HOLY TOLEDO! New poll has Trump at 32% WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!

Trump is doing very well currently , who knows what the future brings . I'm happy that Trump is in the mix with his ideas .

sure he is running a PR and not an election campaign so far.

He's running a carnival sideshow.

Beats the hell out of Jeb Bush's campaign doesn't it now. Old Jeb just isn't Mr. Excitement is he?

Trump is ECW. Chair shots. Top ropes. Rage in the cage. The Donald has brought the furniture baby.

Bush is the Scout Leader explaining safety tips for roasting marshmallows.
uh.... ok
In and of itself, this spectacle may very well convince a lot of voters that conservatives are not fit to govern, and conservatives will have nobody to blame but themselves.

Seeing how MOST of the voters ARE Conservative, I don't see it convincing them they aren't fit to govern.... I DO see it telling liberals they can't govern because they lost their elections and have to go home... they won't be convinced they aren't fit to govern.

Most voters aren't conservatives.

Conservatives generally account for 30%-35% of voters.

The Conservative Presidential Vote US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Nope... Most voters ARE conservative. They are not necessarily ideologues (i.e.; social cons, libertarians) but their philosophy is Conservative. Again-- Billy Jeff Clinton was a Conservative Liberal. Hillary Clinton ran her last campaign for president as a Conservative Liberal. She is currently the "Conservative" alternative to Bernie Sanders.

The fact that the Liberal Left has stigmatized "Conservative" in the minds of the general public doesn't mean a damn thing. You've created a boogie-man to do battle against with your "superior" Liberal ideology and you've dressed the false ideology in every odious and undesirable viewpoint your radical noise machine can think of.

Your definitions are irrelevant because you are defining these terms to fit your ideology and worldview and thus have no practical meaning.

It doesn't matter what you think a conservative may be. It doesn't matter what I think a conservative may be.

What matters is what people themselves think. People self-identify.

And self-identified conservatives are 30%-35% of the electorate.

empiricism > ideology

They're not MY definitions, they are THE definitions.

People do self-identify... I know quite a few Conservatives who have strong Conservative philosophy in everything they believe... they want lower taxes, smaller government, less-intrusive government, border security and jobs. But IF you ask them if they would identify as "Tea Party" they would say no. It's not because their views are different, it's because "Tea Party" has been stigmatized. Generally speaking, people will never want to identify with a stigmatized label... that's just human nature.... has nothing to do with what they actually believe or how they think.

"Conservative" has become stigmatized as well. Not as many people want to say they are "Conservative" because they think it means they have all of these horrible views and opinions the Liberals have dressed the Frankenstein ideology of Conservatism with. So a lot of them will say they are "Independent" or "Moderate" instead.

The point is, Conservative philosophy is what most people have in America, whether they realize it or not. They may have various ideological beliefs and opinions, it's all rooted in Conservative philosophy. This stands as true until you can show me any kind of poll showing more than 25% are "Liberal" in America. You don't get to attack Conservative philosophy by counting moderates... most of them are Conservatives who aren't ideologues.
thing I hear is that there are even some hip hop songs , raps written about Donald . Some of these young punks like his style , jets , helicopters and money , money , MONEY . Heck , Donalds style is better than living in the parents basement and riding a skateboard . I'll see if I can find one of the vids about the Donald TinyDancer !!
He was referring to the President. And you certainly know he is black.

I'm from the Midwest, the term boy doesn't necessarily mean black or race. You all need to stop seeing "racists" at every turn. It's stupid...and worn out
And we only have your word for that and you lie effortlessly.

Once again, old fool, point out a lie. I seem to recall you tried this once before and got your bell rang. Idiot
You lied when you said your use of the word "boy" was not racial. And your claim to have rung my bell is another lie.

You're an annoying old man, boy is not always racial, because YOU claim it is means little. stop being an unproductive asshole and stay on topic, fool
You called a grown black man boy. You did it be used you are a fucking racist. Worse than that, your are a coward who lies, and backs off what you said when challenged. As much as I abhor racists, lying, cowardly ones like you are worse. As for lying, you refer to me as old man without having a fucking clue how old I am.
This guy hasn't a clue about the things he talks about. What kind of dope would say conservatism is not an ideology. Well, this guy would say that. He doesn't know the meanings of words and is to lazy to find out.

Again, I've demonstrated how Conservatism is a philosophy and not an ideology. Rand Paul is a libertarian conservative and Mike Huckabee is a social conservative... their views on social issues vary greatly... they don't march in lockstep to the same ideology, they share a Conservative philosophy.

Dopes are people who are too stupid to comprehend what I am saying, which is real easy to understand. And I do indeed know what words mean, the very first and foremost definition of "conservative" defines exactly the political view you call "moderate."
You have demonstrated that you have no clue what those words mean.
I'm from the Midwest, the term boy doesn't necessarily mean black or race. You all need to stop seeing "racists" at every turn. It's stupid...and worn out
And we only have your word for that and you lie effortlessly.

Once again, old fool, point out a lie. I seem to recall you tried this once before and got your bell rang. Idiot
You lied when you said your use of the word "boy" was not racial. And your claim to have rung my bell is another lie.

You're an annoying old man, boy is not always racial, because YOU claim it is means little. stop being an unproductive asshole and stay on topic, fool

well, well, well it seems even the courts agree with me. I win!!!!!! :)

Appeals Court: Call Black Guys ‘Boy’ All You Want, It’s Not Racist

Most everyone agrees that, after Barack Obama was elected, almost all racism in America ended. But there’s still a little racism around, if you can find it! Still, you will need to establish a consensus of white people before you can truly deem someone’s actions to be motivated by racial animus. Take, for instance, the case of an African-American chicken plant employee who started with a job hanging live chickens onto hooks and worked his way up to the bottom rungs of management, then got passed over for promotion in favor of two white guys by a white boss who called him “boy.” Would you say that maybe there was some racism at play here? Two overwhelmingly white juries in Alabama did, as did John Roberts’ Supreme Court! Thank goodness the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals is here to stop all this race-card playing.

Did you know that “boy” is just a totally neutral word, with no racial connotations whatsoever? Every single earnest movie about racism made in the 1980s that you ever watched was a dirty lie.

Last month, for the third time and in the face of a 2006 rebuke from the United States Supreme Court, the federal appeals court in Atlanta said there were no racial overtones when a white supervisor called an adult black man “boy.”

“The usages were conversational,” the majority explained, repeating what it had told the trial court after the Supreme Court ruled, and “nonracial in context.” Even if “somehow construed as racial,” the unsigned 2-to-1 decision went on, “the comments were ambiguous stray remarks” that were not proof of employment discrimination.

The Supreme Court unanimously reversed [an earlier] decision, suggesting that the real world was the right modifier. ‘The speaker’s meaning may depend on various factors including context, inflection, tone of voice, local custom and historical usage,’ the justices said in an unsigned opinion.

Read more at Appeals Court Call Black Guys Boy All You Want It s Not Racist - Wonkette
You are a racist and you meant it as a racist remark. Stop lying.
I'm from the Midwest, the term boy doesn't necessarily mean black or race. You all need to stop seeing "racists" at every turn. It's stupid...and worn out
And we only have your word for that and you lie effortlessly.

Once again, old fool, point out a lie. I seem to recall you tried this once before and got your bell rang. Idiot
You lied when you said your use of the word "boy" was not racial. And your claim to have rung my bell is another lie.

You're an annoying old man, boy is not always racial, because YOU claim it is means little. stop being an unproductive asshole and stay on topic, fool
You called a grown black man boy. You did it be used you are a fucking racist. Worse than that, your are a coward who lies, and backs off what you said when challenged. As much as I abhor racists, lying, cowardly ones like you are worse. As for lying, you refer to me as old man without having a fucking clue how old I am.
She's just a girl. Not responsible for equal adult behavior.
thing I hear is that there are even some hip hop songs , raps written about Donald . Some of these young punks like his style , jets , helicopters and money , money , MONEY . Heck , Donalds style is better than living in the parents basement and riding a skateboard . I'll see if I can find one of the vids about the Donald TinyDancer !!

You called a grown black man boy. You did it be used you are a fucking racist. Worse than that, your are a coward who lies, and backs off what you said when challenged. As much as I abhor racists, lying, cowardly ones like you are worse. As for lying, you refer to me as old man without having a fucking clue how old I am.

And you're a little loudmouth piss-ant who thinks someone has given him authority to decide what people mean and think. You are a Class A example of why your fucked-in-the-head Liberal ideology needs to be vanquished from this society forever. If we don't eventually have to put you all down like rabid dogs, I'll be surprised. You can't handle power... even then smallest amount... you go crazy! Next thing you know, you're putting shock collars around our necks so you can zap us when we we look at you the wrong way!
hey thanks Boss , that's the one I meant . As best I can tell its not an insult to the Donald . Maybe Trump will motivate this young segment of people to vote for him . 'UP like Trump' if I heard it right .
You called a grown black man boy. You did it be used you are a fucking racist. Worse than that, your are a coward who lies, and backs off what you said when challenged. As much as I abhor racists, lying, cowardly ones like you are worse. As for lying, you refer to me as old man without having a fucking clue how old I am.

And you're a little loudmouth piss-ant who thinks someone has given him authority to decide what people mean and think. You are a Class A example of why your fucked-in-the-head Liberal ideology needs to be vanquished from this society forever. If we don't eventually have to put you all down like rabid dogs, I'll be surprised. You can't handle power... even then smallest amount... you go crazy! Next thing you know, you're putting shock collars around our necks so you can zap us when we we look at you the wrong way!
A bitch like you could not put down a poodle. She meant it as a rascist remark because she is a rascist. Has been spouting that nonsense here for months.
She meant it as a rascist remark....

You don't know how anybody means anything because you're not them and you're not God.

You have ZERO authority to decide what people... ANY people... mean. You don't get to decide for ME what she meant. I did not cede that power to you and I never will. If you want to live in a world where you get to decide what people mean and proclaim that to be fact, you need to go find a deserted island and start your country. In this country, your opinion means NOTHING.
He's going to continue to surge as long as he keeps hitting on the issues such as illegals. I have to give him credit on that stance

He's already hurt the Republican party with his outrageous comments regarding immigration. We have millions of Latino's in this country that are eligible voters, that are very offended by Trump's comments. The other night what he couldn't answer he just made up.

He's a joke, he is just doing this for notoriety and entertainment. That's what Trump is about--entertainment. He admitted to buying politicians on both sides of the isle. He's got the money to buy polling data too.

He knows you're all angry--and he's playing you like a fiddle--until he tires of it and drops out of this race.
I take issue with the Latinos and immigrants. I have legal immigrants provide services to me that came over here legally. They are mad as hell. They are waiting for their relatives to come...legally. And all the people who live on the other side of our borders just run across. It is a daily event. They are ready to vote for anyone who can and actually will build that wall, Then perhaps without the influx of illegals, their relatives can come over. I understand their plight.

Trump doesn't seem to understand that there are MILLIONS of legal Latino's in this country that VOTE. They don't vote to close the border. They don't vote for people who insult their integrity or intelligence. And they are an enormous voting block in this country. Is it going to take you people another 40 years of losing elections to figure this out?

Everyone wants to do something about illegal immigration. There is no one that doesn't. But for every one of you that are Trump supporters, there are 10 that are inflamed by his remarks. And let's face it-no candidate can do anything about illegal immigration until they WIN.

good , let the 'hispanics' be inflamed , if the 'rinos' lose that's a good thing , imo Oreo . Trump , Cruz all the way if things go my way Oreo !! You can have 'yeb' , christy , roobio or 'carly' .
Trump doesn't seem to understand that there are MILLIONS of legal Latino's in this country that VOTE. They don't vote to close the border.

Says fucking WHO? There are legal Latino immigrants waiting for their relatives to come through legal channels while these people violate the laws and come illegally. It's not fair to them, it's not fair to their families. They are legal, they came legally, they followed the law... but when they go to the emergency room with their child's broken arm, they have to wait hours because the ER is log-jammed with illegals. These people are NOT happy about the situation and a change is coming.

And what the fuck do you mean by "close the border" you insufferable MORON. We don't have an OPEN border with Mexico! The border of our country is very much CLOSED. We have people crossing our CLOSED border in violation of our LAW! THAT IS THE PROBLEM!
I'm from the Midwest, the term boy doesn't necessarily mean black or race. You all need to stop seeing "racists" at every turn. It's stupid...and worn out
And we only have your word for that and you lie effortlessly.

Once again, old fool, point out a lie. I seem to recall you tried this once before and got your bell rang. Idiot
You lied when you said your use of the word "boy" was not racial. And your claim to have rung my bell is another lie.

You're an annoying old man, boy is not always racial, because YOU claim it is means little. stop being an unproductive asshole and stay on topic, fool
You called a grown black man boy..

they did?

so fucking what?

grow some balls. getting offended so easily is tiring to witness

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