Homeland Security: Tourism/Gardens


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Will terrorism significantly alter commerce-imagination and tourism/immigration folklore the way the Vietnam War 'darkened' the Woodstock generation?

This 'mosaic' was inspired by Spy Game.

Signing off (thanks for everything USMB),



"U.S. First Lady Melania Trump (wife of U.S. President Donald Trump) was enjoying investing in the care and upkeep of the White House garden and lawn, so she also employed very skilled landscapers to make the White House feel very charming as summer 2018 approached. Meanwhile, the Trump Administration was busy securing geopolitical negotiations ahead of the upcoming World Cup soccer tournament in Russia that summer. Terrorism was still a serious concern, and Homeland Security wanted to coordinate domestic safety with general political policy applicable to global relations."


"A strange new gardener was hired by Mrs. Trump. His named was Vlad and he was from Romania. He had a shaved head and was very handsome and seemed extremely knowledgeable about plant-life and gardening. He immediately began inspecting the White House grounds and gardens and assessing its presentation and cultivation potential. Mrs. Trump was very impressed with Vlad and told the President that the White House now boasted a very imaginative 'Romanian gardener'!"


"What no one knew, however, was that Vlad was part of a Cossack tribe from the Urals now genetically intermingled with a Romanian clan from Transylvania. This Cossack tribe was interested in monitoring America's Homeland Security policies to analyse exactly what the Trump Administration's proportionate response to the lingering threat of fundamentalist-Islamic terrorism would be in this new millennium. Vlad went about observing the tourism and traffic at the White House as well as that in D.C. in general. Vlad concluded that a terrorist-group such as ISIS would capitalize on the vulnerabilities of Homeland Security that would allow anarchy-oriented radicals to sneak into America and cause a devastating ruckus."


"Vlad's wife Rosanna was very concerned about her husband's safety. Rosanna was a gypsy-woman from Transylvania whom Vlad loved very much. Rosanna would have been just as content if Vlad was simply the White House gardener that First Lady Melania Trump liked very much! However, Rosanna was also aware of the real threat of global terrorism and why Vlad and his Cossack 'troops' were busy scouring Washington, trying to ensure degrees of safety and inspection in ways that the FBI and the CIA perhaps could not. After all, Vlad and his Cossacks understood very well the fundamental psychological nature of traffic-based mischief (since Cossacks were by nature very speculative but also ingenious)."


"Vlad was estranged from Rosanna's Romanian father Ra's al Ghul, a prominent eco-terrorist working in Europe and trying to strike at the heart of modern sensibilities regarding industrialization-related 'arrogance' towards toxic-waste and eco-pollution. Vlad believed in using espionage-skills to defend democracy (like James Bond!), but Ra's believed in armed militancy and terrorism and wanted to use terrorism to disturb both Western companies and OPEC. Ra's intended to 'compel' humanity to invest in eco-friendly renewable resources such as biomass fuels!"


"The NSA (National Security Agency) in America was busy coordinating and orchestrating elaborate/intricate Homeland Security related cyber-operations and monitoring designed to secure all Internet communications on American soil. After all, ISIS could sneak in terrorist-agents into America who could destabilize vital computing networks on Wall Street and in Washington, thereby disrupting commerce and civil affairs. Vlad and his Cossacks knew very little about computers, but Ra's was seriously studying the modern impact of cyber-intelligence. Would Vlad and his Cossacks prove to be real defenders of democracy in this new age of globalization-commerce threatening violent/insane terrorism?"


"Vlad decided to visit some Washington, D.C. public high schools with a set of Insecticon Transformers (Hasbro) A.I. robot-model toys. The Insecticons were a fictional gang of miniature A.I. robotic warriors who could transform into large giant evil laser-enhanced predatory insects. Vlad wanted to tell the high school students that the Insecticons symbolized a modern civilization fascination with mobility, technology, and infiltration/espionage. Vlad told the students he was a Political Philosophy student from Transylvania currently working as a member of the White House staff. Vlad noted the students' reactions to measure how modern American schools were 'rearing' civics-minded students (tomorrow's leaders!)."


"Vlad noted the stick-figure horror-comics doodles of one of these students who seemed intrigued by Vlad's presentation about the connection between toys/creativity and social consciousness. The student (Thomas Hewitt) made a doodle-drawing of Batman (DC Comics), a masked urban vigilante) next to his 'nemesis' Leatherface, a fictional chainsaw-wielding cannibal from the iconic Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror-film franchise. Thomas told Vlad that when he grew up, he wanted to be a political-cartoonist, using fantastic comic book 'avatars' to critique American society and culture. Vlad immediately recognized that Thomas just might be (someday) a Thomas Nast! Vlad felt optimistic about democracy."


"Vlad returned to his work as the White House gardener. It was the perfect cover for his idealistic Cossack-crusade to secure Homeland Security oriented aspirations for democracy and the American people. Vlad kept a miniature model of the Insecticon Transformer Cudgel (a stick-insect who signified anti-social politics) in his pocket while he gardened at the White House. Every time a tourist-group would walk by his garden when he was working there or when First Lady Melania Trump came to greet him, he'd think about Cudgel and wonder to himself, 'Can a crusader counter the modern 'terrorism-jihad' against civil commerce?'. Vlad's favorite politics-idealism American film was, of course, Tony Scott's Spy Game."




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