HOLY TOLEDO! New poll has Trump at 32% WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!

You're describing hard rightwingers, no Democrats or liberals in that depiction at all.

There is no such thing as "hard right" unless you're talking about anarchists like Tim McVeigh.. they don't vote in democratic elections. What you are talking about are Conservatives and they make up the majority of the population. And last I checked, liberals and democrats aren't supporting Trump and he's not courting or expecting their votes.
You're right about one thing, that today's self-proclaimed Conservatives are actually hard rightwingers.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
It's a shame that conservatives are too stupid to be embarrassed,

because when the Trump pretend candidacy disappears it would be so much fun to embarrass his supporters.

They will all deny they even know who Trump is when that happens.
Trump is a gift -- to Democrats. I love it. And the fact that he is the Republican front runner shows how far Republicans are out of touch with reality. Even delusional.

Yep..all those RINO's that are running are out of touch with reality.
But I think reality is starting to set in for some of them.
And the reality is...people are fucking sick to death for what passes for government these days.
Exactly, Bush ushered in the final destructive implementation that Reagan began. The American people finally said "ENOUGH!!!" and elected Obama twice to get our country back.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Sadly Obungles has failed miserably. Massive unemployment and debt, a disaster for foreign policy, race relations gone to hell.....epic fail
Yeah, uhm...no.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Prove me wrong....I won't wait. Your boy is a FUCKING disaster


The President is 54 years old.

Are you smoking some good weed?
Simple: it demonstrates the folly of your argument that most Americans are conservative. Its simply not true. Most Americans are NOT conservative. Most are moderate and liberal.

No they're not. Most moderates are conservative.

No, they're not. Most moderates are moderates. Their self identification is far more relevant than you pretending that you know better. You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. While they are the world's leading expert on their own political leanings.

You're deluding yourself, literally ignoring reality and clinging to whatever you imagine. And its gloriously meaningless to the rest of us.

Moderate has no meaning without qualification. Moderate WHAT? Sorry... entitled to your opinion, not your own facts. You can't lay claim to all the moderates as "non-conservative" because most of them are defining themselves as moderate conservatives. You've offered nothing to disprove this or to prove that all moderates are non-conservative.

Most of this country is philosophically conservative as opposed to ideologically liberal. Liberal ideologues such as yourself, make up only 23%... far from a majority. YOU are the delusional one.

and we let them vote?

He is a reality loud mouth, not government leader for all the nation.

He can't even decide if he wants to be republican or independent. He just wants TV attention.

He has an ego bigger than alaska and canada combined, and that is a tight fit.
What is it with so-called conservatives and Trump? If any other candidate stood for:
-Gun control
-Crony capitalism
-Higher taxes
he's be booed as a RINO and kicked out.
But because he's sparkly and says mean nasty shit to people we dont like everyone is all over him.
Really this is enough to make me join the Constitutional Party or something.

You finally got something right.

Wow. It's a good day for you.
OMG this has to be the wildest primary season. RINO'S are running for Extra Strength Immodium AD as I post this thread.

Kick it up notches unknown! Go Donny! Go Donny!


First big post-debate poll shows Donald Trump GAINED 7 points and sits at 32 Daily Mail Online

First major post-debate poll shows Trump GAINED 7 points from the previous week and has backing of 32 per cent of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents
  • Stunning result after Trump attracted criticism over debate performance on Thursday
  • Trump has 32 per cent nationally among registered Republicans and independents who say they lean to the right
  • No one is anywhere near The Donald, with Jeb Bush in second place at just 11 per cent
  • Poll supervised by former Washington Post journalist and shows no one else in double digits
He's the first guy to run for president since I can remember that doesn't talk like some PREPROGRAMMED, POLITICALLY CORRECT, WASHINGTON ESTABLISHMENT POLITICIAN, and people RELATE TO THAT. They also know he CAN'T BE BOUGHT by a pack of LOBBYISTS. What the FUCK about that don't the IDIOT PUNDITS and Washington insiders GET?

I hope he is the next president. I believe he loves this country and wants to get it back on track, and what better person to do it than someone who already has built a mega fortune and has dealt with the world economically?

My picks for prez are...

1) Trump
2) Cruz
3) Fiorina

... in that order, or any combination of either.

Obama cannot be fired , he will leave office when his term is up after being Elected twice by the American people. TWICE !
Yup......because most of them don't read or write good.

They only can read what they're told to read

Pay attention to Kim Kardashian's ass......not national security, open borders, and shrinking paychecks.

You realize that Trump polls best among those with the least education, right?
What I do realize is that you're talking out your ass.

Hey, it works for Trump!

and we let them vote?

He is a reality loud mouth, not government leader for all the nation.

He can't even decide if he wants to be republican or independent. He just wants TV attention.

He has an ego bigger than alaska and canada combined, and that is a tight fit.
What is it with so-called conservatives and Trump? If any other candidate stood for:
-Gun control
-Crony capitalism
-Higher taxes
he's be booed as a RINO and kicked out.
But because he's sparkly and says mean nasty shit to people we dont like everyone is all over him.
Really this is enough to make me join the Constitutional Party or something.

You finally got something right.

Wow. It's a good day for you.
Puts me way ahead of you. You never get anything right.
Yep..all those RINO's that are running are out of touch with reality.
But I think reality is starting to set in for some of them.
And the reality is...people are fucking sick to death for what passes for government these days.
Exactly, Bush ushered in the final destructive implementation that Reagan began. The American people finally said "ENOUGH!!!" and elected Obama twice to get our country back.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Sadly Obungles has failed miserably. Massive unemployment and debt, a disaster for foreign policy, race relations gone to hell.....epic fail
Yeah, uhm...no.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Prove me wrong....I won't wait. Your boy is a FUCKING disaster


The President is 54 years old.

Are you smoking some good weed?
No...we know exactly what Sassy was getting at.
Simple: it demonstrates the folly of your argument that most Americans are conservative. Its simply not true. Most Americans are NOT conservative. Most are moderate and liberal.

No they're not. Most moderates are conservative.

No, they're not. Most moderates are moderates. Their self identification is far more relevant than you pretending that you know better. You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. While they are the world's leading expert on their own political leanings.

You're deluding yourself, literally ignoring reality and clinging to whatever you imagine. And its gloriously meaningless to the rest of us.

Moderate has no meaning without qualification. Moderate WHAT? Sorry... entitled to your opinion, not your own facts. You can't lay claim to all the moderates as "non-conservative" because most of them are defining themselves as moderate conservatives. You've offered nothing to disprove this or to prove that all moderates are non-conservative.

Most of this country is philosophically conservative as opposed to ideologically liberal. Liberal ideologues such as yourself, make up only 23%... far from a majority. YOU are the delusional one.

For the first time in the decade and a half that Gallup has been tracking Americans’ ideologies, the percentage of those identifying their views on social issues as liberal has equaled the percentage of those who call themselves socially conservative.

Among 1,024 adults surveyed earlier this month, 31 percent said they were socially liberal — and 31 percent said they were socially conservative.

Read more: Social liberals equal conservatives for first time in Gallup poll - Nick Gass - POLITICO

The percentage of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who describe themselves as both social and economic conservatives has dropped to 42%, the lowest level Gallup has measured since 2005. The second-largest group of Republicans (24%) see themselves as moderate or liberal on both social and economic issues, while 20% of all Republicans are moderate or liberal on social issues but conservative on economic ones.

Republican Conservative Base Shrinks
Exactly, Bush ushered in the final destructive implementation that Reagan began. The American people finally said "ENOUGH!!!" and elected Obama twice to get our country back.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Sadly Obungles has failed miserably. Massive unemployment and debt, a disaster for foreign policy, race relations gone to hell.....epic fail
Yeah, uhm...no.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Prove me wrong....I won't wait. Your boy is a FUCKING disaster


The President is 54 years old.

Are you smoking some good weed?
No...we know exactly what Sassy was getting at.

Indeed. I smelled the stench of her racism the moment I entered the thread.

and we let them vote?

He is a reality loud mouth, not government leader for all the nation.

He can't even decide if he wants to be republican or independent. He just wants TV attention.

He has an ego bigger than alaska and canada combined, and that is a tight fit.
What is it with so-called conservatives and Trump? If any other candidate stood for:
-Gun control
-Crony capitalism
-Higher taxes
he's be booed as a RINO and kicked out.
But because he's sparkly and says mean nasty shit to people we dont like everyone is all over him.
Really this is enough to make me join the Constitutional Party or something.

You finally got something right.

Wow. It's a good day for you.
Puts me way ahead of you. You never get anything right.

Only in your wet-dreams.
You're describing hard rightwingers, no Democrats or liberals in that depiction at all.

There is no such thing as "hard right" unless you're talking about anarchists like Tim McVeigh.. they don't vote in democratic elections. What you are talking about are Conservatives and they make up the majority of the population. And last I checked, liberals and democrats aren't supporting Trump and he's not courting or expecting their votes.
You're right about one thing, that today's self-proclaimed Conservatives are actually hard rightwingers.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

But that's not what I said. Man, you fuckwits have a hard time quoting people accurately, don't you?

What you and other lying shitstain liberal calls "hard right" is Conservative, and it doesn't matter if they are a social conservative, libertarian conservative, neo-conservative, fiscal conservative or constitutional conservative... they're all lumped in together as "hard right" because you need a Frankenstein ideology to attack and defeat with your glorious Liberal ideology.

There is no "hard right" or "far right" ...or at least not to any degree it matters in American politics. Conservatism is a philosophy and not an ideology, so it's like claiming there are moderate extremists.
You're describing hard rightwingers, no Democrats or liberals in that depiction at all.

There is no such thing as "hard right" unless you're talking about anarchists like Tim McVeigh.. they don't vote in democratic elections. What you are talking about are Conservatives and they make up the majority of the population. And last I checked, liberals and democrats aren't supporting Trump and he's not courting or expecting their votes.
You're right about one thing, that today's self-proclaimed Conservatives are actually hard rightwingers.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

But that's not what I said. Man, you fuckwits have a hard time quoting people accurately, don't you?

What you and other lying shitstain liberal calls "hard right" is Conservative, and it doesn't matter if they are a social conservative, libertarian conservative, neo-conservative, fiscal conservative or constitutional conservative... they're all lumped in together as "hard right" because you need a Frankenstein ideology to attack and defeat with your glorious Liberal ideology.

There is no "hard right" or "far right" ...or at least not to any degree it matters in American politics. Conservatism is a philosophy and not an ideology, so it's like claiming there are moderate extremists.
You just confirmed it again, today's self-proclaimed Conservatives are, in actuality, hard rightwingers.

We're in agreement.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

and we let them vote?

He is a reality loud mouth, not government leader for all the nation.

He can't even decide if he wants to be republican or independent. He just wants TV attention.

He has an ego bigger than alaska and canada combined, and that is a tight fit.
What is it with so-called conservatives and Trump? If any other candidate stood for:
-Gun control
-Crony capitalism
-Higher taxes
he's be booed as a RINO and kicked out.
But because he's sparkly and says mean nasty shit to people we dont like everyone is all over him.
Really this is enough to make me join the Constitutional Party or something.

You finally got something right.

Wow. It's a good day for you.
Puts me way ahead of you. You never get anything right.
gee what happened to your prediction on greece? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
Looks like Trump has them scared. There's donkey shit filling pants and littering the floors and desks in every Democratic Party office in the entire country.
Trump is a gift -- to Democrats. I love it. And the fact that he is the Republican front runner shows how far Republicans are out of touch with reality. Even delusional.

Yep..all those RINO's that are running are out of touch with reality.
But I think reality is starting to set in for some of them.
And the reality is...people are fucking sick to death for what passes for government these days.
Exactly, Bush ushered in the final destructive implementation that Reagan began. The American people finally said "ENOUGH!!!" and elected Obama twice to get our country back.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Sadly Obungles has failed miserably. Massive unemployment and debt, a disaster for foreign policy, race relations gone to hell.....epic fail

Sounds like you got a hold of some bad mackerel

and we let them vote?

He is a reality loud mouth, not government leader for all the nation.

He can't even decide if he wants to be republican or independent. He just wants TV attention.

He has an ego bigger than alaska and canada combined, and that is a tight fit.
What is it with so-called conservatives and Trump? If any other candidate stood for:
-Gun control
-Crony capitalism
-Higher taxes
he's be booed as a RINO and kicked out.
But because he's sparkly and says mean nasty shit to people we dont like everyone is all over him.
Really this is enough to make me join the Constitutional Party or something.

You finally got something right.

Wow. It's a good day for you.

It won't happen, cause he will never be elected, but it would be a hoot for Trump to win the WH, and the day after he is sworn in turn 180%. He is a liberal in conservative clothing.
Looks like Trump has them scared. There's donkey shit filling pants and littering the floors and desks in every Democratic Party office in the entire country.
Trump is a gift -- to Democrats. I love it. And the fact that he is the Republican front runner shows how far Republicans are out of touch with reality. Even delusional.

Yep..all those RINO's that are running are out of touch with reality.
But I think reality is starting to set in for some of them.
And the reality is...people are fucking sick to death for what passes for government these days.
Exactly, Bush ushered in the final destructive implementation that Reagan began. The American people finally said "ENOUGH!!!" and elected Obama twice to get our country back.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Sadly Obungles has failed miserably. Massive unemployment and debt, a disaster for foreign policy, race relations gone to hell.....epic fail

Sounds like you got a hold of some bad mackerel

You smell fish? I am sure Donald has a joke or two about that....
You're describing hard rightwingers, no Democrats or liberals in that depiction at all.

There is no such thing as "hard right" unless you're talking about anarchists like Tim McVeigh.. they don't vote in democratic elections. What you are talking about are Conservatives and they make up the majority of the population. And last I checked, liberals and democrats aren't supporting Trump and he's not courting or expecting their votes.
You're right about one thing, that today's self-proclaimed Conservatives are actually hard rightwingers.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

But that's not what I said. Man, you fuckwits have a hard time quoting people accurately, don't you?

What you and other lying shitstain liberal calls "hard right" is Conservative, and it doesn't matter if they are a social conservative, libertarian conservative, neo-conservative, fiscal conservative or constitutional conservative... they're all lumped in together as "hard right" because you need a Frankenstein ideology to attack and defeat with your glorious Liberal ideology.

There is no "hard right" or "far right" ...or at least not to any degree it matters in American politics. Conservatism is a philosophy and not an ideology, so it's like claiming there are moderate extremists.
You have trouble with big words, don't you?
Sadly Obungles has failed miserably. Massive unemployment and debt, a disaster for foreign policy, race relations gone to hell.....epic fail
Yeah, uhm...no.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Prove me wrong....I won't wait. Your boy is a FUCKING disaster


The President is 54 years old.

Are you smoking some good weed?
No...we know exactly what Sassy was getting at.

Indeed. I smelled the stench of her racism the moment I entered the thread.

Oh look, it's Herr Dumb Ass who is too stupid the use of "boy" doesn't always refer to blacks. Sit down, clown

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