Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

What? Goodness MAN! They're human beings. Most of them are simply people who were lulled into the disease. Give them a chance.

Sure, the hard cases have to go... but, give those who want a chance, that chance to be more than 'here and queer', demanding we 'get used to it'.

Have you no COMPASSION? Have you no SOUL?
Or maybe if those who decry the horrors of gay marriage- to 'protect the children'- would actually do something to protect the children.

Like maybe not get divorced. Or abandon their kids. Or kick them out of the house for being gay.

Or maybe just do anything actually for kids- rather than trying to prevent the children of gay parents from having married parents.

Seriously -pretty lame - is that the best you've got ? Gay couples have a much higher rate of "divorce" and go through ridiculously larger amounts of partners in their lifetimes than do mentally healthy heterosexual couples.

And they suffer depression at a greater rate, commit suicide more often, do more drugs, and live a risky, licentious lifestyle that increases their chances of contracting STD's.

CDC - Mental Health - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

Oh yeah!

So much for what they do to themselves - in my opinion the only good faggot is a dead faggot, or one who seeks help - and yes there is help. Homosexuality - like most mental diseases is treatable - it's curable - just like drug addiction there is therapy that can - in many cases "cure" homosexuality. HOWEVER -the queer militia works feverishly to suppress it.

I don't know if homosexual feelings can ever be completely cured, but homosexuals have learned to overcome them and even get married (real marriage) and have thriving families. It can be done. But these days we're prone to accomodate people's mental illnesses instead of treating them. This started with homosexuality, but now has progressed to gender identity disorder. These people need serious psychiatric intervention and we we won't even admit they have a disease!

If ever I were to prescribe a strategy by which a society is overtaken by madness, I would suggest they no longer recognize madness and instead embrace it, celebrate it, and protect it by law.

Yep... and it will only get worse. We're only one more socialist majority away from the legalization of pedophilia.

And what come after that is unknown to me, but we can rest assured that it is some sick shit that would likely run Caligula out of the room.

I've been warning about this for decades. It's not just a possibility, but a grave certainty if we remain on this course. Pederasty has overtaken civilizations in the past, most notably, Greko/Roman culture, and that's how depravity works, like water, always seeking lower ground. Many gay men have a range of attractions already that includes teenage boys...or even younger. It's one of the deep, dark secrets that doesn't come up at the annual LGBT action conference because nobody wants to admit that the seeds of pederasty have already been sown, and cultivated in this morally corrupt culture, will eventually sprout.

Right now gays are saying "consenting adults only!" But honestly.....how long will that charade last?
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.

And they suffer depression at a greater rate, commit suicide more often, do more drugs, and live a risky, licentious lifestyle that increases their chances of contracting STD's.

CDC - Mental Health - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

Oh yeah!

So much for what they do to themselves - in my opinion the only good faggot is a dead faggot, or one who seeks help - and yes there is help. Homosexuality - like most mental diseases is treatable - it's curable - just like drug addiction there is therapy that can - in many cases "cure" homosexuality. HOWEVER -the queer militia works feverishly to suppress it.

I don't know if homosexual feelings can ever be completely cured, but homosexuals have learned to overcome them and even get married (real marriage) and have thriving families. It can be done. But these days we're prone to accomodate people's mental illnesses instead of treating them. This started with homosexuality, but now has progressed to gender identity disorder. These people need serious psychiatric intervention and we we won't even admit they have a disease!

If ever I were to prescribe a strategy by which a society is overtaken by madness, I would suggest they no longer recognize madness and instead embrace it, celebrate it, and protect it by law.
Tell me, oh wise one, how do we tell someone's actual gender?
And should those parts not look like what we expect to see, then what?
Seriously -pretty lame - is that the best you've got ? Gay couples have a much higher rate of "divorce" and go through ridiculously larger amounts of partners in their lifetimes than do mentally healthy heterosexual couples.

And they suffer depression at a greater rate, commit suicide more often, do more drugs, and live a risky, licentious lifestyle that increases their chances of contracting STD's.

CDC - Mental Health - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

Oh yeah!

So much for what they do to themselves - in my opinion the only good faggot is a dead faggot, or one who seeks help - and yes there is help. Homosexuality - like most mental diseases is treatable - it's curable - just like drug addiction there is therapy that can - in many cases "cure" homosexuality. HOWEVER -the queer militia works feverishly to suppress it.

I don't know if homosexual feelings can ever be completely cured, but homosexuals have learned to overcome them and even get married (real marriage) and have thriving families. It can be done. But these days we're prone to accomodate people's mental illnesses instead of treating them. This started with homosexuality, but now has progressed to gender identity disorder. These people need serious psychiatric intervention and we we won't even admit they have a disease!

If ever I were to prescribe a strategy by which a society is overtaken by madness, I would suggest they no longer recognize madness and instead embrace it, celebrate it, and protect it by law.

Yep... and it will only get worse. We're only one more socialist majority away from the legalization of pedophilia.

And what come after that is unknown to me, but we can rest assured that it is some sick shit that would likely run Caligula out of the room.

I've been warning about this for decades. It's not just a possibility, but a grave certainty if we remain on this course. Pederasty has overtaken civilizations in the past, most notably, Greko/Roman culture, and that's how depravity works, like water, always seeking lower ground. Many gay men have a range of attractions already that includes teenage boys...or even younger. It's one of the deep, dark secrets that doesn't come up at the annual LGBT action conference because nobody wants to admit that the seeds of pederasty have already been sown, and cultivated in this morally corrupt culture, will eventually sprout.

Right now gays are saying "consenting adults only!" But honestly.....how long will that charade last?
The rapists of children, and women and teenage girls, are straight men. It's math my little homophobes.
Yep... and it will only get worse. We're only one more socialist majority away from the legalization of pedophilia.
Where do you people get this utter bullshit from?

The historical record of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality, it foundation in pedophilia, and sound reason, which extrapolates from that information to a sound conclusion that such is THE GOAL.

Now read this AGAIN and answer it:

The good news is that where we knock out the militant homosexuals, ya knock out the core of the Ideological Left and the cultural healing begins THERE. I suspect that the budget would be balanced almost immediately.
Where exactly do you get this total bullshit from, your ass? That's what it is BTW, utter bullshit.

I'm pulling this clown out of ignore just long enough to shut it down...

So PMH, where is the flaw in my reasoning, specifically?

Do you feel tat there's a "RIGHT" to promote perverse reasoning? Is it your RIGHT to dismantle cultural viability? From where would such a right come? On what authority would such a right rest? Why is it that your right to destroy the culture is superior to my right to sustain it?

Answer these simple questions and you will buy some more time to debate the issue.

So much for what they do to themselves - in my opinion the only good faggot is a dead faggot, or one who seeks help - and yes there is help. Homosexuality - like most mental diseases is treatable - it's curable - just like drug addiction there is therapy that can - in many cases "cure" homosexuality. HOWEVER -the queer militia works feverishly to suppress it.

I don't know if homosexual feelings can ever be completely cured, but homosexuals have learned to overcome them and even get married (real marriage) and have thriving families. It can be done. But these days we're prone to accomodate people's mental illnesses instead of treating them. This started with homosexuality, but now has progressed to gender identity disorder. These people need serious psychiatric intervention and we we won't even admit they have a disease!

If ever I were to prescribe a strategy by which a society is overtaken by madness, I would suggest they no longer recognize madness and instead embrace it, celebrate it, and protect it by law.
Tell me, oh wise one, how do we tell someone's actual gender?
And should those parts not look like what we expect to see, then what?
Need your answer little man. Use your words. It's not a difficult question.
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.

It doesn't seem you are being forced to accept anything.
Yep... and it will only get worse. We're only one more socialist majority away from the legalization of pedophilia.
Where do you people get this utter bullshit from?

The historical record of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality, it foundation in pedophilia, and sound reason, which extrapolates from that information to a sound conclusion that such is THE GOAL.

Now read this AGAIN and answer it:

The good news is that where we knock out the militant homosexuals, ya knock out the core of the Ideological Left and the cultural healing begins THERE. I suspect that the budget would be balanced almost immediately.
Where exactly do you get this total bullshit from, your ass? That's what it is BTW, utter bullshit.

I'm pulling this clown out of ignore just long enough to shut it down...

So PMH, where is the flaw in my reasoning, specifically?

Do you feel tat there's a "RIGHT" to promote perverse reasoning? Is it your RIGHT to dismantle cultural viability? From where would such a right come? On what authority would such a right rest? Why is it that your right to destroy the culture is superior to my right to sustain it?

Answer these simple questions and you will buy some more time to debate the issue.
It ain't gonna happen dumbass. Someone is spoon-feeding you their fears, and you are licking them up like cum from a toilet seat.
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.

It doesn't seem you are being forced to accept anything.

I didn't say forced. I say they demand acceptance to the point that they expect those of us who don't agree with them to either change our opinion or shut up in expressing it. I know of no fag that could force me to do anything.
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.
You said: Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to

And you're right. This is why right wingers are abnormal. They define gays solely on the basis of who gays are sexually attracted to

Isn't being attracted to someone of the same sex the definition of gay (homosexual). What other definition should be used?
Yep... and it will only get worse. We're only one more socialist majority away from the legalization of pedophilia.
Where do you people get this utter bullshit from?

The historical record of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality, it foundation in pedophilia, and sound reason, which extrapolates from that information to a sound conclusion that such is THE GOAL.

Now read this AGAIN and answer it:

The good news is that where we knock out the militant homosexuals, ya knock out the core of the Ideological Left and the cultural healing begins THERE. I suspect that the budget would be balanced almost immediately.
Where exactly do you get this total bullshit from, your ass? That's what it is BTW, utter bullshit.

I'm pulling this clown out of ignore just long enough to shut it down...

So PMH, where is the flaw in my reasoning, specifically?

Do you feel tat there's a "RIGHT" to promote perverse reasoning? Is it your RIGHT to dismantle cultural viability? From where would such a right come? On what authority would such a right rest? Why is it that your right to destroy the culture is superior to my right to sustain it?

Answer these simple questions and you will buy some more time to debate the issue.
It ain't gonna happen dumbass. Someone is spoon-feeding you their fears, and you are licking them up like cum from a toilet seat.

Isn't that what one fag does for another fag? Or your wife/girlfriend for me?
So then we should stop all individuals who have ever had sex without intending to produce children from being able to marry. Well, that's a large part of the adult population then.

Nearly all marriages are predicated on the desire to have children eventually, so much so as to render negligible those few marriages forged in an agreement to forgo children.

Say who?

Look right at the marriage license- nothing about that there. Certainly wasn't in my wife and my wedding vows- certainly we are glad to have had children, and certainly I would want our child to have married parents- but we could have had children without marriage and we could have been married without children.

We allow 80 year old couples to marry- we even require some couples to prove that they can't reproduce before we allow them to marry.

You just don't apply the same standards to homosexuals that you do to heterosexuals.

Do you allow Pigs and Dogs to marry - They're harmless swine and canine . I grudgingly admit that homosexuals are are degenerate members of the Human Race that should be held to higher standards than the pig that wallows in shit - It does me or anyone else little harm for Pigs to have mock marriages - and it also does no harm to allow perverts to have faux marriages as well - just get out of sane peoples faces if that's how you insist on living your twisted little lives.

That's a good point, and one I've voiced before. There really is no such thing as "gay marriage". They can go through the motions and they can play make believe, but true marriage is a spiritual union that can only occur between a man and a woman. The materialist Left disregards the spiritual aspect or that marriage involves a 3rd party, that is God. They go for surface appearances and think they've achieved parity with the real thing.

You're right that there is no gay marriage, but not for the reasons you believe. There is only marriage. In more than half the states, marriage means that same sex loving partners can also civilly marry. Your belief about what constitutes a "real" marriage is irrelevant. We still get issued the same exact marriage license as those you believe have a "real" marriage and we still get all the same rights, benefits and privileges that are associated with a civil marriage license.

Two fags being married will never be the same as my real marriage no matter how badly they get their panties in a wad about it.
Good thing support for his ignorant opinion is dying along with the ignorant people in the older generations that agree with him.

Good thing I still teach my kids, as do many of my older friends, that it's wrong. Don't bet on it dying too soon.
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.

Well said...

And therein, rests the inevitable consequences of the perversion... which is, at the end of the day, classic sociopathy.

They're never going to be satisfied... because they lack the means to reason objectively, which is where 'satisfaction', rests.
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.

It doesn't seem you are being forced to accept anything.

I didn't say forced. I say they demand acceptance to the point that they expect those of us who don't agree with them to either change our opinion or shut up in expressing it. I know of no fag that could force me to do anything.

Quite the contrary in fact, we want you and your ilk to shout your anti-gay rhetoric from the roof tops. The more you folks scream, insult, and engage in dramatic hyperbole the more support you lose concerning this issue.
Yep... and it will only get worse. We're only one more socialist majority away from the legalization of pedophilia.
Where do you people get this utter bullshit from?

The historical record of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality, it foundation in pedophilia, and sound reason, which extrapolates from that information to a sound conclusion that such is THE GOAL.

Now read this AGAIN and answer it:

The good news is that where we knock out the militant homosexuals, ya knock out the core of the Ideological Left and the cultural healing begins THERE. I suspect that the budget would be balanced almost immediately.
Where exactly do you get this total bullshit from, your ass? That's what it is BTW, utter bullshit.

I'm pulling this clown out of ignore just long enough to shut it down...

So PMH, where is the flaw in my reasoning, specifically?

Do you feel tat there's a "RIGHT" to promote perverse reasoning? Is it your RIGHT to dismantle cultural viability? From where would such a right come? On what authority would such a right rest? Why is it that your right to destroy the culture is superior to my right to sustain it?

Answer these simple questions and you will buy some more time to debate the issue.

So once again the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality comes up short and with that the proponent of perversion goes BACK INTO IGNORE.

Understand friends... they can't debate the issue in real terms, because to do so exposes their reasoning as invalid, unsound and destructive.

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