Home Invader Gets Ass Kicked by 82 Year Old Woman


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Probably a pAntifa member, they break so easy.

“The man broke the door down, but Murphy was ready.

“I picked up the table, and I went to work on him,” Murphy, who can deadlift 225 pounds, told Fox News. ‘The table broke.”

Murphy then grabbed a bottle of shampoo and began pouring it on him, WHAM reported.

“And when he’s down. I’m jumping on him," Murphy told the television station. “I grabbed the shampoo. Guess what? He’s still on the ground. In his face, all of it, the whole thing.”

Murphy then grabbed a broom and began swatting at the intruder.

“I got the broom,” Murphy told WHAM. “He’s pulling the broom. I’m hitting him with the broom.”

Police arrived to arrest the intruder, who was taken to an area hospital.

“The officers that came wanted to go on my front porch and take selfies with me,” Murphy told WHAM.

'He picked the wrong house': New York bodybuilder, 82, fights back against break-in suspect
Now she'll be sued for excessive use of force.

The invader will take her house.

Welcome to Liberalmerica.
Would've been so much easier to shoot him.

Plus, you're NEVER gonna get that shampoo out of the carpet.
This guy isn’t going to be inducted into the Criminal Hall of Fame.
Love it!
Now she'll be sued for excessive use of force.

The invader will take her house.

Welcome to Liberalmerica.
If she can kick butt once, to me, that only makes another butt kicking possible. :) :) :)

God bless you and the woman always!!!


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