil wells which ISIS controls, which is funding their violence. Nothing about bombing anyone.

Nothing at all, huh?

Q: You don't think bombing Iraqi oil fields which are now in the control of ISIS is going to anger huge numbers of people?

Trump: I would bomb the hell out of those oil fields. I wouldn't send in many troops, as you won't need them by the time I got finished. I'd bomb the hell out of the oil fields.

Donald Trump
July 10th 2015
Military analysts fact check Donald Trump on bombing oil fields - CNNPolitics.com

You can't possibly be this ignorant of your own candidate's positions. You not only don't have any concept of the consequences of what you're proposing, you have no idea what he's proposing.

Do you?

Ladies and Gentleman, I offer you a Trump voter. This is his base. And they don't even know what the fuck they're backing.
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You're ignoring every consequence and cost.

No I'm really not. The cost will not be a factor because the oil supply will more than pay for the cost. The consequence will be a cheap source of oil for us and elimination of an enemy who has been at war with us for 20 years.

You really are? The cost to us to occupy a hostile country for a CENTURY is how much? You don't have a fucking clue. Nor do you care. Its not a consideration of yours.

Any rational person would be immediately concerned about this. You ignore it.

How about THREE hostile countries? Syria, Iraq and Iran? Again, you don't have a slightest clue. Not the the nearest order of magnitude. Your response to all of the costs is 'oil is valuable'.

How about the insurgencies that this would inevitably create? 100,000,000 people left to starve as we militarily occupy them and strip their land of resources? How do you think they respond?

You think you're not concerned with conflict. You don't think about it, you don't factor it in. You don't care.

Any rational person would be immediately concerned about this. You ignore it.

How about the war crimes of wanton destruction and the seizure of property? How about the war crimes of leaving the population to starve? You're not concerned with this either? You ignore. '

Closing your eyes and pretending that consequences don't exist is not a policy position. Its an excuse for it.
Its your ilk. Your ilk that have proposed bombing Iran and taking their oil. Bombing Syria and taking their oil. Bombing Iraq and taking their oil.

Well no... Trump said he would take the oil wells which ISIS controls, which is funding their violence. Nothing about bombing anyone.

Nothing at all, huh?

Q: You don't think bombing Iraqi oil fields which are now in the control of ISIS is going to anger huge numbers of people?

Trump: I would bomb the hell out of those oil fields. I wouldn't send in many troops, as you won't need them by the time I got finished. I'd bomb the hell out of the oil fields.

Donald Trump
July 10th 2015
Military analysts fact check Donald Trump on bombing oil fields - CNNPolitics.com

You can't possibly be this ignorant of your own candidate's positions. You not only don't have any concept of the consequences of what you're proposing, you have no idea what he's proposing.

Do you?

Ladies and Gentleman, I offer you a Trump voter. This is his base. And they don't even know what the fuck they're backing.

WOW... Well, let's see.... Does "oil fields" somehow 'translate' in your stupid liberal brain as "Iraq, Syria and Iran"? I've already stated that he planned to bomb oil fields and take them from ISIS.
Its your ilk. Your ilk that have proposed bombing Iran and taking their oil. Bombing Syria and taking their oil. Bombing Iraq and taking their oil.

Well no... Trump said he would take the oil wells which ISIS controls, which is funding their violence. Nothing about bombing anyone.

Nothing at all, huh?

Q: You don't think bombing Iraqi oil fields which are now in the control of ISIS is going to anger huge numbers of people?

Trump: I would bomb the hell out of those oil fields. I wouldn't send in many troops, as you won't need them by the time I got finished. I'd bomb the hell out of the oil fields.

Donald Trump
July 10th 2015
Military analysts fact check Donald Trump on bombing oil fields - CNNPolitics.com

You can't possibly be this ignorant of your own candidate's positions. You not only don't have any concept of the consequences of what you're proposing, you have no idea what he's proposing.

Do you?

Ladies and Gentleman, I offer you a Trump voter. This is his base. And they don't even know what the fuck they're backing.

WOW... Well, let's see.... Does "oil fields" somehow 'translate' in your stupid liberal brain as "Iraq, Syria and Iran"? I've already stated that he planned to bomb oil fields and take them from ISIS.

Laughing...this was your claim:

"Well no... Trump said he would take the oil wells which ISIS controls, which is funding their violence. Nothing about bombing anyone."


This was Trump:

Trump: I would bomb the hell out of those oil fields. I wouldn't send in many troops, as you won't need them by the time I got finished. I'd bomb the hell out of the oil fields.

Donald Trump
July 10th 2015

You didn't even know your own candidates position. And even when presented with a direct quote WITH VIDEO of your candidate contradicting you, you still can't admit you were wrong.

You'll even ignore Trump on Trump's position. At this point you're just a caricature.
How about the war crimes of leaving the population to starve?

Not that we would ever do that, but also... NOT a WAR CRIME!

Occupying a country and letting the people starve? Most definitely a war crime. Wanton violation and seizure of property? Most definitely a war crime.

You don't even know your own candidates position on the issues. Let alone what constitutes a war crime.

And if we're not going to let the people starve, but we're going to strip their land of natural resources, where pray tell, is the money coming from?

Laughing......you haven't even thought about these issues. They're not even on your radar. For any rational person, they would be.
You didn't even know your own candidates position. And even when presented with a direct quote WITH VIDEO of your candidate contradicting you, you still can't admit you were wrong.

He didn't contradict me... He said what I said he said and not what you claim he said.
How about THREE hostile countries? Syria, Iraq and Iran?

What about them? He didn't say we're going to take over those countries... He said we're going to take the oil fields ISIS controls.

No, he said he was going to bomb the hell out of those oil fields. And then he was going to make a ring around them. And then he was going to have Big Oil rebuild them.

How much would the rebuilding cost? How would you deal with the inevitable insurgency? How much would the 'ring' cost? How long would it take to drain the oil fields? How would we get the oil to market? How would these countries support themselves when cut off from their own natural resources?

You don't know. You don't give a shit. And that's why a conservative shouldn't be in charge. As they never do.
How about the war crimes of leaving the population to starve?

Not that we would ever do that, but also... NOT a WAR CRIME!

Occupying a country and letting the people starve? Most definitely a war crime. Wanton violation and seizure of property? Most definitely a war crime.

You don't even know your own candidates position on the issues. Let alone what constitutes a war crime.

And if we're not going to let the people starve, but we're going to strip their land of natural resources, where pray tell, is the money coming from?

Laughing......you haven't even thought about these issues. They're not even on your radar. For any rational person, they would be.

Nope and Nope. Not a war crime.

What you are going to need to do is go find the part in the Geneva Convention which specifically says this is a war crime. You can't because it's not. Sorry!
Its your ilk. Your ilk that have proposed bombing Iran and taking their oil. Bombing Syria and taking their oil. Bombing Iraq and taking their oil.

Well no... Trump said he would take the oil wells which ISIS controls, which is funding their violence. Nothing about bombing anyone.

Nothing at all, huh?

Q: You don't think bombing Iraqi oil fields which are now in the control of ISIS is going to anger huge numbers of people?

Trump: I would bomb the hell out of those oil fields. I wouldn't send in many troops, as you won't need them by the time I got finished. I'd bomb the hell out of the oil fields.

Donald Trump
July 10th 2015
Military analysts fact check Donald Trump on bombing oil fields - CNNPolitics.com

You can't possibly be this ignorant of your own candidate's positions. You not only don't have any concept of the consequences of what you're proposing, you have no idea what he's proposing.

Do you?

Ladies and Gentleman, I offer you a Trump voter. This is his base. And they don't even know what the fuck they're backing.

WOW... Well, let's see.... Does "oil fields" somehow 'translate' in your stupid liberal brain as "Iraq, Syria and Iran"? I've already stated that he planned to bomb oil fields and take them from ISIS.

Where exactly do you think ISIS controls oil fields? Where do you think the supposed 'caliphate' of ISIS is located? Are you aware of where the fighting involving ISIS is going on? Iraq, Syria, at least one attack linked to ISIS in Turkey (perhaps more, I haven't checked). ISIS is not a nation for us to invade, despite their rhetoric about creating a 'caliphate'. They have taken control of areas in two countries, Iraq and Syria, that I know of. They have not taken over either country nor even consolidated their control; supposedly they have been leaving some areas open to be retaken and are still running more of a mobile conflict than creating their own nation.

Any oil fields controlled by ISIS almost certainly reside in either Iraq or Syria. So bombing oil fields under the control of ISIS means bombing in those countries.
How about THREE hostile countries? Syria, Iraq and Iran?

What about them? He didn't say we're going to take over those countries... He said we're going to take the oil fields ISIS controls.

No, he said he was going to bomb the hell out of those oil fields. And then he was going to make a ring around them. And then he was going to have Big Oil rebuild them.

How much would the rebuilding cost? How would you deal with the inevitable insurgency? How would these countries support themselves when cut off from their own natural resources?

You don't know. You don't give a shit. And that's why a conservative shouldn't be in charge. As they never do.

Again... bombing an oil field is not bombing a country or taking over a country. Sorry.... not what he said.

Rebuilding would cost nothing, the oil more than pays for it. There is no insurgency if they don't have money to buy guns and bullets. What are they going to do, come at us with ROCKS?

I personally don't care how these countries support themselves... they should have considered that before supporting radical Islamic terrorism. That's THEIR problem now... our mission is to eliminate the enemy.
You didn't even know your own candidates position. And even when presented with a direct quote WITH VIDEO of your candidate contradicting you, you still can't admit you were wrong.

He didn't contradict me... He said what I said he said and not what you claim he said.
Obvious delusional nonsense. This is what you said:

"Well no... Trump said he would take the oil wells which ISIS controls, which is funding their violence. Nothing about bombing anyone."


This was Trump said:

Trump: I would bomb the hell out of those oil fields. I wouldn't send in many troops, as you won't need them by the time I got finished. I'd bomb the hell out of the oil fields.

Donald Trump
July 10th 2015

Like his planned parenthood comments, I'm in the lovely position of merely offer the actual quotes. And you instantly lose.

This is why you're a caricature. Even when your explicitly, obviously, laughably contradicted by your own candidate.....you ignore it and claim it never happened.

You can't teach that kind of delusion. But you can point and laugh at it.
The cost to us to occupy a hostile country for a CENTURY is how much?

It's NOTHING if you pay for it with the oil you pump out.

Considering your lack of knowledge about the military shown earlier in discussion about our submarines, perhaps making declarations like this is something you should reconsider. Do you have any estimates of the actual cost of a century of war and the profits from the oil fields controlled by ISIS?

This, of course, does not take into account the cost in lives, the cost in international relations, even the cost in support at home.

EDIT : To be clear, this is about the hypothetical you and Skylar are involved in. I'm not taking a stand against any bombing of oil fields controlled by ISIS, that may well be a good tactic. Taking over those oil fields I am less on board with.
Its your ilk. Your ilk that have proposed bombing Iran and taking their oil. Bombing Syria and taking their oil. Bombing Iraq and taking their oil.

Well no... Trump said he would take the oil wells which ISIS controls, which is funding their violence. Nothing about bombing anyone.

Nothing at all, huh?

Q: You don't think bombing Iraqi oil fields which are now in the control of ISIS is going to anger huge numbers of people?

Trump: I would bomb the hell out of those oil fields. I wouldn't send in many troops, as you won't need them by the time I got finished. I'd bomb the hell out of the oil fields.

Donald Trump
July 10th 2015
Military analysts fact check Donald Trump on bombing oil fields - CNNPolitics.com

You can't possibly be this ignorant of your own candidate's positions. You not only don't have any concept of the consequences of what you're proposing, you have no idea what he's proposing.

Do you?

Ladies and Gentleman, I offer you a Trump voter. This is his base. And they don't even know what the fuck they're backing.

WOW... Well, let's see.... Does "oil fields" somehow 'translate' in your stupid liberal brain as "Iraq, Syria and Iran"? I've already stated that he planned to bomb oil fields and take them from ISIS.

Where exactly do you think ISIS controls oil fields? Where do you think the supposed 'caliphate' of ISIS is located? Are you aware of where the fighting involving ISIS is going on? Iraq, Syria, at least one attack linked to ISIS in Turkey (perhaps more, I haven't checked). ISIS is not a nation for us to invade, despite their rhetoric about creating a 'caliphate'. They have taken control of areas in two countries, Iraq and Syria, that I know of. They have not taken over either country nor even consolidated their control; supposedly they have been leaving some areas open to be retaken and are still running more of a mobile conflict than creating their own nation.

Any oil fields controlled by ISIS almost certainly reside in either Iraq or Syria. So bombing oil fields under the control of ISIS means bombing in those countries.

Now you're jumping through hoops to INFER things that weren't said.
Like his planned parenthood comments, I'm in the lovely position of merely offer the actual quotes. And you instantly lose.

well no... you're quoting him but he doesn't say anything about bombing Iraq, Syria or Iran or taking over their countries. It's not there... he never said that. So it is YOU who is losing.

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