HOLY TOLEDO! New poll has Trump at 32% WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!

seems like a stand up guy to me , says what he means . Looks like he is serious about being president . As you say , he is a better joke than his 'rino' competition .
Trump seems like a joke, that being said, he's a better joke than his competition in the primary.

I will admit, in the beginning I was not sold. He did seem to be a bit of a "joke" as far as running for prez... but as I have listened to him speak on the issues I have come to realize he is a very smart man with some very sound ideas. He is a philosophical Conservative, meaning, he is not tied to a rigid ideological viewpoint. He has the potential to unite all Conservatives under the philosophy of Conservatism the way Ronald Reagan did in 1980. THIS is why the Liberals are running scared.
Lets see.....supports Planned Parenthood, advocates conditional amnesty for illegals, and lavishly praises single payer European style healthcare.

Sounds like a 'true conservative' to me.

Again, you believe "Conservative" is something it isn't. Liberals created a Frankenstein Ideology of Conservatism and adorned it with all kinds of undesirable viewpoints and ideologies. But TRUE Conservatism is a philosophy, not an ideology.

I actually think Trump's response to Hannity on PP is illustrative of what true Conservatism is all about... Pragmatic approaches, reasoned and objective analysis, looking at the good and bad, not being ideologically-driven or a knee-jerk reactionary. Of course, Trump schooling Hannity on Conservatism is something I never expected to see... but it is what it is.
Lets see.....supports Planned Parenthood, advocates conditional amnesty for illegals, and lavishly praises single payer European style healthcare.

Sounds like a 'true conservative' to me.

Again, you believe "Conservative" is something it isn't. Liberals created a Frankenstein Ideology of Conservatism and adorned it with all kinds of undesirable viewpoints and ideologies. But TRUE Conservatism is a philosophy, not an ideology.

So Single Payer healthcare is conservative?
and WHERE did Skylar go ?? Heck , you educate them and they just take off without even a little Thankyou post or message .
Works for me ... means Hillary will win.

Hoping to win some of the middle, Republicans went with a moderate Republican in 2008 and lost.

Republicans tried that again in 2012 and lost again.

Try that again this year and you'll get the same results.

Then why are you so worried? If Trump ensures a Hillary victory, I would expect you yahoos to be singing his praises instead of trying everything in the book to take him out. Makes no sense. From the get-go, Trump has had you idiots dancing around praising war heroes, defending Fox News and now, turning on Planned Parenthood! ...If we could only get him to say bad things about Dubya! :rofl:
and like a bad penny Skylar shows up , I posted 2 seconds too early I guess . Trump has said that he will replace 'obamacare' Skylar .
Works for me ... means Hillary will win.

Hoping to win some of the middle, Republicans went with a moderate Republican in 2008 and lost.

Republicans tried that again in 2012 and lost again.

Try that again this year and you'll get the same results.

Then why are you so worried? If Trump ensures a Hillary victory, I would expect you yahoos to be singing his praises instead of trying everything in the book to take him out. Makes no sense. From the get-go, Trump has had you idiots dancing around praising war heroes, defending Fox News and now, turning on Planned Parenthood! ...If we could only get him to say bad things about Dubya! :rofl:

Who is turning on planned parenthood? There's conservatives and....who?
So Single Payer healthcare is conservative?

Trump did not say he wanted single payer healthcare. That is your misconstruction of what he said and you are trying desperately to spin his comments into that so you can hopefully stop his momentum... because he scares the tee-total shit out of you people.

He has said, Obamacare is a disaster and his first order of business will be to repeal it. He then wants to replace it with Health Savings Plans, which is exactly what Conservatives pushed during the health care debate. He makes the same point MANY Conservatives have, that we CAN cover virtually every American with something that works.... it's just not Obamacare.
Works for me ... means Hillary will win.

Hoping to win some of the middle, Republicans went with a moderate Republican in 2008 and lost.

Republicans tried that again in 2012 and lost again.

Try that again this year and you'll get the same results.

Then why are you so worried? If Trump ensures a Hillary victory, I would expect you yahoos to be singing his praises instead of trying everything in the book to take him out. Makes no sense. From the get-go, Trump has had you idiots dancing around praising war heroes, defending Fox News and now, turning on Planned Parenthood! ...If we could only get him to say bad things about Dubya! :rofl:

Who is turning on planned parenthood? There's conservatives and....who?

Well, you're all acting like it's some "gawd-awful" thing that Trump said something nice about PP... sounds like that to me.
So Single Payer healthcare is conservative?

Trump did not say he wanted single payer healthcare. That is your misconstruction of what he said and you are trying desperately to spin his comments into that so you can hopefully stop his momentum... because he scares the tee-total shit out of you people.

He has said, Obamacare is a disaster and his first order of business will be to repeal it. He then wants to replace it with Health Savings Plans, which is exactly what Conservatives pushed during the health care debate. He makes the same point MANY Conservatives have, that we CAN cover virtually every American with something that works.... it's just not Obamacare.
Don't forget, eradicating the invisible lines on state borders so insurance companies can compete Nationally.

I would like him to allow us to buy our drugs from Canada too.
So Single Payer healthcare is conservative?

Trump did not say he wanted single payer healthcare. That is your misconstruction of what he said and you are trying desperately to spin his comments into that so you can hopefully stop his momentum... because he scares the tee-total shit out of you people.

I said he lavishly praised single payer healthcare. How is that a misconstruction?

And notice that that you straight up refuse to answer if single payer is conservative. I think we both know the answer.
Don't forget, eradicating the invisible lines on state borders so insurance companies can compete Nationally.

Exactly! Portability... another key argument Conservatives made in the health care debate.
Works for me ... means Hillary will win.

Hoping to win some of the middle, Republicans went with a moderate Republican in 2008 and lost.

Republicans tried that again in 2012 and lost again.

Try that again this year and you'll get the same results.

Then why are you so worried? If Trump ensures a Hillary victory, I would expect you yahoos to be singing his praises instead of trying everything in the book to take him out. Makes no sense. From the get-go, Trump has had you idiots dancing around praising war heroes, defending Fox News and now, turning on Planned Parenthood! ...If we could only get him to say bad things about Dubya! :rofl:

Who is turning on planned parenthood? There's conservatives and....who?

Well, you're all acting like it's some "gawd-awful" thing that Trump said something nice about PP... sounds like that to me.
I'm acting like Planned Parenthood isn't supported by most conservatives. But is supported by Trump.

Is PP 'conservative'?
I'm acting like Planned Parenthood isn't supported by most conservatives. But is supported by Trump.

He did not say he supported them. He pointed out to Hannity that only about 3% of what they do is abortion-related... they DO provide many valuable services for women... that's all he said. Now... Is he WRONG or RIGHT? Forget about "Conservative" for a minute and answer the question.
I'm still wondering why Trump wants to increase the military.

We already have the best one in the world.

Biggest one too.
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