UCLA locks doors on conservative students, preventing them from hosting pro-Israel event: YAF

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The problem is the double standards. UCLA Medical School has a required course where the guest lecturer spewed his anti-Israel venom, led the class in a chant of “Free Palestine!”, and said the barbaric massacre of Jews on October 7th was justice.

I didn’t hear the leftists going into meltdown over THAT. So why the problem with a guest speaker who takes the opposite position: that the Palestinians are in the wrong?

It seems leftists are all for free speech when it advances antisemitism and supports HAMAS, and even calls for the genocide of Jews. But let someone with the opposite side want to present the other view, and wam! The doors shut.
Robert Spencer is an anti-Muslim bigot who works at making hate and bigotry “acceptable” when the “right” group is targeted.

I don’t understand why these people think a university should provide people like that a platform? There are public spaces where he is free to speak if he wants.

I wonder if the people who support him would likewise insist that a university should provide a platform to David Irving, a notorious Holocaust denier? I suspect not. Different standards you know…
You didn’t complain when that Jew-hating Muslim-supporter gave a guest lecture saying how the Oct 7th was “justice,” and leading the class in a chant of “Free Palestine,” did you?

And why is UCLA medical school forcing their students to attend these classes and become anti-Israel in the first place? How is that relevant to medical care?

answer: it isn’t. It’s just that the leftists take every opportunity to turn students against Israel, and in doing so, against Jews.
The problem is the double standards. UCLA Medical School has a required course where the guest lecturer spewed his anti-Israel venom, led the class in a chant of “Free Palestine!”, and said the barbaric massacre of Jews on October 7th was justice.

I didn’t hear the leftists going into meltdown over THAT. So why the problem with a guest speaker who takes the opposite position: that the Palestinians are in the wrong?

It seems leftists are all for free speech when it advances antisemitism and supports HAMAS, and even calls for the genocide of Jews. But let someone with the opposite side want to present the other view, and wam! The doors shut.

Is this the speaker you are referring to?

Do you support having a Holocaust denier as an invited speaker? Do you feel the university is obligated to provide them a platform?
You didn’t complain when that Jew-hating Muslim-supporter gave a guest lecture saying how the Oct 7th was “justice,” and leading the class in a chant of “Free Palestine,” did you?


And why is UCLA medical school forcing their students to attend these classes and become anti-Israel in the first place? How is that relevant to medical care?

A lot of schools have “first year” classes or readings designed to provoke discussion or thought, not sure if that is the case. Also not sure if your claim that this speaker is a Hamas supporter given all the distortions. There is nothing to support that claim. “Bleeding heart liberal” concerned with homelessness and oppressed people seems to be it.

answer: it isn’t. It’s just that the leftists take every opportunity to turn students against Israel, and in doing so, against Jews.
Why is it you keep dodging questions and pointing your fingers at everyone else?

If UCLA invited a speaker that actively supported Hamas, that would be horrible. Just like a speaker who who actively supported hatred against Muslims. Or a speaker who was a Holocaust denier. Would you agree?
Is this the speaker you are referring to?

Do you support having a Holocaust denier as an invited speaker? Do you feel the university is obligated to provide them a platform?
Never heard of that source you cited.

The antisemitic guest lecturer, in a class medical school students were required to take, led students in chants of “Free Palestine” and said the October 7th savage massacre against Jews was “justice.”

Do you support a pro-Muslim, anti-Israel activist not merely be given a platform but REQUIRING medical school students to attend? What type of nonsense are they teaching in med schools these days?!

Never heard of that source you cited.

The antisemitic guest lecturer, in a class medical school students were required to take, led students in chants of “Free Palestine” and said the October 7th savage massacre against Jews was “justice.”

Do you support a pro-Muslim, anti-Israel activist not merely be given a platform but REQUIRING medical school students to attend? What type of nonsense are they teaching in med schools these days?!

FIRST, you answer some questions. Seems I’ve been doing all the answering while you deflect. Please answer my questions (which I asked first, before any of yours) and then I’ll be happy to answer yours.
FIRST, you answer some questions. Seems I’ve been doing all the answering while you deflect. Please answer my questions (which I asked first, before any of yours) and then I’ll be happy to answer yours.
You are so concerned that after months of tolerance for alarming levels of antisemitism on multiple campuses throughout the country - so extreme that even college presidents were unwilling to condemn their students marching around calling to genocide the Jews! - ONE speaker wanted to present an opposing opinion (supporting Israel is.a big no-no on pro-Muslim campuses) - and he was BLOCKED from doing so.

This is wrong, and hypocritical. What type of university is a proponent of free speech only when it supports the liberal viewpoint?!

So my answer is yes….this speaker should have been given a platform, even if liberals disagree with him. You say he is anti-Muslim, but what he is is someone very well aware of the negatives of having Islamic influence in America, and particularly on college campuses.

And since you are a leftist, you will deny that - and of course scream “Islamophobia!!” at anyone who thinks that, but of course isn’t that the free speech you support when it goes against the Jews?

This speaker should have been allowed to say what everyone but leftists will admit: that the influence of Islam into our colleges - via big donations from Arab countries, which buy anti-Israel curricula and organizations - IS harmful. The students get brainwashed, march around spewing Hitler-tyoe venom and bullying Jewish students.

In summary, we have plenty - too many - pro-Muslim administrators and professors, and we have seen the result. A speaker who wanted to discuss the negatives of this Muslim influence should have been allowed to speak. Attendance at his event was completely voluntary.
You are so concerned that after months of tolerance for alarming levels of antisemitism on multiple campuses throughout the country - so extreme that even college presidents were unwilling to condemn their students marching around calling to genocide the Jews! - ONE speaker wanted to present an opposing opinion (supporting Israel is.a big no-no on pro-Muslim campuses) - and he was BLOCKED from doing so.

This is wrong, and hypocritical. What type of university is a proponent of free speech only when it supports the liberal viewpoint?!

So my answer is yes….this speaker should have been given a platform, even if liberals disagree with him. You say he is anti-Muslim, but what he is is someone very well aware of the negatives of having Islamic influence in America, and particularly on college campuses.

And since you are a leftist, you will deny that - and of course scream “Islamophobia!!” at anyone who thinks that, but of course isn’t that the free speech you support when it goes against the Jews?

This speaker should have been allowed to say what everyone but leftists will admit: that the influence of Islam into our colleges - via big donations from Arab countries, which buy anti-Israel curricula and organizations - IS harmful. The students get brainwashed, march around spewing Hitler-tyoe venom and bullying Jewish students.

In summary, we have plenty - too many - pro-Muslim administrators and professors, and we have seen the result. A speaker who wanted to discuss the negatives of this Muslim influence should have been allowed to speak. Attendance at his event was completely voluntary.
You did not answer my question. My question was: should David Irving, a well known Holocaust denier be given a platform to speak?
You did not answer my question. My question was: should David Irving, a well known Holocaust denier be given a platform to speak?
I never heard of him, but no. What does that have to do with the pro-Israel speaker who was blocked?

Now you answer my question: Should Farrakhan, a well-known antisemite who calls Jews “termites,” have been invited as a guest to the Congressional Black Caucus conference?
I never heard of him, but no. What does that have to do with the pro-Israel speaker who was blocked?
Ok. So, a hater who hates Jews (denies the Holocaust) should not get a platform but a hater who hates Muslims should.

I disagree. Neither deserves to be legitimized with a platform. Let them spew their message out in the public square.

Another: should Farrakahn have been given a platform at universities, where he was an invited speaker on many occasions?

Now you answer my question: Should Farrakhan, a well-known antisemite who calls Jews “termites,” have been invited as a guest to the Congressional Black Caucus conference?
Sure. It is their choice as to who they want as a guest at a private event. However, that doesn’t mean they can’t be criticized for it.
Not a good look for UCLA. If their motivations weren't clear before when they allowed pro-Palestinian pro-Hamas radicals to tear up their campus, they sure are now.

99.99% of American academics are totally spineless

They are afraid of what the radical left will do if they allow a pro Israel event on the campus
Ok. So, a hater who hates Jews (denies the Holocaust) should not get a platform but a hater who hates Muslims should.

A Holocaust denier hates Jews.

The speaker in question doesn’t want Islamic influence in America because he sees it as antithetical to American values.

These are two different things.
I disagree. Neither deserves to be legitimized with a platform. Let them spew their message out in the public square.
Again, not the same thing.

And where’s your objection to Farrakhan being given a platform? You defend his and others expression of hate toward Jews as “free speech,” but want to silence the “free speech” of someone who is pointing out the negatives of Islamic influence in America.

So….”free speech” when it’s against Jews, but if someone want to give a pro-Israel speech, you’re OK with censorship.

Just like most leftists, you are tolerant of speech when it goes against Jews but enraged when it goes against Muslims.
Sure. It is their choice as to who they want as a guest at a private event. However, that doesn’t mean they can’t be criticized for it.
The pro-Israel event was a private function too.

What about all the Farrakhan invites at colleges? You’re OK with that too?

The sad thing is, you don’t even see what a hypocrite you are: tolerance for the Jew-haters; intolerance for the pro-Israel crowd.
A Holocaust denier hates Jews.

The speaker in question doesn’t want Islamic influence in America because he sees it as antithetical to American values.
That is just a politically correct way of hating Muslims. He is no different than the Holocaust denier who feels Jews are controlling world politics.

Neither deserves legitimacy.

These are two different things.

Again, not the same thing.
Absolutely the same thing Lisa. The only difference is in who they target.

And where’s your objection to Farrakhan being given a platform? You defend his and others expression of hate toward Jews as “free speech,” but want to silence the “free speech” of someone who is pointing out the negatives of Islamic influence in America.
Farrakhan was invited to a PRIVATE event, correct? If so, they can invite whomever they want.

So….”free speech” when it’s against Jews, but if someone want to give a pro-Israel speech, you’re OK with censorship.
Uhh…not quite Lisa.

Neither the Jew hating Irving nor the Muslim hating Spencer are ok in my book. No university should be required to give them a platform. Same standard for each.

It sounds like you have a different standard for each. Censorship?

Just like most leftists, you are tolerant of speech when it goes against Jews but enraged when it goes against Muslims.
See above.
The pro-Israel event was a private function too.

No, it wasn’t, unless I misunderstood. It was a university supported student club, using university property and partially subsidized by student fees. It would have to be open to any students and possibly members of the public.

What about all the Farrakhan invites at colleges? You’re OK with that too?
Nope. I don’t think a university should be forced to give him a platform either.

The sad thing is, you don’t even see what a hypocrite you are: tolerance for the Jew-haters; intolerance for the pro-Israel crowd.

The sad think is that I don’t you know what a hypocrite is Lisa. I have the same standard for each of those examples. You don’t.

Your standard is variable: some haters are ok because they hate the same group you hate. It is that simple.
No, it wasn’t, unless I misunderstood. It was a university supported student club, using university property and partially subsidized by student fees. It would have to be open to any students and possibly members of the public.

Nope. I don’t think a university should be forced to give him a platform either.

The sad think is that I don’t you know what a hypocrite is Lisa. I have the same standard for each of those examples. You don’t.

Your standard is variable: some haters are ok because they hate the same group you hate. It is that simple.
Nope. The pro-Israel speaker should have been allowed to present the other side, especially given how brainwashed the pro-Palestinian liberal universities are.

And again, speaking about the dangers of the Islamization of America does not mean hating Muslims. It means their belief system - which includes hating Jews, throwing gays off roofs, and stoning women for adultery - is not compatible with American values.

And yes, I know what a hypocrite is: someone who makes excuses for the rabid Jew-hate being advanced at liberal universities due to the influx of Muslim money, yet supportive of banning someone who wants to point it out because it is hateful toward Muslims.
Nope. The pro-Israel speaker should have been allowed to present the other side, especially given how brainwashed the pro-Palestinian liberal universities are.

The so-called Pro-Israel speaker is also a well know Muslim hater.

Why is it ok to host a Muslim hater but not ok to host a Jew hater?

Shouldn’t the Holocaust denier be allowed to present “the other side”?

You see where this is going, Lisa?

You clearly apply different standards depending on how you feel towards the group being targeted rather than the fact they are the targets of hatred and bigotry.

And again, speaking about the dangers of the Islamization of America does not mean hating Muslims. It means their belief system - which includes hating Jews, throwing gays off roofs, and stoning women for adultery - is not compatible with American values.
You are are doing to Muslims what others have done to Jews. Justifying their hate and antisemitism through the promotion of stereotypes and canards.

You are even employing the same language:

You: it’s not that we hate Muslims, just their belief system (which you don’t seem to know much about)…

…sounds a hell of a lot like this: it’s not that we hate Jews, just Zionism.

And yes, I know what a hypocrite is: someone who makes excuses for the rabid Jew-hate being advanced at liberal universities due to the influx of Muslim money, yet supportive of banning someone who wants to point it out because it is hateful toward Muslims.
You are flailing around again, Lisa.

You: hosting an anti-semitic speaker should not be tolerated!

You: how dare they refuse to host and Islamophobic speaker!

There is your hypocrisy.
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