Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

In reality it is the religionists and tyrants who have repressed liberty of free thinkers throughout history.
Genius, restrict the liberty of a human being in order to protect “religious liberty”, which sounds like an oxymoron to be honest.
I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.
People that concerned by homosexuality are usually closet cases. They feel urges within themselves and are overcome with loathing which they project on others. They really need to look into their own hearts when they talk about "abnormal lifestyles".
Here's a good one!!!

Anti-LGBT Pastor Grabs Man’s Genitals & Offers Oral Sex
The queers deserve equal rights, but not special rights. Democrats love queers because they are mostly democrats and help to further the progressive agenda. The non-queer democrats likely care little for them otherwise.

Well thats mighty white of you to say that 'queers' deserve equal rights.

What about n*ggers? Do you think they deserve equal rights? What about k*kes? C*nts? Sp*cs?
Every topic about gay marriage, and an opponent to gay marriage has to bring up man on man butt sex.

Every single time.
I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.
People that concerned by homosexuality are usually closet cases. They feel urges within themselves and are overcome with loathing which they project on others. They really need to look into their own hearts when they talk about "abnormal lifestyles".

What they do at home isn't the issue. What they do when they are in a position to effect the lives others is the issue.
The queers deserve equal rights, but not special rights. Democrats love queers because they are mostly democrats and help to further the progressive agenda. The non-queer democrats likely care little for them otherwise.

Well thats mighty white of you to say that 'queers' deserve equal rights.

What about n*ggers? Do you think they deserve equal rights? What about k*kes? C*nts? Sp*cs?

you really like using those words don't you? Usually that's a sign of a closet racist projecting his insecurity onto others.
What is The Homosexual Agenda™...exactly? Is there a pamphlet I can read to bone up on it?
The Homosexual Agenda™. Coming soon to a theater near you. It's going to get on your shirt. It's going to get all over your dining room table. It's going to splatter onto your face. It's going to stain your carpets.

It's out joyriding your car right now! WATCH OUT!
Ever bother to look up and understand the definition of "liberty?"

...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.
The Homosexual Agenda (pat. pending).

It took down the Roman Empire in just under 800 years. What chance do YOU have against The Homosexual Agenda?


Funny how violently these leftists react when you mention that Al Gore is ghey, Hillary is a rug-muncher from her college days, Barry is well known at school to hang with ghey students and professors.

I have nothing whatsoever against gheys. However, when they start shoving their lifestyles down the throats of children ... or they start carving out special exceptions for themselves in our laws ... equating crossdressing with civil rights ... or instituting hate-crime laws ... or making Christianity out to be hate-speech ... well ... I've had enough of it.

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