CDZ Homophobic People Often Have Psychological Issues

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The Clean Debate Zone is to be used for the clean debating of Government Policies, Candidates, Current News and Events ONLY. No personal attacks, name calling, flaming etc is allowed in this section

None of that happened. I stated my opinion.
The purpose of the CDZ is civil discourse. Name calling is not allowed. Such as calling people 'gaypers.'
Homophobe is name calling.

It's a call-out flame thread. Has no place here.
Sigh, battling my device, which ate an unfinished post. If they both show up, apologies for the duplication. I am going to try individual points per post ... maybe was too long.

These are the symptoms of xenophobia, which is a medical diagnosis.
Symptoms of Xenophobia -

Please note the bolded.

Xenophobia: Introduction
An unfounded morbid fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners. A person suffering from xenophobia might have symptoms such as anxiety, sweating and increased heart rate and breathing. These symptoms are generally common to all phobias. .

Labeling someone xenophobic because they are anti illegal immigration is just like calling someone you disagree with retarded. It is the intentional misuse of a medical diagnosis to insult someone. It is namecalling.
Here are the symptoms of homophobia

Symptoms of Homophobia
The list of signs and Homophobia includes the 9 symptoms listed below:

Note "disagrees with, dislikes, anger and hostility" are not listed.

Ascribing a medical diagnosis to someone because they don't like you is namecalling.

Can I call someone retarded in CDZ? How is this different?
If disagreeing with homosexual culture equals homophobia, then disagreeing with gun culture is gunphobia. If anti illegal immigration equals xenophobia, then antireligion equals religionphobia, right?
Good Lord, I'm not playing word games. Not only are the majority of citizens in the US supporting gay rights, all the advanced, modern countries in the world are supporting them. People are evolving in social and cultural terms, those people who live in modern, advanced, educated cultures. I am not using any language that is biased, prejudiced or inflammatory. Don't we all recognize that first world countries are more advanced than 3rd world countries? If you look around you and have any awareness of what is going on in other first world countries, you will see they are accepting gay rights across the globe. Therefore, it seems clear that educated, advanced, modern people are using reason instead of emotion to go toward acceptance and tolerance of others, whether it be homosexuality or something else, such as culture, race, gender, age, etc.
And yet, guns scare you; because of your irrational fear and hatred for them, you scream and cry for more restrictions.
Not surprising - hoplophobia is a mental disorder.
You're mixing issues and motivations. I am not afraid of guns. It is not a phobia. The gun culture of America is what the problem is. Again, you have no world vision, no broad vision of the greater world.
On the contrary -- you do indeed have an irrational fear of guns; all of your arguments for further restricting them are based on that fear.
Except those that re based on ignorance and/of dishonesty, of course.
Why, lets let your own words prove that point.
Countries with few restrictions on guns have greater gun violence overall on a national basis. Countries with strict gun control have far less gun violence.
5 words: post hoc ergo propter hoc
5 more: Fallacy of the single cause
Have Clayton explain these to you - but suffice it to say, you;re arguing from either ignorance and/or dishonesty.
IMO the people who are fearful are those who want guns. They are afraid to live without guns.
Yes... but that opinion is unsupportable, based on nothing but your preconceptions and biases - a vacuous truth.
Thus, an argument from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
I've lived in America without feeling the need to protect myself by arming myself.
And, because this is true for you, it must be true for everyone?
Hasty generalization, an argument from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

~300,000,000 guns in the US.
~99.999712% of them will NOT be involved in a murder this year.
In any case, this is a very different thing from homophobia, which is like xenophobia: a fear of people or cultures that are strange and different.
No one fears homosexuals, their culture or their differences.
1: You do not get to dictate what is moral for other people; this is a free country.
So, you do not agree with those who seek to remove the ANV battle flag from any any every public venue?
2. That something is disgusting to you does not mean that you can dictate other people can't engage in it. It is none of your business what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms.
See above.
3. Marriage is not a sacred institution
Except for whom it is.
The majority of Americans support gay rights and gay marriage. The majority. Stop trying to force your morality on others.
If Clayton were here (and had any degree of intellectual honesty) he'd note that you've engaged in an argumentum ad populum.
If disagreeing with homosexual culture equals homophobia, then disagreeing with gun culture is gunphobia. If anti illegal immigration equals xenophobia, then antireligion equals religionphobia, right?
Hoplophobia - the fear of inanimate objects, specifically weapons.
The definition of phobia:

A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational.

phobia - Google Search

The definition of homphobia:

dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.

homophobia - Google Search

The term homphobia is incorrect in its definition. Phobia is an anxiety disorder but when used in the context of homophobia, it has been changed into 'dislike of' or 'prejudice against' homosexuals. But a phobia isn't merely a 'dislike' of something, is it? It is an intense fear and hatred of something. So when the term homophobe/homophobic is used, regardless of the (incorrect) definition of the word, it is intended and interpreted to mean a person who holds a disorder (mental, anxiety) against homosexuals; it is meant to insinuate that those who hold a differing pov 'fear/hate/are angry at' homosexuals; it is meant to insult/inflame/squash that differing pov.
It was strange for them to not mention that rates of mental illness are proven to be higher among homosexuals than heterosexuals.

I took that as a given. If anything gays might have higher rates because of having to deal with discrimination and not being accepted.

I also disagree with anger and hostility being dysfuntion in heterosexuals but not in homosexuals.

Where did you see that claim?

Anger and hostility, when it is used as an immature means to deal with fear, no matter what is being feared, and who is displaying the symptoms of anger and hostility, would not be limited to either heterosexuals or gays. It would be the same for all people.

FYI the browser settings might have more to do with what links you can see and/or are enabled.
The definition of phobia:

A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational.

phobia - Google Search

The definition of homphobia:

dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.

homophobia - Google Search

The term homphobia is incorrect in its definition. Phobia is an anxiety disorder but when used in the context of homophobia, it has been changed into 'dislike of' or 'prejudice against' homosexuals. But a phobia isn't merely a 'dislike' of something, is it? It is an intense fear and hatred of something. So when the term homophobe/homophobic is used, regardless of the (incorrect) definition of the word, it is intended and interpreted to mean a person who holds a disorder (mental, anxiety) against homosexuals; it is meant to insinuate that those who hold a differing pov 'fear/hate/are angry at' homosexuals; it is meant to insult/inflame/squash that differing pov.

Which is why the study uses the term psychoticism to describe those who are displaying fear based anger and hatred towards gays.

The same term would apply to those who feared illegal immigrants and displayed anger and hatred towards them.

Ditto for guns.

The study identified that irrational fear resulted in symptoms of psychoticism which is a mental disorder.

Yes, the same mental disorder will apply to other things too.

You can have a rational opposition to illegal immigrants, gays and guns without displaying any hatred, anger or hostility towards them.

But when your irrational fear based reaction to them comes out as hatred, anger and hostility then you have the mental disorder called psychoticism,
The definition of phobia:

A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational.

phobia - Google Search

The definition of homphobia:

dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.

homophobia - Google Search

The term homphobia is incorrect in its definition. Phobia is an anxiety disorder but when used in the context of homophobia, it has been changed into 'dislike of' or 'prejudice against' homosexuals. But a phobia isn't merely a 'dislike' of something, is it? It is an intense fear and hatred of something. So when the term homophobe/homophobic is used, regardless of the (incorrect) definition of the word, it is intended and interpreted to mean a person who holds a disorder (mental, anxiety) against homosexuals; it is meant to insinuate that those who hold a differing pov 'fear/hate/are angry at' homosexuals; it is meant to insult/inflame/squash that differing pov.

Which is why the study uses the term psychoticism to describe those who are displaying fear based anger and hatred towards gays.

The same term would apply to those who feared illegal immigrants and displayed anger and hatred towards them.

Ditto for guns.

The study identified that irrational fear resulted in symptoms of psychoticism which is a mental disorder.

Yes, the same mental disorder will apply to other things too.

You can have a rational opposition to illegal immigrants, gays and guns without displaying any hatred, anger or hostility towards them.

But when your irrational fear based reaction to them comes out as hatred, anger and hostility then you have the mental disorder called psychoticism,

When people express an opposing pov on homosexuality (no fear, no anger, no hatred ... just an oppsing pov) they are bashed over the head (verbally) and called a homophobe. All the time. Do you deny that happens? The study? I'm talking about everyday, in the real world use of the term. The definition is flat out wrong, as I've shown above. Period. There is no denying it. It is intentionally inflammatory, meant to not only belittle anyone who holds a differing pov but also as an attempt to shut down the conversation, to silence them. It is a bogus term meant to inflame/insult/squash differing povs on homsexuality. Which, in turn, reveals that you guys are anything but tolerant.

I was watching a rerun of Modern Family the other night. Cam and Mitch were planning their wedding. Mitch's dad, Jay, was having a difficult time with it all, he was uncomfortable with it. He said to Mitch (paraphrasing): "hey, I'm trying here but I can't help it. It's unnatural to me, I can't help it, that's the way I am". Instead of any type of understanding on Mitch's part, Mitch instead says: "you're throwing a gayism at us? Really? You know what dad, if it bothers you that much then just don't come to the wedding". While he didn't use the word homophobe, his attitude is exactly the attitude presented towards anyone who doesn't tow the line and exactly the attitude when the term homophobe is used.

"But when your irrational fear based reaction to them comes out as hatred, anger and hostility then you have the mental disorder called psychoticism". Peachy. And when your reaction isn't based on hatred/anger/hostility/fear but you are called homophobic anyway ... what do you call that? Intolerance.
Good Lord, I'm not playing word games. Not only are the majority of citizens in the US supporting gay rights, all the advanced, modern countries in the world are supporting them. People are evolving in social and cultural terms, those people who live in modern, advanced, educated cultures. I am not using any language that is biased, prejudiced or inflammatory. Don't we all recognize that first world countries are more advanced than 3rd world countries? If you look around you and have any awareness of what is going on in other first world countries, you will see they are accepting gay rights across the globe. Therefore, it seems clear that educated, advanced, modern people are using reason instead of emotion to go toward acceptance and tolerance of others, whether it be homosexuality or something else, such as culture, race, gender, age, etc.
And yet, guns scare you; because of your irrational fear and hatred for them, you scream and cry for more restrictions.
Not surprising - hoplophobia is a mental disorder.
You're mixing issues and motivations. I am not afraid of guns. It is not a phobia. The gun culture of America is what the problem is. Again, you have no world vision, no broad vision of the greater world.
On the contrary -- you do indeed have an irrational fear of guns; all of your arguments for further restricting them are based on that fear.
Except those that re based on ignorance and/of dishonesty, of course.
Why, lets let your own words prove that point.
Countries with few restrictions on guns have greater gun violence overall on a national basis. Countries with strict gun control have far less gun violence.
5 words: post hoc ergo propter hoc
5 more: Fallacy of the single cause
Have Clayton explain these to you - but suffice it to say, you;re arguing from either ignorance and/or dishonesty.
IMO the people who are fearful are those who want guns. They are afraid to live without guns.
Yes... but that opinion is unsupportable, based on nothing but your preconceptions and biases - a vacuous truth.
Thus, an argument from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
I've lived in America without feeling the need to protect myself by arming myself.
And, because this is true for you, it must be true for everyone?
Hasty generalization, an argument from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

~300,000,000 guns in the US.
~99.999712% of them will NOT be involved in a murder this year.
In any case, this is a very different thing from homophobia, which is like xenophobia: a fear of people or cultures that are strange and different.
No one fears homosexuals, their culture or their differences.
The thing is you are all lying like crazy when you say you don't fear homosexuality. Men have gotten off of charges for beating up and even killing a gay man they thought was coming on to them. Heterosexual men especially are afraid of homosexuals, so afraid they think it is okay to beat up or kill one who makes a pass.
We are not to sit back passively, but, to continue to speak TRUTH! Hear it!

But, most are taking it to much that they are going against other "truths" - like obeying your government.

As for Kim Davis, if she believes in trumpeting the truth....why doesn't she trumpet the truth about her 4 marriages? Or the fact that she committed adultery while married to her second husband and had a child by her third husband while married to her second husband? That is just hypocrisy and picking and choosing what you wish to speak the TRUTH about.

Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

We are to obey laws if they do not conflict with God's laws.
Where is God's law that says you can refuse to do your job because you don't agree with some parts of it? And, how is issuing a marriage license to homosexuals in any way making you a homosexual?
God never wants us to disobey him.
That's right. If Kim Davis is ignorant enough to think that doing her job makes her an accomplice to whatever sin she thinks is being committed, then she needs to insist there be an investigation of every couple seeking a marriage license to make sure they are not committing some sin she will now be part of. The Supreme Court has ruled it legal to issue licenses to homosexuals wanting to marry, going against the law when that is your job is disobedience to the law, and disobedience to the law is disobedience to God.

13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

His apostles were thrown in jail for disobeying laws. They were(are) rewarded for this.
Jesus did not set an example of fighting against government, even when they illegally arrested Him and He had the power to do so, He humbly endured. But the law isn't forcing Kim Davis to become a homosexual, or to support is her job to provide marriage licenses, and she is being selective as to who she will provide them for. The law she is breaking is that of not doing a job she has agreed to do.

Kim was saved After her marriages from what I understand. That is not to say she did not necessarily do Christianity a favor in her actions, but, she was standing up for her beliefs regardless.
If her belief is that she cannot issue a marriage license to someone that she doesn't believe deserves to be married, then her responsibility as a Christian is to step down from that job. If you accept a job as a clerk at Wal-Mart, and your belief is that contraceptives are wrong, you can't refuse to sell them to someone just because you believe they are find another job. Others who do not believe the same way aren't under any obligation to comply with your beliefs.

I have had 2 children out of wedlock, it makes me no less saved or a Christian
You are missing the point. Nobody is questioning her Christianity, what is in question is her responsibility as a Christian. She doesn't have to issue licenses to homosexuals, if that is her interpretation of what is expected of her as a Christian, but if her job is to issue them to anyone that applies, she needs to comply or step down.

All it does is point out that anyone can become a Christian and usable by God.
She would have been a better example of a Christian if she had said "I am stepping down from my job, because my belief as a Christian does not allow my conscience to issue licenses to people I don't feel deserve to be married". She wants to continue to receive compensation for doing her job while not doing her job, and that is not Christian in any way.

Paul of the Bible was a murderer of Christians yet, wrote the bulk of the New Testament....
Yep....that is true, and he changed. And when he was thrown in jail he accepted it and left it in God's hand to help him deal with the ruling authorities. He didn't go on a crusade to change the government....instead he encouraged people to obey the law.

13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
The thing is you are all lying like crazy when you say you don't fear homosexuality. Men have gotten off of charges for beating up and even killing a gay man they thought was coming on to them. Heterosexual men especially are afraid of homosexuals, so afraid they think it is okay to beat up or kill one who makes a pass.

Wow, that's quite the broad brush you have there.
So keep in in your bedrooms, keep it private, where I don't need to know about it, where I don't need to be affected by it, and where it is truly none of my business.

So where are you seeing homosexuals engaging in sex acts publicly? That is against the law, so unless you are peeking into people's windows, there is no way that you are being forced to view it. If you are addressing movies and such, nobody is forcing you to see them. You are only affected by it in your own mind....what other people do by way of "sex" in no way affects/effects another unless they want it to.
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