HOLY TOLEDO! New poll has Trump at 32% WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!

I guess that you forgot about the Seawolf class submarine.

The first one in it's class is called the USS Jimmy Carter.

Google it sometime. It's a bit more formidable (and a bit better) than the Ohio class ever thought about being.
I guess that you forgot about the Seawolf class submarine.

The first one in it's class is called the USS Jimmy Carter.

Google it sometime. It's a bit more formidable (and a bit better) than the Ohio class ever thought about being.

We have a whopping THREE of them! :ack-1:
I guess that you forgot about the Seawolf class submarine.

The first one in it's class is called the USS Jimmy Carter.

Google it sometime. It's a bit more formidable (and a bit better) than the Ohio class ever thought about being.

We have a whopping THREE of them! :ack-1:
They are being replaced with the Virginia Class since 2000 you idiot. Twenty of them have been commissioned and are in service and new ones are being built at a rate of two per year at the present time. Last one was completed eight months ahead of schedule and fifty four million dollars under budget. We have the largest and most sophisticated submarine force on the planet.

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I guess that you forgot about the Seawolf class submarine.

The first one in it's class is called the USS Jimmy Carter.

Google it sometime. It's a bit more formidable (and a bit better) than the Ohio class ever thought about being.

We have a whopping THREE of them! :ack-1:
They are being replaced with the Virginia Class since 2000 you idiot. Twenty of them have been commissioned and are in service and new ones are being built at a rate of two per year at the present time. Last one was completed eight months ahead of schedule and fifty four million dollars under budget. We have the largest and most sophisticated submarine force on the planet.


I just LOVE how Trump transforms anti-military war-protesting liberal miscreant punks into full-fledged four-star military and naval expert know-it-alls!

So now we have 20 more Virginia-class which must be better than the three Seawolf-class, which is better than the Ohio-class. Well it's comforting to know we have 23 subs to help out the fleet of 20 year old subs that are obsolete.

....How many square miles of ocean are there again?
I guess that you forgot about the Seawolf class submarine.

The first one in it's class is called the USS Jimmy Carter.

Google it sometime. It's a bit more formidable (and a bit better) than the Ohio class ever thought about being.

We have a whopping THREE of them! :ack-1:
They are being replaced with the Virginia Class since 2000 you idiot. Twenty of them have been commissioned and are in service and new ones are being built at a rate of two per year at the present time. Last one was completed eight months ahead of schedule and fifty four million dollars under budget. We have the largest and most sophisticated submarine force on the planet.


I just LOVE how Trump transforms anti-military war-protesting liberal miscreant punks into full-fledged four-star military and naval expert know-it-alls!

So now we have 20 more Virginia-class which must be better than the three Seawolf-class, which is better than the Ohio-class. Well it's comforting to know we have 23 subs to help out the fleet of 20 year old subs that are obsolete.

....How many square miles of ocean are there again?
Ohio Class submarines are boomers. That means their only mission is to launch nuclear ICBM's. They are not obsolete. They are updated regularly with advanced technology. The Sea Wolf submarine is an attack submarine that was designed to chase down enemy submarines, launch cruise missiles and deliver SEAL Teams. The Sea Wolf did not replace the Ohio Class. They are two entirely different types of submarines with different missions. The Virginia Class was designed to be suited to custom multi use purposes that include all the missions of the Sea Wolf.
The size of the ocean doesn't matter. The US Navy works with satellites and other modern stuff to figure out where enemy ships are hiding in that big ocean. Your stupid way of thinking would require us to have thousands of submarines all over the world.
You should try to learn something about the topic you are discussing before going into one of your lame insult rants. Think about it, you mocked the fact there were only three Sea Wolf's in operation without any knowledge that they began being replaced 15 years ago with an updated modern new version. Now don't you feel like a fool? No,probably not. You are one of those cowards who lack any character and will lash out with crude insults rather that admit a mistake.
Who is it you would call the biggest and/or best military on the planet?

China. They have both more hardware and more enlisted.

You have to remember, Obama has gutted our military.

Really? Our military has been 'gutted'? I'm curious just what that means. How have our force levels dropped during Obama's tenure? Are we spending less, have we decommissioned a lot of equipment, have we cut down drastically on the number of active duty personnel compared to the past?

And while China may have more, that certainly doesn't make their military better or more effective. Quantity can certainly do a lot, but quality can as well. Also, particularly when it comes to naval warfare, I was under the impression the US was both quantitatively and qualitatively superior to any other military. I don't claim any expertise, so if you show me I'm wrong I'll be happy to accept it.

I don't really feel like going and looking all this up just to prove a point to you. Obama is pretty much anti-military. We have decommissioned a lot... We've not built an Ohio-class sub in nearly 20 years. We have fighter jets currently being built that are costing us a billion dollars each and they are already obsolete. The last B-52 we built was in 1962.


Google B-1 Bomber and B-2 Bomber you dope. And what have we decommissioned that hasn't been replaced with something newer and more modern?
Google B-1 Bomber and B-2 Bomber you dope. And what have we decommissioned that hasn't been replaced with something newer and more modern?

Hey buddy.. I am not a military expert and I don't know jack about subs and bombers other than stuff I read. Someone said something about military spending and I said we need to cut the waste and redundancy, eliminate obsolete programs and increase vet benefits. Next thing I know, I have morons calling me a dope and flexing their mental muscle on submarine classes.

Okay.. I give up... you win! Obama is the Greatest president ever in history and has done nothing but make our military stronger from top to bottom with state of the art weapons and subs because Obama LOVES the military and everything about it. ...Is that what you needed to hear? Oh... and Hillary is the second greatest person to ever live besides Obama and when she is president, will make the military even bigger and stronger with even better submarines! ...We good now?
I love how right wingers force on everyone what it means to be a Republican/Conservative. Preprogrammed Morons. News flash...libs have some valuable stances/opinions on the issues, adopt them and evolve
I love how right wingers force on everyone what it means to be a Republican/Conservative. Preprogrammed Morons. News flash...libs have some valuable stances/opinions on the issues, adopt them and evolve

I honestly don't think you have any business whatsoever talking to me about what people want to force on everyone. I mean... really? ...Do we need to run down the long list of shit you've crammed down our throats like little Mussolinis for the past 8 years?

Why don't you have a big tall glass of STFU and crawl back under your rock?
I just want a bigger stronger military . Trump says that he will do that . His words are better than what mrobama has done to US military these last 7 years , imo . Anyway , Trump is just advertising his ideas as he hopes to attract people that think like he does . Think that Trump is still doing pretty good today although I haven't seen the news on his numbers yet .
Google B-1 Bomber and B-2 Bomber you dope. And what have we decommissioned that hasn't been replaced with something newer and more modern?

Hey buddy.. I am not a military expert and I don't know jack about subs and bombers other than stuff I read. Someone said something about military spending and I said we need to cut the waste and redundancy, eliminate obsolete programs and increase vet benefits. Next thing I know, I have morons calling me a dope and flexing their mental muscle on submarine classes.

Okay.. I give up... you win! Obama is the Greatest president ever in history and has done nothing but make our military stronger from top to bottom with state of the art weapons and subs because Obama LOVES the military and everything about it. ...Is that what you needed to hear? Oh... and Hillary is the second greatest person to ever live besides Obama and when she is president, will make the military even bigger and stronger with even better submarines! ...We good now?
Stop whining. You took on a topic you know nothing about, which you often do. While doing so you attempted to portray yourself as an expert while crudely insulting anyone who disagreed with your uninformed stupid ideas. You are a typical asshole that tries to intimidate with foul and crude insults and attacks to subsidize your jackassery, ignorance and outright lack of intellectual or academic ability. You are a failed wanna be bully and a stupid fool and have been exposed as such.
I guess that you forgot about the Seawolf class submarine.

The first one in it's class is called the USS Jimmy Carter.

Google it sometime. It's a bit more formidable (and a bit better) than the Ohio class ever thought about being.

We have a whopping THREE of them! :ack-1:
They are being replaced with the Virginia Class since 2000 you idiot. Twenty of them have been commissioned and are in service and new ones are being built at a rate of two per year at the present time. Last one was completed eight months ahead of schedule and fifty four million dollars under budget. We have the largest and most sophisticated submarine force on the planet.


I just LOVE how Trump transforms anti-military war-protesting liberal miscreant punks into full-fledged four-star military and naval expert know-it-alls!

So now we have 20 more Virginia-class which must be better than the three Seawolf-class, which is better than the Ohio-class. Well it's comforting to know we have 23 subs to help out the fleet of 20 year old subs that are obsolete.

....How many square miles of ocean are there again?
You just can't admit when you're wrong, can you?
Mornin Camp !! there is always room for making the USA military more lethal and 'mo betta' . I really doubt that the lefties in this thread that are throwing out the names of weapons systems really know what they are talking about . Might be the same with Trump as he just sees what has been done to US military these last 7 years and is appalled by what he sees , same as me . Anyway Trump says that he will fix the military as he generally says that he wants to rebuild the USA military . Trump is probably talking to some good conservative Generals and advisors as he decides what he wants to do with USA military .
Mornin Camp !! there is always room for making the USA military more lethal and 'mo betta' . I really doubt that the lefties in this thread that are throwing out the names of weapons systems really know what they are talking about . Might be the same with Trump as he just sees what has been done to US military these last 7 years and is appalled by what he sees , same as me . Anyway Trump says that he will fix the military as he generally says that he wants to rebuild the USA military . Trump is probably talking to some good conservative Generals and advisors as he decides what he wants to do with USA military .
The major setback in the military has been the sequester which has reduced government spending. As far as who spends more and does a better job of building the military, ideology has little if anything to do with it. Democrats want MIC campaign funds and manufacturing facilities operating in their districts and states as much as Republicans. Historically, military funding has done good under both parties, until sequestration came along.
Trump has shown a scary lack of knowledge and misconceptions about the military. I am not sure what Trump and you see that is so appalling. The problem I have with Trump is that he makes these statements but can't back up the rhetoric. Like the poster Boss did about bombers and submarines. Just doom and gloom nonsense to bash the liberals or Obama. We heard the same crap about Clinton and how he was destroying the military. Bush used the military built by Clinton, instigated by Bush 41, and that military destroyed both Afghanistan and Iraq in record times with minimum casualties. Went perfect until Bush turned it into a long term nation building occupation mission. Who the fuck saw that coming?
Today's military is as good or better than it has ever been. If people are going to put out the kind of rhetoric that Trump is putting out they should have to back it up with some factual data. Otherwise it is just a cheap political ploy that insults our current serving military personnel from the bottom grade enlisted persons to the highest grade Generals and Admirals. Trump should answer specifically what he would do differently to make our military stronger and more efficient. Otherwise he is just using national security as a pawn in the game he is playing and the reality show he is staging.
yeah , yeah , yeah Camp . Like I have said , Mr. Trump says that he will rebuild the military and that's good enough for me and others that support Trump . Also think that Cruz thinks similar to Trump and if so then that's 2 out of the gaggle that think as I think . Anyway , we'll see what happens as time goes by . Current 'generals' are pretty much mrobamas boys . That would be 'dempsey' and a few others that I can't think of their names at the moment . I respect and trust the older retired or Generals that have been purged by this regime Camp .
and hey , I sure don't think that I am an expert on military affairs , weapons or anything military . Course I don't think that lefty supporters of mrobamas military changes are experts either . I just see military actions like the 'pinprick' bombings that are currently taking place and I disapprove of that kinda tactic in the fight against 'Islamic state' . Also disapprove of the wussy 'rules of engagement' that have been forced on American soldiers that are fighting 'Islamic state' and other enemies Camp .
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I love how right wingers force on everyone what it means to be a Republican/Conservative. Preprogrammed Morons. News flash...libs have some valuable stances/opinions on the issues, adopt them and evolve

I honestly don't think you have any business whatsoever talking to me about what people want to force on everyone. I mean... really? ...Do we need to run down the long list of shit you've crammed down our throats like little Mussolinis for the past 8 years?

Why don't you have a big tall glass of STFU and crawl back under your rock?
I think you are mistaking me for a Democrat/liberal...they're just as nauseating.
Google B-1 Bomber and B-2 Bomber you dope. And what have we decommissioned that hasn't been replaced with something newer and more modern?

Hey buddy.. I am not a military expert and I don't know jack about subs and bombers other than stuff I read. Someone said something about military spending and I said we need to cut the waste and redundancy, eliminate obsolete programs and increase vet benefits. Next thing I know, I have morons calling me a dope and flexing their mental muscle on submarine classes.

Okay.. I give up... you win! Obama is the Greatest president ever in history and has done nothing but make our military stronger from top to bottom with state of the art weapons and subs because Obama LOVES the military and everything about it. ...Is that what you needed to hear? Oh... and Hillary is the second greatest person to ever live besides Obama and when she is president, will make the military even bigger and stronger with even better submarines! ...We good now?

You said that Obama gutted our military and that we are not the biggest and best military in the world anymore. That's a bit different than cutting waste and redundancy.

Why must it be two extremes? Obama gutted the military or he is the greatest president ever? Perhaps he's somewhere in between. This administration may have implemented some policies which aren't good for the military, but when you make a claim like the military has been gutted, people are likely to question you. When you then refuse to provide evidence of that claim, or worse, try to use false evidence to back it up....
Google B-1 Bomber and B-2 Bomber you dope. And what have we decommissioned that hasn't been replaced with something newer and more modern?

Hey buddy.. I am not a military expert and I don't know jack about subs and bombers other than stuff I read. Someone said something about military spending and I said we need to cut the waste and redundancy, eliminate obsolete programs and increase vet benefits. Next thing I know, I have morons calling me a dope and flexing their mental muscle on submarine classes.

Okay.. I give up... you win! Obama is the Greatest president ever in history and has done nothing but make our military stronger from top to bottom with state of the art weapons and subs because Obama LOVES the military and everything about it. ...Is that what you needed to hear? Oh... and Hillary is the second greatest person to ever live besides Obama and when she is president, will make the military even bigger and stronger with even better submarines! ...We good now?

If you don't know much about submarines, yoar not a real America.

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