Home schooling: the best and worst examples I've seen personally.

Home schooling seems to be a very polarizing subject. I believe it can be a positive IF the home schooled kids are integrated into a public school by high school age for sports or some other extra-curricular activity. Here are the best and worst examples of home schooling that I know of personally. Feel free to share your personal experiences with home schooling.

Best: A family of 5 kids all home schooled by both parents but mostly the Mother. Very traditional Christian family Father a minister/basketball coach Mother was stay-at-home until kids were high school age. Four of the five have either graduated college or attending now. The youngest is high school age very bright and on track for college scholarships. All five kids have very outgoing personalities and doing very well.

Worst: A wealthy family of 4 kids all home schooled by the stay-at-home Mom. Extremely sports oriented, most of the time and effort was spent on the oldest two kids for baseball and soccer. The baseball player quit while trying out for high school baseball and was basically disowned by the Dad. He was seriously depressed and on strong meds for years but is now doing better. The Soccer player has a scholarship to Ole Miss but is terrified of going because she is not prepared emotionally or academically. The youngest two kids are a mess, no interest in anything, no friends, very very anti-social and OCD to the max.

The other examples I know of fall somewhere in between, but mostly lean toward positive results and religious reasons for home schooling.
All kids should be home schooled.
Did you enter my thread to just ask irrelevant questions?
NOPE, I've taught for 40 years.
I've seen HS re-enter the Public School.
I speak from Experience.

What experience do you have?

The point is, it is wrong to just dismiss Home Schooling and mock Home Schoolers as many people often do.
I don't MOCK Home Schoolers.
I just believe that Many that try to discuss Home Schoolers actually have ZERO experience with Home Schoolers. These people are basing their thoughts about Home Schooling on 'what they have read' or 'What they want to believe'

So, the question is.......Do you have any REAL experience with Home Schooled Students?
I can certainly say I do.
I will Certainly say that MOST experiences I have had are POSITIVE, the parents just ran out of resources, and sent them back to public school for Algebra and Higher.
Well MarathonMike ?
Could you PASS all 4 sections of the GED?

Right NOW.
Troll someone else's thread, there are lots of adult discussions going on and then there's you with your silly questions. I have an electrical engineering degree and retired as a Systems Engineer. You are barking up the wrong tree, Mr Teacher.
Both, depends on the Parents.
Home School can be very positive or very negative.
Public School can be very positive or very negative.
Private School can be very positive or very negative.

Small sample Size.
Home Schoolers that are used to baby sit younger siblings most likely don't take these Standardized Tests at the HS level, so the scores are Skewed>

Now, If you could show that the TOP Home Schoolers routinely OUTSCORE the Top Private School or Top Public School Students, then you might have a point.

The most Logical and Thought out Post I've ever read from this dude.
He didn't even use the word 'negro' once. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

You missed the Point.

Tell me how the Top Home Schooled students do versus the TOP Public School Students.

Average home schoolers do better than average public schoolers so it makes sense that some would do just as well as the "top" students.

The home schooled kids I know were taking college courses at 16 because they finished all the required courses to graduate high school by that time.

As I said earlier I know 17 year old that got accepted to college as a junior because she had been taking college course since she was 15
That is not much different than many kids in the dumbed-down public school system graduating and being functionally illiterate.
Grammar Is the Foundation of Semantics

"Different than" is illiterate. The intelligent usage is "different from." It's similar to "separate from." Imagine how stupid "The annex was separate than the main building" sounds.

Relevant here is that the parents were dumbed down by public education and the universities. They will pass on that ignorance to those they home-school.
Which can equally be said about government schools, Are those sufficient grounds to shut down government schools?
Rightists Are Not Any Better for America Than Leftists

The public schools are really ruling-class schools, not "government schools." Retarded HeirHeads such as Dumbo Dubya couldn't be made smart by the prep schools and the advanced prep schools of the Ivy League. So the heiristocratic filth decided to dumb-down the public schools instead. The only way they could make their spoiled brats appear to be smart was to dumb-down the plebeians.
Average home schoolers do better than average public schoolers so it makes sense that some would do just as well as the "top" students.

The home schooled kids I know were taking college courses at 16 because they finished all the required courses to graduate high school by that time.

As I said earlier I know 17 year old that got accepted to college as a junior because she had been taking college course since she was 15
Great, I've NEVER denied these exceptional HS student exist.
Great Job by the Parents.

Likewise, I know many public schools students that achieved the same.

For example, my 3.5 year old Grandson knows we are arriving for Christmas tonight, and he told his mom, my daughter, I want to write out the numbers from 1-100 for Papa.

He is in ZERO school right now, but he knows this.
WHY? Because he has family that cares.
Grammar Is the Foundation of Semantics

"Different than" is illiterate. The intelligent usage is "different from." It's similar to "separate from." Imagine how stupid "The annex was separate than the main building" sounds.

Relevant here is that the parents were dumbed down by public education and the universities. They will pass on that ignorance to those they home-school.
I majored in Engineering not English and I don't really give a shit if you are butt hurt that I use 'than' instead of 'from'. If you don't like it then don't read what I write. .

Kids are graduating from public High School never have read a book, being four or five levels below their grade level and not being proficient enough in math to be able to make change.

The public schools are being dumbed down to accommodate low performing minorities. It would be a disaster if a Negro kid got held back from graduating because he or she didn't learn to tell their ass from a hole in the ground, wouldn't it?

If a kid is home schooled and doesn't learn anything then that is the parent's fault. If a kid graduates from a Public High School and doesn't know anything then that is the fault of a Liberal school system that sees nothing wrong with having low requirements.
He is in ZERO school right now, but he knows this.
WHY? Because he has family that cares.
American Education Is an Insult to Intelligence

Always compare education to sports. Whether a student's parents care about his athletic development or not makes very little difference. It's all about his peer-group support.

And the flip side is true as well. If the peer group thinks smartkids are weirdos and social incompetents, superior minds will be wasted.

College athletes get expensive housing, expensive food, and expensive entertainment, all of which is far more important than the free tuition they get. Their reward for their non-academic ability is equivalent to a $600 a week salary. Until superior minds get the same, we will be deprived of our most valuable human resources.
American Education Is an Insult to Intelligence

Always compare education to sports. Whether a student's parents care about his athletic development or not makes very little difference. It's all about his peer-group support.

And the flip side is true as well. If the peer group thinks smartkids are weirdos and social incompetents, superior minds will be wasted.

College athletes get expensive housing, expensive food, and expensive entertainment, all of which is far more important than the free tuition they get. Their reward for their non-academic ability is equivalent to a $600 a week salary. Until superior minds get the same, we will be deprived of our most valuable human resources.
OK, so a NON answer.
When I use the word Negro I really mean something else but the grammar filter on the site will block it out.
So the Site is NOT letting or allowing you to be the TRUE racist you really wish to show. Got it Loud and Clear.
Kids are graduating from public High School never have read a book, being four or five levels below their grade level and not being proficient enough in math to be able to make change.
NOT in the Public Schools of Washington State.
Maybe West Virginia or Eastern Kentucky, or areas of Mississippi and Alabama, or the Outback in Idaho.

But you need to realize that the 'collection of students' that you speak of are the ones supporting that POS trump.
NOT in the Public Schools of Washington State.
Maybe West Virginia or Eastern Kentucky, or areas of Mississippi and Alabama, or the Outback in Idaho.

But you need to realize that the 'collection of students' that you speak of are the ones supporting that POS trump.

I lived in Washington state for seven years when I worked at the Hanford site.

In the Tri Cities they had a few good schools where the DOE had put tons of money into to entice scientists and engineers to come to that desert but they also has some shitty schools like in Pasco.

Outside of the Tri Cities most of the schools on the desert side of the state were shitty.

My younger son went to what was probably the best High School in the Tri Cities and there was a two tier system of education. One where you get through learning academics and one where you could graduate not know anything, depending on which classes you take.

That two tier system is common throughout the US. One academic so that the smart kids can learn and one that is noting more than a diploma mill.

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