HOLY TOLEDO! New poll has Trump at 32% WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!

I'm acting like Planned Parenthood isn't supported by most conservatives. But is supported by Trump.

He did not say he supported them. He pointed out to Hannity that only about 3% of what they do is abortion-related... they DO provide many valuable services for women... that's all he said. Now... Is he WRONG or RIGHT? Forget about "Conservative" for a minute and answer the question.

He's certainly expressed support for continued federal funding for planned parenthood's operations that he says are 'good'. Which puts him in start opposition to the rest of the GOP field.

In an interview with Chris Cuomo on CNN’s “New Day" on Tuesday, Trump said, "the biggest problem I have with Planned Parenthood is the abortion situation,” he said. “It's like an abortion factory. You can't have it and you shouldn't be funding it and that should not be funded by the government.”

But he continued by saying he wouldn't necessarily defund the organization.

“If the time came, I would look at the individual things that they do and maybe some of the things are good, and maybe -- I know a lot of the things are bad,” Trump said. “I would look at the good aspects of it and I would also look because I'm sure they do some things properly and good and good for women.”

Donald Trump Suggests Support of Some Federal Funding for Planned Parenthood - ABC News

And since the Federal government doesn't fund abortions but instead the 'good things for women', problem solved for 'president trump'.
I'm still wondering why Trump wants to increase the military.

We already have the best one in the world.

Its low hanging fruit among conservatives. Almost no one is going to question increasing funding to the military. Even if we can't afford it.
He's certainly expressed support for continued federal funding for planned parenthood's operations that he says are 'good'. Which puts him in start opposition to the rest of the GOP field.

No.. he said "we have to look at that." You are again trying to put words in Trump's mouth... I will warn you, this may result in blood shooting out of your eyes, or wherever. ;)
He's certainly expressed support for continued federal funding for planned parenthood's operations that he says are 'good'. Which puts him in start opposition to the rest of the GOP field.

No.. he said "we have to look at that." You are again trying to put words in Trump's mouth... I will warn you, this may result in blood shooting out of your eyes, or wherever. ;)

He said this:

“If the time came, I would look at the individual things that they do and maybe some of the things are good, and maybe -- I know a lot of the things are bad,” Trump said. “I would look at the good aspects of it and I would also look because I'm sure they do some things properly and good and good for women.”

These are the words I'm putting in Trumps mouth: the one's the came out of it.
One of the few things I approve of coming from 'fed gov' is to increase and rebuild the military , one of the few things I approve of along with border security and control . Just a comment because I see military mentioned in this thread . I don't care how good it is , I want to see USA military bigger and stronger and better . Trump says that he will do that no matter what others have to say .
He's certainly expressed support for continued federal funding for planned parenthood's operations that he says are 'good'. Which puts him in start opposition to the rest of the GOP field.

No.. he said "we have to look at that." You are again trying to put words in Trump's mouth... I will warn you, this may result in blood shooting out of your eyes, or wherever. ;)

He said this:

“If the time came, I would look at the individual things that they do and maybe some of the things are good, and maybe -- I know a lot of the things are bad,” Trump said. “I would look at the good aspects of it and I would also look because I'm sure they do some things properly and good and good for women.”

These are the words I'm putting in Trumps mouth: the one's the came out of it.

So again... what is wrong with what he said? I would think most rational reasonable people who aren't on some kind of party-loyal mission to have their favorite politician elected, would listen to this and think... that's reasonable and level-headed thinking and I agree with him.

And no.... I can't let you get away with backpedaling.

First quote: "He's certainly expressed support for continued federal funding for planned parenthood's operations that he says are 'good'."

Backpedal: "I would look at the individual things that they do..."

He said nothing about "continued federal funding for PP." He said he would look at the individual things they do. BTW... Federal funding for PP is something CONGRESS decides, not the President.
One of the few things I approve of coming from 'fed gov' is to increase and rebuild the military , one of the few things I approve of along with border security and control . Just a comment because I see military mentioned in this thread . I don't care how good it is , I want to see USA military bigger and stronger and better . Trump says that he will do that no matter what others have to say .

Let me pull a bit of a Trump here and challenge the popular "pro-military spending" plank the Liberals have welded to the False Ideology of Conservative....

For years, strong conservatives have advocated and campaigned on more defense spending. It sounds good... gets the base all excited waving their flags and cheering... defense contractors LOVE this kind of talk.... when they get to Washington, they push through massive defense bills with all kinds of multi-billion-dollar weapon building projects... most of these are obsolete by the time we complete them.

Because it is such a popular position, and because of the nature of legislation (sausage making), we now have a massive defense budget but we don't have the biggest or best military on the planet anymore.

We need to objectively evaluate every defense expenditure from top to bottom... across the board. If it's waste or redundant, eliminate it. If it's obsolete or ineffective... cut it. At the same time, we need to increase veteran benefits. I don't like the idea of closing bases because it ends up killing economies in entire communities. We can cut enough waste to keep bases open and veterans taken care of, and STILL have the best military on the planet.
Works for me ... means Hillary will win.

Hoping to win some of the middle, Republicans went with a moderate Republican in 2008 and lost.

Republicans tried that again in 2012 and lost again.

Try that again this year and you'll get the same results.

Then why are you so worried? If Trump ensures a Hillary victory, I would expect you yahoos to be singing his praises instead of trying everything in the book to take him out. Makes no sense. From the get-go, Trump has had you idiots dancing around praising war heroes, defending Fox News and now, turning on Planned Parenthood! ...If we could only get him to say bad things about Dubya! :rofl:
Yet another inane post from you among a long line of them. I'm not worried about Trump. Personally, I believe he's going to end up running as an Independent.
I'm acting like Planned Parenthood isn't supported by most conservatives. But is supported by Trump.

He did not say he supported them. He pointed out to Hannity that only about 3% of what they do is abortion-related... they DO provide many valuable services for women... that's all he said. Now... Is he WRONG or RIGHT? Forget about "Conservative" for a minute and answer the question.
He was also pro-choice. But like his flip-flop on healthcare to appeal to the right, it's very possible he's flip-flopped on that as well.
One of the few things I approve of coming from 'fed gov' is to increase and rebuild the military , one of the few things I approve of along with border security and control . Just a comment because I see military mentioned in this thread . I don't care how good it is , I want to see USA military bigger and stronger and better . Trump says that he will do that no matter what others have to say .

Let me pull a bit of a Trump here and challenge the popular "pro-military spending" plank the Liberals have welded to the False Ideology of Conservative....

For years, strong conservatives have advocated and campaigned on more defense spending. It sounds good... gets the base all excited waving their flags and cheering... defense contractors LOVE this kind of talk.... when they get to Washington, they push through massive defense bills with all kinds of multi-billion-dollar weapon building projects... most of these are obsolete by the time we complete them.

Because it is such a popular position, and because of the nature of legislation (sausage making), we now have a massive defense budget but we don't have the biggest or best military on the planet anymore.

We need to objectively evaluate every defense expenditure from top to bottom... across the board. If it's waste or redundant, eliminate it. If it's obsolete or ineffective... cut it. At the same time, we need to increase veteran benefits. I don't like the idea of closing bases because it ends up killing economies in entire communities. We can cut enough waste to keep bases open and veterans taken care of, and STILL have the best military on the planet.

Who is it you would call the biggest and/or best military on the planet? We certainly spend far more than anyone else if the various charts about this subject that usually go around are to be believed.

I don't doubt that someone like China has more manpower, if that's the metric for biggest, but best?
I want it bigger , better and stronger in all cases Montrovant . Trump says that he will do that as well as a border wall . I like that and will support Trump if he is nominated .
TRUMP , bush , roobio , kasich , christy , and I'll take Trump no matter as a repub or independent . Cruz and Carson are also ok in my opinion .
Who is it you would call the biggest and/or best military on the planet?

China. They have both more hardware and more enlisted.

You have to remember, Obama has gutted our military.

Really? Our military has been 'gutted'? I'm curious just what that means. How have our force levels dropped during Obama's tenure? Are we spending less, have we decommissioned a lot of equipment, have we cut down drastically on the number of active duty personnel compared to the past?

And while China may have more, that certainly doesn't make their military better or more effective. Quantity can certainly do a lot, but quality can as well. Also, particularly when it comes to naval warfare, I was under the impression the US was both quantitatively and qualitatively superior to any other military. I don't claim any expertise, so if you show me I'm wrong I'll be happy to accept it.
Who is it you would call the biggest and/or best military on the planet?

China. They have both more hardware and more enlisted.

You have to remember, Obama has gutted our military.

Really? Our military has been 'gutted'? I'm curious just what that means. How have our force levels dropped during Obama's tenure? Are we spending less, have we decommissioned a lot of equipment, have we cut down drastically on the number of active duty personnel compared to the past?

And while China may have more, that certainly doesn't make their military better or more effective. Quantity can certainly do a lot, but quality can as well. Also, particularly when it comes to naval warfare, I was under the impression the US was both quantitatively and qualitatively superior to any other military. I don't claim any expertise, so if you show me I'm wrong I'll be happy to accept it.

I don't really feel like going and looking all this up just to prove a point to you. Obama is pretty much anti-military. We have decommissioned a lot... We've not built an Ohio-class sub in nearly 20 years. We have fighter jets currently being built that are costing us a billion dollars each and they are already obsolete. The last B-52 we built was in 1962.

And... we can sit here all day speculating on who has "the best" military. It's subjective. China has more boots to put on the ground and more hardware for them to use. That once was not the case and it wasn't that long ago.

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