HOLY TOLEDO! New poll has Trump at 32% WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!

We'd have to take care of the nation AND defend it AND fund the military actions to hold the territory in a 30 year war. How much do you think that would cost?

There isn't going to be a 30-year war. They can't afford a war without their oil.

Again... won't cost that much... oil is very valuable.
The starving people, the burned cities, the heaping dead are gonna be all over the news. The public outcry is going to be overwhelming both domestically and internationally.

Wahhh... wahhhhhhhh.... whahhhhhhhh!

Yes, let's all bury our heads in the sand and hope the bad guys eventually go away!
He said nothing about "continued federal funding for PP." He said he would look at the individual things they do. BTW... Federal funding for PP is something CONGRESS decides, not the President.
What is your point that Congress funds PP and not the president? Presidential candidates take positions on issues that requrie congressional funding all the time. Every presidential candidate has taken a position on this matter. And the 'wall' with Mexicothat Trump speaks of would be funded by Congress, not the President. The 'fines' would have to be assessed by congress.

Making your assertion meaningless gibberish.

“It's like an abortion factory. You can't have it and you shouldn't be funding it and that should not be funded by the government....

....If the time came, I would look at the individual things that they do and maybe some of the things are good, and maybe -- I know a lot of the things are bad,” Trump said. “I would look at the good aspects of it and I would also look because I'm sure they do some things properly and good and good for women.”

Donald Trump Suggests Support of Some Federal Funding for Planned Parenthood - ABC News

But he's not talking about funding when he says he'd look at the individual things that PP does?

Of course he was. This is one of those lovely situations where you can try and spin Trump's words all you like. And all I have to do is quote him directly and you lose. He's clearly expressing support for federal funding PP.

Deny it and I'll just quote him again.

Please articulate for us, if you can, what are the specific problems you have with Trump's position?

I have no problems with Trump's position. Its the position of Planned Parenthood itself, which thanked Trump.

No federal funding for abortion. Federal funding for the women's health services that makes up the overwhelming majority of the work that PP does.

Sounds like a win-win to me.

Conservatives on the other hand have taken a view that is much less sympathetic to Planned Parenthood, insisting that all federal funding be cut and that the funds be given to other women's health providers. A stark contrast to Trump's position. So we have conservatives on one side, and Trump on the other.

But Trump is a 'true conservative'?

Um, no. I find it amusing to see how far conservatives will bend their own positions to match whatever comes out of that man's mouth.

How do you know that thing on Donald's head isn't an alien and just using Trump like a ventriloquist? Maybe it's just some crazy ET talking.
We'd have to take care of the nation AND defend it AND fund the military actions to hold the territory in a 30 year war. How much do you think that would cost?

There isn't going to be a 30-year war. They can't afford a war without their oil.

Again... won't cost that much... oil is very valuable.

Oil isn't a handbag that you pick up and throw in your trunk. It takes decades to pump it all. You have no idea what you're suggesting we do, do you?
The starving people, the burned cities, the heaping dead are gonna be all over the news. The public outcry is going to be overwhelming both domestically and internationally.

Wahhh... wahhhhhhhh.... whahhhhhhhh!

Yes, let's all bury our heads in the sand and hope the bad guys eventually go away!

Ignoring the consequences doesn't make them go away. Pretending that we're going to be 'greeted as liberators' doesn't mean that we are.

And leaving 100,000,000 people to starve in the rubble of the cities we bombed out will have enormous consequences.

This isn't an episode of the A-Team. There are no commercial breaks. And if we commit these atrocities, there will be an enormous cost to us. In reputation, in war crimes tribunals, in our own lives, in damage to our economy, in creating the very insurgent groups we seek to combat.

Its stupid, all the way down.
And you don't even care, do you?

No, it's actually YOU and Hillary who doesn't care. You want to stick your head in the sand and hope the bad guys go away. You want to ignore the people being brutally executed every day, the women and children being drowned alive... doesn't bother you or Hillary in the least... gotta fight for your right to kill your own babies, I guess?
There will almost certainly be war crimes tribunals in the Hague.

I should hope if we don't kill the sick bastards that are sawing off heads and drowning women and children in cages, some one WILL try them for "war crimes".

War crimes against us. As occupying a country and leaving its people to starve is a war crime. An atrocity. If we did as you suggest, we'd be guilty of every crime we were accused of.

Do you think conviction for our leaders of war crimes, crimes against humanity and atrocities would have no consequence? That the inevitable economic sanctions that follow would have no consequence?

Your proposal is layer upon layer upon layer of stupid. With enormous, catastrophic negative consequences that you're both unaware of and could care less about.
We'd have to take care of the nation AND defend it AND fund the military actions to hold the territory in a 30 year war. How much do you think that would cost?

There isn't going to be a 30-year war. They can't afford a war without their oil.

Again... won't cost that much... oil is very valuable.

Oil isn't a handbag that you pick up and throw in your trunk. It takes decades to pump it all. You have no idea what you're suggesting we do, do you?

I don't give a damn if it takes 100 years to pump it all, to be honest. The more the better.

There won't be a war for 30 years, they don't have the money without the oil.
There will almost certainly be war crimes tribunals in the Hague.

I should hope if we don't kill the sick bastards that are sawing off heads and drowning women and children in cages, some one WILL try them for "war crimes".

War crimes against us. As occupying a country and leaving its people to starve is a war crime. An atrocity. If we did as you suggest, we'd be guilty of every crime we were accused of.

Do you think conviction for our leaders of war crimes, crimes against humanity and atrocities would have no consequence? That the inevitable economic sanctions that follow would have no consequence?

Your proposal is layer upon layer upon layer of stupid. With enormous, catastrophic negative consequences that you're both unaware of and could care less about.

You're not going to try anybody for "war crimes" because they strategically confiscated ISIS oil supply. Sorry.... that's a legitimate tactic of war and doesn't violate any of the Geneva Convention.
And you don't even care, do you?

No, it's actually YOU and Hillary who doesn't care. You want to stick your head in the sand and hope the bad guys go away. You want to ignore the people being brutally executed every day, the women and children being drowned alive... doesn't bother you or Hillary in the least... gotta fight for your right to kill your own babies, I guess?

Hillary hasn't suggested any of this. Its your ilk. Your ilk that have proposed bombing Iran and taking their oil. Bombing Syria and taking their oil. Bombing Iraq and taking their oil.

Where you have no concern nor even awareness of the consequences. The massive insurgencies you'd create. The 100,000,000 people that would be against us as we did so. The decades it would take to pump all the oil. The war crimes that would be levied against us as we let the people of the land we occupy starve.

And remember, this all assumes that NO other country would get involved. Which is ridiculously unlikely. Do you think Russia isn't going to make hay with our foreign policy blunder? That China won't? That other Muslim nations are going to sit back and watch us occupy not 1 but THREE Muslim nations? Not simply occupy, but strip them of their resources and leave their people to starve?

These are all factors that a real leader would have to take into consideration. And your ilk don't think about at all.
We'd have to take care of the nation AND defend it AND fund the military actions to hold the territory in a 30 year war. How much do you think that would cost?

There isn't going to be a 30-year war. They can't afford a war without their oil.

Again... won't cost that much... oil is very valuable.

Oil isn't a handbag that you pick up and throw in your trunk. It takes decades to pump it all. You have no idea what you're suggesting we do, do you?

I don't give a damn if it takes 100 years to pump it all, to be honest. The more the better.

And ever minute of that century, we're at war. As the people who we are occupying, who we don't care if they live or die, are against us.

100,000,000 people that you've got against you. Plus the millions more recruited to their cause with our occupation, stripping their land of resources, and leaving them to starve.

I know you don't care about consequences or cost. But a rational person would.
Its your ilk. Your ilk that have proposed bombing Iran and taking their oil. Bombing Syria and taking their oil. Bombing Iraq and taking their oil.

Well no... Trump said he would take the oil wells which ISIS controls, which is funding their violence. Nothing about bombing anyone. Would we likely use bombs? Probably. Would we likely have to put boots on the ground? Certainly.

And your "ilk" wants to be indifferent and simply ignore the problem... you want to stick your heads in the sand and pretend the bad guys will go away. When MORE Americans are killed, you want to sit there being smug with your hands thrown up in the air saying "at this point, what difference does it make?" THAT is your "solution" and it doesn't work.
As occupying a country and leaving its people to starve is a war crime.

Actually... NO, it's NOT.

Actually, it is. And one among many. Wanton destruction and appropriation of property is a war crime. Which you insist we do.

You haven't thought this shit through. You're ignoring every consequence and cost. And then laughably insisting that because you don't care about them, they don't exist.

Um, that's not how reality works. The consequences occur regardless of if you consider them important.
And ever minute of that century, we're at war.

No, we're not at war if our enemy is out of money to buy bullets and bombs because we've taken their cash resource. Within a few months, ISIS would fold like a cheap K-mart tent. AND... bet you dollars to doughnuts, any radical muslim country which has oil will think long and hard about jumping on the US.
You're ignoring every consequence and cost.

No I'm really not. The cost will not be a factor because the oil supply will more than pay for the cost. The consequence will be a cheap source of oil for us and elimination of an enemy who has been at war with us for 20 years.

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