UCLA locks doors on conservative students, preventing them from hosting pro-Israel event: YAF

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Offering a diversity of views to speak does mean they have to provide a platform to professional agitators, hate groups etc. who’s sole purpose is to gin up outrage and hate.

This is an invited talk not a protest or informal gathering etc. Giving a platform to a notorious Islamophobe would be like giving inviting someone like Nick Fuentes to come and speak.
Or a platform to a notorious Naziophobe.
We can't be speaking out against religious bias and promotion of genocide, that use of free speech would violate the free speech of the butchers and Jihadists.
Lawdy forbid we allow any one to speak out against evil, especially when it is the foundation of a so-called "religion".
The so-called Pro-Israel speaker is also a well know Muslim hater.

Why is it ok to host a Muslim hater but not ok to host a Jew hater?

Shouldn’t the Holocaust denier be allowed to present “the other side”?

You see where this is going, Lisa?

You clearly apply different standards depending on how you feel towards the group being targeted rather than the fact they are the targets of hatred and bigotry.

You are are doing to Muslims what others have done to Jews. Justifying their hate and antisemitism through the promotion of stereotypes and canards.

You are even employing the same language:

You: it’s not that we hate Muslims, just their belief system (which you don’t seem to know much about)…

…sounds a hell of a lot like this: it’s not that we hate Jews, just Zionism.

You are flailing around again, Lisa.

You: hosting an anti-semitic speaker should not be tolerated!

You: how dare they refuse to host and Islamophobic speaker!

There is your hypocrisy.
Jihadists are a subset within Islam.
Similar to white supremacists being a sub-set within Christianity.
Except, Christianity has no scripture text similar to this from Islam;

Hadith: I have been commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establish prayer, and pay Zakah "​

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah."
Ibn 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "I have been commanded to fight people till they testify 'La ilaha illallah' (there is no true god except Allah) that Muhammad ﷺ is his slave and Messenger, and they establish Salat, and pay Zakat; and if they do this, their blood (life) and property are secured except when justified by law, and it is for Allah to call them to account".
Or a platform to a notorious Naziophobe.
We can't be speaking out against religious bias and promotion of genocide, that use of free speech would violate the free speech of the butchers and Jihadists.
Lawdy forbid we allow any one to speak out against evil, especially when it is the foundation of a so-called "religion".
Nice and trite.

If you are ok with Muslim haters, then why are you not ok with Jew haters? Is it that you hate Muslims, therefore it is ok in your view to target them with hateful canards and stereotypes….while protecting other groups from hate?

More to the point though, hate speech (short of calling for violence) is protected in public spaces. But a university is not fully a public space. It is not obligated to host anything it does not want to within its halls. There are places outside considered public where these people can speak and express their views and that speech is protected.

After all we allow Nazis to march in the street.
Jihadists are a subset within Islam.
Similar to white supremacists being a sub-set within Christianity.
Except, Christianity has no scripture text similar to this from Islam;

Hadith: I have been commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establish prayer, and pay Zakah "​

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah."
Ibn 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "I have been commanded to fight people till they testify 'La ilaha illallah' (there is no true god except Allah) that Muhammad ﷺ is his slave and Messenger, and they establish Salat, and pay Zakat; and if they do this, their blood (life) and property are secured except when justified by law, and it is for Allah to call them to account".
Lovely cherry picking bereft of context and meaning.

You must have a full basket now.
Or a platform to a notorious Naziophobe.
We can't be speaking out against religious bias and promotion of genocide, that use of free speech would violate the free speech of the butchers and Jihadists.
Lawdy forbid we allow any one to speak out against evil, especially when it is the foundation of a so-called "religion".
Thank you! The pro-HAMAS leftists are marching around DC, yelling to kill Jews, cheering on JIHAD, damaging property, and assaulting a cop - and not a word of condemnation from leftists.

But yet a pro-Israel speaker want to address the dangers of Islamization of America (the above paragraph is an example) and JIHAD, Coyote calls him a “Muslim-hater” whose speech should be blocked….

…and then calls ME a hypocrite because I don’t approve of allowing Holocaust deniers to speak - as if this two are parallels.
Jihadists are a subset within Islam.
Similar to white supremacists being a sub-set within Christianity.
Except, Christianity has no scripture text similar to this from Islam;

Hadith: I have been commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establish prayer, and pay Zakah "​

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah."
Ibn 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "I have been commanded to fight people till they testify 'La ilaha illallah' (there is no true god except Allah) that Muhammad ﷺ is his slave and Messenger, and they establish Salat, and pay Zakat; and if they do this, their blood (life) and property are secured except when justified by law, and it is for Allah to call them to account".
And I might add, Judaism has no scripture that calls to kill Muslims. we have no scripture about Muslims at all.

But the same can’t be said about Muslims toward Jews.
Nice and trite.

If you are ok with Muslim haters, then why are you not ok with Jew haters? Is it that you hate Muslims, therefore it is ok in your view to target them with hateful canards and stereotypes….while protecting other groups from hate?

More to the point though, hate speech (short of calling for violence) is protected in public spaces. But a university is not fully a public space. It is not obligated to host anything it does not want to within its halls. There are places outside considered public where these people can speak and express their views and that speech is protected.

After all we allow Nazis to march in the street.
What you are missing is that someone who speaks out against the dangers of JIHAD and the Islamization of America is not a Muslim-hater. This is true - as we have seen - from the DC riot yesterday calling to kill Jews to the numerous antisemitic actions on college campuses.

That would be the same as someone pointing out the dangers of the high OOW birthrate of blacks, which is also true, and you calling her a racist. (Oh wait, you do that.)

But a Holocaust denier IS a Jew-hater.
Nice and trite.

If you are ok with Muslim haters, then why are you not ok with Jew haters? Is it that you hate Muslims, therefore it is ok in your view to target them with hateful canards and stereotypes….while protecting other groups from hate?

More to the point though, hate speech (short of calling for violence) is protected in public spaces. But a university is not fully a public space. It is not obligated to host anything it does not want to within its halls. There are places outside considered public where these people can speak and express their views and that speech is protected.

After all we allow Nazis to march in the street.
Plenty of public universities are allowing pro-Palestinian Jew-haters to spew their venom.

And a pro-Israel speaker who wants to address the dangers of Islamization of America is not a Muslim-hater. Is he calling for the murder of Muslims? Is is encouraging students to assault Muslims, or block their way to class? THAT would be a Muslim-hater.

In your leftist mind, you have created an alternate reality where pro-Palestinians calling for death to Jews is “free speech” but pointing out the dangers of the influence of Islam in America is Muslim-hate and should be blocked.

….and then you call ME the hypocrite?
I bet Coyote would be fine with a Jew-hating Muslim from CAIR being an invited speaker at a UCLA event.

….and I bet that Coyote will be here shortly to call me a Muslim-hater for speaking negatively about CAIR. Never mind that Maryland (just about the most liberal state in the country) kicked CAIR off their Committee on Diversity when they discovered how CAIR spews antisemitism and justified the Ocrober 7th massacre.
Nice and trite.

If you are ok with Muslim haters, then why are you not ok with Jew haters? Is it that you hate Muslims, therefore it is ok in your view to target them with hateful canards and stereotypes….while protecting other groups from hate?

More to the point though, hate speech (short of calling for violence) is protected in public spaces. But a university is not fully a public space. It is not obligated to host anything it does not want to within its halls. There are places outside considered public where these people can speak and express their views and that speech is protected.

After all we allow Nazis to march in the street.
The question here isn't to ask why he hates the barbaric atrocities committed in the name of Islam, but why you don't.

Heck, you even blamed the Jews for the horrific mass murders committed against them in October.
Thank you! The pro-HAMAS leftists are marching around DC, yelling to kill Jews, cheering on JIHAD, damaging property, and assaulting a cop - and not a word of condemnation from leftists.


But yet a pro-Israel speaker want to address the dangers of Islamization of America (the above paragraph is an example) and JIHAD, Coyote calls him a “Muslim-hater” whose speech should be blocked….

More deflection and flailing and endlessly pointing fingers.

His speech should not be blocked, just like the Holocaust denier. Both have every right to free speech. In public spaces.

Your hatred of Muslims leads you to support the bigots that are the equivalent of the antisemites you rail against. In other words, universities should only host your brand of hate, correct?

…and then calls ME a hypocrite because I don’t approve of allowing Holocaust deniers to speak - as if this two are parallels.
Yes. You selectively support haters and bigots who share your “values” and apply a different standard when it comes to other haters and bigots.

The term for that is “double standard”.

It makes me wonder, is Spencer the ONLY person who can speak on a pro-Israel platform? No one else? Or is it that you endorse him because he is a Islamophobe and shares your hatred of Muslims?
What you are missing is that someone who speaks out against the dangers of JIHAD and the Islamization of America is not a Muslim-hater. This is true - as we have seen - from the DC riot yesterday calling to kill Jews to the numerous antisemitic actions on college campuses.

That would be the same as someone pointing out the dangers of the high OOW birthrate of blacks, which is also true, and you calling her a racist. (Oh wait, you do that.)

But a Holocaust denier IS a Jew-hater.
Such hyperbole, but I won’t digress.

Why are you bringing race into this?

What you are missing here is that haters, to use an umbrella term, are really the same whether it’s against Jews, Muslims, Gays, Blacks, Mexicans etc. They genuinely believe the garbage they spew, the stereotypes, the canards, the claim that these people are uniquely dangerous…to our values, our society, our country. Their targets are different, and some wear the slick veneer of “education” ….but they are the same.

Here is my standard:

Any of these people have a right to express their ideas in public areas. That is protected speech.

None have a “right” to express their ideas in private areas. None have a “right” to a platform in private areas.

You want universities to muzzle speech that is viewed as antisemitic and promote speech that is Islamophobic.

More deflection and flailing and endlessly pointing fingers.

His speech should not be blocked, just like the Holocaust denier. Both have every right to free speech. In public spaces.

Your hatred of Muslims leads you to support the bigots that are the equivalent of the antisemites you rail against. In other words, universities should only host your brand of hate, correct?

Yes. You selectively support haters and bigots who share your “values” and apply a different standard when it comes to other haters and bigots.

The term for that is “double standard”.

It makes me wonder, is Spencer the ONLY person who can speak on a pro-Israel platform? No one else? Or is it that you endorse him because he is a Islamophobe and shares your hatred of Muslims?
You’re nuts. Muslims are marching around with swastikas, screaming to kill the Jews, and you’re busy calling me the bigot.

How about targeting someone else for the next couple of days? The sun has set, the Jewish holiday has started, and the last thing I want is to spend the evening arguing with an antisemite.
Not a good look for UCLA. If their motivations weren't clear before when they allowed pro-Palestinian pro-Hamas radicals to tear up their campus, they sure are now.

Did you expect anything different? This garbage is pushed from the top.
And I might add, Judaism has no scripture that calls to kill Muslims. we have no scripture about Muslims at all.

But the same can’t be said about Muslims toward Jews.
Of course you don’t. The Jewish religious texts were written several thousand years before Islam existed. That is a pretty pointless comment.
You’re nuts. Muslims are marching around with swastikas, screaming to kill the Jews, and you’re busy calling me the bigot.

How about targeting someone else for the next couple of days? The sun has set, the Jewish holiday has started, and the last thing I want is to spend the evening arguing with an antisemite.
How predictable…
Wow. I just told you that it’s the start of a Jewish holiday and I don’t wish to engage with an antisemite, and your response is to smack the Jew in the face.

When have you EVER told one of the blacks on this forum who go on and on about racism to stop playing the victim card?

Now please show some respect for my religion, as we are on the eve of a major Jewish holiday, and find someone else to target. There are PLENTY of Christians on this forum upon whom you can foist your hostility.
Wow. I just told you that it’s the start of a Jewish holiday and I don’t wish to engage with an antisemite, and your response is to smack the Jew in the face.

When have you EVER told one of the blacks on this forum who go on and on about racism to stop playing the victim card?

Now please show some respect for my religion, as we are on the eve of a major Jewish holiday, and find someone else to target. There are PLENTY of Christians on this forum upon whom you can foist your hostility.
That's a good question.
You’re nuts. Muslims are marching around with swastikas, screaming to kill the Jews, and you’re busy calling me the bigot.

How about targeting someone else for the next couple of days? The sun has set, the Jewish holiday has started, and the last thing I want is to spend the evening arguing with an antisemite.

Muslims are using a white supremacy flag?

That if true has you puss you off.

More deflection and flailing and endlessly pointing fingers.

His speech should not be blocked, just like the Holocaust denier. Both have every right to free speech. In public spaces.

Your hatred of Muslims leads you to support the bigots that are the equivalent of the antisemites you rail against. In other words, universities should only host your brand of hate, correct?

Yes. You selectively support haters and bigots who share your “values” and apply a different standard when it comes to other haters and bigots.

The term for that is “double standard”.

It makes me wonder, is Spencer the ONLY person who can speak on a pro-Israel platform? No one else? Or is it that you endorse him because he is a Islamophobe and shares your hatred of Muslims?
Being lectured on deflection by Coyote, the Dean of Deflection...hahahahahahahaha
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