HOLY TOLEDO! New poll has Trump at 32% WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!

How you can predict a candidate that nearly half of Republicans say they will never vote for can win the nomination is beyond all rational understanding.

"A lot of voters -- 61 percent of them, in fact -- say they would never consider voting for him for president. And 39 percent of the vote is not enough to be elected president. The closest recent winner to that figure was Bill Clinton in 1992, who got 43 percent of the vote."

The bad news for Trump More than 60 percent of the country wouldn t consider voting for him. - The Washington Post

First of all, I am finding NO information at your link as to the nature of the survey, who they polled, how many were polled, whether it was by phone, etc. The link in the story which references the poll takes you to yet another hit piece on Trump's McCain comments and cites yet another poll taken months ago... I didn't click that link. It is obvious to me that Washington Post is attempting to spin his ever-increasing poll numbers into a negative, to damage his campaign. I expect nothing less from Washington Post but it is very interesting... You all claim to WANT a Trump vs. Hillary match-up... but you're sure not ACTING like it!

More than 60% of the country? Really? Based on a poll of what, 1,000 people? We don't know... but Washington Post said it so it MUST be true, right? ....MORON!

Here you go:

Washington Post-ABC News poll July 16-19 2015 - The Washington Post

You just had to be smart enough to know to click on the poll link itself in the second link.

WAPO usually does more than one story about a poll, but it always releases the complete poll. You just have to actually read some, you know, like an adult.

But, that being said, the poll is now old. The next one will likely look even worse for the Don.

Oh okay.... So I have to know the combination of click-throughs of smear stories about Trump in order to find their methodology! Because... well, it's important that I be inundated with more propaganda and smear before I find the information I am looking for and expecting to find at the misleading link.

The "Poll" in question, by the way... is the poll where he jumped 11% after his McCain comments.... something that was supposed to have tanked his candidacy according to WAPO.

Well, actually, you just have to learn to read and comprehend like an adult BEFORE spouting off at the mouth like a little brat.

Alles klar?
In REPUBLICAN polling.
Republican Latinos are a drop in the bucket in Republican polling and an even smaller drop within the Latino voting group itself.

This might be a difficult concept for you but people (even Latinos) change their minds on party all the time. They are not all sheep like you who will follow the Big D over any waterfall. Truth is, we simply don't know how many Republican Latinos will vote this time... half the country never votes.

Nevertheless... It's beyond ridiculous that you want to think we should expect Trump to be winning Democrat Latino votes during his Republican primary race. And another thing... Conservatives don't pander to special interests... all Americans are equal. They don't stereotype individuals and put them in a box and say... we gotta say this and that for THOSE kind of people... That's what racist bigoted dividers like YOU do.

I'll make a bold prediction right here and now... IF Trump WINS the GOP nomination, he will carry both the Latino and Black vote against Hillary. Bookmark the post so you can throw it in my face if I am wrong... I don't mind admitting I could be wrong... but I bet it's much closer than in any recent election.


Its kind of an empty challenge. As I see it really unlikely that Trump gets the nomination.
He's got 32% of the vote out of 17 candidates. If Cruz bows out I bet that'll make it to 45% of the vote. If Trump doesn't screw this up, he'll be the next President.
What do you mean "if Trump doesn't screw this up..." ?
In REPUBLICAN polling.
Republican Latinos are a drop in the bucket in Republican polling and an even smaller drop within the Latino voting group itself.

This might be a difficult concept for you but people (even Latinos) change their minds on party all the time. They are not all sheep like you who will follow the Big D over any waterfall. Truth is, we simply don't know how many Republican Latinos will vote this time... half the country never votes.

Nevertheless... It's beyond ridiculous that you want to think we should expect Trump to be winning Democrat Latino votes during his Republican primary race. And another thing... Conservatives don't pander to special interests... all Americans are equal. They don't stereotype individuals and put them in a box and say... we gotta say this and that for THOSE kind of people... That's what racist bigoted dividers like YOU do.

I'll make a bold prediction right here and now... IF Trump WINS the GOP nomination, he will carry both the Latino and Black vote against Hillary. Bookmark the post so you can throw it in my face if I am wrong... I don't mind admitting I could be wrong... but I bet it's much closer than in any recent election.


Its kind of an empty challenge. As I see it really unlikely that Trump gets the nomination.
He's got 32% of the vote out of 17 candidates. If Cruz bows out I bet that'll make it to 45% of the vote. If Trump doesn't screw this up, he'll be the next President.

Really? Because Rasmusssen put him at 17% just yesterday, down 9 points from his pre-debate polling.

Has The Donald Peaked - Rasmussen Reports

Is Rasmussen inaccurate? If so, why?
In REPUBLICAN polling.
Republican Latinos are a drop in the bucket in Republican polling and an even smaller drop within the Latino voting group itself.

This might be a difficult concept for you but people (even Latinos) change their minds on party all the time. They are not all sheep like you who will follow the Big D over any waterfall. Truth is, we simply don't know how many Republican Latinos will vote this time... half the country never votes.

Nevertheless... It's beyond ridiculous that you want to think we should expect Trump to be winning Democrat Latino votes during his Republican primary race. And another thing... Conservatives don't pander to special interests... all Americans are equal. They don't stereotype individuals and put them in a box and say... we gotta say this and that for THOSE kind of people... That's what racist bigoted dividers like YOU do.

I'll make a bold prediction right here and now... IF Trump WINS the GOP nomination, he will carry both the Latino and Black vote against Hillary. Bookmark the post so you can throw it in my face if I am wrong... I don't mind admitting I could be wrong... but I bet it's much closer than in any recent election.


Its kind of an empty challenge. As I see it really unlikely that Trump gets the nomination.
He's got 32% of the vote out of 17 candidates. If Cruz bows out I bet that'll make it to 45% of the vote. If Trump doesn't screw this up, he'll be the next President.

Uhm, no.

Cruz is mired at about 5%.

32% + 5% does not make 45%.

Math is not your strong-suit, eh?
Your problem is you're using basic math while I'm using Calculus.
In REPUBLICAN polling.
Republican Latinos are a drop in the bucket in Republican polling and an even smaller drop within the Latino voting group itself.

This might be a difficult concept for you but people (even Latinos) change their minds on party all the time. They are not all sheep like you who will follow the Big D over any waterfall. Truth is, we simply don't know how many Republican Latinos will vote this time... half the country never votes.

Nevertheless... It's beyond ridiculous that you want to think we should expect Trump to be winning Democrat Latino votes during his Republican primary race. And another thing... Conservatives don't pander to special interests... all Americans are equal. They don't stereotype individuals and put them in a box and say... we gotta say this and that for THOSE kind of people... That's what racist bigoted dividers like YOU do.

I'll make a bold prediction right here and now... IF Trump WINS the GOP nomination, he will carry both the Latino and Black vote against Hillary. Bookmark the post so you can throw it in my face if I am wrong... I don't mind admitting I could be wrong... but I bet it's much closer than in any recent election.


Its kind of an empty challenge. As I see it really unlikely that Trump gets the nomination.
He's got 32% of the vote out of 17 candidates. If Cruz bows out I bet that'll make it to 45% of the vote. If Trump doesn't screw this up, he'll be the next President.
What do you mean "if Trump doesn't screw this up..." ?
Until he puts some money into this it's hard to take him seriously. This may be all a game to him.
How you can predict a candidate that nearly half of Republicans say they will never vote for can win the nomination is beyond all rational understanding.

"A lot of voters -- 61 percent of them, in fact -- say they would never consider voting for him for president. And 39 percent of the vote is not enough to be elected president. The closest recent winner to that figure was Bill Clinton in 1992, who got 43 percent of the vote."

The bad news for Trump More than 60 percent of the country wouldn t consider voting for him. - The Washington Post

First of all, I am finding NO information at your link as to the nature of the survey, who they polled, how many were polled, whether it was by phone, etc. The link in the story which references the poll takes you to yet another hit piece on Trump's McCain comments and cites yet another poll taken months ago... I didn't click that link. It is obvious to me that Washington Post is attempting to spin his ever-increasing poll numbers into a negative, to damage his campaign. I expect nothing less from Washington Post but it is very interesting... You all claim to WANT a Trump vs. Hillary match-up... but you're sure not ACTING like it!

More than 60% of the country? Really? Based on a poll of what, 1,000 people? We don't know... but Washington Post said it so it MUST be true, right? ....MORON!

Here you go:

Washington Post-ABC News poll July 16-19 2015 - The Washington Post

You just had to be smart enough to know to click on the poll link itself in the second link.

WAPO usually does more than one story about a poll, but it always releases the complete poll. You just have to actually read some, you know, like an adult.

But, that being said, the poll is now old. The next one will likely look even worse for the Don.

Oh okay.... So I have to know the combination of click-throughs of smear stories about Trump in order to find their methodology!

And by combination, you mean two links.

Two. One to a story on the poll. One to the poll itself in the first paragraph.

Doesn't take much to throw you, does it? How is it I and every other person found it in seconds but you refused to do so?

You were saying about 'morons'?
How you can predict a candidate that nearly half of Republicans say they will never vote for can win the nomination is beyond all rational understanding.

"A lot of voters -- 61 percent of them, in fact -- say they would never consider voting for him for president. And 39 percent of the vote is not enough to be elected president. The closest recent winner to that figure was Bill Clinton in 1992, who got 43 percent of the vote."

The bad news for Trump More than 60 percent of the country wouldn t consider voting for him. - The Washington Post

First of all, I am finding NO information at your link as to the nature of the survey, who they polled, how many were polled, whether it was by phone, etc. The link in the story which references the poll takes you to yet another hit piece on Trump's McCain comments and cites yet another poll taken months ago... I didn't click that link. It is obvious to me that Washington Post is attempting to spin his ever-increasing poll numbers into a negative, to damage his campaign. I expect nothing less from Washington Post but it is very interesting... You all claim to WANT a Trump vs. Hillary match-up... but you're sure not ACTING like it!

More than 60% of the country? Really? Based on a poll of what, 1,000 people? We don't know... but Washington Post said it so it MUST be true, right? ....MORON!

Here you go:

Washington Post-ABC News poll July 16-19 2015 - The Washington Post

You just had to be smart enough to know to click on the poll link itself in the second link.

WAPO usually does more than one story about a poll, but it always releases the complete poll. You just have to actually read some, you know, like an adult.

But, that being said, the poll is now old. The next one will likely look even worse for the Don.

Oh okay.... So I have to know the combination of click-throughs of smear stories about Trump in order to find their methodology! Because... well, it's important that I be inundated with more propaganda and smear before I find the information I am looking for and expecting to find at the misleading link.

The "Poll" in question, by the way... is the poll where he jumped 11% after his McCain comments.... something that was supposed to have tanked his candidacy according to WAPO.

I've read a couple of articles about Trump being both the top Republican candidate among Republican likely voters and the most disliked. It makes sense. He's controversial, bombastic, non-PC, however you want to describe it. He says things which elicit reactions both positive and negative.

I would think that trait is both the most important factor in his current popularity and the thing most likely to prevent him from becoming president or even getting the Republican nomination.

Sure, if he gets the nod for Republicans, many might hold their nose and vote for him anyway, basically voting against the eventual Democrat candidate. However, enough seem to dislike him that it could easily lead to low turnout for Republicans on election day if he's the candidate. Does it seem likely that Trump will be able to carry enough moderate/independent voters to win if he has a low turnout of Republican voters?

Of course, all of this is really little more than silly speculation. The election is still far, far away. Talking about who will be a serious contender for president at this point is like picking a Super Bowl winner today. Sure, you might get lucky, and some choices are stronger than others, but no one knows what might change between now and the end of the race. :D
This might be a difficult concept for you but people (even Latinos) change their minds on party all the time. They are not all sheep like you who will follow the Big D over any waterfall. Truth is, we simply don't know how many Republican Latinos will vote this time... half the country never votes.

Nevertheless... It's beyond ridiculous that you want to think we should expect Trump to be winning Democrat Latino votes during his Republican primary race. And another thing... Conservatives don't pander to special interests... all Americans are equal. They don't stereotype individuals and put them in a box and say... we gotta say this and that for THOSE kind of people... That's what racist bigoted dividers like YOU do.

I'll make a bold prediction right here and now... IF Trump WINS the GOP nomination, he will carry both the Latino and Black vote against Hillary. Bookmark the post so you can throw it in my face if I am wrong... I don't mind admitting I could be wrong... but I bet it's much closer than in any recent election.


Its kind of an empty challenge. As I see it really unlikely that Trump gets the nomination.
He's got 32% of the vote out of 17 candidates. If Cruz bows out I bet that'll make it to 45% of the vote. If Trump doesn't screw this up, he'll be the next President.
What do you mean "if Trump doesn't screw this up..." ?
Until he puts some money into this it's hard to take him seriously. This may be all a game to him.
I think Trump has screwed up on several occasions already. In fact, he seems to have a pattern of making blunders. This is not a good sign for a Presidential contender. People are forgiving and will give second chances and all of that, but Trump seems to be out of his comfort zone. At some point he is going to have to change that hustler con man kind of conversational speech he is so dependent on. People are already tired of his diatribes about how great he is and how he is the best at everything and how he is going to save the world.

Its kind of an empty challenge. As I see it really unlikely that Trump gets the nomination.
He's got 32% of the vote out of 17 candidates. If Cruz bows out I bet that'll make it to 45% of the vote. If Trump doesn't screw this up, he'll be the next President.
What do you mean "if Trump doesn't screw this up..." ?
Until he puts some money into this it's hard to take him seriously. This may be all a game to him.
I think Trump has screwed up on several occasions already. In fact, he seems to have a pattern of making blunders. This is not a good sign for a Presidential contender. People are forgiving and will give second chances and all of that, but Trump seems to be out of his comfort zone. At some point he is going to have to change that hustler con man kind of conversational speech he is so dependent on. People are already tired of his diatribes about how great he is and how he is the best at everything and how he is going to save the world.

His campaign director quiting and reducing his entire campaign staff to 2?

Oh, nothing to worry about there.
How you can predict a candidate that nearly half of Republicans say they will never vote for can win the nomination is beyond all rational understanding.

"A lot of voters -- 61 percent of them, in fact -- say they would never consider voting for him for president. And 39 percent of the vote is not enough to be elected president. The closest recent winner to that figure was Bill Clinton in 1992, who got 43 percent of the vote."

The bad news for Trump More than 60 percent of the country wouldn t consider voting for him. - The Washington Post

First of all, I am finding NO information at your link as to the nature of the survey, who they polled, how many were polled, whether it was by phone, etc. The link in the story which references the poll takes you to yet another hit piece on Trump's McCain comments and cites yet another poll taken months ago... I didn't click that link. It is obvious to me that Washington Post is attempting to spin his ever-increasing poll numbers into a negative, to damage his campaign. I expect nothing less from Washington Post but it is very interesting... You all claim to WANT a Trump vs. Hillary match-up... but you're sure not ACTING like it!

More than 60% of the country? Really? Based on a poll of what, 1,000 people? We don't know... but Washington Post said it so it MUST be true, right? ....MORON!
I get it "boss". You are just too stupid to understand how polling works. Every fucking poll is of a sample. And it is not my problem you are too much of an idiot to know how to get to the actual poll which tells you the all the information your tiny brain cannot find. I am sure that you cite to polls whose results you like. Though, there no polls that give Trump any chance to win the notation. Even in the ones where he is polling best, the rest of the results show that most of those picking other candidates will never vote Donnie.

RCP Cruz aggregate.png
Its kind of an empty challenge. As I see it really unlikely that Trump gets the nomination.
He's got 32% of the vote out of 17 candidates. If Cruz bows out I bet that'll make it to 45% of the vote. If Trump doesn't screw this up, he'll be the next President.
What do you mean "if Trump doesn't screw this up..." ?
Until he puts some money into this it's hard to take him seriously. This may be all a game to him.
I think Trump has screwed up on several occasions already. In fact, he seems to have a pattern of making blunders. This is not a good sign for a Presidential contender. People are forgiving and will give second chances and all of that, but Trump seems to be out of his comfort zone. At some point he is going to have to change that hustler con man kind of conversational speech he is so dependent on. People are already tired of his diatribes about how great he is and how he is the best at everything and how he is going to save the world.

His campaign director quiting and reducing his entire campaign staff to 2?

Oh, nothing to worry about there.

The GOP should be embarrassed the way they are letting Fox control their candidacy process.

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