CDZ Homophobic People Often Have Psychological Issues

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"Homophobic attitudes may say a lot about the person who holds them, new research suggests.

A new study of university students in Italy revealed that people who have strongly negative views of gay people also have higher levels of psychoticism and inappropriate coping mechanisms than those who are accepting of homosexuality."

full article: Homophobic People Often Have Psychological Issues

"The study is opening a new research avenue, where the real disease to study is homophobia," Jannini told Live Science.

Yes, the real disease is homophobia, not homosexuality.

"Earlier research has found homophobia to be a complex subject, with some studies suggesting that people with visceral negative reactions to gays and lesbians often harbor same-sex desires themselves."

Yes, it's like Hitler hating Jews when he is part Jew himself.

"Overall, the better the mental health of the person (based on the responses to the questionnaire), the less likely he or she was to be homophobic, the researchers found."

Not surprising at all.
Psychology is not a science. It the same as comparing astrology to astronomy... just made up bunk vs. measurable facts.
While unfortunately, even psychiatry is malleable to political pressure... it is still better than the absolute garbage psychologists blabber about.

Now Psychiatry... That is the actual science. Would the OP care to explain to everyone the psychiatric definition of homosexuality? Particularly how the DSM defined it though history?
Ya know the history of the DSM sudden change in definition of homosexuality? (hint... it wasn't scientific)
Didn't get past the first word.

Why do people (falsely) assume that because someone isn't for ssm or doesn't understand (for lack of a better word) the homosexual lifestyle that they somehow fear and/or hate homosexuals? It is pushed that opposing viewpoints must be tolerated, we must be diverse and accepting of all especially of those who we don't see eye to eye with, and yet all I see is bashing of those who do not view homosexuality the same as you.

I'm so over all the bullshit. Not everyone views things the same. That does not make them haters or afraid, that does not make you right/them wrong or vice versa. Try practicing what your preach. Deal with it or bugger off.
According to the study, people's basic mental health was surveyed along with their attitude toward homosexuality. It has nothing to do with making assumptions.

Any study makes a myriad of assumptions.

When I read 'a new study'....I knew what we were in for.

There are all kinds of new studies that evaluate the same data and reach conflicting conclusions.

It is pretty naive to discount the incredible bias that goes into any study.

Most researchers of technical information (where you would think there would be no room for argument) will tell you that.

Anything that has to do with the Social Sciences is orders of magnitude greater.

I would hope nobody would think that such a study was launched without something of a predisposed conclusion in hand.

Or else why wasn't this study done 100 years ago ?

Why the face of all the controversy around gays ?

"Homophobic attitudes may say a lot about the person who holds them, new research suggests.

A new study of university students in Italy revealed that people who have strongly negative views of gay people also have higher levels of psychoticism and inappropriate coping mechanisms than those who are accepting of homosexuality."

full article: Homophobic People Often Have Psychological Issues

"The study is opening a new research avenue, where the real disease to study is homophobia," Jannini told Live Science.

Yes, the real disease is homophobia, not homosexuality.

"Earlier research has found homophobia to be a complex subject, with some studies suggesting that people with visceral negative reactions to gays and lesbians often harbor same-sex desires themselves."

Yes, it's like Hitler hating Jews when he is part Jew himself.

"Overall, the better the mental health of the person (based on the responses to the questionnaire), the less likely he or she was to be homophobic, the researchers found."

Not surprising at all.

Did you read the study ?
Didn't get past the first word.

Why do people (falsely) assume that because someone isn't for ssm or doesn't understand (for lack of a better word) the homosexual lifestyle that they somehow fear and/or hate homosexuals? It is pushed that opposing viewpoints must be tolerated, we must be diverse and accepting of all especially of those who we don't see eye to eye with, and yet all I see is bashing of those who do not view homosexuality the same as you.

I'm so over all the bullshit. Not everyone views things the same. That does not make them haters or afraid, that does not make you right/them wrong or vice versa. Try practicing what your preach. Deal with it or bugger off.
According to the study, people's basic mental health was surveyed along with their attitude toward homosexuality. It has nothing to do with making assumptions.

According to the first word in the article, those who do not adhere to 'all things homosexual' are afraid and/or haters of homosexuals.

Talk about making assumptions.

You said you didn't get past the first word and then YOU made assumptions that were incorrect.

Its very telling that some are very threatened by a civil conversation about this. It proves the OP is correct.
I think that's really an important point. Those who feel very threatened by this study, so threatened they can't engage in civil discourse....that's very telling. If you are not threatened, why has this study triggered such an angry response?

Nobody feels threatened by this study. A Google search reveals the author of the article is all over the internet on homosexuality, ten to one says she is gay and/or a gay activist.

What's even more funny is that the study encompassed questioning university students only (ages 18 to 30).

The Op should have qualified this as being limited to that demographic. Instead it makes a universal statement.

I've tried to sort out the posts here and still can't determine if those who support this article are saying that anyone who is anti-gay is a homophobe.

Is that the case.

BTW: The summary article that was linked didn't define homophobe. I hope that is done in the study.
Yes, I definitely agreed with your comment, but didn't you post the following earlier?

Bullshit. The very first word is an attack.

To call someone who disagrees with homosexuality homophobic is an attack, as you are saying they have an irrational fear/hatred/anger of homosexuals which manifests as an anxiety order (that's the dictionary definition of phobia.) They may disagree with homosexuality based on not understanding or based on their religion. That does not mean they fear/hate/are angry at homosexuals, no matter how many times you claim otherwise. Therefore, to call someone homophobic based on them saying, as an example, "marriage is one man/one woman" is wrong.

You very conveniently left out the rest of your post, which is the point that I have debunked because having a disdain for homosexuality is not the same as wanting stricter gun laws.

Where did I say anything about gun laws? You brought that up. Why are you talking about gun laws, we're talking about the use and definition of the word homophobic. My post, above, stands. Someone who disagrees with xyz is not, by definition, a phobic.

Someone who holds a differing POV on homosexuality is doing it out of "fear" of something.

No, YOU are saying that if their pov is different it must be out of fear of something. Just because you claim it to be true does not make it so. I've shown this to you over and over yet you continue to ignore it.

Using your logic I can say "someone who holds a differing pov on (fill in the blank) is doing it out of a "fear" of something." That is simply ridiculous and most illogical.

Gun owners who are in favor of stricter gun laws don't hate guns ......that's the point that is going quite obviously over your head. People who disapprove of homosexuality must have a reason for it, and that is what most of you are jumping all around and deflecting without answering.

Do SOME people have a fear/hatred/anger towards homosexuals that could be classified as a "phobia"? Sure. Sunniman may fit into the true definition of phobia category, although I get the distinct impression that it is not based on irrational fear but on hatred.

I've given some examples of why someone might hold a differing pov on homosexuality, above. It has nothing to do with fear; you are projecting that (il)logic on them. I would suggest that perhaps you stop projecting.

Again, we're discussing the definition and use of the term homophobic/phobia not gun laws.

Those that have fear of guns most certainly can be called hoplophobes, I have no problem with that.

Correct. Someone who actually does have an irrational fear of xyz can be called a phobic.

What I meant to say was "those that want stricter gun control laws, are not necessarily afraid of guns" - granted there may be some that are, and definitely they are hoplophobes (the correct term for fear of guns). But to say that those who favor stricter gun control laws are hoplophobes, unless you know for sure that they fear guns, you would be wrong.

But to say that those who do not understand/see homosexuality as immoral are homophobes, unless you know for sure that they fear homosexuals, you would be wrong.

One can keep repeating over and over that one is not homophobic, but unless the reason can be rationalized as not an act of fear, then the person is homophobic.

Someone who does not understand homosexuality or see it as immoral does not equal that they fear/hate homosexuals. Period. You claiming otherwise simply does not make it so, so calling them homophobic is a lie and flat out wrong.

Kim Davis does not believe in ssm, and she has the right to hate them, dislike them and even criticize them, but her job of issuing licenses has nothing to do with her feelings or beliefs, it has to do with doing her job. Many gun owners who want stricter gun control own guns themselves, ergo, they are not afraid of guns and your comparison falls flat, so no, you didn't make your point.

Again, because KD believes that ss/m is a sin does not mean that she fears/hates homosexuals. Whether she needs to fulfill her job, despite her personal beliefs, is a different topic, feel free to start a thread.

Well, since I never compared anything to gun laws that is not a comparison of mine to fall flat.

When someone goes to the length that most of you go to define homosexuals and their lifestyle it is correct to assume that you are a homophobe.

Please provide quotes where I've done this. Thanks.

Again, disliking something does not equate to having a phobia about it.

That you dislike the word homophobe is just more proof that you don't like a tag associated with your disdain.

Because the term is a) wrong by definition and b) incorrect to call someone when you do not know the reason for their pov.

But, since you claim that it isn't because of fear, why don't you explain what it is about it that you hate?

I never said anything about hating the word 'homophobe'; you are projecting. I said the term was incorrect to use when someone makes statements such as "marriage is between one man/one woman". I have also shown that term homophobe is wrong, by definition. Please see below.

phobia: A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational.

phobia - Google Search

homophobia: dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.

homophobia - Google Search

The definition of the term homophobia is incorrect, as a phobia is not simply a 'dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people'. The definition of the word homophobia should read 'homophobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of homosexuals or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding homosexuals, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational."
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I've tried to sort out the posts here and still can't determine if those who support this article are saying that anyone who is anti-gay is a homophobe.

Is that the case.

BTW: The summary article that was linked didn't define homophobe. I hope that is done in the study.

In a nutshell, yes. Although I take issue with your term "anti-gay".
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phobia - Google Search
homophobia: dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.
homophobia - Google Search
The definition of the term homophobia is incorrect, as a phobia is not simply a 'dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people'. The definition of the word homophobia should read 'homophobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of homosexuals or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding homosexuals, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational."
And... no one fears homosexuals.

The entire "homophobia" cause just another example of the left having no ability to response to people who do not agree with them beyond attacking those people personally.
And... no one fears homosexuals.

The entire "homophobia" cause just another example of the left having no ability to response to people who do not agree with them beyond attacking those people personally.

Isn't it interesting that if someone hates blacks, they are called a racist; if someone hates women they are called a misogynist; if men make hateful comments to women they are sexist . . . but if someone says they believe that homosexuality is immoral, they have a phobia.
And... no one fears homosexuals.

The entire "homophobia" cause just another example of the left having no ability to response to people who do not agree with them beyond attacking those people personally.

Isn't it interesting that if someone hates blacks, they are called a racist; if someone hates women they are called a misogynist; if men make hateful comments to women they are sexist . . . but if someone says they believe that homosexuality is immoral, they have a phobia.
My personal favorite? I'm a homophobia because I'm afraid I'm gay.
You know -- like I'm a xenophobe because I'm afraid I'm a bug from Starship Troopers.

Homosexuals are people.
Want them to be treated the same as other people?
Don't a fuss abort them being different.
My personal favorite? I'm a homophobia because I'm afraid I'm gay.
You know -- like I'm a xenophobe because I'm afraid I'm a bug from Starship Troopers.

Homosexuals are people.
Want them to be treated the same as other people?
Don't a fuss about them being different.

^ winner, winner chicken dinner.

Ooops, we're in the CDZ.

Ahem ... yes, I agree 100%, M14.
Where did I say anything about gun laws? You brought that up. Why are you talking about gun laws, we're talking about the use and definition of the word homophobic. My post, above, stands. Someone who disagrees with xyz is not, by definition, a phobic.

Geez.....don't you even remember what you post?
Because someone who disagrees with guns or religion are not phobics. That's ridiculous, as are the terms 'gunphobia' and 'religionphobia'. You've just proven the point that many of us have been making ... calling someone who holds a differing pov on homosexuality a 'homophobic' is ridiculous and flat out wrong.

Try to keep up, will you? I don't have time to be explaining every single post and response that has been made. You didn't bring up gun laws, because I explained to another poster that gunphobia would describe someone that has a fear of guns and not someone that supports stricter gun laws.

And, you are wrong, again.....there are people who are afraid of guns, and the term for those is Hoplophobe, so it is not ridiculous as you claim. As for the "religionphobia" - there is no such word because unlike "homophobes" who are afraid of homosexuals, those that are anti-religion are not afraid of religion, they just don't like how some use their religion to do weird stuff.

So quit being dishonest. It doesn't matter that you claim that those who are anti-homosexuality are not homophobes and that the word homophobic shouldn't be used on them, I would be willing to bet that the majority of those taking exception to the word homophobe actually have some ingrained fear of homosexuals.

Homosexuality is not contagious, and yes, some kids will probably experiment (the fear of some homophobe parents), but they will not become homosexual, and it isn't going to affect straight people's marriages. It's all a "fear" produced myth.
Where did I say anything about gun laws? You brought that up. Why are you talking about gun laws, we're talking about the use and definition of the word homophobic. My post, above, stands. Someone who disagrees with xyz is not, by definition, a phobic.

Geez.....don't you even remember what you post?
Because someone who disagrees with guns or religion are not phobics. That's ridiculous, as are the terms 'gunphobia' and 'religionphobia'. You've just proven the point that many of us have been making ... calling someone who holds a differing pov on homosexuality a 'homophobic' is ridiculous and flat out wrong.

Try to keep up, will you? I don't have time to be explaining every single post and response that has been made. You didn't bring up gun laws, because I explained to another poster that gunphobia would describe someone that has a fear of guns and not someone that supports stricter gun laws.

And, you are wrong, again.....there are people who are afraid of guns, and the term for those is Hoplophobe, so it is not ridiculous as you claim. As for the "religionphobia" - there is no such word because unlike "homophobes" who are afraid of homosexuals, those that are anti-religion are not afraid of religion, they just don't like how some use their religion to do weird stuff.

So quit being dishonest. It doesn't matter that you claim that those who are anti-homosexuality are not homophobes and that the word homophobic shouldn't be used on them, I would be willing to bet that the majority of those taking exception to the word homophobe actually have some ingrained fear of homosexuals.

Homosexuality is not contagious, and yes, some kids will probably experiment (the fear of some homophobe parents), but they will not become homosexual, and it isn't going to affect straight people's marriages. It's all a "fear" produced myth.

You're inability to understand my posts is rather astounding.

"Because someone who disagrees with guns or religion that does not mean they are phobic about guns or religion. That's ridiculous, as are the terms 'gunphobia' and 'religionphobia'. "

I'll re-explain this ^ in different words to help you: calling someone "gunphobic" or "religionphobic" is ridiculous if someone says they do not like guns/ religion. Disliking something does not mean they have a phobia about it. Does that help you understand what I wrote? I didn't say the term 'gunphobia' (in and of itself) is ridiculous; I said that calling someone who dislikes guns a 'gunphobic' is ridiculous. The same as calling someone who disagrees with homosexuality a homophobe. Neither of them have any type of phobia, that is a lie. Did you read the definitions I provided of phobia and homophobia? I was hoping that would help you further understand as well. I can repost them for you if you'd like, just let me know.

Saying "gunphobia" has nothing to do with gun laws. You responded to someone else about gun laws. Great. Since I never mentioned gun laws I have no idea why you think I care.

Did you understand the rest of what I posted? You didn't respond to any of it so I'm not sure if anything else confused you. Let me know, I'll be happy to explain.

"So quit being dishonest. It doesn't matter that you claim that those who are anti-homosexuality are not homophobes and that the word homophobic shouldn't be used on them, I would be willing to bet that the majority of those taking exception to the word homophobe actually have some ingrained fear of homosexuals. "

"It doesn't matter what you claim" because "I'm willing to bet" ... are they some type of terms used in a new study? Or are they your way of saying that no matter what anyone tells you you're not going to believe them, not going to listen to them, and will continue calling them a homophobe. Thank for you showing, once again, that you guys are anything but tolerant of differing povs. And I'm being dishonest? Please.

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