Home schooling: the best and worst examples I've seen personally.

Of Teacher's Unions? Yes.

Of those he/she fat slob SJW twats? Absolutely.

Of all teachers? No.

Of most Public School Administrators in Blue Cities? Yes.

Teachers unions protect the rights of Teachers and fair pay.
Just like any other union. Union Schools do better than non-union schools

Schools in Blue States do better than Schools in Red States

You get what you pay for
Teachers unions protect the rights of Teachers and fair pay.
Just like any other union. Union Schools do better than non-union schools

You get what you pay for

Like other public sector unions they are nothing more than political pressure orgs that make city governments borrow now to pay now AND later through crazy contracts and retirement benefits that are left underfunded and terribly run.

You want to compare private non union schools on average in NYC vs. their unionized public schools with regards to performance?
We once had a motivation speaker talk to my elementary school and the middle school it fed. He had some obscure record in the Olympics, most times to compete in the games without winning a medal. He was a luger, and his biggest laugh line was "so, I told (insert name of well-known athlete) 'I'm a luger,' and he said, 'hey! Don't say that about yourself, you'll make it true, even though it isn't.'"

Anyway, he mentioned that he home-schooled his kids. I completely understand why he would do that, but it seemed impolitic to tell that to a hundred or so teacher, and a dozen or so administrators. Always willing to stir the pot, so long as it doesn't splash on me, I told the liberal teacher next to me that she should ask why he would homeschool his kids. She said "right?" But then stewed about it, just as I hoped and finally asked him.

He said that he had once visited the home of a couple who homeschooled. He was impressed that they knew how to talk to an adult, but when they talked to each other, they talked on a kid's level. That is something I see missing in many public school kids, especially those with discipline problems. They don't know how to change register when in conversation with different people. They call teachers "bruh," and all that.

Anyway, socialization is not a problem for any homeschool kids I have known. Their parents take them to scouts, and little league, and church functions, if they are religous. I think that is a liberal assumption and since liberals assume that all of their assumptions are revealed truth, they have no qualms about making up apocryphal stories of the homeschooled brother and sister who ended having sex because they never go to meet any other kids.

Liberal reasoning is this: It's ok to make facts up if it is to prove something you know is the truth anyway.
Like other public sector unions they are nothing more than political pressure orgs that make city governments borrow now to pay now AND later through crazy contracts and retirement benefits that are left underfunded and terribly run.

You want to compare private non union schools on average in NYC vs. their unionized public schools with regards to performance?
Like any union, they ensure good wages and benefits

Unlike those shithole nonunion schools in Red States with ridiculously low pay and no protections.
Like any union, they ensure good wages and benefits

Unlike those shithole nonunion schools in Red States with ridiculously low pay and no protections.

And that non performers get protected.

And the workers do as little work as possible.
And that non performers get protected.

And the workers do as little work as possible.

More anti-union nonsense

Unions make sure the rules are applied equally
Doesnt mean there is no accountability

Meanwhile, non-union schools will fire you for saying gay
More anti-union nonsense

Unions make sure the rules are applied equally
Doesnt mean there is no accountability

Meanwhile, non-union schools will fire you for saying gay

And union schools will fire you for using the wrong pronoun or saying women can't have penises.

All with the support of the Lefty SJW unions.
How is a parent supposed to help if the child is struggling with the concepts?
There are public school districts and individual schools where the educational standard is abysmal. In those situations or in your above situation, the parents can utilize after school tutors or Americanized Kumon schools. Our boy was a very sought after mathematics tutor. But it is a concern.
There are public school districts and individual schools where the educational standard is abysmal. In those situations or in your above situation, the parents can utilize after school tutors or Americanized Kumon schools. Our boy was a very sought after mathematics tutor. But it is a concern.

Nice to have money, you bougie twat.
I'm not sure what you are trying to say here. Are the home school experiences positive or negative in your opinion?
Both, depends on the Parents.
Home School can be very positive or very negative.
Public School can be very positive or very negative.
Private School can be very positive or very negative.
Home schooled kids do better on standardized tests so you tell me.
Small sample Size.
Home Schoolers that are used to baby sit younger siblings most likely don't take these Standardized Tests at the HS level, so the scores are Skewed>

Now, If you could show that the TOP Home Schoolers routinely OUTSCORE the Top Private School or Top Public School Students, then you might have a point.
Our Niece home schooled her three daughters. All three of them are exceptional. All three played sports, had an active social life and two of them got merit scholarships at Purdue.

It really depends on how much effort the parents put into it. My Niece was a certified degreed teacher so she was very good at it.

The home schoolers in the area would get together for combined classes. For instance, one of the fathers was a judge and he taught the older kids Civics. They went on field trips together and they became a very close social group.

The public schools allowed home schoolers to participate in sports and other extra curriculum activities so they didn't lose out on that.
The most Logical and Thought out Post I've ever read from this dude.
He didn't even use the word 'negro' once. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Nice to have money, you bougie twat.
See this is the problem. You needed more education because you could not understand that my post supports your side.
Not necessarily
If your child has a learning disability, a parent may not have the skills to deal with it.
The same with many government school districts. You're actually making the case for homeschooling, because the parents would not be under the same meat grinder type of pressure government schools are under to push the child through the system, no matter how much he/she learns or doesn't learn. At any rate, you're presenting an extreme case as if it informs on the mainstream. Should we shut down homeschooling because a miniscule percentage of students need more than their parents alone can give them, or should we shut down government schools because some districts can't provide for the needs of those with learning disabilities? Heck, we took our son OUT of government school when they wanted to short bus him because his anxiety and Assbergers got too intense for him to focus in the classroom. We put him on an online curriculum at home and he thrived. Today, they can handle Assbergers better in class, but there are many issues kids have that they can't.
Home Schools do not have the opportunity to teach advanced math or science, foreign languages, advanced computers…..
Nonsense, I've already mentioned online curricula that can teach courses at whatever advanced levels they need to (you have heard of online college courses, haven't you?), and how many government school districts have access to highly advanced computer labs? Not that many. Again, our son learned Spanish by online interaction with teachers that could hear his pronunciations of words and who could help him say them right, so foreign languages are not a problem.

Again, you're presenting things you think are weaknesses of homeschooling without realizing that many apply to government schools as well. Do I take them as evidence that government schools need to be shut down or opposed at every turn?

I'll say it again, homeschooling is an excellent option for parents who want their kids to have the best educational opportunities.
Both, depends on the Parents.
Home School can be very positive or very negative.
Public School can be very positive or very negative.
Private School can be very positive or very negative.

Small sample Size.
Home Schoolers that are used to baby sit younger siblings most likely don't take these Standardized Tests at the HS level, so the scores are Skewed>

Now, If you could show that the TOP Home Schoolers routinely OUTSCORE the Top Private School or Top Public School Students, then you might have a point.

The most Logical and Thought out Post I've ever read from this dude.
He didn't even use the word 'negro' once. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Many districts have requirements that homeschooled students must pass the SOLs so their progress can be measured, and many homeschoolers have their kids take them voluntarily because they might want to put them back in government schools later on.
Teachers unions protect the rights of Teachers and fair pay.
Just like any other union. Union Schools do better than non-union schools

Schools in Blue States do better than Schools in Red States

You get what you pay for
Sometimes. Other times, districts spend tens of thousands per students and get dismal graduation rates with abysmal GPA's. Then compare the spending the US does per student with the spending nations that are lapping us in performance and tell us "you get what you pay for". And, quite frankly, the worst districts often seem to be in the heart of those blue run cities.
And yet your response reeked of "let them eat cake"

Try being more clear, twat.

Are you on drugs? I wrote this:
There are public school districts and individual schools where the educational standard is abysmal. In those situations or in your above situation, the parents can utilize after school tutors or Americanized Kumon schools. Our boy was a very sought after mathematics tutor. But it is a concern.
This is saying there are bad public schools also, but you can get tutoring.

So again, get educated and pipe down the pipe bro.
Sometimes. Other times, districts spend tens of thousands per students and get dismal graduation rates with abysmal GPA's. Then compare the spending the US does per student with the spending nations that are lapping us in performance and tell us "you get what you pay for". And, quite frankly, the worst districts often seem to be in the heart of those blue run cities.
1). Larger Cities have Low Income Housing. Rural Farm areas do Not.
I can accept this FACT, the FACT that homeless, poor, drug addicted, are going to hang out in Cities rather than Rural Farm Land.

Why do The Largest Cities in the USA have mostly (D) Mayors? IDK.
But regardless of the Mayor, there will STILL be homeless, low-income housing, places to panhandle, etc.

I feel BAD about ALL of this, and I try to support those that want THE support.
There are plenty of drug addicted homeless that just don't know how to accept help, or flat out don't care. BUT, those people certainly aren't going to move to the Country to Survive.
Then compare the spending the US does per student with the spending nations that are lapping us in performance and tell us "you get what you pay for". And, quite frankly, the worst districts often seem to be in the heart of those blue run cities.
Thank Goodness we spend on Education.
You believe it ( the spending $$$$ ) is bad? or NOT?

Does China and India Educate and Measure ALL of their citizens, like the US does?

This is important^^^^^^^.

Care to discuss?
Many who weren't that good in school never learned the material they are required to teach. There aren't any requirements to see if the children are being taught anything.
There's GED right? And like I've said all through this thread Home schooling is a mixed bag. Even with my small sample size you can have fantastic results or disastrous results or anything in between. The point is, it is wrong to just dismiss Home Schooling and mock Home Schoolers as many people often do.
Which can equally be said about government schools. Do we really need to point out the dismal graduation rates as well as GPA's of some blue run city schools? I'll quote you, "Uneducated children without the knowledge required in life suffer". Are those sufficient grounds to shut down government schools?

The point remains, parents who truly desire to give their kids the best education they can are able to successfully do that at home.
Right, as I said it comes down to the parents' committment and focus. There are tremendous resources available that did not exist 10 or 20 years ago.

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