HOLY TOLEDO! New poll has Trump at 32% WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!

How you can predict a candidate that nearly half of Republicans say they will never vote for can win the nomination is beyond all rational understanding.

"A lot of voters -- 61 percent of them, in fact -- say they would never consider voting for him for president. And 39 percent of the vote is not enough to be elected president. The closest recent winner to that figure was Bill Clinton in 1992, who got 43 percent of the vote."

The bad news for Trump More than 60 percent of the country wouldn t consider voting for him. - The Washington Post

First of all, I am finding NO information at your link as to the nature of the survey, who they polled, how many were polled, whether it was by phone, etc. The link in the story which references the poll takes you to yet another hit piece on Trump's McCain comments and cites yet another poll taken months ago... I didn't click that link. It is obvious to me that Washington Post is attempting to spin his ever-increasing poll numbers into a negative, to damage his campaign. I expect nothing less from Washington Post but it is very interesting... You all claim to WANT a Trump vs. Hillary match-up... but you're sure not ACTING like it!

More than 60% of the country? Really? Based on a poll of what, 1,000 people? We don't know... but Washington Post said it so it MUST be true, right? ....MORON!
naw , not moving , looking to create havoc and financial mayhem amongst the moderate 'rino' types 'Jim' . Heck , Hilary will be giving away money for FREE , free , free tuitions at colleges , universities , beauty schools and college loan forgiveness as she works on a plan for 'reparations' to 150 year old 'slaves' that are still waiting for reparations . Yep , financial mayhem for the moderates that are only interested in the economy and I'm going to love seeing the tears and hearing the wails as their pockets are emptied .
How you can predict a candidate that nearly half of Republicans say they will never vote for can win the nomination is beyond all rational understanding.

"A lot of voters -- 61 percent of them, in fact -- say they would never consider voting for him for president. And 39 percent of the vote is not enough to be elected president. The closest recent winner to that figure was Bill Clinton in 1992, who got 43 percent of the vote."

The bad news for Trump More than 60 percent of the country wouldn t consider voting for him. - The Washington Post

First of all, I am finding NO information at your link as to the nature of the survey, who they polled, how many were polled, whether it was by phone, etc. The link in the story which references the poll takes you to yet another hit piece on Trump's McCain comments and cites yet another poll taken months ago..

First off, horseshit. The page links to an article about the poll. With a link to the poll right there in the first paragraph. With its methodology laid out in clear English. The poll was taken from July 16th through the 19th. Less than a month ago.

Second, does it matter what methodology was used? If a poll says anything you don't like, you'll ignore it. If a poll says what you believe, you don't question it. Even if the poll was conducted completely online, you'd give it a pass.....but only if it said what you wanted.

Your sole basis of credibility for *any* source....is that it say what you already believe.

And you'll ignore anything you don't want to believe. But your willful ignorance and self delusion really has nothing to do with the rest of us.

More than 60% of the country? Really? Based on a poll of what, 1,000 people? We don't know... but Washington Post said it so it MUST be true, right? ....MORON!
Dude, you *just* lauded polling yesterday when you said they showed Trump leading in the race.

Latest polling shows he leads all GOP candidates for the Latino vote with 34%... beating both Cruz and Rubio, the two actual Latinos in the race. So apparently, they weren't TOO offended.

Post 129
HOLY TOLEDO New poll has Trump at 32 WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo Page 13 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Now you're condemning polling as unreliable. Gee, what a difference a day makes.
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Second, does it matter what methodology was used? If a poll says anything you don't like, you'll ignore it. If a poll says what you believe, you don't question it. Even if the poll was conducted completely online, you'd give it a pass.....but only if it said what you wanted.

Your sole basis of credibility for *any* source....is that it say what you already believe.

And you'll ignore anything you don't want to believe. But your willful ignorance and self delusion really has nothing to do with the rest of us.

WOW... that sounds remarkably like someone else I know! :itsok:

Yep... Methodology means everything in any poll... figured you'd know this.

A poll of 1000 is not the entire nation... so the claim that "60% of the nation say they wouldn't vote for Trump" is an outright fraudulent LIE based on the polling data of 1000 people.

Now you want to call into question my comments in another thread where someone claimed Trump had pissed off Latinos with his Mexican comments and they'd never vote for him... I pointed out that he leads all other GOP candidates with the Latino vote, including the two Latinos. That's pretty remarkable seeing how he has pissed them all off and they're never going to vote for him... dontchya think?
Second, does it matter what methodology was used? If a poll says anything you don't like, you'll ignore it. If a poll says what you believe, you don't question it. Even if the poll was conducted completely online, you'd give it a pass.....but only if it said what you wanted.

Your sole basis of credibility for *any* source....is that it say what you already believe.

And you'll ignore anything you don't want to believe. But your willful ignorance and self delusion really has nothing to do with the rest of us.

WOW... that sounds remarkably like someone else I know! :itsok:

Yep... Methodology means everything in any poll... figured you'd know this.

Oh, I know that methodology is important. I'm questioning if it would matter to you. As you never bring up methodology if the polls show good news for Trump.

Latest polling shows he leads all GOP candidates for the Latino vote with 34%... beating both Cruz and Rubio, the two actual Latinos in the race. So apparently, they weren't TOO offended.

Post 129
HOLY TOLEDO New poll has Trump at 32 WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo Page 13 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

This was just yesterday. Where are you inquiries about methodology? Where were your complaints that asking only 1000 people a question doesn't work? And you just claimed that Latinos weren't too offended by Trump based on the 'latest polls'.

Yet today less than a day later, when a poll says something you don't like, you reject it, start demanding methodology explanations (which you willfully refused to look at despite being provided to you) and dismiss representative polling.

So.....what was different yesterday when you lauded the 'latest polls' for Trump? Nothing. Yesterday's poll just said what you wanted to hear. So you didn't question anything and repeated it.

Your sole basis of credibility is that something agree with you. Any source that doesn't ape what you already believe is ignored. Um, have you ever heard of confirmation bias? Because you're living it.
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Oh, and you lied your ass off. The page linked to story on the poll with a direct link to the PDF of the poll (including methodoly) in the very first paragraph. With the poll being a few weeks ago. Not a few months ago.

You literally refused to look at the poll. And then laughably insisted that because you REFUSE to look at its methodology, that the poll can't be trusted.


You're arguing your own ignorance.
First off, horseshit. The page links to an article about the poll. With a link to the poll right there in the first paragraph. With its methodology laid out in clear English. The poll was taken from July 16th through the 19th. Less than a month ago.

The link posted above goes to the Washington Post article about the poll which says "60% of the nation won't vote for Trump."

The first paragraph in THAT story is:

For all of the apparent good news for Donald Trump in the new Washington Post/ABC News poll -- up by 11 points, big surges in several constituencies -- there is a thread of bad news. It's the same thing that observers have pointed to for months, the kill switch on his candidacy.

When I click the link to what is supposed to be the poll... it takes me to another article about Trump surging in the polls and how that was because the polls were late and people hadn't gotten word of Trumps comments... and oh, when word gets out... it's going to tank big time... oh yes... you just wait and see people! It's a couple of pages of smear and jeer on Trump... no mention of the "60% poll" or it's methodology whatsoever... BUT... another LINK which supposedly takes you to the poll again! ...As I said, I bit once... I didn't bite the second time... you obviously did and found the methodology.

Hooray for you! Did the journalists poll the entire fucking nation? If not... :anj_stfu:
Love him or hate him.........
Did you catch the monologue intro to the five on fox this afternoon. Trump is entertaining not just what he says, but fodder for every news caster, talking head and comedian out there.

Loving his audacity and outspokenness does not qualify him for the office or President of the United States of America.

He is presenting more of a spoiler that a serious candidate for the highest office in the country and major leader of the free world.

I don't think the founding fathers would be pleased to have the presidency become a joke.
First off, horseshit. The page links to an article about the poll. With a link to the poll right there in the first paragraph. With its methodology laid out in clear English. The poll was taken from July 16th through the 19th. Less than a month ago.

The link posted above goes to the Washington Post article about the poll which says "60% of the nation won't vote for Trump."

The first paragraph in THAT story is:

For all of the apparent good news for Donald Trump in the new Washington Post/ABC News poll -- up by 11 points, big surges in several constituencies -- there is a thread of bad news. It's the same thing that observers have pointed to for months, the kill switch on his candidacy.

When I click the link to what is supposed to be the poll... it takes me to another article about Trump surging in the polls and how that was because the polls were late and people hadn't gotten word of Trumps comments... and oh, when word gets out... it's going to tank big time... oh yes... you just wait and see people! It's a couple of pages of smear and jeer on Trump... no mention of the "60% poll" or it's methodology whatsoever... BUT... another LINK which supposedly takes you to the poll again! ...As I said, I bit once... I didn't bite the second time... you obviously did and found the methodology.

Hooray for you! Did the journalists poll the entire fucking nation? If not... :anj_stfu:

Dude....you're completely confounded by TWO links. One to an article on the poll...and one to the poll itself? Two links is all it takes to completely shut you down?

And of course if you click on the second link......there's the poll

Washington Post-ABC News poll July 16-19 2015 - The Washington Post

Every question you asked, answered. Every specific of methodology provided. And yet in another helpless spasm of willful ignorance you refused to look at the poll. And then argued that because you refused to look at it, it can't be trusted.

You couldn't even get the date right, insisting that the poll was from a few months ago when in reality, it was from a few weeks ago. You're not only wrong, you're arguing that the credibility of other sources is based on YOUR ignorance.

Laughing...um, it isn't.
Hooray for you! Did the journalists poll the entire fucking nation? If not... :anj_stfu:

Huh....so did the polls you were lauding just yesterday poll all Latinos?

Latest polling shows he leads all GOP candidates for the Latino vote with 34%... beating both Cruz and Rubio, the two actual Latinos in the race. So apparently, they weren't TOO offended.

Post 129
HOLY TOLEDO New poll has Trump at 32 WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo Page 13 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Or is polling only suspect when they disagree with you? Because you obviously don't have a problem with polling if it shows Trump ahead.

So did your standards change from yesterday? Or do your standards just not apply to you?

Oh, and to just add to your heaping cache of bullshit, I think you mixed up favorability with voting. As the only 'latest poll' that shows Trump with 34% of anything with Latinos....shows he has a 34% favorability rating.


And the same poll shows Trump with a 59% unfavorability rating with Latinos. So no, it doesn't look they forgave him.

Favorability doesn't measure who the respondant would vote for. As you can have a favorable view of any number of candidates. Which you either knew and blatantly misrepresented. Or didn't know....and just made shit up as you went along.

Oh....and the PPP Poll you lauded.....had 1087 people and was conducted 2 DAYS after the ABC/Washinvgton post poll you dismissed as too old.

Does that extra 87 people make the difference? Or do you just have no standards whatsoever save that a source must agree with you?
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How you can predict a candidate that nearly half of Republicans say they will never vote for can win the nomination is beyond all rational understanding.

"A lot of voters -- 61 percent of them, in fact -- say they would never consider voting for him for president. And 39 percent of the vote is not enough to be elected president. The closest recent winner to that figure was Bill Clinton in 1992, who got 43 percent of the vote."

The bad news for Trump More than 60 percent of the country wouldn t consider voting for him. - The Washington Post

First of all, I am finding NO information at your link as to the nature of the survey, who they polled, how many were polled, whether it was by phone, etc. The link in the story which references the poll takes you to yet another hit piece on Trump's McCain comments and cites yet another poll taken months ago... I didn't click that link. It is obvious to me that Washington Post is attempting to spin his ever-increasing poll numbers into a negative, to damage his campaign. I expect nothing less from Washington Post but it is very interesting... You all claim to WANT a Trump vs. Hillary match-up... but you're sure not ACTING like it!

More than 60% of the country? Really? Based on a poll of what, 1,000 people? We don't know... but Washington Post said it so it MUST be true, right? ....MORON!

Here you go:

Washington Post-ABC News poll July 16-19 2015 - The Washington Post

You just had to be smart enough to know to click on the poll link itself in the second link.

WAPO usually does more than one story about a poll, but it always releases the complete poll. You just have to actually read some, you know, like an adult.

But, that being said, the poll is now old. The next one will likely look even worse for the Don.
Love him or hate him.........
Did you catch the monologue intro to the five on fox this afternoon. Trump is entertaining not just what he says, but fodder for every news caster, talking head and comedian out there.

Loving his audacity and outspokenness does not qualify him for the office or President of the United States of America.

He is presenting more of a spoiler that a serious candidate for the highest office in the country and major leader of the free world.

I don't think the founding fathers would be pleased to have the presidency become a joke.

I think that ship sailed a LONG time ago! We currently have the biggest JOKE of a president we've ever had... and running to replace him... the biggest JOKE of a Secretary of State we ever had!

I also disagree with you... I think the founders, especially Jefferson, would be extremely proud that We The People rejected career politicians and hackish party loyalists to elect a real "man of the people" from the citizenry. One of their BIG fears was political factions. Exactly the kind of gridlocked in-fighting we currently see in Congress.

Hey... I'll be the first to say, I don't know if Trump is the right man to be president. Time will tell. But he certainly has some impressive leadership credentials and fortitude when it comes to handling problems. He doesn't back down and run away... he doesn't FOLLOW.

If you want to think he is running as a "spoiler candidate" so be it... he leads every major national poll for the GOP nomination at this time. We keep on hearing from the Left and Establishment GOP that Trump is DONE... it's OVER... Will he run 3rd party? I think this is funny stuff being said about the guy who is clearly in the lead to win the race. Doesn't he have to lose first?

I LOVED his 'caveat' on the pledge question at the debates.... "If I win the GOP nomination, I promise I won't run 3rd party!"
How you can predict a candidate that nearly half of Republicans say they will never vote for can win the nomination is beyond all rational understanding.

"A lot of voters -- 61 percent of them, in fact -- say they would never consider voting for him for president. And 39 percent of the vote is not enough to be elected president. The closest recent winner to that figure was Bill Clinton in 1992, who got 43 percent of the vote."

The bad news for Trump More than 60 percent of the country wouldn t consider voting for him. - The Washington Post

First of all, I am finding NO information at your link as to the nature of the survey, who they polled, how many were polled, whether it was by phone, etc. The link in the story which references the poll takes you to yet another hit piece on Trump's McCain comments and cites yet another poll taken months ago... I didn't click that link. It is obvious to me that Washington Post is attempting to spin his ever-increasing poll numbers into a negative, to damage his campaign. I expect nothing less from Washington Post but it is very interesting... You all claim to WANT a Trump vs. Hillary match-up... but you're sure not ACTING like it!

More than 60% of the country? Really? Based on a poll of what, 1,000 people? We don't know... but Washington Post said it so it MUST be true, right? ....MORON!

Here you go:

Washington Post-ABC News poll July 16-19 2015 - The Washington Post

But, that being said, the poll is now old. The next one will likely look even worse for the Don.

But is it to Boss? Just yesterday B cited as the 'latest polls' that Trump had 34% of the Latino vote

That's horseshit. But lets look into it. The only 'latest' poll with 34% of Latinos thinking anything about Trump is a PPP poll on favorability. Which showed he had 34% favorability among Latinos and 59% unfavorability.

And that poll was from July 21st. Just 2 days after the 'too old' poll. To Boss, these are the 'latest' polls.
In REPUBLICAN polling.
Republican Latinos are a drop in the bucket in Republican polling and an even smaller drop within the Latino voting group itself.

This might be a difficult concept for you but people (even Latinos) change their minds on party all the time. They are not all sheep like you who will follow the Big D over any waterfall. Truth is, we simply don't know how many Republican Latinos will vote this time... half the country never votes.

Nevertheless... It's beyond ridiculous that you want to think we should expect Trump to be winning Democrat Latino votes during his Republican primary race. And another thing... Conservatives don't pander to special interests... all Americans are equal. They don't stereotype individuals and put them in a box and say... we gotta say this and that for THOSE kind of people... That's what racist bigoted dividers like YOU do.

I'll make a bold prediction right here and now... IF Trump WINS the GOP nomination, he will carry both the Latino and Black vote against Hillary. Bookmark the post so you can throw it in my face if I am wrong... I don't mind admitting I could be wrong... but I bet it's much closer than in any recent election.


Its kind of an empty challenge. As I see it really unlikely that Trump gets the nomination.
He's got 32% of the vote out of 17 candidates. If Cruz bows out I bet that'll make it to 45% of the vote. If Trump doesn't screw this up, he'll be the next President.
How you can predict a candidate that nearly half of Republicans say they will never vote for can win the nomination is beyond all rational understanding.

"A lot of voters -- 61 percent of them, in fact -- say they would never consider voting for him for president. And 39 percent of the vote is not enough to be elected president. The closest recent winner to that figure was Bill Clinton in 1992, who got 43 percent of the vote."

The bad news for Trump More than 60 percent of the country wouldn t consider voting for him. - The Washington Post

First of all, I am finding NO information at your link as to the nature of the survey, who they polled, how many were polled, whether it was by phone, etc. The link in the story which references the poll takes you to yet another hit piece on Trump's McCain comments and cites yet another poll taken months ago... I didn't click that link. It is obvious to me that Washington Post is attempting to spin his ever-increasing poll numbers into a negative, to damage his campaign. I expect nothing less from Washington Post but it is very interesting... You all claim to WANT a Trump vs. Hillary match-up... but you're sure not ACTING like it!

More than 60% of the country? Really? Based on a poll of what, 1,000 people? We don't know... but Washington Post said it so it MUST be true, right? ....MORON!

Here you go:

Washington Post-ABC News poll July 16-19 2015 - The Washington Post

You just had to be smart enough to know to click on the poll link itself in the second link.

WAPO usually does more than one story about a poll, but it always releases the complete poll. You just have to actually read some, you know, like an adult.

But, that being said, the poll is now old. The next one will likely look even worse for the Don.
The next poll will be even better. This is Trumps to screw up. As long as he remains serious about running the voters will vote for him.
How you can predict a candidate that nearly half of Republicans say they will never vote for can win the nomination is beyond all rational understanding.

"A lot of voters -- 61 percent of them, in fact -- say they would never consider voting for him for president. And 39 percent of the vote is not enough to be elected president. The closest recent winner to that figure was Bill Clinton in 1992, who got 43 percent of the vote."

The bad news for Trump More than 60 percent of the country wouldn t consider voting for him. - The Washington Post

First of all, I am finding NO information at your link as to the nature of the survey, who they polled, how many were polled, whether it was by phone, etc. The link in the story which references the poll takes you to yet another hit piece on Trump's McCain comments and cites yet another poll taken months ago... I didn't click that link. It is obvious to me that Washington Post is attempting to spin his ever-increasing poll numbers into a negative, to damage his campaign. I expect nothing less from Washington Post but it is very interesting... You all claim to WANT a Trump vs. Hillary match-up... but you're sure not ACTING like it!

More than 60% of the country? Really? Based on a poll of what, 1,000 people? We don't know... but Washington Post said it so it MUST be true, right? ....MORON!

Here you go:

Washington Post-ABC News poll July 16-19 2015 - The Washington Post

You just had to be smart enough to know to click on the poll link itself in the second link.

WAPO usually does more than one story about a poll, but it always releases the complete poll. You just have to actually read some, you know, like an adult.

But, that being said, the poll is now old. The next one will likely look even worse for the Don.
The next poll will be even better. This is Trumps to screw up. As long as he remains serious about running the voters will vote for him.

Yes, indeed, it will. For Hillary.

How you can predict a candidate that nearly half of Republicans say they will never vote for can win the nomination is beyond all rational understanding.

"A lot of voters -- 61 percent of them, in fact -- say they would never consider voting for him for president. And 39 percent of the vote is not enough to be elected president. The closest recent winner to that figure was Bill Clinton in 1992, who got 43 percent of the vote."

The bad news for Trump More than 60 percent of the country wouldn t consider voting for him. - The Washington Post

First of all, I am finding NO information at your link as to the nature of the survey, who they polled, how many were polled, whether it was by phone, etc. The link in the story which references the poll takes you to yet another hit piece on Trump's McCain comments and cites yet another poll taken months ago... I didn't click that link. It is obvious to me that Washington Post is attempting to spin his ever-increasing poll numbers into a negative, to damage his campaign. I expect nothing less from Washington Post but it is very interesting... You all claim to WANT a Trump vs. Hillary match-up... but you're sure not ACTING like it!

More than 60% of the country? Really? Based on a poll of what, 1,000 people? We don't know... but Washington Post said it so it MUST be true, right? ....MORON!

Here you go:

Washington Post-ABC News poll July 16-19 2015 - The Washington Post

You just had to be smart enough to know to click on the poll link itself in the second link.

WAPO usually does more than one story about a poll, but it always releases the complete poll. You just have to actually read some, you know, like an adult.

But, that being said, the poll is now old. The next one will likely look even worse for the Don.

Oh okay.... So I have to know the combination of click-throughs of smear stories about Trump in order to find their methodology! Because... well, it's important that I be inundated with more propaganda and smear before I find the information I am looking for and expecting to find at the misleading link.

The "Poll" in question, by the way... is the poll where he jumped 11% after his McCain comments.... something that was supposed to have tanked his candidacy according to WAPO.
In REPUBLICAN polling.
Republican Latinos are a drop in the bucket in Republican polling and an even smaller drop within the Latino voting group itself.

This might be a difficult concept for you but people (even Latinos) change their minds on party all the time. They are not all sheep like you who will follow the Big D over any waterfall. Truth is, we simply don't know how many Republican Latinos will vote this time... half the country never votes.

Nevertheless... It's beyond ridiculous that you want to think we should expect Trump to be winning Democrat Latino votes during his Republican primary race. And another thing... Conservatives don't pander to special interests... all Americans are equal. They don't stereotype individuals and put them in a box and say... we gotta say this and that for THOSE kind of people... That's what racist bigoted dividers like YOU do.

I'll make a bold prediction right here and now... IF Trump WINS the GOP nomination, he will carry both the Latino and Black vote against Hillary. Bookmark the post so you can throw it in my face if I am wrong... I don't mind admitting I could be wrong... but I bet it's much closer than in any recent election.


Its kind of an empty challenge. As I see it really unlikely that Trump gets the nomination.
He's got 32% of the vote out of 17 candidates. If Cruz bows out I bet that'll make it to 45% of the vote. If Trump doesn't screw this up, he'll be the next President.

Uhm, no.

Cruz is mired at about 5%.

32% + 5% does not make 45%.

Math is not your strong-suit, eh?

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