UCLA locks doors on conservative students, preventing them from hosting pro-Israel event: YAF

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Not a good look for UCLA. If their motivations weren't clear before when they allowed pro-Palestinian pro-Hamas radicals to tear up their campus, they sure are now.

No, nothing at all like Germany in 1938
…However, some public property, even though it is open only for limited purposes, can take on the attributes of a public forum discussed above. A classic example of this type of property is public schools and universities. Although public school and university buildings are not wholly open to the public, some parts of a campus may be considered a public forum. If a school's large open quad is accessed from public sidewalks and streets and freely used by the general public with no apparent objection from the school administration, then the quad may be considered "dedicated" to public use, and therefore more like the traditional public forums of the public park and sidewalk. Additionally, if the school opens certain of its rooms for non-school meetings that are open to the public, those rooms, during those times, will be treated as public forums.

Remember that because public schools are not entirely public forums, school administrators often have the discretion to restrict the entry of outsiders, particularly while the school is in session. Check in with the school administration before entering school grounds or you may be liable for trespass. Additionally, some states laws prohibit people from loitering within a certain distance while school is in session. These "school loitering laws" are mainly aimed at keeping sexual predators and drug dealers away from schoolchildren, but be aware that their language may be broad enough to cover lawful or innocent activity as well.

So the school has the right to turn the campus into 1938 Germany?
You are slapping the faces of those who survived on of the worst atrocities of the 20th century.
And do you agree that Omar (or maybe it was AOC) did the same when she compared the detention camps for illegal migrants - where they got food, medical care, clothes, diapers and toys for their babies - to “concentration camps”?
You're not paying attention to current events!!
She is. She is just a leftist who is biased against Jews, hence her defense of those calling for the genocide of Jews as “free speech,” yet opposed to those who speak of the dangers of radical Islam.

It is also why she defends the idea of importing the Jew-hating Palestinians here in the midst of the worst antisemitism since WWII.
Drama queens.
We have leftist universities with pro-HAMAS professors, and they are allowed to talk to college students. Why are Jew-haters allowed to influence college students, yet you draw the line at haters of JIHAD?

Seriously, WTF?
Nothing in that link supports your accusations. Just name calling.
He said it was "astounding" :eek::omg: Have a cow why don't ya?
Drama queens.

Seriously, WTF?
Nothing in that link supports your accusations. Just name calling.
He said it was "astounding" :eek::omg: Have a cow why don't ya?
I see in your effort to defend the antisemitic professors, you didn’t even bother to read the article. He called the attacks on October 7th where innocent Jews were tortured to death “awesome.”

And because the university has as its president a pro-Muslim antisemite, the professor who was gleeful over the October 7th massacre wasn’t even disciplined!

Why are you so eager to defend Jew-hating professors?
I see in your effort to defend the antisemitic professors, you didn’t even bother to read the article. He called the attacks on October 7th where innocent Jews were tortured to death “awesome.”

And because the university has as its president a pro-Muslim antisemite, the professor who was gleeful over the October 7th massacre wasn’t even disciplined!

Why are you so eager to defend Jew-hating professors?
According to your link he used both terms, "astounding" and "awesome." You should be asking yourself why you're having such a cow over this complete nothingburger of a story.
You think they should give a platform to a Nazi?

Tone down the outrage a notch. UCLA also allowed the paid (since you are insisting they are all paid) pro-Israel protesters free rein to protest as well. They cancel each other out if you want to view it that way. It is also irrelevant, because none of them are invited speakers.

Two questions:

Do you support UCLA giving a platform to a divisive speaker representing a hate group? Yes or no?

Is that what we need at this time?
Further inflaming tensions when antisemitism and Islamophobia are at record highs?
Do you support allowing anti Jewish protests to go on unchecked in universities?

Do you support banning pro Israel, and pro Jewish groups from being able to engage in discussions on campus?

Because the answer to both of those questions in your case is yes.

Guess what...that makes you a nazi.
According to your link he used both terms, "astounding" and "awesome." You should be asking yourself why you're having such a cow over this complete nothingburger of a story.
wow…..the extent leftists go to excuse the horrific antisemitism by a leftist professor. But let a Jew want to show students the other side of the story, and he’s silenced.

The SOB called the OCT 7th barbaric massacre of innocent Israelis, including the savage attack on innocent girls at the music festival, “AWESOME.” And the Muslim president of the university did not even discipline him.
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