HOLY TOLEDO! New poll has Trump at 32% WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!

He's going to continue to surge as long as he keeps hitting on the issues such as illegals. I have to give him credit on that stance

What is stunning is that all the other candidates observe the same thing and refuse to do it as well.
In and of itself, this spectacle may very well convince a lot of voters that conservatives are not fit to govern, and conservatives will have nobody to blame but themselves.

Seeing how MOST of the voters ARE Conservative, I don't see it convincing them they aren't fit to govern.... I DO see it telling liberals they can't govern because they lost their elections and have to go home... they won't be convinced they aren't fit to govern.

Most voters aren't conservatives.

Conservatives generally account for 30%-35% of voters.

The Conservative Presidential Vote US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
the math is simple. In the US there are more takers than givers, so of course the dems won the last two elections. Promise this, promise that. No responsibility= votes from the dead beats. Of course there are dead beats on the Conservative side; but not as many.

Many, if not most, of those "takers" are senior citizens on social security. IIRC the majority of old people vote Republican.
You may claim that the word 'moderate' has no meaning. But obviously you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I didn't say it had no meaning... I said it has no meaning without qualification... is that word too big for you?

In your pulled definition it says: a person who is moderate in opinion or opposed to extreme views and actions, especially in politics or religion. Moderate is qualified by "opinion" but it doesn't tell us what "moderate" is. I am moderate in the opinion that we need to put bullet through your head. I'm no less of a Conservative.

Incidentally, a Conservative, as defined by your same source.... is; a person who is opposed to extreme views and radical actions. Same definition as that of a Moderate.
He's going to continue to surge as long as he keeps hitting on the issues such as illegals. I have to give him credit on that stance

He's already hurt the Republican party with his outrageous comments regarding immigration. We have millions of Latino's in this country that are eligible voters, that are very offended by Trump's comments. The other night what he couldn't answer he just made up.

He's a joke, he is just doing this for notoriety and entertainment. That's what Trump is about--entertainment. He admitted to buying politicians on both sides of the isle. He's got the money to buy polling data too.

He knows you're all angry--and he's playing you like a fiddle--until he tires of it and drops out of this race.

he doesn't want illegals here; this is a bad thing? What about all the people who abide by the law and are waiting?
No...we know exactly what Sassy was getting at.

Indeed. I smelled the stench of her racism the moment I entered the thread.

Oh look, it's Herr Dumb Ass who is too stupid the use of "boy" doesn't always refer to blacks. Sit down, clown
He was referring to the President. And you certainly know he is black.

I'm from the Midwest, the term boy doesn't necessarily mean black or race. You all need to stop seeing "racists" at every turn. It's stupid...and worn out
And we only have your word for that and you lie effortlessly.

Once again, old fool, point out a lie. I seem to recall you tried this once before and got your bell rang. Idiot
In and of itself, this spectacle may very well convince a lot of voters that conservatives are not fit to govern, and conservatives will have nobody to blame but themselves.

Seeing how MOST of the voters ARE Conservative, I don't see it convincing them they aren't fit to govern.... I DO see it telling liberals they can't govern because they lost their elections and have to go home... they won't be convinced they aren't fit to govern.

Most voters aren't conservatives.

Conservatives generally account for 30%-35% of voters.

The Conservative Presidential Vote US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Nope... Most voters ARE conservative. They are not necessarily ideologues (i.e.; social cons, libertarians) but their philosophy is Conservative. Again-- Billy Jeff Clinton was a Conservative Liberal. Hillary Clinton ran her last campaign for president as a Conservative Liberal. She is currently the "Conservative" alternative to Bernie Sanders.

The fact that the Liberal Left has stigmatized "Conservative" in the minds of the general public doesn't mean a damn thing. You've created a boogie-man to do battle against with your "superior" Liberal ideology and you've dressed the false ideology in every odious and undesirable viewpoint your radical noise machine can think of.
In and of itself, this spectacle may very well convince a lot of voters that conservatives are not fit to govern, and conservatives will have nobody to blame but themselves.

Seeing how MOST of the voters ARE Conservative, I don't see it convincing them they aren't fit to govern.... I DO see it telling liberals they can't govern because they lost their elections and have to go home... they won't be convinced they aren't fit to govern.

Most voters aren't conservatives.

Conservatives generally account for 30%-35% of voters.

The Conservative Presidential Vote US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Nope... Most voters ARE conservative. They are not necessarily ideologues (i.e.; social cons, libertarians) but their philosophy is Conservative. Again-- Billy Jeff Clinton was a Conservative Liberal. Hillary Clinton ran her last campaign for president as a Conservative Liberal. She is currently the "Conservative" alternative to Bernie Sanders.

The fact that the Liberal Left has stigmatized "Conservative" in the minds of the general public doesn't mean a damn thing. You've created a boogie-man to do battle against with your "superior" Liberal ideology and you've dressed the false ideology in every odious and undesirable viewpoint your radical noise machine can think of.

Your definitions are irrelevant because you are defining these terms to fit your ideology and worldview and thus have no practical meaning.

It doesn't matter what you think a conservative may be. It doesn't matter what I think a conservative may be.

What matters is what people themselves think. People self-identify.

And self-identified conservatives are 30%-35% of the electorate.

empiricism > ideology
I'm wondering how anyone is going to be able to support Donald the Chump when he has publicly (on a CNN interview) that he whines until he gets his way?

"I do whine because I want to win and I'm not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win," Trump told CNN's Chris Cuomo on Tuesday.

Trump was pressed for specifics on the issues he's raised on the campaign trail and touched on every issue from abortion to equal pay for women to foreign policy during the half-hourlong interview on Tuesday."

Donald Trump I whine until I win - CNNPolitics.com

I started a thread on this in Politics, called "Donald Trump: Whiner In Chief?"

Anyone who thinks Trump has a chance is living in YaYa land.
He's over 32%, he doesn't just have a chance, he's kicking ass.
He's going to continue to surge as long as he keeps hitting on the issues such as illegals. I have to give him credit on that stance

He's already hurt the Republican party with his outrageous comments regarding immigration. We have millions of Latino's in this country that are eligible voters, that are very offended by Trump's comments. The other night what he couldn't answer he just made up.

He's a joke, he is just doing this for notoriety and entertainment. That's what Trump is about--entertainment. He admitted to buying politicians on both sides of the isle. He's got the money to buy polling data too.

He knows you're all angry--and he's playing you like a fiddle--until he tires of it and drops out of this race.

he doesn't want illegals here; this is a bad thing? What about all the people who abide by the law and are waiting?
He does not support the wholesale deportation of all illegals. He has a couple of different positions on immigration.

"I have to tell you, some of these people have been here; they've done a good job; in some cases sadly they've been living under the shadows," Trump said in his telephone interview. "We have to do something, so whether it's merit, or whether it's whatever, but -- I'm a believer in the merit system. Somebody's been outstanding, we (ought to) try to work something out."

So, kind of like the President's view that some undocumented should be able to stay if they have merit.
"National Review columnist Jonah Goldberg noted that Trump told Fox News host Bill O'Reilly in 2011 that he favored a system where the U.S. determined which undocumented immigrants could stay in this country on a "case by case" basis. "

In the 2011 interview, O'Reilly had asked Trump what he would do with "15 million illegal aliens already in the United States."

"You know, it's hard to generalize, but you're going to have to look at the individual people, see how they've done, see how productive they've been, see what their references are, and then make a decision," Trump said.
OMG this has to be the wildest primary season. RINO'S are running for Extra Strength Immodium AD as I post this thread.

Kick it up notches unknown! Go Donny! Go Donny!


First big post-debate poll shows Donald Trump GAINED 7 points and sits at 32 Daily Mail Online

First major post-debate poll shows Trump GAINED 7 points from the previous week and has backing of 32 per cent of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents
  • Stunning result after Trump attracted criticism over debate performance on Thursday
  • Trump has 32 per cent nationally among registered Republicans and independents who say they lean to the right
  • No one is anywhere near The Donald, with Jeb Bush in second place at just 11 per cent
  • Poll supervised by former Washington Post journalist and shows no one else in double digits
so 70% of Registered Republicans and Independents who lean right are not on board for Trump? In a field of 17 that might look impressive to the uninitiated and unwashed, but...

I smell a Rudy Giuliani campaign loss
He's going to continue to surge as long as he keeps hitting on the issues such as illegals. I have to give him credit on that stance

He's already hurt the Republican party with his outrageous comments regarding immigration. We have millions of Latino's in this country that are eligible voters, that are very offended by Trump's comments. The other night what he couldn't answer he just made up.

He's a joke, he is just doing this for notoriety and entertainment. That's what Trump is about--entertainment. He admitted to buying politicians on both sides of the isle. He's got the money to buy polling data too.

He knows you're all angry--and he's playing you like a fiddle--until he tires of it and drops out of this race.

he doesn't want illegals here; this is a bad thing? What about all the people who abide by the law and are waiting?
hope that he has plans to exclude or reduce their numbers also Nina !!
OMG this has to be the wildest primary season. RINO'S are running for Extra Strength Immodium AD as I post this thread.

Kick it up notches unknown! Go Donny! Go Donny!


First big post-debate poll shows Donald Trump GAINED 7 points and sits at 32 Daily Mail Online

First major post-debate poll shows Trump GAINED 7 points from the previous week and has backing of 32 per cent of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents
  • Stunning result after Trump attracted criticism over debate performance on Thursday
  • Trump has 32 per cent nationally among registered Republicans and independents who say they lean to the right
  • No one is anywhere near The Donald, with Jeb Bush in second place at just 11 per cent
  • Poll supervised by former Washington Post journalist and shows no one else in double digits
If the poll had Jeb Bush at 11% I think that would he's in double digits :cuckoo:
Indeed. I smelled the stench of her racism the moment I entered the thread.

Oh look, it's Herr Dumb Ass who is too stupid the use of "boy" doesn't always refer to blacks. Sit down, clown
He was referring to the President. And you certainly know he is black.

I'm from the Midwest, the term boy doesn't necessarily mean black or race. You all need to stop seeing "racists" at every turn. It's stupid...and worn out
And we only have your word for that and you lie effortlessly.

Once again, old fool, point out a lie. I seem to recall you tried this once before and got your bell rang. Idiot
You lied when you said your use of the word "boy" was not racial. And your claim to have rung my bell is another lie.
You libs really don't get it. I really should call you progressives because a classical liberal would understand what we are all jaked about.

Win or lose is not the point. The Donald is shaking the RNC up. The Donald isn't taking any shit from the establishment. Nor the media.

Long overdue that someone shook the political pillars of heaven and hell and Trump is pulling it off.

Damn you progressives are lamo. Abbie and Jerry would be ashamed of you.

Look who you have running your party. Pfffffffffffffft. Old white people who are just as locked in as the RINO'S.

You should be looking for a mover and a shaker on your side of the aisle too.

Campaign Slogan for you: Contrarians of the GOP Unite!!! or

"Anger Today, Tomorrow A Fence!"

You libs really don't get it. I really should call you progressives because a classical liberal would understand what we are all jaked about.

Win or lose is not the point. The Donald is shaking the RNC up. The Donald isn't taking any shit from the establishment. Nor the media.

Long overdue that someone shook the political pillars of heaven and hell and Trump is pulling it off.

Damn you progressives are lamo. Abbie and Jerry would be ashamed of you.

Look who you have running your party. Pfffffffffffffft. Old white people who are just as locked in as the RINO'S.

You should be looking for a mover and a shaker on your side of the aisle too.

Campaign Slogan for you: Contrarians of the GOP Unite!!! or

"Anger Today, Tomorrow A Fence!"


"Trump / Palin '16
Cuz megalomaniac'ish-brazen and batshit crazy go together!"
Oh look, it's Herr Dumb Ass who is too stupid the use of "boy" doesn't always refer to blacks. Sit down, clown
He was referring to the President. And you certainly know he is black.

I'm from the Midwest, the term boy doesn't necessarily mean black or race. You all need to stop seeing "racists" at every turn. It's stupid...and worn out
And we only have your word for that and you lie effortlessly.

Once again, old fool, point out a lie. I seem to recall you tried this once before and got your bell rang. Idiot
You lied when you said your use of the word "boy" was not racial. And your claim to have rung my bell is another lie.

Yes, FattySassyLesbiAss does seem to have a problem with such things..
Oh look, it's Herr Dumb Ass who is too stupid the use of "boy" doesn't always refer to blacks. Sit down, clown
He was referring to the President. And you certainly know he is black.

I'm from the Midwest, the term boy doesn't necessarily mean black or race. You all need to stop seeing "racists" at every turn. It's stupid...and worn out
And we only have your word for that and you lie effortlessly.

Once again, old fool, point out a lie. I seem to recall you tried this once before and got your bell rang. Idiot
You lied when you said your use of the word "boy" was not racial. And your claim to have rung my bell is another lie.

You're an annoying old man, boy is not always racial, because YOU claim it is means little. stop being an unproductive asshole and stay on topic, fool

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