HOLY TOLEDO! New poll has Trump at 32% WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!

Your definitions are irrelevant because you are defining these terms to fit your ideology and worldview and thus have no practical meaning.

It doesn't matter what you think a conservative may be. It doesn't matter what I think a conservative may be

What matters is what people themselves think. People self-identify.

And self-identified conservatives are 30%-35% of the electorate.

Exactly. Boss offers his personal opinion as to what conservatism is. And then insists that is what everyone else recognizes conservatism as.

So if Republicans alienate moderates, they lose. Full stop.
Evidently, the conservatives disagree with you.

They have convinced themselves that their base is enough, that they don't need moderate Republicans (RINOs), moderates or independents.

Okay, good luck with that, gang.


Yup. Despite overwhelming, overlapping sources that contradict them, these silly bastards insist that most of the nation thinks like they do.

You can't fix stupid.
thing is that a lot of YOU people , gop , rinos want a republican president , me , heck , I don't care . Pander to those that identify as 'hispanics' rather than as American for their votes doesn't make sense to me .
Ill take a fiscal conservative fuck that social shit.
In REPUBLICAN polling.
Republican Latinos are a drop in the bucket in Republican polling and an even smaller drop within the Latino voting group itself.

This might be a difficult concept for you but people (even Latinos) change their minds on party all the time. They are not all sheep like you who will follow the Big D over any waterfall. Truth is, we simply don't know how many Republican Latinos will vote this time... half the country never votes.

Nevertheless... It's beyond ridiculous that you want to think we should expect Trump to be winning Democrat Latino votes during his Republican primary race. And another thing... Conservatives don't pander to special interests... all Americans are equal. They don't stereotype individuals and put them in a box and say... we gotta say this and that for THOSE kind of people... That's what racist bigoted dividers like YOU do.

I'll make a bold prediction right here and now... IF Trump WINS the GOP nomination, he will carry both the Latino and Black vote against Hillary. Bookmark the post so you can throw it in my face if I am wrong... I don't mind admitting I could be wrong... but I bet it's much closer than in any recent election.


Its kind of an empty challenge. As I see it really unlikely that Trump gets the nomination.
In REPUBLICAN polling.
Republican Latinos are a drop in the bucket in Republican polling and an even smaller drop within the Latino voting group itself.

This might be a difficult concept for you but people (even Latinos) change their minds on party all the time. They are not all sheep like you who will follow the Big D over any waterfall. Truth is, we simply don't know how many Republican Latinos will vote this time... half the country never votes.

Nevertheless... It's beyond ridiculous that you want to think we should expect Trump to be winning Democrat Latino votes during his Republican primary race. And another thing... Conservatives don't pander to special interests... all Americans are equal. They don't stereotype individuals and put them in a box and say... we gotta say this and that for THOSE kind of people... That's what racist bigoted dividers like YOU do.

I'll make a bold prediction right here and now... IF Trump WINS the GOP nomination, he will carry both the Latino and Black vote against Hillary. Bookmark the post so you can throw it in my face if I am wrong... I don't mind admitting I could be wrong... but I bet it's much closer than in any recent election.


Its kind of an empty challenge. As I see it really unlikely that Trump gets the nomination.

If Boss is anything like the feral fake rabid rabbi rabbit, he will claim victory even if his prediction doesn't come true...
In REPUBLICAN polling.
Republican Latinos are a drop in the bucket in Republican polling and an even smaller drop within the Latino voting group itself.

This might be a difficult concept for you but people (even Latinos) change their minds on party all the time. They are not all sheep like you who will follow the Big D over any waterfall. Truth is, we simply don't know how many Republican Latinos will vote this time... half the country never votes.

Nevertheless... It's beyond ridiculous that you want to think we should expect Trump to be winning Democrat Latino votes during his Republican primary race. And another thing... Conservatives don't pander to special interests... all Americans are equal. They don't stereotype individuals and put them in a box and say... we gotta say this and that for THOSE kind of people... That's what racist bigoted dividers like YOU do.

I'll make a bold prediction right here and now... IF Trump WINS the GOP nomination, he will carry both the Latino and Black vote against Hillary. Bookmark the post so you can throw it in my face if I am wrong... I don't mind admitting I could be wrong... but I bet it's much closer than in any recent election.


Its kind of an empty challenge. As I see it really unlikely that Trump gets the nomination.

If Boss is anything like the feral fake rabid rabbi rabbit, he will claim victory even if his prediction doesn't come true...

Hey, when you have a perfect(*) record of accuracy, why not laud it?

(*) ignoring all misses, mistakes, and false predictions of course.
the 'bush' and all other MODERATE 'rinos' are the guys pandering to 'hispanics' , muslims , and every other minority group . Well , same thing for the dems and they are better at the pandering . I'll take Cruz , Trump or whoever I perceive as not pandering Slyhunter . Course , if it a 'rino' nominee , well , I already have my plans .
the 'bush' and all other MODERATE 'rinos' are the guys pandering to 'hispanics' , muslims , and every other minority group . Well , same thing for the dems and they are better at the pandering . I'll take Cruz , Trump or whoever I perceive as not pandering Slyhunter . Course , if it a 'rino' nominee , well , I already have my plans .

Yeah, who needs women, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, liberals, moderates, or 'RINO's when you're running as a 'true conservative'.

That 'big tent' is looking more like a mid sized umbrella.
the 'bush' and all other MODERATE 'rinos' are the guys pandering to 'hispanics' , muslims , and every other minority group . Well , same thing for the dems and they are better at the pandering . I'll take Cruz , Trump or whoever I perceive as not pandering Slyhunter . Course , if it a 'rino' nominee , well , I already have my plans .
Better than pandering to the know nothing tea party wingnuts.
well , hey , all I can do is oppose you guys in type plus my vote . Like I say , I'll vote the real deal panderer rather than a pandering 'rino' . Hopefully that costs you 'rino' moderate types some money . That really my only point !!
If Boss is anything like the feral fake rabid rabbi rabbit, he will claim victory even if his prediction doesn't come true...

Nope... that's why I told him to bookmark it so he could throw it back in my face if it doesn't come true. Then, I admitted I could be wrong... I still say, I could be wrong... totally wrong! It's a fucking BOLD prediction. I've been wrong before and I'm not too proud to admit it.

I base my prediction on several things. First, the reality of Trump winning the GOP nomination. That hasn't happened yet. So before we can even get to the scenario where my prediction comes into play, Trump will have to convince most Republican voters to make him the candidate. Second, that he is running against Hillary in the general... also not yet a reality.

BUT... under that scenario, I predicted Trump would carry the black and Latino vote. My reasoning is simple: Hillary is NOT Barack Obama. The Pant Suit gives off a very racist vibe. Trump appeals to blacks and minorities who want to emulate his success. He embraces pop culture and has a very wide spectrum of friends who aren't "old white people."

I'll say it again... I could be totally wrong in my prediction... I probably will be. But I will bet you that when all is said and done, Trump (if he wins the GOP) will do better with blacks and Latinos than any GOP candidate in modern history.
If Boss is anything like the feral fake rabid rabbi rabbit, he will claim victory even if his prediction doesn't come true...

Nope... that's why I told him to bookmark it so he could throw it back in my face if it doesn't come true. Then, I admitted I could be wrong... I still say, I could be wrong... totally wrong! It's a fucking BOLD prediction. I've been wrong before and I'm not too proud to admit it.

I base my prediction on several things. First, the reality of Trump winning the GOP nomination. That hasn't happened yet. So before we can even get to the scenario where my prediction comes into play, Trump will have to convince most Republican voters to make him the candidate. Second, that he is running against Hillary in the general... also not yet a reality.

BUT... under that scenario, I predicted Trump would carry the black and Latino vote. My reasoning is simple: Hillary is NOT Barack Obama. The Pant Suit gives off a very racist vibe. Trump appeals to blacks and minorities who want to emulate his success. He embraces pop culture and has a very wide spectrum of friends who aren't "old white people."

I'll say it again... I could be totally wrong in my prediction... I probably will be. But I will bet you that when all is said and done, Trump (if he wins the GOP) will do better with blacks and Latinos than any GOP candidate in modern history.
How you can predict a candidate that nearly half of Republicans say they will never vote for can win the nomination is beyond all rational understanding.

"A lot of voters -- 61 percent of them, in fact -- say they would never consider voting for him for president. And 39 percent of the vote is not enough to be elected president. The closest recent winner to that figure was Bill Clinton in 1992, who got 43 percent of the vote."

The bad news for Trump More than 60 percent of the country wouldn t consider voting for him. - The Washington Post
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maybe they will wake up Paddy , what is it , 16 months to go ??
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heck , think they said that 'Reagan' had no chance , same for others . Yet we got Mr. Reagan
maybe they will wake up Pddy , what is it , 16 months to go ??
This happens about every twenty years or so. Strom Thurmond in the late 40's; G. Wallace in 68; John Anderson in 76; and, everybody's favorite, Ross Perot. And each of those were not saddled with the baggage that Trump brings.
heck , think they said that 'Reagan' had no chance , same for others . Yet we got Mr. Reagan
No. I don't think Reagan was ever dismissed like that. He gave Ford a run in 1976. He was discussed as a possible Republican candidate as soon as he was elected governor.
see what happens I guess . Right now I approve of Trump , Cruz , maybe Carson but never any one of the others .
the 'bush' and all other MODERATE 'rinos' are the guys pandering to 'hispanics' , muslims , and every other minority group . Well , same thing for the dems and they are better at the pandering . I'll take Cruz , Trump or whoever I perceive as not pandering Slyhunter . Course , if it a 'rino' nominee , well , I already have my plans .


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