Homegrown Terrorist Suspects and Changing Laws To Deal With It

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Homegrown Terrorist Suspects and Changing Laws To Deal With It

On a first, admittedly superficial look at France's security system, one could reasonably come away faulting the system in ways people faulted America's security system after 91/11. As with the 9/11 hijackers, the attackers and their cohorts (so far girlfriends and a few others) had been on the radar of the security system.

...the whereabouts of Hayat Boumeddiene proved elusive

Reports suggest she became radicalized during her relationship with Coulibaly. Images published in Le Monde newspaper showed Boumeddiene covered head to toe, menacingly pointing a crossbow at the camera. She and Coulibaly, the reports said, also spent time with Djamel Beghal, who was imprisoned for planning an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Paris in 2001.
Authorities believe there were close ties between the Kouachi brothers and Coulibaly and Boumeddiene.
Coulibaly had reportedly telephoned BFM TV in the afternoon and, when asked whether there was a link between him and the Kouachi brothers, he responded, “Yes, we synchronized ourselves for that, the operations.” Paris’ chief prosecutor, Francois Molins, also said that Boumeddiene was in “constant and sustained” communication with the romantic partner of Cherif Kouachi. “More than 500 calls” were made between the two women last year, he said
Many questions remain unanswered, including how the three men were able to get their hands on such an array of weaponry, including Kalashnikov and other assault rifles, and why they were not under closer watch when they were already known to authorities who monitor security threats.

The Kouachi brothers were on a U.S. no-fly list, and Said, 34, had been trained in weapons handling in 2011 by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, American officials said.

Cherif Kouachi, 32, was convicted of terrorism-related charges in France in 2008 for recruiting insurgents to fight against U.S. forces in Iraq. He served 18 months, and authorities declined to prosecute him in a separate case involving a plot to free a fellow militant from prison.​

France continues pursuit of slain gunman apos s girlfriend - LA Times

These people use our liberal values and traditions against us. Our traditions and laws are our greatest assets and our greatest ideals, but they are open to abuse and use against our very freedoms, traditions, and liberties -- our liberal values. We could become like our old allies during the cold war, who because of fears of communism were able to suspend or just ignore laws, constitutions, and even their own humanity in the battle against enemies within. But we -- America, Great Britain, others and hopefully France once again, will rise above our baser notions fed by fear, anger, and hatred.

Even if you disagree with what Dante posits, and would support, even demand a regime that suspends or ignores laws, constitutions, and even our own humanity in the battle against enemies within, would you trust any elected government of recent memory to do this? We go crazy over the NSA collecting the types of data we willingly give away for the convenience of shopping.

No, we liberal democracies will wither this storm as we have others. Let us just keep the enemies within ourselves; anger, fear, and hatred from taking over completely.

I'm sure there are positive and constructive ways to deal with the inadequacies within our systems without throwing the baby out along with the dirty, filthy bathwater. We need to keep our heads and stay calm. To quote a great man "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"

It's the fear the American people have of 'terrorism' that represents the greatest threat to our civil liberties, not government; as government acts only at the behest of the people, who are motivated by their fear.
It's the fear the American people have of 'terrorism' that represents the greatest threat to our civil liberties, not government; as government acts only at the behest of the people, who are motivated by their fear.

I agree. It;s how many of the 'isms' take hold of civilized nations and turn them into monstrous states

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