HOLY TOLEDO! New poll has Trump at 32% WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!

Might want to rethink trump OP:
Tuesday night, the Republican presidential front-runner defended the women's health services provider in an interview on Fox News' Hannity. Trump noted that abortion was a "fairly small part" of what Planned Parenthood does and that "we have to look at the positives also for Planned Parenthood."

"They do good things," he said, interrupting interviewer Sean Hannity's question.

annual report, 3 percent of the roughly 11 million services it provided in 2013 were abortions. The other 97 percent included STD testing and treatment, contraception, cancer screenings, pregnancy tests and other noncontroversial services.

Planned Parenthood said some of Trump's remarks in recent days have been "offensive," but it welcomed the statement of support the real estate mogul, the only Republican presidential candidate who has defended the organization.

"Donald Trump seems to have realized that banning all abortions, shutting down the government, and defunding Planned Parenthood are extreme positions that are way too far outside the mainstream for even him to take," Eric Ferrero, a spokesman for Planned Parenthood Action Fund, said in a statement.

So Trump points out that PP also does some good things... and Liberals are going to use THAT to smear him with his supporters? ....Man.... it's getting to be 'desperation time' isn't it? Basically.... what I am hearing is... damned if you do, damned if you don't. He couldn't have taken a more moderate position... yet no moderate would ever vote for Trump, right? If a Conservative is "reasonable" about PP and recognizes they do offer a valuable service sometimes... that's a "bridge too far" because... hey, we all know every Conservative marches in lockstep behind the same rigid ideological socially-conservative beliefs! (NOT!)
You have that backwards. That's not smearing Trump, that's smearing his supporters.

No, I don't have anything backwards, I have it right. So does Trump.

Hannity rails on and on with the outrage over PP... a big right-wing social issue atm...
Tries to get Trump to join him in universal condemnation because that's the line we're towing...
Trump doesn't bite... instead, like a TRUE CONSERVATIVE.... points out to Hannity that the organization does "SOME GOOD."

Now. YOU and your cronies are going to try and take THAT and use it against Trump... because YOU think his supporters will surely bail on his ass for such blasphemous comments!

I'll sit back and watch THIS blow up in your stupid little liberal faces and Trump surge again in the polls... This is FUN!
Might want to rethink trump OP:
Tuesday night, the Republican presidential front-runner defended the women's health services provider in an interview on Fox News' Hannity. Trump noted that abortion was a "fairly small part" of what Planned Parenthood does and that "we have to look at the positives also for Planned Parenthood."

"They do good things," he said, interrupting interviewer Sean Hannity's question.

annual report, 3 percent of the roughly 11 million services it provided in 2013 were abortions. The other 97 percent included STD testing and treatment, contraception, cancer screenings, pregnancy tests and other noncontroversial services.

Planned Parenthood said some of Trump's remarks in recent days have been "offensive," but it welcomed the statement of support the real estate mogul, the only Republican presidential candidate who has defended the organization.

"Donald Trump seems to have realized that banning all abortions, shutting down the government, and defunding Planned Parenthood are extreme positions that are way too far outside the mainstream for even him to take," Eric Ferrero, a spokesman for Planned Parenthood Action Fund, said in a statement.

So Trump points out that PP also does some good things... and Liberals are going to use THAT to smear him with his supporters? ....Man.... it's getting to be 'desperation time' isn't it? Basically.... what I am hearing is... damned if you do, damned if you don't. He couldn't have taken a more moderate position... yet no moderate would ever vote for Trump, right? If a Conservative is "reasonable" about PP and recognizes they do offer a valuable service sometimes... that's a "bridge too far" because... hey, we all know every Conservative marches in lockstep behind the same rigid ideological socially-conservative beliefs! (NOT!)
You have that backwards. That's not smearing Trump, that's smearing his supporters.

No, I don't have anything backwards, I have it right. So does Trump.

Hannity rails on and on with the outrage over PP... a big right-wing social issue atm...
Tries to get Trump to join him in universal condemnation because that's the line we're towing...
Trump doesn't bite... instead, like a TRUE CONSERVATIVE.... points out to Hannity that the organization does "SOME GOOD."

Now. YOU and your cronies are going to try and take THAT and use it against Trump... because YOU think his supporters will surely bail on his ass for such blasphemous comments!

I'll sit back and watch THIS blow up in your stupid little liberal faces and Trump surge again in the polls... This is FUN!
Wrong, as usual. Trump is expected to say good things about PP. He's the most Liberal Republican running. So pointing out he had positive things to say about PP is not a slam at him at all. It IS a slam against the righties who support him because they are stuck supporting a RINO who and have to suck it up as their guy drags them to the left.
Wrong, as usual. Trump is expected to say good things about PP. He's the most Liberal Republican running. So pointing out he had positive things to say about PP is not a slam at him at all. It IS a slam against the righties who support him because they are stuck supporting a RINO who and have to suck it up as their guy drags them to the left.

I am HOPING he is a true RINO... for real! I am SICK of Republicans!

Wow... A Liberal/Conservative Republican? .....might spell some trouble for your party!
Trump is expected to say good things about PP.

I don't think Trump knows he is 'expected to say' anything. Maybe you should inform him? :dunno:

I do think that he made a good point to Hannity. I have problems with PP... don't get me wrong. I think it is reprehensible and deplorable what they have been doing and you liberals have been cheering. As Mike Huckabee put it... selling parts off fetuses like an old Buick. That needs to be investigated and anyone involved in such a thing should be sent to prison. Those chapters of PP should be shut down permanently and we shouldn't be funding ANY of PP with federal tax dollars.

But the point Trump was making is about moderating tone. Before we jump to condemn something as a whole, we should look at all the aspects objectively. There ARE some good services provided by this organization, especially in certain communities. That's really all he was saying... don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Of course, in the case of PP, they want to part the baby out... but I digress.

I actually don't mind Trump having a moderate ideology... I think that appeals to most Americans. I want a Conservative who doesn't get wrapped up in dogmatic ideology and remains consistent with level-headed conservative philosophy on everything. I might not agree with him all all things, but I know that he isn't pressing some radical agenda. I can live with it.

Uhm, no.

You are apparently brain-dead.

That screen shot is from YESTERDAY EVENING from RCP.

It shows the latest 5 polls, the newest of which was completed on 8/10 and released YESTERDAY.

The oldest of the five is indeed two weeks old. That is correct. In measuring aggregates, a two to even four week time frame is - for this phase of the game - totally acceptable. Closer to the GE, most narrow the time frame to 7 days maximum, maybe less, depending on frequency of polling.

This is why it is called an AGGREGATE. You do understand that, right?

You really need to look and read before you growl something incomprehensible.
Last edited:

Uhm, no.

You are apparently brain-dead.

That screen shot is from YESTERDAY EVENING from RCP.

It shows the latest 5 polls, the newest of which was completed on 8/10 and released YESTERDAY.

The oldest of the five is indeed two weeks old. That is correct. In measuring aggregates, a two to even four week time frame is - for this phase of the game - totally acceptable. Closer to the GE, most narrow the time frame to 7 days maximum, maybe less, depending on frequency of polling.

This is why it is called an AGGREGATE. You do understand that, right?

You really need to look and read before you growl something incomprehensible.

Meh... can't be bothered... you're boring me.

Uhm, no.

You are apparently brain-dead.

That screen shot is from YESTERDAY EVENING from RCP.

It shows the latest 5 polls, the newest of which was completed on 8/10 and released YESTERDAY.

The oldest of the five is indeed two weeks old. That is correct. In measuring aggregates, a two to even four week time frame is - for this phase of the game - totally acceptable. Closer to the GE, most narrow the time frame to 7 days maximum, maybe less, depending on frequency of polling.

This is why it is called an AGGREGATE. You do understand that, right?

You really need to look and read before you growl something incomprehensible.

Meh... can't be bothered... you're boring me.
"Can't be bothered..." to worry about accuracy or truth. Those things get in the way of your opinions.
Trump is expected to say good things about PP.

I don't think Trump knows he is 'expected to say' anything. Maybe you should inform him? :dunno:

I do think that he made a good point to Hannity. I have problems with PP... don't get me wrong. I think it is reprehensible and deplorable what they have been doing and you liberals have been cheering. As Mike Huckabee put it... selling parts off fetuses like an old Buick. That needs to be investigated and anyone involved in such a thing should be sent to prison. Those chapters of PP should be shut down permanently and we shouldn't be funding ANY of PP with federal tax dollars.

But the point Trump was making is about moderating tone. Before we jump to condemn something as a whole, we should look at all the aspects objectively. There ARE some good services provided by this organization, especially in certain communities. That's really all he was saying... don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Of course, in the case of PP, they want to part the baby out... but I digress.

I actually don't mind Trump having a moderate ideology... I think that appeals to most Americans. I want a Conservative who doesn't get wrapped up in dogmatic ideology and remains consistent with level-headed conservative philosophy on everything. I might not agree with him all all things, but I know that he isn't pressing some radical agenda. I can live with it.
Works for me ... means Hillary will win.

Hoping to win some of the middle, Republicans went with a moderate Republican in 2008 and lost.

Republicans tried that again in 2012 and lost again.

Try that again this year and you'll get the same results.

Uhm, no.

You are apparently brain-dead.

That screen shot is from YESTERDAY EVENING from RCP.

It shows the latest 5 polls, the newest of which was completed on 8/10 and released YESTERDAY.

The oldest of the five is indeed two weeks old. That is correct. In measuring aggregates, a two to even four week time frame is - for this phase of the game - totally acceptable. Closer to the GE, most narrow the time frame to 7 days maximum, maybe less, depending on frequency of polling.

This is why it is called an AGGREGATE. You do understand that, right?

You really need to look and read before you growl something incomprehensible.

Meh... can't be bothered... you're boring me.
Thank you for admitting that you don't know how it works.

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Uhm, no.

You are apparently brain-dead.

That screen shot is from YESTERDAY EVENING from RCP.

It shows the latest 5 polls, the newest of which was completed on 8/10 and released YESTERDAY.

The oldest of the five is indeed two weeks old. That is correct. In measuring aggregates, a two to even four week time frame is - for this phase of the game - totally acceptable. Closer to the GE, most narrow the time frame to 7 days maximum, maybe less, depending on frequency of polling.

This is why it is called an AGGREGATE. You do understand that, right?

You really need to look and read before you growl something incomprehensible.

Meh... can't be bothered... you're boring me.

Translation: Herp derp
the 'bush' and all other MODERATE 'rinos' are the guys pandering to 'hispanics' , muslims , and every other minority group . Well , same thing for the dems and they are better at the pandering . I'll take Cruz , Trump or whoever I perceive as not pandering Slyhunter . Course , if it a 'rino' nominee , well , I already have my plans .

Yeah, who needs women, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, liberals, moderates, or 'RINO's when you're running as a 'true conservative'.

That 'big tent' is looking more like a mid sized umbrella.

I might just have to use that one day.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
the 'bush' and all other MODERATE 'rinos' are the guys pandering to 'hispanics' , muslims , and every other minority group . Well , same thing for the dems and they are better at the pandering . I'll take Cruz , Trump or whoever I perceive as not pandering Slyhunter . Course , if it a 'rino' nominee , well , I already have my plans .

Yeah, who needs women, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, liberals, moderates, or 'RINO's when you're running as a 'true conservative'.

That 'big tent' is looking more like a mid sized umbrella.

Might want to rethink trump OP:
Tuesday night, the Republican presidential front-runner defended the women's health services provider in an interview on Fox News' Hannity. Trump noted that abortion was a "fairly small part" of what Planned Parenthood does and that "we have to look at the positives also for Planned Parenthood."

"They do good things," he said, interrupting interviewer Sean Hannity's question.

annual report, 3 percent of the roughly 11 million services it provided in 2013 were abortions. The other 97 percent included STD testing and treatment, contraception, cancer screenings, pregnancy tests and other noncontroversial services.

Planned Parenthood said some of Trump's remarks in recent days have been "offensive," but it welcomed the statement of support the real estate mogul, the only Republican presidential candidate who has defended the organization.

"Donald Trump seems to have realized that banning all abortions, shutting down the government, and defunding Planned Parenthood are extreme positions that are way too far outside the mainstream for even him to take," Eric Ferrero, a spokesman for Planned Parenthood Action Fund, said in a statement.

So Trump points out that PP also does some good things... and Liberals are going to use THAT to smear him with his supporters? ....Man.... it's getting to be 'desperation time' isn't it? Basically.... what I am hearing is... damned if you do, damned if you don't. He couldn't have taken a more moderate position... yet no moderate would ever vote for Trump, right? If a Conservative is "reasonable" about PP and recognizes they do offer a valuable service sometimes... that's a "bridge too far" because... hey, we all know every Conservative marches in lockstep behind the same rigid ideological socially-conservative beliefs! (NOT!)

Lets see.....supports Planned Parenthood, advocates conditional amnesty for illegals, and lavishly praises single payer European style healthcare.

Sounds like a 'true conservative' to me.
naw , doesn't sound conservative on those issues but still better than one of the 'bushs' or other Rinos . Course , Donald is for the strongest military possible and he has plans formulated to go get 'Islamic state' . Plus he is good [words anyway] , on border control and as YOU said 'conditional' amnesty . Best of all , he has no allegiance to big money donors or the 'gop' and that's really the most important thing to me . ------------------ Issues like 'pp' can be worked out and I heard him talking to 'hannity' about redoing obamacare . Just getting rid of the mandate to purchase obamacare is good enough for me Skylar .
OMG this has to be the wildest primary season. RINO'S are running for Extra Strength Immodium AD as I post this thread.

Kick it up notches unknown! Go Donny! Go Donny!


First big post-debate poll shows Donald Trump GAINED 7 points and sits at 32 Daily Mail Online

First major post-debate poll shows Trump GAINED 7 points from the previous week and has backing of 32 per cent of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents
  • Stunning result after Trump attracted criticism over debate performance on Thursday
  • Trump has 32 per cent nationally among registered Republicans and independents who say they lean to the right
  • No one is anywhere near The Donald, with Jeb Bush in second place at just 11 per cent
  • Poll supervised by former Washington Post journalist and shows no one else in double digits
I'm pro Trump now. So far I like the things he says and he is not a typical Republican. If he keeps saying things I like maybe I'll go with him over Bernie Sanders. But Trump has won me over between him and Hillary or any of the other Democrats. They like the Republican field are all just more of the same. Sellouts.

One thing I know Bernie is not is a sellout. Trump, if he does sell us out, well then he'll be a big fat liar because he made an awful lot of promises to be different.

Trump V. Sanders 2016!!
and Trump pulling in the best brains , or at least learned people to help put his ideas into motion Skylar . --- ---

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