HOLY TOLEDO! New poll has Trump at 32% WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!

Yeah, uhm...no.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Prove me wrong....I won't wait. Your boy is a FUCKING disaster


The President is 54 years old.

Are you smoking some good weed?
No...we know exactly what Sassy was getting at.

Indeed. I smelled the stench of her racism the moment I entered the thread.

Oh look, it's Herr Dumb Ass who is too stupid the use of "boy" doesn't always refer to blacks. Sit down, clown
What did you say, girl?
Yeah, uhm...no.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Prove me wrong....I won't wait. Your boy is a FUCKING disaster


The President is 54 years old.

Are you smoking some good weed?
No...we know exactly what Sassy was getting at.

Indeed. I smelled the stench of her racism the moment I entered the thread.

Oh look, it's Herr Dumb Ass who is too stupid the use of "boy" doesn't always refer to blacks. Sit down, clown

It's always entertaining to watch you act as if you have some magic power to tell people to "sit down".


You are an excellent example of what happens when the gene pool goes terribly wrong, Frau Stinkyfotze.
Prove me wrong....I won't wait. Your boy is a FUCKING disaster


The President is 54 years old.

Are you smoking some good weed?
No...we know exactly what Sassy was getting at.

Indeed. I smelled the stench of her racism the moment I entered the thread.

Oh look, it's Herr Dumb Ass who is too stupid the use of "boy" doesn't always refer to blacks. Sit down, clown

It's always entertaining to watch you act as if you have some magic power to tell people to "sit down".


You are an excellent example of what happens when the gene pool goes terribly wrong, Frau Stinkyfotze.
Well, you know. She's just a girl. Not to be taken seriously.
Simple: it demonstrates the folly of your argument that most Americans are conservative. Its simply not true. Most Americans are NOT conservative. Most are moderate and liberal.

No they're not. Most moderates are conservative.

No, they're not. Most moderates are moderates. Their self identification is far more relevant than you pretending that you know better. You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. While they are the world's leading expert on their own political leanings.

You're deluding yourself, literally ignoring reality and clinging to whatever you imagine. And its gloriously meaningless to the rest of us.

Moderate has no meaning without qualification. Moderate WHAT? Sorry... entitled to your opinion, not your own facts. You can't lay claim to all the moderates as "non-conservative" because most of them are defining themselves as moderate conservatives. You've offered nothing to disprove this or to prove that all moderates are non-conservative.

Most of this country is philosophically conservative as opposed to ideologically liberal. Liberal ideologues such as yourself, make up only 23%... far from a majority. YOU are the delusional one.

For the first time in the decade and a half that Gallup has been tracking Americans’ ideologies, the percentage of those identifying their views on social issues as liberal has equaled the percentage of those who call themselves socially conservative.

Among 1,024 adults surveyed earlier this month, 31 percent said they were socially liberal — and 31 percent said they were socially conservative.

Read more: Social liberals equal conservatives for first time in Gallup poll - Nick Gass - POLITICO

The percentage of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who describe themselves as both social and economic conservatives has dropped to 42%, the lowest level Gallup has measured since 2005. The second-largest group of Republicans (24%) see themselves as moderate or liberal on both social and economic issues, while 20% of all Republicans are moderate or liberal on social issues but conservative on economic ones.

Republican Conservative Base Shrinks
View attachment 47056

Now you are trying to muddy the waters with Republicans... so you're switching around between parties, ideologies and philosophies or measures of an ideology... all clumped together and fed into your bogus propaganda machine to churn out misleading results.

Conservatism is a philosophy, not an ideology. Liberalism is an ideology and not a philosophy. Moderate means nothing without qualifying it.... Moderate WHAT? Republicans are not all Conservatives. There are Conservative Liberals... Bill Clinton is the best example of one.

Now... "social conservative" is not Conservative philosophy.... it is an ideology rooted in conservative philosophy. The same can be said for "social libertarian." These two ideologies are diametrically different from each other but they share a common philosophy of Conservatism.
You smell fish? I am sure Donald has a joke or two about that....

Oh, I am sure your deviant minds can INFER a quote into existence like you've been doing! Just find a clip somewhere of Trump innocently discussing fish with women and you're half-way there!

We are ALL being thoroughly entertained by how sick and perverted your minds are. I mean, I think we already knew you were all sleazebags, we just didn't realize how twisted you were in the head when it comes to imagining crudeness.
Yeah, uhm...no.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Prove me wrong....I won't wait. Your boy is a FUCKING disaster


The President is 54 years old.

Are you smoking some good weed?
No...we know exactly what Sassy was getting at.

Indeed. I smelled the stench of her racism the moment I entered the thread.

Oh look, it's Herr Dumb Ass who is too stupid the use of "boy" doesn't always refer to blacks. Sit down, clown
He was referring to the President. And you certainly know he is black.
Prove me wrong....I won't wait. Your boy is a FUCKING disaster


The President is 54 years old.

Are you smoking some good weed?
No...we know exactly what Sassy was getting at.

Indeed. I smelled the stench of her racism the moment I entered the thread.

Oh look, it's Herr Dumb Ass who is too stupid the use of "boy" doesn't always refer to blacks. Sit down, clown
He was referring to the President. And you certainly know he is black.

I'm from the Midwest, the term boy doesn't necessarily mean black or race. You all need to stop seeing "racists" at every turn. It's stupid...and worn out
Prove me wrong....I won't wait. Your boy is a FUCKING disaster


The President is 54 years old.

Are you smoking some good weed?
No...we know exactly what Sassy was getting at.

Indeed. I smelled the stench of her racism the moment I entered the thread.

Oh look, it's Herr Dumb Ass who is too stupid the use of "boy" doesn't always refer to blacks. Sit down, clown
He was referring to the President. And you certainly know he is black.

He's half white.

The President is 54 years old.

Are you smoking some good weed?
No...we know exactly what Sassy was getting at.

Indeed. I smelled the stench of her racism the moment I entered the thread.

Oh look, it's Herr Dumb Ass who is too stupid the use of "boy" doesn't always refer to blacks. Sit down, clown
He was referring to the President. And you certainly know he is black.

I'm from the Midwest, the term boy doesn't necessarily mean black or race. You all need to stop seeing "racists" at every turn. It's stupid...and worn out
Sure, little girl, sure.
No...we know exactly what Sassy was getting at.

Indeed. I smelled the stench of her racism the moment I entered the thread.

Oh look, it's Herr Dumb Ass who is too stupid the use of "boy" doesn't always refer to blacks. Sit down, clown
He was referring to the President. And you certainly know he is black.

I'm from the Midwest, the term boy doesn't necessarily mean black or race. You all need to stop seeing "racists" at every turn. It's stupid...and worn out
Sure, little girl, sure.

Go shave your back, sock puppet
I'm from the Midwest, the term boy doesn't necessarily mean black or race. You all need to stop seeing "racists" at every turn. It's stupid...and worn out

Lass, you have to understand... Liberals, giddy on their power trip, have now proclaimed their right to freely interpret meaning into whatever they please and the rest of us must accept their meaning. It can be a flag or a comment... or even a word. Furthermore, their new found ability extends to projecting thoughts into our heads by the sheer power of suggestion. This way, even if you don't say anything... they use the fact that you didn't say anything to imply you thought something... and whatever they claim is empirical truth because... Obama is great. Understand? :uhoh3:
I'm from the Midwest, the term boy doesn't necessarily mean black or race. You all need to stop seeing "racists" at every turn. It's stupid...and worn out

Lass, you have to understand... Liberals, giddy on their power trip, have now proclaimed their right to freely interpret meaning into whatever they please and the rest of us must accept their meaning. It can be a flag or a comment... or even a word. Furthermore, their new found ability extends to projecting thoughts into our heads by the sheer power of suggestion. This way, even if you don't say anything... they use the fact that you didn't say anything to imply you thought something... and whatever they claim is empirical truth because... Obama is great. Understand? :uhoh3:

Meh...left loons are nuts and pretty much annoy the hell out of me.

and we let them vote?

He is a reality loud mouth, not government leader for all the nation.

He can't even decide if he wants to be republican or independent. He just wants TV attention.

He has an ego bigger than alaska and canada combined, and that is a tight fit.
What is it with so-called conservatives and Trump? If any other candidate stood for:
-Gun control
-Crony capitalism
-Higher taxes
he's be booed as a RINO and kicked out.
But because he's sparkly and says mean nasty shit to people we dont like everyone is all over him.
Really this is enough to make me join the Constitutional Party or something.

You finally got something right.

Wow. It's a good day for you.
Puts me way ahead of you. You never get anything right.

Only in your wet-dreams.
Simple: it demonstrates the folly of your argument that most Americans are conservative. Its simply not true. Most Americans are NOT conservative. Most are moderate and liberal.

No they're not. Most moderates are conservative.

No, they're not. Most moderates are moderates. Their self identification is far more relevant than you pretending that you know better. You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. While they are the world's leading expert on their own political leanings.

You're deluding yourself, literally ignoring reality and clinging to whatever you imagine. And its gloriously meaningless to the rest of us.

Moderate has no meaning without qualification. Moderate WHAT? Sorry... entitled to your opinion, not your own facts. You can't lay claim to all the moderates as "non-conservative" because most of them are defining themselves as moderate conservatives. You've offered nothing to disprove this or to prove that all moderates are non-conservative.
You may claim that the word 'moderate' has no meaning. But obviously you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.


:a person who is moderate in opinion or opposed to extreme views and actions, especially in politics or religion.

Moderate Define Moderate at Dictionary.com

Sorry B, but the dictionary is a far better source on the meaning of words than you are. And moderate most definitely has a meaning. Your argument has collapsed so utterly that you're now forced to ignore the dictionary on the meaning of words.

Um, its not the dictionary that's wrong. Its just you.

And once again, most Americans are not conservatives. Most Americans are liberals and moderates. You don't have the slightest clue, not the nearest order of magnitude, what the hell you're talking about. And eagerly wallow in your own self delusion. You have nothing to support your claim and overwhelming evidence contradicting you.

Its 'Linclon campaigning on abolition' all over again. Just you making up hapless bullshit as you go along.

Most of this country is philosophically conservative as opposed to ideologically liberal. Liberal ideologues such as yourself, make up only 23%... far from a majority. YOU are the delusional one.

Obviously they're not, nor can you offer the slightest evidence to back any of your bullshit. When people are asked if they're conservative, liberal or moderate.......most people don't say conservative. Conservatism is dwindling. They're one point off of an all time low. While self identification as a liberal is at an all time high.

And rising.

You're literally lying to yourself. You have nothing to back your claim. And overwhelming evidence contradicting you. Making you doubly irrational. As your belief is fantasy. While the evidence you ignore that contradicts you, reality.

Wallow away. I'll keep laughing
Simple: it demonstrates the folly of your argument that most Americans are conservative. Its simply not true. Most Americans are NOT conservative. Most are moderate and liberal.

No they're not. Most moderates are conservative.

No, they're not. Most moderates are moderates. Their self identification is far more relevant than you pretending that you know better. You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. While they are the world's leading expert on their own political leanings.

You're deluding yourself, literally ignoring reality and clinging to whatever you imagine. And its gloriously meaningless to the rest of us.

Moderate has no meaning without qualification. Moderate WHAT? Sorry... entitled to your opinion, not your own facts. You can't lay claim to all the moderates as "non-conservative" because most of them are defining themselves as moderate conservatives. You've offered nothing to disprove this or to prove that all moderates are non-conservative.

Most of this country is philosophically conservative as opposed to ideologically liberal. Liberal ideologues such as yourself, make up only 23%... far from a majority. YOU are the delusional one.

For the first time in the decade and a half that Gallup has been tracking Americans’ ideologies, the percentage of those identifying their views on social issues as liberal has equaled the percentage of those who call themselves socially conservative.

Among 1,024 adults surveyed earlier this month, 31 percent said they were socially liberal — and 31 percent said they were socially conservative.

Read more: Social liberals equal conservatives for first time in Gallup poll - Nick Gass - POLITICO

The percentage of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who describe themselves as both social and economic conservatives has dropped to 42%, the lowest level Gallup has measured since 2005. The second-largest group of Republicans (24%) see themselves as moderate or liberal on both social and economic issues, while 20% of all Republicans are moderate or liberal on social issues but conservative on economic ones.

Republican Conservative Base Shrinks
View attachment 47056

Now you are trying to muddy the waters with Republicans... so you're switching around between parties, ideologies and philosophies or measures of an ideology... all clumped together and fed into your bogus propaganda machine to churn out misleading results.

Nope. You're just wrong. Once again, you're contradicted by overwhelming evidence. Once again, you ignore it and pretend that you know better than people speaking for themselves..

Laughing...how's that working out for you?

Conservatism is a philosophy, not an ideology. Liberalism is an ideology and not a philosophy.

Says you. The distinction you offer begins and end inside your head, as its nothing but your personal opinion. And we aren't bound to that. Almost none of us know about your opinion, and even fewer care.

You're expressing how *you* see conservatives. And you're nobody when you claim to speak for anybody else..

The folks that self identify as something *other* than a conservative......you know, a solid majority.....those folks know what they're talking about regarding their own beliefs. Far better than you do about their beliefs. And none of the qualifiers you make up have any relevance to anyone but you.

You keep projecting your beliefs onto other people....and then laughably insisting that they must abide your beliefs.

Um, no. They don't.
No they're not. Most moderates are conservative.

No, they're not. Most moderates are moderates. Their self identification is far more relevant than you pretending that you know better. You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. While they are the world's leading expert on their own political leanings.

You're deluding yourself, literally ignoring reality and clinging to whatever you imagine. And its gloriously meaningless to the rest of us.

Moderate has no meaning without qualification. Moderate WHAT? Sorry... entitled to your opinion, not your own facts. You can't lay claim to all the moderates as "non-conservative" because most of them are defining themselves as moderate conservatives. You've offered nothing to disprove this or to prove that all moderates are non-conservative.

Most of this country is philosophically conservative as opposed to ideologically liberal. Liberal ideologues such as yourself, make up only 23%... far from a majority. YOU are the delusional one.

For the first time in the decade and a half that Gallup has been tracking Americans’ ideologies, the percentage of those identifying their views on social issues as liberal has equaled the percentage of those who call themselves socially conservative.

Among 1,024 adults surveyed earlier this month, 31 percent said they were socially liberal — and 31 percent said they were socially conservative.

Read more: Social liberals equal conservatives for first time in Gallup poll - Nick Gass - POLITICO

The percentage of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who describe themselves as both social and economic conservatives has dropped to 42%, the lowest level Gallup has measured since 2005. The second-largest group of Republicans (24%) see themselves as moderate or liberal on both social and economic issues, while 20% of all Republicans are moderate or liberal on social issues but conservative on economic ones.

Republican Conservative Base Shrinks
View attachment 47056

Now you are trying to muddy the waters with Republicans... so you're switching around between parties, ideologies and philosophies or measures of an ideology... all clumped together and fed into your bogus propaganda machine to churn out misleading results.

Nope. You're just wrong. Once again, you're contradicted by overwhelming evidence. Once again, you ignore it and pretend that you know better than people speaking for themselves..

Laughing...how's that working out for you?

Conservatism is a philosophy, not an ideology. Liberalism is an ideology and not a philosophy.

Says you. The distinction you offer begins and end inside your head, as its nothing but your personal opinion. And we aren't bound to that. Almost none of us know about your opinion, and even fewer care.

You're expressing how *you* see conservatives. And you're nobody when you claim to speak for anybody else..

The folks that self identify as something *other* than a conservative......you know, a solid majority.....those folks know what they're talking about regarding their own beliefs. Far better than you do about their beliefs. And none of the qualifiers you make up have any relevance to anyone but you.

You keep projecting your beliefs onto other people....and then laughably insisting that they must abide your beliefs.

Um, no. They don't.

This guy hasn't a clue about the things he talks about. What kind of dope would say conservatism is not an ideology. Well, this guy would say that. He doesn't know the meanings of words and is to lazy to find out.
You smell fish? I am sure Donald has a joke or two about that....

Oh, I am sure your deviant minds can INFER a quote into existence like you've been doing! Just find a clip somewhere of Trump innocently discussing fish with women and you're half-way there!

We are ALL being thoroughly entertained by how sick and perverted your minds are. I mean, I think we already knew you were all sleazebags, we just didn't realize how twisted you were in the head when it comes to imagining crudeness.

Send Donald a Tweet and ask for a couple of zingers. He might even throw in a "slut", "pig" or or "loser" to describe some women. He has such a way with words....
No, they're not. Most moderates are moderates. Their self identification is far more relevant than you pretending that you know better. You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. While they are the world's leading expert on their own political leanings.

You're deluding yourself, literally ignoring reality and clinging to whatever you imagine. And its gloriously meaningless to the rest of us.

Moderate has no meaning without qualification. Moderate WHAT? Sorry... entitled to your opinion, not your own facts. You can't lay claim to all the moderates as "non-conservative" because most of them are defining themselves as moderate conservatives. You've offered nothing to disprove this or to prove that all moderates are non-conservative.

Most of this country is philosophically conservative as opposed to ideologically liberal. Liberal ideologues such as yourself, make up only 23%... far from a majority. YOU are the delusional one.

For the first time in the decade and a half that Gallup has been tracking Americans’ ideologies, the percentage of those identifying their views on social issues as liberal has equaled the percentage of those who call themselves socially conservative.

Among 1,024 adults surveyed earlier this month, 31 percent said they were socially liberal — and 31 percent said they were socially conservative.

Read more: Social liberals equal conservatives for first time in Gallup poll - Nick Gass - POLITICO

The percentage of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who describe themselves as both social and economic conservatives has dropped to 42%, the lowest level Gallup has measured since 2005. The second-largest group of Republicans (24%) see themselves as moderate or liberal on both social and economic issues, while 20% of all Republicans are moderate or liberal on social issues but conservative on economic ones.

Republican Conservative Base Shrinks
View attachment 47056

Now you are trying to muddy the waters with Republicans... so you're switching around between parties, ideologies and philosophies or measures of an ideology... all clumped together and fed into your bogus propaganda machine to churn out misleading results.

Nope. You're just wrong. Once again, you're contradicted by overwhelming evidence. Once again, you ignore it and pretend that you know better than people speaking for themselves..

Laughing...how's that working out for you?

Conservatism is a philosophy, not an ideology. Liberalism is an ideology and not a philosophy.

Says you. The distinction you offer begins and end inside your head, as its nothing but your personal opinion. And we aren't bound to that. Almost none of us know about your opinion, and even fewer care.

You're expressing how *you* see conservatives. And you're nobody when you claim to speak for anybody else..

The folks that self identify as something *other* than a conservative......you know, a solid majority.....those folks know what they're talking about regarding their own beliefs. Far better than you do about their beliefs. And none of the qualifiers you make up have any relevance to anyone but you.

You keep projecting your beliefs onto other people....and then laughably insisting that they must abide your beliefs.

Um, no. They don't.

This guy hasn't a clue about the things he talks about. What kind of dope would say conservatism is not an ideology. Well, this guy would say that. He doesn't know the meanings of words and is to lazy to find out.

Boss routinely talks straight out of his ass. Evidence is utterly pointless and irrelevant to his process. He doesn't use it to form opinions. And no amount of it will sway him from whatever he chooses to believe.

Though he is fun to use to demonstrate some of the absurd contradictions of fringe conservatives.
You smell fish? I am sure Donald has a joke or two about that....

Oh, I am sure your deviant minds can INFER a quote into existence like you've been doing! Just find a clip somewhere of Trump innocently discussing fish with women and you're half-way there!

We are ALL being thoroughly entertained by how sick and perverted your minds are. I mean, I think we already knew you were all sleazebags, we just didn't realize how twisted you were in the head when it comes to imagining crudeness.

Send Donald a Tweet and ask for a couple of zingers. He might even throw in a "slut", "pig" or or "loser" to describe some women. He has such a way with words....

If I remember correctly those terms were used by the Clinton camp when they were referring to the women involved in the "bimbo eruptions" so don't play holier than fucking thou here JimH52 because then you enter the liberal world of ultimate hypocrisy.

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