Home schooling: the best and worst examples I've seen personally.

Most home school kids I have encountered are really just GED level academics. There was one home school kid in my college dorm back in the day who literally was gone after the first couple days. His parents had wrapped him in such a tight cocoon that he couldn't function around strangers, let alone freshmen guys away from home.
And he was what, 12?
There are many resources available now that weren't years ago. In my "best" and "worst" examples neither sets of parents had education degrees. It has much more to do with being committed and focused rather than teaching qualifications, in my opinion.
Many who weren't that good in school never learned the material they are required to teach. There aren't any requirements to see if the children are being taught anything.
There is a big misconception about education degrees. At the high school level, most teachers have a degree in their subject of one closely related with education coursework required for their certificate.

For example, my undergraduate degree was in history, with almost another degree in math because I had been a computer science major for most of my time in college. I took and passed the certification exams for math and social studies at the same time and was given certificates in both areas. To get my certifications I had to complete several education courses and 2 additional math classes.

I taught for 7 years, mostly math and slightly less social studies classes. I then attended graduate school and received my master's degree in educational leadership. Other than that, I do not have an education degree.
That was the minimum requirement to teach. Do you think all those conspiracy theory nuts claiming to home school their kids have those qualifications?
When parents use an online curriculum complete with teachers on the other end of the line available via email, text, and in school message, they don't have to be experts in the subjects, they just have to be around to keep the students on track. The point is, homeschooling is an awesome option for parents who want their kids to have the best possible educational opportunities. You might as well complain at those who take college courses at home because they don't get to go to frat house parties and barf all night long.
And those that don't choose to use that curriculum don't get that advantage. There is no requirement for any of that, and no standardized test required. Uneducated children without the knowledge required in life suffer.
And those that don't choose to use that curriculum don't get that advantage. There is no requirement for any of that, and no standardized test required. Uneducated children without the knowledge required in life suffer.
Which can equally be said about government schools. Do we really need to point out the dismal graduation rates as well as GPA's of some blue run city schools? I'll quote you, "Uneducated children without the knowledge required in life suffer". Are those sufficient grounds to shut down government schools?

The point remains, parents who truly desire to give their kids the best education they can are able to successfully do that at home.
IDK He could barely speak to people he was such a frail thing but I assume he was 17 or 18 like most freshmen. That is how old he looked.
Then he was likely several years younger than the other freshmen, being that homeschooled kids are often years ahead (both scholastically and maturely) of their government schooled counterparts. His parents could have prepared him for freshman year in the dorm, but maybe they didn't understand what he was going up against.
Which can equally be said about government schools. Do we really need to point out the dismal graduation rates as well as GPA's of some blue run city schools? I'll quote you, "Uneducated children without the knowledge required in life suffer". Are those sufficient grounds to shut down government schools?

The point remains, parents who truly desire to give their kids the best education they can are able to successfully do that at home.
The difference being poor public schools are known, and there is a chance for improvement. Poor home schooling, with nobody even checking whether the children are being taught anything is just ignored. Nobody cares about them.
The difference being poor public schools are known, and there is a chance for improvement. Poor home schooling, with nobody even checking whether the children are being taught anything is just ignored. Nobody cares about them.
Many school districts have regulations that homeschoolers must follow, including educational requirements for parents and SOL testing. When we did it, at least one of us parents had to have a college degree. Thankfully, both of us did, so no problem there. The fact that some don't have such regulations is countered by the fact that some government school districts are dropping math and science requirements for graduation, leaving them open to complaints. Your complaints about homeschooling are there in government schools as well.

IOW, we can just as equally as easily complain about government schools as you complain about homeschooling. Heck, the lack of bullying, sexual assaults and drug deals alone are pretty good reasons to do it.

The bottom line still remains, homeschooling is an excellent option for parents who want their kids to have the best educational opportunities possible.
My cousin Home Schooled his kids. They didn‘t like Texas schools. Both parents were PhDs and the kids were in a home school network where they interacted with a lot of similar kids.

I had a neighbor who was a religious nut and her kids got the Jesus Home School experience with almost no interaction with others and no in depth schooling. The kids were downright creepy.

Cool story bro!
homeschooling is an excellent option for parents who want their kids to have the best educational opportunities possible.

Not necessarily
If your child has a learning disability, a parent may not have the skills to deal with it.

Home Schools do not have the opportunity to teach advanced math or science, foreign languages, advanced computers…..
Not necessarily
If your child has a learning disability, a parent may not have the skills to deal with it.

Home Schools do not have the opportunity to teach advanced math or science, foreign languages, advanced computers…..
That is incorrect. Check out Khan Academy for an example. I have a degree in Electrical Engineering and I am totally impressed with the content and presentation of advanced math and science topics.
That is incorrect. Check out Khan Academy for an example. I have a degree in Electrical Engineering and I am totally impressed with the content and presentation of advanced math and science topics.

My kids used Khan Academy when they were in school (homeschool, btw). The science content is amazing, better than what I received in college.
How many people are actually qualified to teach kids all they need toknow to succeed? How many parents like the idea of home schooling, but refuse to spend the time needed to teach? How many kids reach 7 years old without even knowing how to count change?

How many public school teachers are worthless trope teaching morons waiting for their pension?

LOL, all those idiots on libs of tiktok saying their main goal is indoctrination followed by the ones that Strike at a drop of a hat, ended with the ones who made sure remote learning lasted as long as possible.
LOL, all those idiots on libs of tiktok saying their main goal is indoctrination followed by the ones that Strike at a drop of a hat, ended with the ones who made sure remote learning lasted as long as possible.

Just reflects your hatred of teachers

Doesn’t reflect reality

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