Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

I like pork.

No, not the Homosexual Agenda™ version of "pork". I mean...you know..bacon and chops and stuff like that.

Them Jews, though. Their books says I'm going to hell for shoving pork down my throat.

No, I don't mean shoving Homosexual Agenda™ pork down my throat. That's gross. I mean food.

But now that you mention it, the Jew book says if I shove either kind of pork down my throat, I'm going to hell.

So you can see why a God-fearing Christian might be ill-disposed toward those damned Jews. Calling us pork chop lovers abominable right down there with the pole smokers. That just ain't right!

That, and the whole killing Christ thing, kind of soured us toward those bastards. You won't catch a good bacon munching Christian in no Jew church, that's for sure.

But for the life of me, I can't see why those homos don't like us. We're Christians, for christ's sake! Just because all them fags is going to hell doesn't mean we aren't likable. That makes no sense at all. We have nothing against them. It isn't our fault they are going to hell!
The queers deserve equal rights, but not special rights. Democrats love queers because they are mostly democrats and help to further the progressive agenda. The non-queer democrats likely care little for them otherwise.

Well thats mighty white of you to say that 'queers' deserve equal rights.

What about n*ggers? Do you think they deserve equal rights? What about k*kes? C*nts? Sp*cs?

you really like using those words don't you? Usually that's a sign of a closet racist projecting his insecurity onto others.

Nicely played.......:)
Funny how violently these leftists react when you mention that Al Gore is ghey, Hillary is a rug-muncher from her college days, Barry is well known at school to hang with ghey students and professors.

I have nothing whatsoever against gheys. However, when they start shoving their lifestyles down the throats of children ... or they start carving out special exceptions for themselves in our laws ... equating crossdressing with civil rights ... or instituting hate-crime laws ... or making Christianity out to be hate-speech ... well ... I've had enough of it.

My only objection is to the blatant lies that you fill your post with.

My conclusion is that you either are suffering from delusions, or that you enjoy spreading lies as a form of trolling.
The Homosexual Agenda™. Coming soon to a theater near you. It's going to get on your shirt. It's going to get all over your dining room table. It's going to splatter onto your face. It's going to stain your carpets.

It's out joyriding your car right now! WATCH OUT!

Well you know who are behind the "Homosexual Agenda" don't you?

Yep- its the 'gay mafia"- you know they ride around in pink cadillacs with rainbow colored tommy guns.

And you know who are behind the 'gay mafia' don't you?

The homo fascists.......
All they care about is sucking cocks anyway

Conservatives are fascinated with gay men. Notice they never mention anything about lesbians.

That a bunch of bs.

Why do you always lie?

Why do homophobes talk about sucking dick and butt sex more than they do lesbians? Go click on any silhouette thread. Fallaces and dudes everywhere. No lesbians.

Probably because lesbian sex isn't as taboo.
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.
Isn't it interesting how a minority of fellow law-abiding, tax-paying citizens has so much power over him?
Funny how violently these leftists react when you mention that Al Gore is ghey, Hillary is a rug-muncher from her college days, Barry is well known at school to hang with ghey students and professors.

I have nothing whatsoever against gheys. However, when they start shoving their lifestyles down the throats of children ... or they start carving out special exceptions for themselves in our laws ... equating crossdressing with civil rights ... or instituting hate-crime laws ... or making Christianity out to be hate-speech ... well ... I've had enough of it.

My only objection is to the blatant lies that you fill your post with.

My conclusion is that you either are suffering from delusions, or that you enjoy spreading lies as a form of trolling.

You're welcome to provide evidence of this claim any time of your choosing.
Gay gangstas. All pecs and tank tops, chaps and leather hats. Blasting Cher out the windows of their pink caddies.

Bull dykes, cruising the boulevard in their Jeeps. Running down any real women who try to invade their territory, and shaving off their long locks and scrubbing off their makeup.

Homosexual Agenda™. It's out there. WATCH OUT!
All they care about is sucking cocks anyway

Conservatives are fascinated with gay men. Notice they never mention anything about lesbians.

That a bunch of bs.

Why do you always lie?

Why do homophobes talk about sucking dick and butt sex more than they do lesbians? Go click on any silhouette thread. Fallaces and dudes everywhere. No lesbians.

Probably because lesbian sex isn't as taboo.

Says who? Homophobes?
Movie lesbian sex is hot.

Real lesbian sex is gross. Fat. Unshaven legs. Butch hair. No makeup. Ew!
The queers deserve equal rights, but not special rights. Democrats love queers because they are mostly democrats and help to further the progressive agenda. The non-queer democrats likely care little for them otherwise.
What are those special rights of which you speak?
Yeah. I just stereotyped lesbians. Yes, I did.

I guess they'll have to spank me. And whip me a little.

Help! I'm succumbing to the Homosexual Agenda!!!!
All they care about is sucking cocks anyway

Conservatives are fascinated with gay men. Notice they never mention anything about lesbians.

That a bunch of bs.

Why do you always lie?

Why do homophobes talk about sucking dick and butt sex more than they do lesbians? Go click on any silhouette thread. Fallaces and dudes everywhere. No lesbians.

Probably because lesbian sex isn't as taboo.

Says who? Homophobes?

I figure any response to that will be deemed homophobic.

Watching two guys kiss is gross. Watching two girl kiss is erotic ... most of the time.
Conservatives are fascinated with gay men. Notice they never mention anything about lesbians.

That a bunch of bs.

Why do you always lie?

Why do homophobes talk about sucking dick and butt sex more than they do lesbians? Go click on any silhouette thread. Fallaces and dudes everywhere. No lesbians.

Probably because lesbian sex isn't as taboo.

Says who? Homophobes?

I figure any response to that will be deemed homophobic.

Watching two guys kiss is gross. Watching two girl kiss is erotic ... most of the time.

That's pretty blasphemous.
Funny how violently these leftists react when you mention that Al Gore is ghey, Hillary is a rug-muncher from her college days, Barry is well known at school to hang with ghey students and professors.

I have nothing whatsoever against gheys. However, when they start shoving their lifestyles down the throats of children ... or they start carving out special exceptions for themselves in our laws ... equating crossdressing with civil rights ... or instituting hate-crime laws ... or making Christianity out to be hate-speech ... well ... I've had enough of it.

My only objection is to the blatant lies that you fill your post with.

My conclusion is that you either are suffering from delusions, or that you enjoy spreading lies as a form of trolling.

You're welcome to provide evidence of this claim any time of your choosing.

The evidence is your post. Which I referred to.
Every topic about gay marriage, and an opponent to gay marriage has to bring up man on man butt sex.

Every single time.
That's pretty much what it is. Unless you think about sucking cocks. Lots and lots of cocks.
Movie lesbian sex is hot.

Real lesbian sex is gross. Fat. Unshaven legs. Butch hair. No makeup. Ew!
Most human sex is gross, unless you're a horny teenager with a body to match. Trust me, no one wants to watch you have sex. Americans are both fat and stupid.
Yeah. I just stereotyped lesbians. Yes, I did.

I guess they'll have to spank me. And whip me a little.

Help! I'm succumbing to the Homosexual Agenda!!!!

It's the gay vibe. They developed one that works across the internet in message boards and chat rooms, sweetie (oh no, I'm infected.......aaaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhhh). Bastards!

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