Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

Good thing support for his ignorant opinion is dying along with the ignorant people in the older generations that agree with him.

Good thing I still teach my kids, as do many of my older friends, that it's wrong. Don't bet on it dying too soon.

That's a good portion of the problem the Gays have actually invaded the educational system- the schools are trife with Gay Propaganda

"Parents, as well as the general public are generally unaware of the fact that there is a well organized mob, well oiled machine like activist groups vigorously seeking to indoctrinate and promote homosexuality to societies youngest members. Activists are well aware that if they can capture the hearts and manipulate the minds of our children at the earliest possible age they will have, for all intensive purposes, perverted society to suit their devious agenda."

Gay Agenda in Public Schools
"Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids? - Why would we push anti-bullying programs or social studies classes that teach kids about the historical contributions of famous queers unless we wanted to deliberately educate children to accept queer sexuality as normal? ... We want educators to teach future generations of children to accept queer sexuality. In fact, our very future depends on it. Recruiting children? You bet we are ... I for one certainly want tons of school children to learn that it is OK to be gay.... And I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start f**ing men." - Daniel Villarreal - Queerty.com
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.

It doesn't seem you are being forced to accept anything.

I didn't say forced. I say they demand acceptance to the point that they expect those of us who don't agree with them to either change our opinion or shut up in expressing it. I know of no fag that could force me to do anything.

Quite the contrary in fact, we want you and your ilk to shout your anti-gay rhetoric from the roof tops. The more you folks scream, insult, and engage in dramatic hyperbole the more support you lose concerning this issue.

Yes... no doubt that you will simply advance unsound reasoning and the culture will progress along without any consequence for the poor decisions. Happens all the time.

Which is why the drug abusers and alcoholics are so happy, carefree and prosperous, why divorce provides well balanced families and happy children... why unemployment is encouraged as it provide for ample time to express the spirit... and why no war has ever come as a result of one party having long abused another driving from the equation one option after another until the only option remaining is the destruction of the offending party.

Clearly you've given this a lot of thought.
Yep... and it will only get worse. We're only one more socialist majority away from the legalization of pedophilia.
Where do you people get this utter bullshit from?

The historical record of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality, it foundation in pedophilia, and sound reason, which extrapolates from that information to a sound conclusion that such is THE GOAL.

Now read this AGAIN and answer it:

The good news is that where we knock out the militant homosexuals, ya knock out the core of the Ideological Left and the cultural healing begins THERE. I suspect that the budget would be balanced almost immediately.
Where exactly do you get this total bullshit from, your ass? That's what it is BTW, utter bullshit.

I'm pulling this clown out of ignore just long enough to shut it down...

So PMH, where is the flaw in my reasoning, specifically?

Do you feel tat there's a "RIGHT" to promote perverse reasoning? Is it your RIGHT to dismantle cultural viability? From where would such a right come? On what authority would such a right rest? Why is it that your right to destroy the culture is superior to my right to sustain it?

Answer these simple questions and you will buy some more time to debate the issue.
It ain't gonna happen dumbass. Someone is spoon-feeding you their fears, and you are licking them up like cum from a toilet seat.

Isn't that what one fag does for another fag? Or your wife/girlfriend for me?
No, that's you little buddy, licking up the right-wing paranoid cum as if it was from Jesus himself.
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.

It doesn't seem you are being forced to accept anything.

I didn't say forced. I say they demand acceptance to the point that they expect those of us who don't agree with them to either change our opinion or shut up in expressing it. I know of no fag that could force me to do anything.

Quite the contrary in fact, we want you and your ilk to shout your anti-gay rhetoric from the roof tops. The more you folks scream, insult, and engage in dramatic hyperbole the more support you lose concerning this issue.
You got that right. It amounts to nothing more than them screaming I Hate Faggots, the same as small boys on the playground and just as worthy of acknowledgment.
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.

It doesn't seem you are being forced to accept anything.

No? So those people who refused to participate in the celebration of debauched reasoning, they didn't lose their businesses and were not threatened with the loss of their freedom?

WOW! Overt, real-time revision of history.




Anyone need anything else?
These right wingers. Letting us know who they are and what they believe. Good for them.
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.

It doesn't seem you are being forced to accept anything.

I didn't say forced. I say they demand acceptance to the point that they expect those of us who don't agree with them to either change our opinion or shut up in expressing it. I know of no fag that could force me to do anything.

Quite the contrary in fact, we want you and your ilk to shout your anti-gay rhetoric from the roof tops. The more you folks scream, insult, and engage in dramatic hyperbole the more support you lose concerning this issue.

Yes... no doubt that you will simply advance unsound reasoning and the culture will progress along without any consequence for the poor decisions. Happens all the time.

Which is why the drug abusers and alcoholics are so happy, carefree and prosperous, why divorce provides well balanced families and happy children... why unemployment is encouraged as it provide for ample time to express the spirit... and why no war has ever come as a result of one party having long abused another driving from the equation one option after another until the only option remaining is the destruction of the offending party.

Clearly you've given this a lot of thought.

I hope you made it to the fainting couch after you posted this overly dramatic claptrap. All your hand wringing, fear mongering, and teeth gnashing is failing miserably not only in the court of law but in the court of public opinion as well.
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.

It doesn't seem you are being forced to accept anything.

No? So those people who refused to participate in the celebration of debauched reasoning, they didn't lose their businesses and were not threatened with the loss of their freedom?

WOW! Overt, real-time revision of history.




Anyone need anything else?

You're barking up the wrong tree considering I believe public accommodation law should be scrapped.
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.

It doesn't seem you are being forced to accept anything.

Really? I'm not forced to accept anything?

So let's say at my job Joe decides he's really Jolene and even has an operation where his genitals are mutilated. He comes back to work and everyone starts calling him Jolene, referring to him as a woman, and using female pronouns to describe him. Let's say I decided not to go along with the charade and continued calling him by his real name, referring to him as a "he" and insisted he's a man. Let's say I'm not even pushy about it, but when it comes up in conversation, everyone notices that I won't acknowledge that he became a she.

And this isn't just hypothetical, it's becoming more than a rare occurrence in work places.

You see, I have rights that are protected by the U.S. Constitution, rights to practice what I believe religiously, that a man cannot turn into a woman. But in this crazy, Leftist world we live in, my constitutional rights will be trumped by somebody else's contrived "right" not to be offended by my beliefs. It would be me being hauled into HR for a lecture, it would be me with my job being threatened because I refuse to go along with somebody else's illusion.

So tell me again how people like me won't be forced to accept the homo-transgender culture?
So let's say at my job Joe decides he's really Jolene and even has an operation where his genitals are mutilated. He comes back to work and everyone starts calling him Jolene, referring to him as a woman, and using female pronouns to describe him. Let's say I decided not to go along with the charade and continued calling him by his real name, referring to him as a "he" and insisted he's a man. Let's say I'm not even pushy about it, but when it comes up in conversation, everyone notices that I won't acknowledge that he became a she.
I'll help you out, you're fucked, or soon fired, so grow up. And you never answered how do we tell the gender of a person? Is that because you can't?
Nearly all marriages are predicated on the desire to have children eventually, so much so as to render negligible those few marriages forged in an agreement to forgo children.

Say who?

Look right at the marriage license- nothing about that there. Certainly wasn't in my wife and my wedding vows- certainly we are glad to have had children, and certainly I would want our child to have married parents- but we could have had children without marriage and we could have been married without children.

We allow 80 year old couples to marry- we even require some couples to prove that they can't reproduce before we allow them to marry.

You just don't apply the same standards to homosexuals that you do to heterosexuals.

Do you allow Pigs and Dogs to marry - They're harmless swine and canine . I grudgingly admit that homosexuals are are degenerate members of the Human Race that should be held to higher standards than the pig that wallows in shit - It does me or anyone else little harm for Pigs to have mock marriages - and it also does no harm to allow perverts to have faux marriages as well - just get out of sane peoples faces if that's how you insist on living your twisted little lives.

That's a good point, and one I've voiced before. There really is no such thing as "gay marriage". They can go through the motions and they can play make believe, but true marriage is a spiritual union that can only occur between a man and a woman. The materialist Left disregards the spiritual aspect or that marriage involves a 3rd party, that is God. They go for surface appearances and think they've achieved parity with the real thing.

You're right that there is no gay marriage, but not for the reasons you believe. There is only marriage. In more than half the states, marriage means that same sex loving partners can also civilly marry. Your belief about what constitutes a "real" marriage is irrelevant. We still get issued the same exact marriage license as those you believe have a "real" marriage and we still get all the same rights, benefits and privileges that are associated with a civil marriage license.

Two fags being married will never be the same as my real marriage no matter how badly they get their panties in a wad about it.

The "fags" don't care what you believe...as long as we're treated equally under the law. In 36 states and counting we are. Hmmmm, whose "panties" are in a wad I wonder?
These right wingers. Letting us know who they are and what they believe. Good for them.

Yes... and what's more, we tell you WHY we are, who we are and what it means when you fuck with us... but do you listen?


So, understand... we are going through this effort, as part and parcel of our RESPONSIBILITY to help you to turn from your offending ways. THIS in hopes that you will turn from your offensive ways, which usurp our right to sustain a viable culture, set in soundly reasoned morality.

You think that we're just talkin' shit, mouthin' SO many words which mean nothing... .

Now, at some point, you'll cross a line... collectively. And no one knows where that line is, but its out there, could be immediately in front of us.... could be generations down the road; but it's there and you'll cross it, of that we can all rest assured. And when ya do, WE will have done everything in our power to avoid what must come next... and YOU will have given us no choice BUT to do what must come next. So in THAT reasoning WE will go to work doing the unenviable things that must be done, despite all of your weeping and gnashing of your tooth.

And THAT will be that... and life will go on. Just without the celebration of perverse reasoning, crippling our means to live free, in peace.

Now again, I well understand that you 'feel' that all that is just talk and bluster... that is a given. So you are invited to express yourself, but understand, I've already written it for ya, so don't put yourself out.
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.

It doesn't seem you are being forced to accept anything.

Really? I'm not forced to accept anything?

So let's say at my job Joe decides he's really Jolene and even has an operation where his genitals are mutilated. He comes back to work and everyone starts calling him Jolene, referring to him as a woman, and using female pronouns to describe him. Let's say I decided not to go along with the charade and continued calling him by his real name, referring to him as a "he" and insisted he's a man. Let's say I'm not even pushy about it, but when it comes up in conversation, everyone notices that I won't acknowledge that he became a she.

And this isn't just hypothetical, it's becoming more than a rare occurrence in work places.

You see, I have rights that are protected by the U.S. Constitution, rights to practice what I believe religiously, that a man cannot turn into a woman. But in this crazy, Leftist world we live in, my constitutional rights will be trumped by somebody else's contrived "right" not to be offended by my beliefs. It would be me being hauled into HR for a lecture, it would be me with my job being threatened because I refuse to go along with somebody else's illusion.

So tell me again how people like me won't be forced to accept the homo-transgender culture?

Nothing like railing against a hypothetical so you can claim to be a victim.
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.

It doesn't seem you are being forced to accept anything.

Really? I'm not forced to accept anything?

So let's say at my job Joe decides he's really Jolene and even has an operation where his genitals are mutilated. He comes back to work and everyone starts calling him Jolene, referring to him as a woman, and using female pronouns to describe him. Let's say I decided not to go along with the charade and continued calling him by his real name, referring to him as a "he" and insisted he's a man. Let's say I'm not even pushy about it, but when it comes up in conversation, everyone notices that I won't acknowledge that he became a she.

And this isn't just hypothetical, it's becoming more than a rare occurrence in work places.

You see, I have rights that are protected by the U.S. Constitution, rights to practice what I believe religiously, that a man cannot turn into a woman. But in this crazy, Leftist world we live in, my constitutional rights will be trumped by somebody else's contrived "right" not to be offended by my beliefs. It would be me being hauled into HR for a lecture, it would be me with my job being threatened because I refuse to go along with somebody else's illusion.

So tell me again how people like me won't be forced to accept the homo-transgender culture?

You don't have a "right" to that job if you can't follow the rules or if you create a hostile work environment. That's on YOU, not the person you're an asshole to.
The "fags" don't care what you believe...as long as we're treated equally under the law. In 36 states and counting we are. Hmmmm, whose "panties" are in a wad I wonder?

Yeah.. but here's the problem with THAT.

95% of those 36 States, used subjective jurists to overturn THE LAW... .

So... you'll forgive us if we dismiss your 'loyalty' to 'The LAW!', and recognize it for what it is, which IS: Deceit, FRAUDULENTLY advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant.
Say who?

Look right at the marriage license- nothing about that there. Certainly wasn't in my wife and my wedding vows- certainly we are glad to have had children, and certainly I would want our child to have married parents- but we could have had children without marriage and we could have been married without children.

We allow 80 year old couples to marry- we even require some couples to prove that they can't reproduce before we allow them to marry.

You just don't apply the same standards to homosexuals that you do to heterosexuals.

Do you allow Pigs and Dogs to marry - They're harmless swine and canine . I grudgingly admit that homosexuals are are degenerate members of the Human Race that should be held to higher standards than the pig that wallows in shit - It does me or anyone else little harm for Pigs to have mock marriages - and it also does no harm to allow perverts to have faux marriages as well - just get out of sane peoples faces if that's how you insist on living your twisted little lives.

That's a good point, and one I've voiced before. There really is no such thing as "gay marriage". They can go through the motions and they can play make believe, but true marriage is a spiritual union that can only occur between a man and a woman. The materialist Left disregards the spiritual aspect or that marriage involves a 3rd party, that is God. They go for surface appearances and think they've achieved parity with the real thing.

You're right that there is no gay marriage, but not for the reasons you believe. There is only marriage. In more than half the states, marriage means that same sex loving partners can also civilly marry. Your belief about what constitutes a "real" marriage is irrelevant. We still get issued the same exact marriage license as those you believe have a "real" marriage and we still get all the same rights, benefits and privileges that are associated with a civil marriage license.

Two fags being married will never be the same as my real marriage no matter how badly they get their panties in a wad about it.

The "fags" don't care what you believe...as long as we're treated equally under the law. In 36 states and counting we are. Hmmmm, whose "panties" are in a wad I wonder?

Wrong. Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true. You were always treated equally under the law. State marriage laws allowed any person to marry any other unrelated person of the opposite sex, regardless of your race, religion, or even sexual orientation. That's called equal protection under the law.

What you now claim is that you don't have equal rights until you can marry whoever you want, a concept that has no legal precedent in this country or in any civilization in human history.

So your claim of being treated with disparity is pure bullshit.
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.

It doesn't seem you are being forced to accept anything.

Really? I'm not forced to accept anything?

So let's say at my job Joe decides he's really Jolene and even has an operation where his genitals are mutilated. He comes back to work and everyone starts calling him Jolene, referring to him as a woman, and using female pronouns to describe him. Let's say I decided not to go along with the charade and continued calling him by his real name, referring to him as a "he" and insisted he's a man. Let's say I'm not even pushy about it, but when it comes up in conversation, everyone notices that I won't acknowledge that he became a she.

And this isn't just hypothetical, it's becoming more than a rare occurrence in work places.

You see, I have rights that are protected by the U.S. Constitution, rights to practice what I believe religiously, that a man cannot turn into a woman. But in this crazy, Leftist world we live in, my constitutional rights will be trumped by somebody else's contrived "right" not to be offended by my beliefs. It would be me being hauled into HR for a lecture, it would be me with my job being threatened because I refuse to go along with somebody else's illusion.

So tell me again how people like me won't be forced to accept the homo-transgender culture?

You don't have a "right" to that job if you can't follow the rules or if you create a hostile work environment. That's on YOU, not the person you're an asshole to.

So I AM being forced to accept your lifestyle. Got it. Thanks for admitting you were lying.
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.

It doesn't seem you are being forced to accept anything.

No? So those people who refused to participate in the celebration of debauched reasoning, they didn't lose their businesses and were not threatened with the loss of their freedom?

WOW! Overt, real-time revision of history.




Anyone need anything else?

You're barking up the wrong tree considering I believe public accommodation law should be scrapped.

Public Accommodation laws are a Strawman and have nothing to do with marriage equality.

I also disagree with you that we live in a society where they can be scrapped...but I also live in a rural area and understand what it's like not having any choices in where you can get your services.
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.

It doesn't seem you are being forced to accept anything.

Really? I'm not forced to accept anything?

So let's say at my job Joe decides he's really Jolene and even has an operation where his genitals are mutilated. He comes back to work and everyone starts calling him Jolene, referring to him as a woman, and using female pronouns to describe him. Let's say I decided not to go along with the charade and continued calling him by his real name, referring to him as a "he" and insisted he's a man. Let's say I'm not even pushy about it, but when it comes up in conversation, everyone notices that I won't acknowledge that he became a she.

And this isn't just hypothetical, it's becoming more than a rare occurrence in work places.

You see, I have rights that are protected by the U.S. Constitution, rights to practice what I believe religiously, that a man cannot turn into a woman. But in this crazy, Leftist world we live in, my constitutional rights will be trumped by somebody else's contrived "right" not to be offended by my beliefs. It would be me being hauled into HR for a lecture, it would be me with my job being threatened because I refuse to go along with somebody else's illusion.

So tell me again how people like me won't be forced to accept the homo-transgender culture?

Nothing like railing against a hypothetical so you can claim to be a victim.

Who said it had to be hypothetical? It actually happened to somebody I know. Thanks for not answering the question. From that I deduce you know people are having your queer, deviant lifestyle shoved down their throats but don't want to admit you people are assholes.

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