Pro-HAMAS students block UCLA Jewish student from entering campus

Its your lie

You look it up
Did your mommy drop you on your head? You are a fucking liar.

You’re so lazy you allow Fox News to do all your thinking.

Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as:

... any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
— Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2[7]
Big problem is that Netanyahu's government does not subscribe to the two state solution.

There is a theory that his government is beholden to fundamentalists and primed Hamas supremacy in Gaza to take two state solution off the table. Even more jaded take is that Israel forces extrodinarily poor forsight and reponse to the attack, was by some design.

I don't have any strong beliefs on any of this, but this is why his aproval is abysmal and most want him gone. Israelis don't trust him and when this war is over his days in office are numbered....which paradoxically gives his admin an incentive to prolong it.

You folks mention Netanyahu and giving him way too much credit on his right-wing ideology like he invented the wheel.

Bennett didn't go for a two states solution, either. Lapid? He didn't have any ideology at all. Sharon, Begin, Shamir? Even Rabin only saw it as possible if and when Palestinians were honest about. Fact is, nobody on the Israel OR the Palestinian side saw 'two states solution' as an actual thing.

It's a myth invented by the west that many were forced to go with for... I don't know what. Natanyahu just never changed the method.

Regarding the second part... you're absolutely right. 99% Netanyahu won't last post this war and there will be elections. That is clear as day.
And then what?

So long as Israel's admin rejects a two state solution there will never be any chance for peace.

Israel's upcoming governemt will also be against a two states solution. It's painfully obvious. seriously don't think Palestenian people want peace? That they want to live in never ending war zone?

Yes, and no. Whoever knows the real Palestinian thinking will know they'd rather live eternally in war, than recognizing Israel's right to exist alongside them peacefully.
You folks mention Netanyahu and giving him way too much credit on his right-wing ideology like he invented the wheel.

Bennett didn't go for a two states solution, either. Lapid? He didn't have any ideology at all. Sharon, Begin, Shamir? Even Rabin only saw it as possible if and when Palestinians were honest about. Fact is, nobody on the Israel OR the Palestinian side saw 'two states solution' as an actual thing.

It's a myth invented by the west that many were forced to go with for... I don't know what. Natanyahu just never changed the method.

Regarding the second part... you're absolutely right. 99% Netanyahu won't last post this war and there will be elections. That is clear as day.
Yeah it’s a set up to blame Bibi for the genocide, you happily support.

If Israel murders 50,000 children, will you pull your support?

If they murder 100,000 children, will you pull support?

Whats the number of dead children that results in you stopping your support?
Did your mommy drop on your head? You are a fucking liar.

You’re so lazy you allow Fox News to do all your thinking.

Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as:
Israel is not trying to wipe out the Pals

But they are at war with Hamas which is making war on Israel and which is integral to the arabs in Gaza

Hamas refuses to come out and fight but instead hides among the civilian population

Which forces the IDF to go in a get them
It looked like a group of women were around him. The man has a right to protect himself, so he has to do what he has to do.
A man immediately stepped in to block the Jew. So you think one antisemitic man and four antisemitic women is a fair fight for one Jew?
Israel is not trying to wipe out the Pals

But they are at war with Hamas which is making war on Israel and which is integral to the arabs in Gaza

Hamas refuses to come out and fight but instead hides among the civilian population

Which forces the IDF to go in a get them
Yes, and no. Whoever knows the real Palestinian thinking will know they'd rather live eternally in war, than recognizing Israel's right to exist alongside them peacefully.
Yes. And we know this because Israel has offered them land for peace deals before, and the Palestinians turned them down. Why? Because it was conditioned on them recognizing Israel’s right to exist.

The Palestinians‘ goal is NOT peace - it is the extermination of Israel and all Jews.
Yeah because no one in their right mind would protest mass murder of defenseless women and children. I mean like…like…like really?

You’ve bought the propaganda fed you by state controlled media, like must posters on this forum.

Dude, you have no idea who I am and what my background is. So please stop with the nonsense of 'you're fed what the media tells you'. This is getting beyond old.
Are you aware of the hostages Israel is holding? Of course, you aren’t. Thousands of Palestinians are held in horrific conditions. Most without charges and many for years.

It's called 'Administrative detention' and it's a tool Israel uses at time on both Arabs and Jews. I'm highly against it by the way.

Which doesn't change my point, even in the slightest.
STFU. This is not war fool. It’s a fucking slaughter.

You’re so dumb you think Hamas is an army capable of fighting one of the world’s most powerful militaries.

You're so dumb you don’t know Gaza is a tiny space containing millions of people, half of whom are children. They have no where to go to find safety. They are defenseless.

it’s Not war asshole. It’s GENOCIDE!


You know, being so agressive will not change anything but will make others view you like a crazy person.

Instead of shutting people up you may want to try some civilized discussion. May work out for you.

And I don't watch tv, so consider stopping with the copy-paste.
Post the link to that fact.

Sure thing. Here is just an example.

"Then she was brought to be held in a family home, Schem told Channel 13, saying that the whole family was involved with Hamas, including the woman and children. “I began asking myself questions: Why am I in a family home? Why are there children here? Why is there a woman here?” she said".

You're welcome to google "Kidnapping of Mia Schem" to get the same results.
Idiot. Look up the definition. Have you ever done it?

genocide is what the national socialist, hamas, iran and the demfascist want to do to the Jews.

Genocide is what what Israel is doing to Hamas, Hamas is not a nation or a ethnic group.

try again
How can I respond to such a mindless argument?
Sorry I have a hard time dealing with warmongering fools.

Remember Aaron Bushnell? Of course you don’t. Please read. Don’t be a dumb statist drone forever.

The normalization of genocide is what U.S. Airman Aaron Bushnell was protesting when he set himself alight, February 28. Airman Aaron Bushnell, of blessed memory, self-immolated to protest that upon which Galloway secured his victory in Rochdale: Israel’s war on Gaza.

Bushnell died horrifically, yet heroically, like a man—calm and rational—as he recited his reason for self-immolation: “I will no longer be complicit in genocide. This is what our ruling class has decided is the new normal.” Airman Bushnell was driven not by mental disease, but by a morally depraved society that supports de facto terrorist state Israel, with American moral imprimatur, its money and materiel.

Wars are a rich man’s affair and a poor man’s fight. American soldiers have always served as collateral damage in the nefarious projects of Uncle Sam and its client states. Their causes and concerns, unless jingoistic and Fox-News friendly, seldom rate a mention. But, following Aaron Bushnell’s demise; many members of our military symbolically burned their uniforms in disgust, only to be mocked by Conservative Inc (or ConOink, as I call them). But they are right, and “this is wrong,” inveighed Alan Shebaro. “There’s nothing more American than speaking out against what’s wrong.” Like elite soldier Alan Shebaro, “Bushnell decried U.S. complicity in the Gaza genocide.”

Gaza: What If America Were the Good Guy? - LewRockwell
Sorry I have a hard time dealing with warmongering fools.

Remember Aaron Bushnell? Of course you don’t. Please read. Don’t be a dumb statist drone forever.

The normalization of genocide is what U.S. Airman Aaron Bushnell was protesting when he set himself alight, February 28. Airman Aaron Bushnell, of blessed memory, self-immolated to protest that upon which Galloway secured his victory in Rochdale: Israel’s war on Gaza.

Bushnell died horrifically, yet heroically, like a man—calm and rational—as he recited his reason for self-immolation: “I will no longer be complicit in genocide. This is what our ruling class has decided is the new normal.” Airman Bushnell was driven not by mental disease, but by a morally depraved society that supports de facto terrorist state Israel, with American moral imprimatur, its money and materiel.

Wars are a rich man’s affair and a poor man’s fight. American soldiers have always served as collateral damage in the nefarious projects of Uncle Sam and its client states. Their causes and concerns, unless jingoistic and Fox-News friendly, seldom rate a mention. But, following Aaron Bushnell’s demise; many members of our military symbolically burned their uniforms in disgust, only to be mocked by Conservative Inc (or ConOink, as I call them). But they are right, and “this is wrong,” inveighed Alan Shebaro. “There’s nothing more American than speaking out against what’s wrong.” Like elite soldier Alan Shebaro, “Bushnell decried U.S. complicity in the Gaza genocide.”

Gaza: What If America Were the Good Guy? - LewRockwell
Now I really have to scratch my head

Anyone who drenches themselves in gasoline and lights the match is completely crazy

Totally nuts

Yet he is the person who guides your thinking?
I'll watch the video again, I only saw a woman actually confronting him.
Yes, watch again. As the Jewish boy pushes past the women, with his hands raised above his head to show he was not going to hurt them, a big guy stepped up to block his way.

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