Pro-HAMAS students block UCLA Jewish student from entering campus

It amazes me that people don't realize that in any war, there will be civilians killed. It just can't realistically be avoided.
So many Nazis in this thread. They support genocide while claiming those who want peace are Nazis.

The mindset is so fucked up.
Just because libs throw around terms like “genocide” does not make it so

We were not practicing genocide in WW2 and Israel is not doing so now
Idiot. Look up the definition. Have you ever done it?

Why are these folks protesting? Is it because of all the innocent women and children being killed. There are some Jewish students protesting the same thing.

Many people protest things they have no idea about. There were many examples where people were asked about their actual view and their ignorance was so brutal it was hilarious.

I myself attended a few protests years back, and abandoned a couple when I realized people were so focused on how the protests made them look and feel they lost sight of their actual calling and aim in protesting. There is no shame admitting you were not informed enough on a subject and taking a u-turn.

I daresay at least half of these folks protest in name of "The non-silent German". It's a common phenomenone where people delude themselves into thinking they are similar to that one German during the 3rd Reich who spoke against the Nazi party. 99% of the time it's simply maglomanic tendencies and hero complex.

Many of the people prptesting will fail the most basic quiz about the conflict. Hell, they even request himanitarian aid now. There are tens of McDonalds near them. How utterly absurd.
Many people protest things they have no idea about. There were many examples where people were asked about their actual view and their ignorance was so brutal it was hilarious.

I myself attended a few protests years back, and abandoned a couple when I realized people were so focused on how the protests made them look and feel they lost sight of their actual calling and aim in protesting. There is no shame admitting you were not informed enough on a subject and taking a u-turn.

I daresay at least half of these folks protest in name of "The non-silent German". It's a common phenomenone where people delude themselves into thinking they are similar to that one German during the 3rd Reich who spoke against the Nazi party. 99% of the time it's simply maglomanic tendencies and hero complex.

Many of the people prptesting will fail the most basic quiz about the conflict. Hell, they even request himanitarian aid now. There are tens of McDonalds near them. How utterly absurd.
Yeah because no one in their right mind would protest mass murder of defenseless women and children. I mean like…like…like really?

You’ve bought the propaganda fed you by state controlled media, like must posters on this forum.
But you don't want to see women and children being killed in IDF strikes, right? Because like it or not, they are getting killed in Gaza and it's increasingly becoming a bad look for Israel.

This is war. This is how it looks. Feels even worse but it's a nonstop reality in yhis area.

Israel is in an existential fight. you believe 'looking bad' is a higher consideration than life of security?
Many of the hostages were taken by non-Hamas, CIVILIAN people, tagged as 'innocent bystandars'.

That is a known fact.
Are you aware of the hostages Israel is holding? Of course, you aren’t. Thousands of Palestinians are held in horrific conditions. Most without charges and many for years.
You're not only a boot licker, you're just a lying idiot. You have never heard me call for or cheer the killing of anyone white. I have never said that Hamas should be killing Jewish women or children.

You were the one to bring up the white vs. non-white argument, why blaiming someone else for calling it as they see it?

And since when are Israelis considered 'white' in the real world?
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This is war. This is how it looks. Feels even worse but it's a nonstop reality in yhis area.

Israel is in an existential fight. you believe 'looking bad' is a higher xonsideration than life of security?
STFU. This is not war fool. It’s a fucking slaughter.

You’re so dumb you think Hamas is an army capable of fighting one of the world’s most powerful militaries.

You're so dumb you don’t know Gaza is a tiny space containing millions of people, half of whom are children. They have no where to go to find safety. They are defenseless.

it’s Not war asshole. It’s GENOCIDE!


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